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Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Mediterranean Passion
Sharon Kendrick
(1 C asa R eal d e Cacciatore)

Mediterranean Passion (27. 7. 05)

Original Title: The Mediterranean Prince's Passion (2004)
Serie: 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore
Publishing House: Harlequ Ib r i n ica
Stamp / Collection: Bianca My niserie No. 4
Gender: Contemporary Romantic
Starring: Gabriella and Nico

Nico was like a handsome hero, brave and strong film. And he had saved and
care ... besides make love. Then Gabriella had discovered who he really was his
hero, the prince of the Mediterranean island of Heavenly Sea.
Nico tried to explain how wonderful it was to be an ordinary man for a while, but
Gabriella was obviously not accustomed to act as such. I was more used to
getting everything she wanted. And now he wanted her to become his secret lover.
The problem was that no Gabriella Nico was ready to be out with it ... at least
not always.
Would it end becoming the mistress of Prince?
Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 1
S nly was a white flash on the endless blue, but the sun was blinding rlo seen too
clearly. Gaby is rraron ce eyes as protesting the effort. Maybe you had imagined.
Like the nations to see aluci oasis in the desert, maybe his mind had invented an
image in the sea around them, some sign of life, apart from birds flying overhead
in a sky so blue as the waters below them.
- Mark ...
Hoarsely, gave that name so unfamiliar to her. Her lips as dry as if he had not
tried ning n liquid in his life.
- Mark, are you there - repeated a little louder.
He tried to remember the name of one of the women.
- Helen!
But there was no answer, and did not find it so surprising, because the music
blaring d and the lower deck covered the sound of his weak words. Until she came
the sound off or drunken giggles d. He groaned.
How much time had passed without drinking anything? He knew he should get
up and drink some water, but his legs were like lead. He managed to move a heavy
hand and cheek away an annoying lock of hair wet but returned to like.
I was going to die. He knew he was going to die.
He could feel his forces were slowly leaving his body. His ears were ringing and
his heart beat weak but fast. Burned his skin, as if it were on fire ... burning ...
burning ...

On the lower deck, the cool dark interior of the cabin attracted to its appeal, but
an instinct even more fu erte his need to escape the sun stopped surrendering to
that attraction. Downstairs was chaos, with no chance to escape. On the upper
deck, at least, maybe find someone.
His eyes began to close.
"Please, God, someone finds me ..."
With her dark hair tousled by wind and strong body relaxed, Nico looked at the
horizon. Squinted suddenly, the brightness of something on the horizon caught his
Was it a boat? Had a boat where it should not have, in the protected waters of
that part of Mardivino? He pursed his lips. Would bandits seeking access to
offshore so jealously protected by millionaires? The island had a long history as a
target for bounty hunters and their counterparts in modern times, the paparazzi.
Where the hell were the Coast Guard when they were needed?
But the carefree side of his character made her pulse began to quicken with
excitement. Ignoring almost savoring the potential for himself, danger hit the gas
and water scooter shot toward the boat, leaving behind a trail of foam.
As they approached, he saw a figure lying on the deck, and to be closer
discovered that it was a woman who seemed to be sunbathing. Her dark skin and
brown hair. She was slender and shapely, with the exuberance of youth. Nico
needed only two seconds to discern whether this was an ambush and lure her. That
was an ancient method he had already met in the past, was coupled with the
territory in which they lived.
But she was not sunbathing. Something was very wrong, that collapse of his
body and immobility were not normal.

