Petition For Termination of Parental Rights of Mitchelle Blair

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STATE OF MICHIGAN (cH PROCEEDINGS), U PROTEC , PAGE 1 2 418 CODE; PET [CASE NO. 75679,263 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FAMILY DMsion] AMENDED ORIGINAL PETITION. |PETITIONNO. <7 nyy,2 > WAYNE COUNTY) 4 estife. D oh NG, jean pe ot ly ving wi LI Fathor ERE aye County JAA IF [fq Mother [7] Other >, Nama of Sd and county af ogal roTaaReE Race Sox | Oste snd place Un Living with; LI Father yyne County AA |M Ig Mother [J Other ne o'GHR an cory ap eNOS asa] Date ard acs a Sa hing wit CI Fate ‘Mother F] Other Nove of a and coun aT opal won ace Sax | Dae ard pace oft Living wits CI Father Mother [5] Other © Riis SES oT OES Tacs — Sa i aes ng wate CT Faor Mother £] Other Tat ESE Sy Ta ace aca Sa Sea aa Tsing wake CI Fata Cl Mother 5 other &.Narie fGrd ad atniy of aga toetahea Race” —| Sex Date ana pace ving wits Cl Father El tother 2 Other 1 SRT a i a RSE aes) Bar Be waa ving wins EI Fathior Mother [J] Other TE ars a adfosso ad thr riven narra of he parr, pla, og SIGUA, oTemeal Sor ao {okous: te fatneuotevaurcian orig stdin 9a eapendon ace & tack man ae aes Hone aN 8 a8 fx ah ci aerial ara eerie nanasteaeweSl. Vows ee Seton Re ee tae father of tre named chil, Fer example: John Doe (LF) ary ‘Doe, Susan Doe (LF) a. Fathers name R [DOB Address [Alexander James Jerome |X Dorsey a Name(9} of asic) b. Fathors name in [508 Adaiess Telephone Nomber Steven Jahaun Berry _[x. ‘Name(e of enia(en) © Fathers name ik [DOB pee ‘eee Name(s) of ehiaren) ” 4. Fathers name ir [008 [address Telephone Number Nameis) of cheer) eee @, Fathers name R508 areas Telephone Nanter ame) of chien) cae fg. Mothers name R Joos [Address Ee [Telephone Number Mitchelle Blair X {05/10/1979 __| 17604 Mound Rd, Detroit Ml 48212 [313-968-8300 I, Mothers name R {DOB address Telephone Number |. Nen-parent edu cespondents name | O08 atiose - retepnone Number i. Guaratan'sitegs custowan'e ne R [608 Access Tolephone Number i —_ "GEE SECOND PACE 0408, SCAO 18 CODE: PET Aepscie. St PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE ENO. 16-519,363 STATE OF MICHIGAN PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 2 i “a ITI NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT -FaMILY Division] Amended Originsi Petition NNO. 1560/23 WAYNE COUNTY O Supplemental ‘Court Agéress 1028 E. Forest Ave. DETROT 4 ‘Court Teaphone Wo, 3 stone mings SNe" Pera saad action witn the jursciton a he ay uston oe ercut cout inva the tant ory members ‘ofthe minar Gio Ar acion wth he uration othe family csn of ret our navn the fay er famy mares of he minor nas been previously fled in Thi Juseial Cveut Cour, Case Number 19-518.363, was ‘assigned to Jucge Joseph and remains a «Be ae meta core tin the provision cf MCL. 712A 201)() as oowa (check al tht snp): Seepage 3 or sree aegatons ed are Jol feeb or membersipin an Inia Tribe o Ban 2s states I alegatons, L) Removal it weoectes nota ep Ihe idan Toca describing re active efforts made lo prote remedial sarvces and rhabitave programe deteoe ee ee ‘breakup of th indian family ang documentation and atiampts to identty te chaa's ibe A mittaryinonmittary agave is attached. eserertrcer person aay espostin forthe care and mantrance of he clin, when al ed so, nee or rete te provide Eiaten oa saben ee eaten, ea sigs cy er care neceatay er recive heath or morse hase eee ye HE The hare sree kof tam io hi or ber mara wellbeing, arhe/sre has abansoned tne chlor wits poner evens ‘quarclanship, Rar eras renwtonent by reason of neglect cls critenres,cranaiy, 0 ceprauy ote pate fe eee ‘onparent Gul, or other custodian, isan unft place lor he enidren lve, Fee een es substan eo, wine good cae, 0 comply wih inte guriaship placement a rhe chien pursuant 0 Mou, “70.5208, Pasig he sistant fated witout good cause to cemy wih cout busied pan othe chien pursue MCL. 700 207 ang ‘700.5208. Fle cen hasiave a guardian pursuant he estates ac protected indies cose andthe parent mess both a he tolowing crea: Ragone for wo years ox more before the fing ofthe auton, ana (i) fe paren, having he ably fo vel eclk ‘has regularly ard substantially failed or neglected, without good cats to oso for be years oF hove boron meet 2 carergaent an conn ie wn che cure fo cen ora ina heat aac sopra shel os needed) itis contrary io remain in the care of Mitchelle Blair because Mitchelle Biair has detained ora Roa fcoused Nerchiren and has admited to kling two of her chidren. Mitchele Blais curerty bong detained and has been charged with five counts of child 0 Counts of felony murder, two counts of fret-degres