Tests Assessments

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RC570 .A25x 1992

LB3051 .B767 1986
BF432 .M37 N54 1993
BF432 .M37 L3x 1993
LB3060.33 .A3 K37x 1986
RJ 51 .D48 N48X 2005
P53.4 .B872x
LB1131 .B584x
LB1131 .B586x
GV436 .B58 2005
LB3060.33 .B75 B7x 1999
LB3051 .B754x
LB3051 .B6953 2005
LB3051 .B6952 2005
LB1139 .L3 S362 2003
LB3060.22 .B75 G5x 1999
RJ506 .H9 C64 2001
RJ 51 .D48 F484x 1984

RJ 51 .D48 F73x 1990

BF723 .A25 M37x 1990
RJ496 .L35 C67x
BF698.8 .E3 E3x
RJ496 .S7 G59 2000b
BF432.5 .K38 K38 2004
QA135.5 .C5728 2007
QA135.5 .C5727 1998
LB3060.33 .K38 K38 2004
RJ131 .A656 2001
LB3060.33 .M46 M47 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M472 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M48 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M482 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M483 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M484 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M46 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M462 2000
LB3060.33 .M46 M49 2000

LB3060.33 .M46 M492 2000

LB3060.33 .M46 M493 2000
BF698.8 .M35 H38 1988
LB3060.33 .P43 M37 1998c
BF432.5 .P42 D86 2007
BF575 .A88 S53x 1996
BF432.5 .S55 S56 2000
BF432.5 .S8 R65 2003
RC537 .L77 1994
LB1050.75 .T48 R45 2001
LB1631 .T4x 1994
QA139 .G56 2003
LB1590 .L37x
QA43 .B76 1994
LB3060.32 .N67 H37 1988
LB1574 .L37x 1994
BF798 .M37x 1988
LB3051 .W325 1988
BF698.8 .T5 M8x 1971

LB1139 .L3 H24 1997

LB1139 .L3 N48 1997
LB3051 .B768 1995
LC4019.7 .C42x 1997
BF175.5.P75 P42 2003
BF723 .S62 S62 2005
BF441 .W38x 1980
LB3060.33 .W47 W53 2002
BF432.5 .W42 W434 2003
LB1060.46 .W65x 1998
BF432.5 .W66 W66 2001
LB3060.33 .W54 W54 2006

AAMR diagnosis, classification, and systems of supports.
Adaptive behavior inventory / Linda Brown, James E. Leigh.
Adaptive Behavior Scale-- Residential and Community [kit] / Kazuo Nihira, Henry Leland, Nadine
Adaptive Behavior Scale School : examiner's manual.
Adult basic learning examination / Bjrn Karlsen and Eric F. Gardner.
Battelle developmental inventory [kit] / Jean Newborg.

Bilingual Syntax Measure II = Medida de Sintaxis Bilinge II / Marina K. Burt, Heidi C. Dulay, Eduardo
Hernndez Ch. illustrations by Gerrit Klaver.
Boehm test of basic concepts / Ann E. Boehm.
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts : preschool version / Ann E. Boehm.
BOT 2 [kit] : Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency / [Robert H. Bruininks, Brett D. Bruininks]
Brigance diagnostic comprehensive inventory of basic skills / by Albert H. Brigance.
Brigance K & 1 screen for kindergarten and first grade / by Albert H. Brigance.
Brigance K & 1 screen II [kit] / by Albert H. Brigance
Brigance preschool screen II [kit] / by Albert H. Brigance
CELF 4 [kit] : clinical evaluation of language fundamentals / Eleanor Semel, Elisabeth H. Wiig, Wayne

CIBS-R standardization and validation manual : Brigance diagnostic comprehensive inventory of basic
skills - revised.
Conners' rating scales--revised (CRS-R) : technical manual / C. Keith Conners.
DASI-II : developmental activities screening inventory / Rebecca R. Fewell, Mary Beth Langley.