With a quick movement, the watercraft moored the boat and climbed aboard,
alert and vigilant while examining the cover for a moment, listening intently. In
the distance was heard dance music blaring, but she seemed to be alone on the
A few steps were enough to get near her. He bent down and turned aside,
discarding his instinctive reaction to seeing those magnificent breasts rise and fall
under the tiny green bikini jade.
She was ill.
He examined his eyes: breathing weakly, his eyes shut tight and sunburned skin.
He placed his hand gently on the forehead and felt the heat given off. I had a
fever. Surely it was sunstroke.
He shook urgently.
- Svegli - ordered in Italian, but got no response, so he tried in French -.
Rveillez vous!
Not Either. He tried the Spanish, screaming more.
- Wake up!
Through the mist of sleep that dragged into the darkness, Gaby heard a deep
voice urging her to come to the surface, to return to light. But the light hurt his
eyes and she did not want to go there. He shook his head.
- Wake - cried the voice in English.
Gaby opened his eyes. A face leaned over her, his handsome features set and
looked worried. It was an angel with brown skin. Must be dreaming, she thought.
Or maybe he was dying.

- Oh, no - he exclaimed, taking her in his arms to be incorporated and holding her
head -. It will not go back to sleep! Do you hear me? Wake up! Wake now, at
this very moment. Would I order!
That voice, his accent so pronounced, was too compelling to ignore, but Gaby
was engulfed in a too powerful fever.
- Leave - muttered, and felt an icy terror when he returned to lay her down on the
deck and did just that, leaving her alone again.
Gaby whimpered.
Nico down to the lower deck and noise stunned him. He stood still, studying the
decadence scene before him.
He said five people, three men and two women, all in an advanced state of
intoxication. One woman was topless and snoring lying on the ground while the
other turned against men as a pathetic dancer.
Only one of the men seemed to notice his arrival, and raised a half-empty bottle
of whiskey.
- Eh! Who are you? - Asked drawled.
Nico gave him a glare.
- Are you aware that they are invading our territorial waters - he snapped.
- No, mate, rather it is you who is doing it! I paid a pretty penny for this boat,
and also ... The sea is free - exclaimed, making an exaggerated gesture towards the
- Here it is not. You are in prohibited waters.

And turning on his heel, Nico returned to the upper deck. He pulled a cell phone
from his pocket and dialed a familiar number only few, the connecting directly
with the Chief of Police.
- Hear? Yup. Nicolo - said quickly in Italian.
He waited a moment.
- Want me to arrest you, Prince - Police asked quietly.
Nico smiled a hard smile.
- Yes, why not? A night in jail might teach them not to put themselves or others
at risk replied, looking thoughtful girl.
She was not drinking, was sick.
He bent down and gently shook his shoulder. She opened her eyes, dazzled and
green as the grass in spring.
Through the haze caused by fever, she felt his strength, and he realized that he
was a safe harbor and their only means of escape.
- I will leave - pleaded.
The raw emotion in his voice left paralyzed Nico few moments, but it was an
unnecessary request, since he had already made a decision.
- I have no intention of leaving - said reassuringly, and grabbed her in his arms
before she could protest.
Gaby tightly encircled his neck with her arms and collapsed against his chest like
a rag doll in an unconscious attitude of absolute confidence. He held her tightly
while climbing to the watercraft.

Most men had struggled for dealing with a semiconscious woman, but Nico was
made to respond to challenges, was one of the few things in life that filled him with
energy. He gave a small smile as he departed for the shore.
He was always posing new challenges, but this was the first time rescuing a
damsel in distress.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 2
U na refreshing moisture cheeks Gaby ran like fingers the caress, and let out a
small sigh.
- Mmm! What a treat!
- Drink this!
It was the voice that would not go away. The voice that would not take 'no' for
an answer. The voice that had been in and out of consciousness with annoying
frequency. An imperative, foreign, but also compelling voice.
Obediently, Gaby parted her lips and drank from the cup was offered, with more
relish than before, so that the water ran down her face, running down to the chin
and pulling the mist that held.
- That's better - the deep voice said, in a tone of approval -. Drink some more
and then open your eyes.
With the dull brain, she did as he was told, but he was more confused. Because
in front of her was a man who did not recognize.
Or if? He blinked, looked at his face, and something peculiar happened to her
heart already unstable: it was spectacular.
His features, like chiseled, gave him a hard and autocratic appearance, but an
extremely sensuous mouth softened. The eyes, slightly slanted, were fringed by
long, dark lashes, and had jet black hair and wavy, a little too long. It seemed
strong and powerful, familiar yet strange. Her skin glowed as if a light sprout