murder, and two counts of torture. It is contrary ‘cali be placed in the home of her father as Alexander reales no esnan'ai regular and physical contact with his children. Dorsey owes over $38,000 n chid sursew Regier as Stoni, Itis contrary for aRmRERHIBMMEBYF to be placed in the home of his father as id not maintain regular and physical contact with his children. Berry owes over $12,000 in child suppor for Bie. The reasonable eft) made to prevent the removal fhe chitren ictus tach secarte sheets as needed aera ceorcas Severely physicaly abused her children and has admited to kiling wo of her children, Mitchelle Blair has received services in Families First and counseling, (SEE THIRD PAGE) ene SS. PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE [OSE oe TION (CHILD PROTECTIVE NO. AE STATE OF MICHIGAN PROCEEDINGS), PAGES [peTiTIONNo/ 2 9/9, Je3 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY Division] Ke WAYNE COUNTY 1 Supptementat 13001623 ‘Cour haere 1026 E. Forest Ave, DETROTT, MT 8207-1004 Ta Taare a to ae eR sca emnne 1. The spec alegatons SUE ATTACHED. 8. Lrequest the court refer the matter to alternative services '. authorize the petition and toke jurisdiction over the children). Futher, i raquest the court to issue en order removing the chitéiren) CJ the abuser from the home, ZF Glerminale parenialighisoffaherto chien) xia. xt. Cte Elid. Cite Che Chg in X ¢.temminate parental ighs ofmethertochidten) i, xn. Ee Elta Gre Git Ene cre | deca tha in this plilon ave true othe best of my iformatin, kxowledge, and bot, WAM. tayd. S- 2-15- Wayne Co. DHS South Central, 1804 E. Cantera Sis Pars sal Aaa Katrina Hayden act DETROIT. MI 48207 313 460-6628 Pit kn.Goam wae), Taine rowed by. _ dentvefei 6 Apr ee seas th TM MAYS 8. A patitiary ing andtor heating hs been conducted aa ne tr aT, pobon on Cl trectifeen) C) te tetoning cen += Dis eure, on Ete chien) te otowing enter) ———— isnt “20h ‘ale > > A, Party Identification: 1. The children subject to this i are: ‘The mother of the children is Mitchelle Blair, 008 5/10/1979, a. The mother had two other children, Stoni Blair, DOB 6/8/1999 and Stephen Berry, DOB 6/20/2003. These children are deceased. Stephen’s date of death is believed to be 8/30/2012 and Stoni’s date of death is. believed to be 5/25/2013. The medical examiner determined the manner of death for both children to be homicide. Stephen died of multiple blunt force trauma and thermal injuries and Stoni died of multipie blunt force trauma, The legal father of- UAH: Alexander James Jerome Dorsey, DOB 9/8/1979. a. He is also the legal father of Stoni Blair. b. He established paternity of the children through Friend of the Court. His FOC ca: ber is 99969198-DP. The legal father of i a. He is also the legal father of, Stephen, Jr. b. He established paternity of the children through Friend of the Court. His FOC case numbers are 2007-760973-DP and 2007-760974-DP. Alexander Dorsey, explicitly stated that he does not have Native American ancestry on 3/25/2015, and that the child, ASAE also does not. Steven Berry, explicitly stated that he does not have Native American ancestry (on 3/25/2015, and that the child NEI also does not. Mitchelle Blair explicitly stated that she does not have Native American ancestry on 3/26/2015, and that the chitdren, 27 CTR, 20 do not. B. Physical Abuse: 1 2. 3. On or about 3/24/2015, CPS received a referral alles sing physical abuse of the children, a ‘On 3/24/2015, the Blair family was being evicted Pursuant to a court order from their home at 804 Saint Aubin St., Detroit, Mi 48207. During the eviction process, while the bailiff was removing items the deceased bodies of Stoni Blair and Stephen Berry were discovered in the deep freezer of the home. Kids Talk staff forensically interviewed Blair stood Stephen in the tub, naked, and used 2 container to throw hot ‘water on him, causing his skin to peel off from ‘the burn injuries. Blair forced Stephen to drink window cleaner. Blair put plastic bags over Stephen’s head, covering his nose and mouth, When Stephen tore through the bags to breathe, Blair used “Force Flex” bbags to put over his nose and mouth, suffocating Stephen until he lost consciousness. Blair then “slapped him awake.” The night before Stephen died, Bir decided Stephen “had had enough” and tried to give him soup. When Stephen refused to eat the soup, Blair force fed it to him, ‘The next morning Blair found Stephen unresponsive his body. vomit next to . After realizing Stephen died, Blair told MAINO remove the plastic cover from the bed. Blair wrapped Stephen in the plastic cover, Blair went downstairs and opened the freezer and put Stephen’s body in the freezer. 