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Hot Maple Ice Cream
Not only is it an ice cream that doesnt melt in warm temperatures. It actually uses heat to
come together to form a scoop of ice cream. Its a fun reverse temperature change. And
all because of a little substance called methylcellulose.

Photo by Aki Kamozawa

The Science Behind It: Methyl cellulose. Through an extraction process involving heat
and methyl chloride, methyl cellulose comes from vegetable cellulose. Like gelatin and
agar-agar, methyl cellulose facilitates gelificaton in foods. Unlike them, however, it only
create gels when heated. When using methyl cellulose, gels are formed as a liquid heats
up. And once it begins to cool, it melts. Which is the whole point of something like the
methyl cellulose-based hot ice cream.
1/2 cup of Plain yogurt
1/2 cup of cream cheese
1/5 cup of maple syrup
2/5 cup of water
1.5 tablespoons of sugar
~1.5 teaspoons of Methyl cellulose powder

Custard Spherical Recipe

Alginate bath:
5g (0.18 ounces) Sodium alginate molecular gastronomy kits available here
25g (0.88 ounces) sugar
1 L (0.26 gallons) distilled water
Mix together the sugar and sodium alginate (this helps to stop it clumping). Put half the
water in a blender and sprinkle the surface with a little of the sodium alginate mixture
blend 10 secs, repeat until all of the alginate is added. Add the remaining water and blend
for 3 minutes. Pour into a container and refrigerate for a couple of hours. This allows the
alginate to rehydrate and the air bubbles to dissipate.
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup cream
5g (0.18 ounces) calcium lactate
1 tablespoon water
Heat the cream to boiling, remove from heat and add vanilla. Heat about an inch of water
in a saucepan and place a bowl over the top. The bowl should be large enough to seal in
the steam, the base of the bowl should not be touching the water. Put the eggs and sugar
into the bowl and whisk until thickened. Mix into the hot cream.
Mix the calcium lactate with a tablespoon of water in a small bowl. Microwave and stir
until dissolved. Mix into the custard.
If the custard needs thickening sprinkle a pinch of xanthum gum over the custard and
whisk in. Use only a tiny amount and leave to thicken it will thicken more on cooling
so do not add too much.
Allow to cool then place spoonfuls of custard into the alginate bath for 2 minutes. The
longer you leave it the thicker the gel membrane becomes.

Remove from the alginate bath and place in a bowl of water to rinse. Before serving put
sphericals in a bowl of hot water to heat the custard.

Serve with a circle of sponge cake, chopped strawberries and a sprinkle of rosemary.

Because the alginate gel is heat stable you can try baking it inside cakes I experimented
with this but found that they tended to burst during cooking.
Yoghurt Sphericals Recipe
Alginate Bath: 2 g (0.07 ounces) sodium alginate*
500ml distilled water
*sodium alginate is available in molecular gastronomy kits which are available here:
Molecular Gastronomy Kits
this one posts to australia too:Molecular Gastronomy Starter Kit with Tools
Filling: high calcium plain yoghurt
freshly chopped mint
Make your sodium alginate bath by mixing in a blender until fully dispersed, place in the
fridge overnight. There are small amounts of calcium in tap water so it does need to be
distilled water look in the ironing section of the store).
Mix the mint and yoghurt together. Using a round measuring spoon get a scoop of
yoghurt, wipe the bottom of the spoon clean, place the bottom of the spoon in the bath
and then tip the yoghurt in. Leave for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Stirring
allows the gel to form evenly on all sides which helps avoid holes. Remove the
sphericals from the alginate bath and place in a bowl of water to rinse.
There are not many dessert spherical recipes out there, most websites simply seem to
repeat a previous one.

After some experimenting I finally had success with these chocolate sphericals. Pictured
above with raspberry gel, choc brownie and frozen vanilla air.
Chocolate Spherical Recipe
Calcium Bath: 1L (0.26 gallons) water and 8g (0.28 ounces) calcium lactate
Filling: 250ml water small pinch sodium bicarb 1.8 g (0.06 ounces) Sodium Alginate 250
g (8.82 ounces) dark chocolate

Blend water and sodium citrate in a large bowl. Add the sodium alginate and blend again.
Put in a saucepan and heat without boiling. Break the chocolate into a bowl and pour the
sodium alginate mixture over the chocolate. Allow to sit and then whisk together the
chocolate and liquid.
Place spoonfuls into the calcium bath and allow to sit for 10 minutes. Remove and rinse
in water bath.

Unexpectedly the encasing alginate gel is heat stable, so they can be coated in batter and
fried. This tastes good but looses the elegant look.

I did not love the chocolate sauce in this recipe so I

tried reverse spherification (high calcium liquid dropped into an alginate bath) with both
chocolate gnache and chocolate custard both with no luck. It did not form a proper gel
casing no matter how long I left it for. It did gel but it was not strong enough to plate.
For those interested in experimenting further the closest I got was using the custard recipe
below and mixing in 200g (7.05 ounces) dark chocolate into the hot custard. The

resulting chocolate custard was delicious but would not gel. I added some water (thinking
that perhaps the fat content was too high and the calcium could not leach out of the
mixture) and a sprinkle of citric acid. This enabled enough of a gel to form that I could
put the sphericals in water to rinse but when I tried to plate it would form a tiny tear and

Frozen Chocolate Wind

2 grams (about a teaspoon) soy lecithin

85 grams dark chocolate
1 cup water
Combine the water and chocolate in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring to make sure
all the chocolate melts. Refrigerate the mixture for 10 minutes.
Dissolve the soy lecithin into the chocolate mixture and beat with a hand blender or
eggbeater. The idea is to create foam.
I'm thinking about trying this in my stand mixer with the whip attachment next time, just
to see if it works, and to see if it's any less messy.
Stop and gather the foam and put it into a bowl or another container that will fit in your
freezer. Stash it in the freezer while you continue beating the remaining mixture to get as
much foam as you can
I found that early on I was getting big, delicate bubbles, then they got smaller as the
mixture cooled, until at the very end I had tiny bubbles more like what you'd see in
whipped cream.