inside. That face was the one who had been in and out of his feverish state,
guarding patiently. An angel with brown skin. A guardian angel.
So had not been dreaming, Gaby thought. And there seemed to be dead.
Flashing dismayed, examined her surroundings. It was in a single room, with
little more than a small wooden table and a couple of old chairs. The floor was
wooden slats, and the walls too. The sound of the waves was heard. It was a cool,
dimly lit room, and she was lying on a sort of bed, covered by something that
tickled and it was too thick to be a sheet, but too thin to be a blanket. He slid his
hand inside.
No wearing nothing but a shirt name!
The last remnants of its lethargy suddenly disappeared, and fear rushed to take
his place. Clutching the blanket, Gaby sat up in bed and looked at the man I was
standing in front of her, his dark face impenetrable and vigilant. Really I was not
dreaming ?, Gaby asked. Who was this man, and what was she doing there?
- Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on here? - Asked
He watched with great caution, as a hunter studying his prey.
- I think I should ask you the same.
Gaby felt his heart pounding. The man's voice was soft, enveloping and accent.
And he was accusing. But she was sure that if you could make any accusations,
would ...
He slid his hand under the covers and explored her body, checking that all his
limbs were intact. And not only their limbs ...
Nico watched.

- Oh, do not worry - told drawled -. Its virtue is intact. Or at least as intact as it
was when you arrived.
Although God only knew what he would have done with this bunch of drunks on
board that ship, he thought.
Gaby tried to jog your memory, but it was as if his brain fog. Something told her
she should be grateful to the man, but something about her dark masculinity that
was making her feel suddenly shy. Rather than shy.
- What has happened?
- Have you been sick - he explained without losing brightness suspicion of his
She turned to look around for signs of being in a hospital, but there was nothing
to indicate that. In fact, there was sand on the floor, and a wetsuit was lying, as a
sealskin. Some of your brain fog dissipated.
-Where Am I?
- At last! The usual question. It has taken a while to ask - he said, raising his
eyebrows and giving him a sharp look.
- Well, I am now asking it.
He narrowed his eyes, unaccustomed to such a response.
- Do not you know?
- Why should I bother to ask her if she already knew?
At least, he thought, she had a plan, and that was no way to find out, not until she
had recovered. Not when she was still ...

Nico looked away from her body, her figure suggested by the shirt and firm
curves conjured a temptation that would have endangered the determination of the
holiest man and celibate, both of which he had never been charged.
For hours, she had been lying there, his body burned by the sun and disheveled
hair, writhing and screaming in deep fever and lost in delusions. And he had
bathed, had soaped, gave him water to drink and sat next to her during the long,
lonely hours until dawn.
It was a new feeling for him, that someone trusted and depended entirely on him.
She'd been so vulnerable like a wounded animal, and that same vulnerability had
taken him a protective instinct that had never experienced before.
Until ...
He was withdrawing his hair wet with sweat bright cheek, whispering words of
encouragement when she suddenly had shouted in alarm. And when they had
managed to silence her, she was sitting up in bed and blanket had slipped from her
body. The shirt, which had put him reluctantly, blocking both as revealed, and the
suggestion of the glorious breasts pink nipples had been an incredible spell. He
had tried to pull away, but she had clung to him with tremendous force someone
lost in a nightmare. And she had been near him. Oh ... so close ... too much to
feel comfortable and think clearly.
His body, he kept reminding Nico, had responded instantly and unconsciously to
the presence so near her. With tense nerves to the unbearable, he had looked into
his eyes, greener and wonderful eyes he had ever seen, but were absent. Whatever
or whoever was watching, of course it was not him.
- Lie in bed - had ordered him dryly.