5. During ga is Talk interview, she disclosed the following regarding Stoni: a b. a Stoni Blair died on 5/25/13. In the months before Stoni’s death, Blair asked Stoni numerous times. why Stoni was mean te After hearing Stoni’s responses, Biair punched Stoni in the face “a lot.” On one occasion, Stoni suffered a black eye and a swollen lip. This type of questioning continued over several days, On one of those days, Blair lunged at Stoni and punched her in the face causing Stoni to fall, Stoni got back up because Blair always told the children to “get back up” when she hit them. Blair then struck Stoni with a two by four board ‘on her head and face, leaving Stoni with red and purple bruising. On one occasion, Blair returned from a neighbor's house with a “blue ‘metal thing.” Blair used the “blue metal thing” to strike Stoni on the back and head, causing Stoni’s head to swell. On at least three occasions, Blair covered Stoni’s head with a black garbage bag and “pulled tight.” Blair suffocated Stoni until she lost consciousness at least once. Likes@MQMMERBE, Blair put Stoni in the tub, naked, and used a container to ‘throw hot water on her. Blair grabbed Stoni by the neck and choked her. The day Stoni died, Blair asked Stoni over and over again if Stoni hated ad When Stoni said she hated lair became enraged and took a black tshirt and twisted it around Stoni’s neck. Biair then put 2 plastic bag over Stoni’s head, Biair stood behind Stoni pulling the t-shirt tight and holding the bag while Stoni kicked and “squirmed.” 6. During the 3/24/15 forensic interview, disclosed the following about the abuse she suffered at Blair’s hands: a. The last injury she suffered at her mother’s hands occurred in February 2015 when Bair hit her repeatedly in the eye with a two by four. There is now a scar over MMM Jef eye. b. Blair did not seek medical attention for this injury. Blair never took any of the children to the doctor because of the numerous injuries and scars on their bodies. ©. Most oMMMME ack is covered in scars from being burned with a clothing iron ait legs are also covered in burn scars from being burned with a ciothing iron. After burning Blair poured rubbing alcohol on the injuries. 4, Blair frequently punched M@iliin the face with her fists. In addition, Blair used objects to beat her. Blair grabbed whatever objects were closest to her to strikergNie e. Blair broke listen after striking her in the mouth with a curling 7 1, A v0::08 eicr abusing ian a. Blair used cords to “whoop” ,iGMBK on his back, fas loop-shaped injuries all over his back c. Blair last struck ith a cord a few weeks before authorities discovered Stoni’s and sqlite bodies in the deep freezer. Blair struck on the back; he was not wearing a shirt. 8. Kids Talk forensically interviewer ‘on 3/24/2015 and he disclosed the following: a. He knew his sister and brother were killed and subsequently placed in the freezer. He saw his mother and sister ‘carrying Stoni’s body. He saw Blair put Stoni’s body in the freezer. b. He saw Blair put Stoni in the shower, naked, and throw water on her. ¢. He saw Blair pour alcohol on Stoni. 4. He saw Blair strike SNR on the head with a hammer. He also saw Blair hitiQ@ieneein the face with a bar from under the bed. ©. Blair hits sige with cords and belts, f. Visible bruises on his back were caused by his mother. 8. A Visible cut above, loft eye was caused by his mother hitting 9. Medical personnel at Children’s Hospital conducted medical examinations of ‘SRRSaeE on 3/24/2015 and found evidence of physical abuse, and the following: 2. ARERR disclosed being abused throughout their childhood by their mother, Mitchelle Blair. '. Twenty-five scars and injuries on SRNR, both old and new, as a result of physical abuse by Mitchelle Blair. ¢. Numerous loop-shaped scars and injuries on \cluding his back, right buttock and right hip. These injuries are consistent with Mitchelle Blair using an extension cord to ‘ysically abuse them. 4. Medical personnel observed QQBiith a scar over her left eye which was caused by her has been hit in the face and has scars over her eyes. UREA 2s also been beaten with a cord and burned with a clothing iron and has burns on her body that are consistent with that ofa clothing iron. C. Educational Neglect: 1, SEF said neither she nor her years. 2, QUEER disclosed she completed the 8” grade at Bunch Elementary/Middle School. # Service: 1. After a CPS complaint on 02/21/2005, Mitchelle Blair was referred for services through Families First, CBC Counseling Services, Eastwood Clinic {individual and family counseling and psychological evaluation), and Work First, E. Prior CPS History: 4. This farnily has had prior contacts with CPS on the following dates: 9/18/2002 and 2/21/2005. These contacts were made due to allegations of physical abuse. 