Denver II [kit] / W.K. Frankenburg ... [et al.]

DIAL-R [kit] : Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning-Revised / Carol MardellCzudnowski, Dorothea S. Goldberg.
Early Language Milestone Scale : examiner's manual / James Coplan.
Edwards personal preference schedule / Allen L. Edwards.
Goldman Fristoe 2 : test of articulation : manual / Ronald Goldman, Macalyne Fristoe.
KABC-II [kit] : Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children / [Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman]
KeyMath 3 diagnostic assessment : form A / [Austin J. Connolly]
KeyMath revised, NU [kit] : a diagnostic inventory of essential mathematics : forms A and B.
KTEA-II comprehensive form A [kit] / Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman.
Manual for the infant-toddler and family instrument (ITFI) / by Nancy H. Apfel & Sally Provence.
Metropolitan8. Elementary 1. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Elementary 2. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Intermediate 1. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Intermediate 2. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Intermediate 3. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Intermediate 4. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Primary 1. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Primary 2. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
Metropolitan8. Secondary 1. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.

Metropolitan8. Secondary 2. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.

Metropolitan8. Secondary 3. Form V, Open-ended reading : Metropolitan Achievement Tests.
MPD : Measures of Psychosocial Development / by Gwen A. Hawley.
PIAT-Rnu manual / Frederick C. Markwardt, Jr.
PPVT-4, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test : manual / Lloyd M. Dunn, Douglas M. Dunn.
SIB-R : Scales of independent behavior--revised / Robert H. Bruininks ... [et. al.]
Slosson Intelligence Test - Revised for children and adults : SIT-R3 / Richard L. Slosson.
Stanford Binet intelligence scales [kit] / Gale H. Roid.
ST-DACL : State Trait-Depression Adjective Check Lists professional manual
TERA3 : Test of Early Reading Ability / D. Kim Reid, Wayne P. Hresko and Donald D. Hammill.

Test of Adolescent and Adult Language : assessing linguistic aspects of listening, speaking, reading an
writing : examiner's manual / Donald D. Hammill ... [et al.].
Test of early mathematics ability [kit] / Herbert P. Ginsburg, Arthur J. Baroody.

Test of legible handwriting : an ecological approach to holistic assessment / Stephen C. Larsen, Donald
D. Hammill.
Test of Mathematical Abilities : examiner's manual / Virginia L. Brown, Mary E. Cronin, Elizabeth
Test of written language-2 / Donald D. Hammill, Stephen C. Larsen.
Test of written spelling / Stephen C. Larsen, Donald D. Hammill.
The temperament assessment battery for children / by Roy P. Martin.

The Walker-McConnell scale of social competence and school adjustment : a social skills rating scale f
teachers / Hill M. Walker, Scott R. McConnell.
Thematic Apperception Test [kit] / Henry A. Murray.

TOLD-I:3 : test of language development-intermediate / Donald D. Hammill, Phyllis L. Newcomer.

TOLD-P:3 : test of language development-primary / Phyllis L. Newcomer, Donald D. Hammill.
TORC-3 : test of reading comprehension / Virginia L. Brown, Donald D. Hammill, J. Lee Wiederholt.
Transition Planning Inventory : administration and resource guide / Gary M. Clark, James R. Patton.
Trauma and attachment belief scale [kit] / Laurie Anne Pearlman.

Vineland-II : Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales / Sara S. Sparrow, Domenic V. Cicchetti, David A. Balla
Watson-Glaser critical thinking appraisal / Goodwin Watson, Edward M. Glaser.
WIAT II [kit] : Wechsler Individual Achievement Test.
WISC-IV [kit] / David Wechsler.
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-- Revised [kit] : forms G and H / Richard W. Woodcock.
Woodcock-Johnson III tests of achievement. Form A [kit] / Richard W. Woodcock, Kevin S. McGrew,
Nancy Mather.
WRAT 4 : wide range achievement test / Gary S. Wilkinson and Gary J. Robertson

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