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Death penalty:

-This has been a much contested issue in many societies and is an ethical
dilemma for most states.
-Many governments and advocates of the death penalty espouse that they
can deter social or even federal crimes by executing prisoners whom they
feel have committed heinous crimes.
-However, human- rights activists feel that the death penalty is an
inhumane, brutal punishment that violates peoples right to life and the
right to protection from degrading punishment as spelt out in the
constitution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
-The death penalty is largely criticized because it has been used in a
discriminatory manner, disproportionately against the poor, powerless,
marginalized communities and people whom repressive regimes want to
-The death penalty is also oftentimes considered an assault on human
dignity and a violation of the rights laid down by the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, as rights, by definition, apply to all people, even those
whose acts are condemned by society.
- Death penalty exemplifies societys approval of killing and goes against
the teachings of major religious on love, forgiveness and mercy and
justice should not mean punishment that imitates the crime.
-Capital punishment is an expensive way to deal with crime as length
trials, appeal procedures, the expenses of maintaining maximum security
on death row and carrying out the execution are all wasteful, unnecessary
use of taxpayers money. Moreover, studies have found that there is no
conclusive evidence that the death penalty deters would-be offenders.
-Nonetheless, family members of convicts on death row would argue that
far from ensuring justice, the death penalty is an empty gesture that only
affirms vengeance and more hate, and serves as a sentence of shame for
generations to come.
-On the flip side, states that are pro capital punishment would assert that
the death penalty deters violent crime and that those who commit
heinous crimes must be severely punished in order to register societys
condemnation of capital offences.
-Moreover, people who have witnessed family members being killed
brutally and mercilessly may sometimes also feel that the death penalty is
necessary in order to ensure retribution, justice and a sense of closure.
-As more states adopt a more liberal, democratic stance and strive to be
progressive, it is important that they also reassess the relevance of capital
punishment in future.
-States must work to find alternatives to the death penalty and
stakeholders such as parents, educators, community groups, religious
organisations, the mass media and grassroots organisations must work in

tandem to ensure that crime is kept in check. Awareness, education and

rehabilitation remain better solutions than capital punishment.
-Mahatma Gandhi said that an eye for an eye makes the whole world
blind. As such the death penalty is not a viable solution to crime in this
day and age. States must look to other alternatives and turn their backs
on this medieval, barbaric practice.

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