2. The investigations on 9/18/2002 and 2/2 1/2005 were substantiated, 3. In 2005, Dorsey admitted at that time that he had a child support arrearage. He also admitted that he had not seen his children in months, 4. In 2005, the children told CPS that they wanted to see Dorsey more. F. Criminal History: 1. Mitchelle Blair has a criminal history. This includes. a. Sheis currently jailed in the Wayne County Jail after she was arrested and charged with five counts of first degree child abuse, two counts felony murder, two counts first-degree murder, and two counts torture, 2. Steven Berry has a criminal history that includes the following: a, He served two years in prison beginning in 2010 for a felony firearm conviction, Wayne County Circuit Court Case number 10011772-01-FH. b. He was convicted of carrying a concealed weapon in 2005, Wayne County Circuit Court Case number 05001870-01. 3. Alexander Dorsey has a criminal history that includes the following 3, He was convicted in 2012 of Operating While Intoxicated, District Court 52/3 Case number 13-000065. G. Abandonment and Failure to Protect 1. CPS interviewed Alexander Dorsey on 3/25/2015, and admitted to the following: lings have attended school in two 4 2 2 3. He last saw his children, ilend Stoni Blair, approximately two years before the interview. 5. Mitchelle Blair banned him from entering the home to visit his children, $PlBeNR Nd Stoni Blair. Dorsey admitted he failed to take any action because he did not want to “rock the boat.” ©. He talked tosfifilieabout approximately seven months ago. When he asked about Stoni’s whereabouts he was told she was ting her maternal great-aunt, Angela Gordon. 2. Dorsey failed to visit, support, or care for the children in two or more years. 3. Dorsey failed to take legal action to obtain custody or parenting time with his children 4. Dorsey failed to protect his children from an unfit home environment where the children were physically abused, tortured, and murdered. 5. Dorsey owes $39,000 in child support benefits forAAQANMMMMREnd Stoni Blair. 6. CPS interviewed SQUMMMBEMNE 3/25/15 and 4/2/15, and he admitted to the following: a, On 3/25/15 Berry said he last saw his children: approximately April 2012, On 4/2/15, Berry contradicted hi 3/25/15 statement and said that he last saw his children in 2010 before he was incarcerated. b. Berry claimed that after he was released from prison in 2012, he went to Blair's home in July 2012. Although he heard noises in the home, no one answered the door when hé knocked, ©. Berry then claimed that he went to Blair’s home seven more times between July 2012 and November 2014. Again, he claimed he heard noises in the home, but that no one answered the door when he knocked. d. He asked Mitchelle Blair bout iRQ@iBaapeny and she said he was visiting with a maternal great-aunt Angeia Gordon. @. Berry lived with Blair and the children for off and on for three years. He described Blair as the “perfect mother” because she never yelled at the chitdren or hit them, On 3/29/15, sg@@MEsaid that Berry lived in the home off and on for a period of time. <0 also said that Berry often had to calm Blair down when she was yelling or hitting the children, 7. Berry owes $5,236 in child support benefits for and $6,886 for Stephen Berry, 8. Berry ed to visit, support, or care for the children in two or more years. 9. Berry failed to take legal action to obtain custody or parenting time with his children. 10. Berry failed to protect his children from an unfit home environment where the children were physically abused, tortured, and murdered, |. Substance Abuse 1. Dorsey admitted that he has had issues with alcohol “in the past.” However, he also admitted that he started drinking a pint every day in the last few. weeks. 9 2 & (i) There is a reasonable likelihood, based on the conduct or capacity of the child's parent, that the child will be harmed if ne or she is returned to the home of the parent. (k) The parent abused the child or a sibling of the child and the abuse included 1 or more of the following: (i) Abandonment of a young child, lil) Battering, torture, or other severe physical abuse. liv) Loss or serious impairment of an organ or limb. Gav) Life-threatening injury. (vi) Murder or attempted murder. [X(uil) Aiding and abetting, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or soliciting murder or voluntary manslaughter.

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