Put the foam into the freezer for at least an hour before you serve.
molecular gastronomy smoothie

1 banana
1/3 cup frozen raspberries
2 cup coconut milk
1 cup water
2 teaspoons a sweetener of your choice
1/4 vanilla bean
2 slices of pineapple
1 package Molecule-R agar-agar
1 package Molecule-R soy lecithin

1. Blend the banana, raspberries, 1 cup milk, the sweetener and the vanilla in the blender.
2. Mix the agar-agar with the water and bring it to a boil.
3. Add the water-agar mixture to the smoothie and blend again.
4. Pour in small molds and put in the fridge for 30 minutes 1 hour.
5. Mix the soy lecithin with the other cup of coconut milk and using a hand blender make
a good quality foam.

For assembling:
1. Cut the pineapple into slices.
2. Remove the smoothie from the molds.
3. Arrange everything in cups or in small plates.
4. Serve and enjoy!
Vegeterian Chocolate Mousse


110g Dark Chocolate (Minimum 70% Cocoa Solids Dairy Free)

330g Water
80g Caster Sugar
15g Coco Powder
20g Smoked Brandy


Soy Lecithin 2g
Xanthan Gum 2g

First off melt the chocolate in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water. Meanwhile in
a separate saucepan combine the water, sugar and coco powder and bring to a simmer
whilst whisking.
Next stir the hot sugar and coco mixture into the melted chocolate. Mix well for a minute
or two, and then stir in the smoked brandy.
Set the chocolate mixture to one side to cool completely. Once cooled blend in the
Lecithin and Xanthan gum with a hand blender. Now set the mix to one side to sit
covered overnight (12-24 hours).
After it has been sat overnight you are ready to foam the mixture. First give the mix a
good stir to loosen it up a little (it will be quite thick). Next spoon the mixture into a
liter cream whipper and charge with one bulb of Nitrous Oxide.

Shake the whipper vigorously for around 30 seconds, then when youre ready to serve
invert the whipper to dispense your chocolate mousse (if you want a more aerated mousse
use an additional bulb of nitrous but I prefer the texture with just one).
Flash frozen Mango Espuma


Mango, peeled, cubes 200g

Sugar 100g
Orange juice 300ml
Egg white 2 pcs
Cream 200ml
Gelatin sheets 4 pcs


Liquid Nitrogen 2 lt

prepare mango mousse: 1. soak the gelatin in cold water 2. puree mango very well with
blender 3. add, sugar, orange juice, blend very well 4. strain it in superbag 5. lightly
warm to 200 ml of the puree to 40C, add gelatin 6.mix in the rest of the puree 7. lightly
beat the egg whites & carefully fold in puree 8. add the cream and mix it carefully 9. fill
the iSi Whip max. with the mixture 10. screw in 2 iSi original cream charger 11. shake
vigorously 12. keep cold for 4-6 hours Flash frozen Mango Espuma 1. dispense the
mixture into a spoon 2. then into the liquid nitrogen 3. turn it so that each side is in

contact with the nitrogen for 3-4 seconds 4. Before serve the mango espuma, check if not
too hard & cold
Coconut Pannacotta, Blueberry Caviar


Double Cream
Coconut Milk
Coconut Flakes
Caster sugar
Lemon Juice
Vanilla pod


Agar-agar 1.5g to 100g mix

Calcium salts 1g to 100g mix
Sodium alginate 1g to 100g mix

Heat up the Milk, cream and coconut milk with the caster sugar, vanilla pod (split and
seeded) and grated coconut. Bring to the boil then whisk in the agar agar, boil for 2
minutes then bring off the heat, set in a dariole mould, use warm water and bash
repeatedly to get it out ;) Literally the more force and anger the faster it will come out!
For the Blueberry sphericiation, make a calcium bath (1:100) and then boil blueberries in
a small amount of water breaking them up with a whisk, add a few tsp of caster sugar and

a small amount of lemon juice to taste, push this mix through a fine chinois, then whisk
in the sodium alginate when mix is about 40 celcius as I find this helps incorporate the
alginate better, leave to one side for airbubbles to dissipate. Then slowely drip through
the water bath leaving them for 30 seconds (I find if you use a tall bath you get better
caviar as it has further to fall spinning giving them a more uniform shape.

Flash frozen fresh Ice Cream


Cream, cold temperature 5dl

Milk, cold temperature 5dl
Strawberry jam 100g
Icing sugar 340g
Vanilla sugar 20g


Liquid Nitrogen 2 lt

1. make sure the sugar is dissolved in the cream base 2. pour the cream base into a large
metal bowl 3. add 2 liters of liquid nitrogen, stir vigorously, there will be lots of fog 4.
when cream has thickened, add jam 5. continue to stir until the nitrogen has evaporated

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