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Sophie Borland for the Daily Mail. (n.d.).

'Professional' beggars earning up to 200 a

night to supplement their day jobs. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from
Chen, R., & Li, C. (2010). Relief and control: Analysis of countermeasures for urban
vagrants and beggars. Asian Social Science,6(3), 128-131. Retrieved from

Types and solution

There are four main types of beggars based on the purpose of each type. First are
the people with physical or mental diseases. They are driven by difficult living and
have no other option but to beg for money. Second are the professional types who
are healthy and capable of working. They have dwelling places and sources of living,
and they regard begging as a way of earning money. According to the Daily Mail,
Professional beggars earn up to 200 pounds a night from donation. Third are the
juvenile baggers who is easy to be kidnapped, trafficked, or exploited for begging.
They are usually orphans or having parents who are baggers also. Fourth are the
beggar gangs who made juvenile and woman beg for money. In extreme cases, they
even cripple healthy young children to bring out more sympathy from passers-by.
These criminal gangs are relative to human trafficking, drug dealing and other kind of
street crime.

The general principle is management and humanization aid, beggars of different

types are treated with different management measures. As for those who are

physically or mentally ill, they should be sent to a welfare institution. As for the
professional beggars, government should treat them with method of management
and control, help them to find a better job or persuade them not to beg for money
anymore. As for the criminal gangs and juvenile. Law should be made to prohibit
begging of juveniles as they are the most vulnerable group. Because juveniles have
no civil act capacity, many government departments have to come together and use
many ways to crack down any illegal crime, educate public and circulate healthy
atmosphere. Law should be made to prohibit begging of juveniles. In general,
beggars must get help from the government and charitable organizations and
protection on them should be more comprehensive, tactful and relevant.
Begging is a new phenomenon, not only in the developing countries but also in the
developed countries. It has become a gigantic problem to society. However, it begins
from the compelled causes, the act of begging has negative effects on both human
dignity and image of nation. Economic, cultural, political and other health
related problems are some of the consequences of begging . According to

Teka Zewdie (PhD), begging not only lead to psychological consequences such as
complex emotions of beggars and their network of relationship, but also will affect as
social consequences such as discrimination, marginalization, segregation, prejudice,
isolation, conflict, and limited social relationships and interactions (Arnold, 2008).
Even though psychological consequences and social consequences are related, for
understanding each kind of consequence, it is better to distinguish them.
The social consequences of begging appears when many beggars have experienced
and become wiser while they ask for helping. This leads to various social problems

as conflict among beggars, isolation and interation of poor society, consciousness of

society, discrimination.
a. Conflict
Conflict is intentional action which resist, oppose or force against the will of others. It
is a social process of every group or organization. Although, the reason of conflicts
are different, conflicts occur for the exist of beggars in the same areas. This can
affect on order security in the areas.
b. Isolation and interation of poor society
Despite of conflict among beggars, relationship between them is essential
component of society interaction. Human cannot live in isolation and isolation can
delaminate beggars. So, many beggars have organized groups or teams to survive
in poor society. Futher more, they take advantage of kindness to benefit themselves.
According to Rhan (January 2008) a beggar get by for around 3 EUR a day, and can
make more than 20 EUR per day by begging. The numbers given by beggars are 2025 EUR, while those given by store owners where the beggars exchange the coins
to notes give amounts between 50-80 EUR. The point is, that they can make far
more money by begging abroad, than by working (if they get a job at all) in their own
c. Consciousness of society
From the ancient, the humanity always exists in everybody. Humanity is brought
about when the difficult things happen with people. Thus, the rich help the beggars
by giving money to them. However, this is the generosity and wealth charity, many
people take advantages of kindness to benefit themselves. This leads to be distrust
in society and creates discrimination for the true beggars who have been disabled.

d. Discrimination
Discrimination is negative behavior of group or society about problems. Beggars are
classified the lowest social strata, they already have contempt, abandonment. So
that, many bad people use them to make benefit or use begging as a job. Not at all,
most beggars are controlled or working under different gangs or organized crime.
Giving money to these beggars directly aids the crime in the areas. Beggars make
negative image of particular location, some can transmit infectious diseases in
society. These are reasons that the discrimination of beggars is more and more

As stated before, the social consequences lead to psychological problems. The

social and psychological were closely related to each other. Because of begging
were fear, depressions, loneliness, hopelessness, stress, shame and different forms
of abuses, so people who use begging as a job or some kind for easy money have
been influenced to the psychological of true beggars. However, begging in the stress
is not a good solution for the beggar and giving money direct to them is the bad way
to help them. Mankind forever? No satisfactory answer has yet been found. At least,
instead of giving them money to live day by day, why can we give them a bigger
change to live by themselves?

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