Invitation To Interview (OBD at Hope)

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Providence Public School District

Office of Innovation Zone
797 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903-4045
tel. 401.278.2099
fax 401.456.9252

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for demonstrating interest in a position at the Opportunity by Design High School (housed at Hope
High School). Following a thorough review of your application materials, we are excited to invite you to
participate in the next stage of our rigorous hiring process, which includes an in-person interview. Please
review all of the following important information about this stage of the process:
Interview Details Please select your best interview date and time in the PATS system. Interviews will take
place Education in Action, located at 35 Swiss Street (02909).
Video Exercise Please create and submit a video of no longer than 8 minutes that demonstrates who you
are as an educator. We will not be evaluating your cinematography skills so do your best to show us what you
want us to know about you. You must send us a link to be able to view the video online (please do not send
us a video file or attachment). There are no limitations to what sites you could use, as long as you provide us
with clear directions for where (link) and how to view it. You must submit this video within one week of
receiving this email by sending the link to
Reference Check Forms You must submit a reference from a current or former student and a colleague that
answers the specific questions below. Please ask your references to send their responses within one week of
receiving this email directly to the hiring manager, Kerry Tuttlebee, at
1. How long have you know the applicant? In what capacity?
2. Faculty at the Opportunity by Design High School (housed at Hope High School) must be able to
effectively work together as active members of a diverse, flexible team. Briefly describe how the
applicant demonstrates flexibility, collaborates with others and whether or not you feel he/she will be
3. What are the applicants greatest strengths as a teacher and in what ways do you think the applicant
needs to improve?
We genuinely appreciate your interest in our school and participation in our intensive hiring process.
The Opportunity by Design High School (housed at Hope) Hiring Team


STAGE 1: Application (resume, tailored cover letter, hiring exercise)
STAGE 2: In-person Interview, video, references
STAGE 3: Final interview, reference checks (phone calls)

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