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"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ( listen (helpinfo), also

spelled -koniosis) is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "a

factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation
of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.'" A condition
meeting the word's definition is normally called silicosis.
It occurs chiefly as an instance of a very long word. The 45-letter word
was coined to serve as the longest English word and is the longest word
ever to appear in an English language dictionary. It is listed in the current
edition of several dictionaries"
"This word was invented in 1935 by Everett M. Smith, president of the
National Puzzlers' League, at its annual meeting."
Source and further information:
However, as this word is never used by a healthy practitioner, I think that
it rather belongs to the category "word games"...
2) "Some say "pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism" (30 letters) is the
longest. It is the longest in the Oxford English Dictionary. It is an inherited
disorder that simulates the symptoms of pseudohypoparathyroidism (look
it up).
Some say it is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (a 45letter medical term for a lung disease). However many think it was coined
just to be the longest medical term."
"Then, there is some sort of protein whose name is more than 189,819
letters long. I will spare you from having to try to pronounce that one."
Source and further information:
3) All those medical words are actually easy to spell, if you understand
" And last year featured runners-up who erred in spelling medical words
derived from Greek: coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane) and
aniseikonia (a type of visual defect)."
Source and further information:
4) "Triage is the hardest word

When the level of available medical resources is below the aggregate

demand placed on them, medical types employ a form of rationing termed
Triage. It's based on the principle of the greatest good for the greatest
number. Those who need treatment but can wait. Those with a good
chance of survival who need treatment immediately. And those who need
immediate treatment but whose prospects of survival are low or the
medical resources required disproportionate. Being a Triage nurse or doc
must be the hardest job in the world. In war, the stretchers bearing those
too badly injured to be treated effectively are directed away, with a large
shot of morphine and the attention of the Catholic padre."
Source and further information:
Read more: What is the hardest medical word to spell? |

. Hippopotoimonstrosequipeddaliophobia
This difficult word is having 36 letters.
2. Antidisestabhlishmentarianjism
This word has 28 letters. Its meaning is oppose to the state
support withdraw or church recognition. Actually, this is
something politics that opposes religious home church
separation from the state. It came in the 19th century in England
when William Ewart, British PM said it.On breaking it into some
parts, it comes as:
Ism The philosophy of
Arian people believing in
Anti opposition

Dis to removal of
Establishment England Church as official one
3. Honorifficabilitudihnitatibus
This word has 27 letters and it comes in Loves Labour Lost, Act
V, Scene I, meaning invincible glorious or Honorableness. It
is the ablative plural of Latin contrived honorificabilitudinitas. It
is an extension of honorificabilis which means honorableness.
In one of the plays of Shakespeare, Costard uttered it.
Oh, they all have lived long on the basket
honorificabilitudinitatibus: though art easier
swallowed than as a flap dragon.
4. Floccinaeguccinihilipilifjication
This long word has 30 letters in it. It is not a scientific word and
can be seen in the OxfordDictionary Part-I, who made its name
in the Guinness Word Records Book in the year 1992. The
scholars from Estonia made it, who wanted the lengthy letters
combination that resembles none. They searched and made
many combinations and in the end agreed on it as flocci and
pili meaning is less.

Daniel Patrick and Walter Scott also once used this 30-lettered.
Zippy also made its entry in 1996.
Zippy wrote
Yeahfloccinaucinihilipilification processes
5. Hepaticochjolangiocholecystentjrostomies
It was seen in the Gould Medical Dictionary and has 39 letters.
It means the surgical creation between the gall bladder and the
6. Supejrcalifragilisticexpialijdocious
This long and difficult word has 34 letters and comes in
the Dictionary of Oxford. It was made for Mary Poppins, a
movie. And with the launch of the movie, the difficulty was
removed and people find narrating it easy.
After this Mary poppins, it was seen in many song titles like of:
Parker and Young (1949)
Parker and Young (1951)
Sherman (1964)
7. Pneumfonoultramihcroscopicsilicovolcanfoconiosis
If we check all the dictionaries, this word can be considered as
the longest one having 45 letters. As per Webster, its meaning

is a lung-disease pneumoconiosis that is caused when you

inhale quartzite. It is the scientific-name of a disease of coalminer, that occurs due to inhalation of particles of volcano.
On 23 February 1935, New York Herald Tribune read as,
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis is the longest
English word graphically and that is recognized by National
8. Aequeosalihnocalcalinoceraceoaluhminosocupreokvitriolic
This difficult word is having 52 characters and it tells about the
Bath, United Kingdoms spa water. Dr. Edward Strother, medical
author made it.
If we break it, it comes out as:
Aequeo: equal
Salino: that contains salt
Calcalino: calcium
Ceraceo: waxy (latin means cera)
Aluminoso: alumina (Latin)
Cupreo: from copper
Vitriolic: resembles vitriol

9. Antipericatamejtaanaparcircumjvolutiorectumgusjtpoops of
This difficult word has number of letters as 50 in it. There was a
Book-Author from France whose book has this 50 lettered
combination as title.
This 52 lettered was seen in the Headlong Hall novel which
was written by an English novelist. It is an Anatomy
This long word has 100 letters and it was seen in a book. This
book was written by an Irish Writer, Andean James Joyce and
the name of the book was Finnegan wake. It shows that how
Adam and Eve collapsed.
12. Lopadoftemakho selakho galgeso krajnio-leipsano drim
hypotrimmato sihlphio kar-abo melito katakehkhy meino kikhl
epikossy-pho phatto pegrister yopto keph-allio kigklohgpeleio
lag?io siraio bap-h? tragkano pterg?ne
This longest word has 182 characters and is taken from the
comedy drama ecclesiazusae. It was written by a Greek
author, Aristophanes. It shows and refers to the food that is very
spicy and is made of vegetables.

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