And she furrowed her dry lips, as if were a flower about to wither. Some men
would have said, why not?

Have taken advantage of what was offered so

deliciously had been an option, but Nico was not like other men. Even though I
had not been sick of what had always been offered freely, could not have tolerated
make love to a woman who was not at full power.
He looked into her eyes and saw that they had no wild and feverish glow. He felt
a surge of triumph, because she had been in her care and was recovering.
- Are you hungry? - He asked unexpectedly.
Those words made Gaby focus not on the unusual situation in which he found
himself, but on the needs of your body, and suddenly realized that I had an empty
stomach and head did not weigh him. What if he was hungry? Was mu ri
endorsement of hunger!
- Yes, of course replied, surprised.
- Then you should eat - he said, and walked away, as if he could not wait to put
physical distance between them.
- No, wait!
He stopped, fun. How long since anyone gave an order so bluntly?
- What's going on?
- How long have I been here? - She asked weakly.
- Only one day.
How come only one day? He had been there quite a day! Gaby shook his head
again to try to think clearly, and scraps of memory began to resurface in his mind.
A ship. A boat with a group of people, as was proven, knew nothing of basic
maritime legislation and security, which were dedicated to drink until he lost

consciousness. A man had invited a man who was convinced that every woman
should pay a price for living a weekend of luxury.
Gaby rubbed his nose. Who was this man?
Mark! Yes, that was it, Mark. With eyes accustomed to the dim light inside the
room, Gaby turned his head slowly and looked around.
- Where is Mark? Did something happened? Nico's expression hardened. Was
she thinking of Mark when he had pressed against him? Or was the kind of
woman who lived her sexuality freely?
- At the moment - he began, looking at his watch - must be about to leave the
- The dungeon! - She exclaimed, and looked stunned -. How have you been?
- Because I warned the police that they were on private waters - he explained
- Have you made you get into the dungeon - not just him - he corrected -. To
everyone. Gaby swallowed, suddenly afraid. Where the hell was I? And who was
this man?
- Is not that a bit much?
- Does that feel? - He replied, in a tone of contempt -. Leaving aside the issue of
invading territorial waters, do you think it is acceptable to get drunk when you're in
command of a powerful boat, and endanger not only their own lives but also those
of others think? And that includes you! What do you think would have happened
if I do not show up?
That stark indictment did feel very small and vulnerable Gaby.

- Look, I'm very grateful for everything he has done - said shakily - but would
you mind explaining exactly what happens? I do not ...
He silenced her with an imperious wave of his hand.
- Enough of questions. At least, for now. Later you can ask me whatever you
want and I will answer, but first bite. He has been ill, is weak. You will have your
answers, but then.
Gaby opened his mouth to complain, but closed it again, realizing he was in no
position to replicate. And even if it had been, was not strong enough. He was
right, he felt weak, and like a cloud, after passing fever.
Was supposed to stay there lying helplessly under the covers, while the
handsome and domineering man who knew him said he could or could not do?
Was there another alternative? Should I get out of bed, knowing I feel strangely
naked despite the shirt?
He turned his head to look at her. He saw the fleeting look of vulnerability from
her, and she had to force herself to react. Previously it had been easy. While she
had been ill, he had been able to be nice to her, as if to a child. But now she was
awake, things were completely different. And suddenly they were no longer so
easy. Because she was a beautiful woman of flesh and blood, not a girl.
Almost without realizing it, Nico rebuilt emotional barriers that commonly
- You may want to wash.
- Yes, please - she said, aware that he was no longer with the warmth before.
He drew a curtain at the other end of the room.

- You will find you need there - informed, and then pulled out a clean shirt on a
shelf and threw it on the couch.
- You may want to wear it - He added -. His co sas are still on the boat, and his
bikini is hanging out. I have washed.
A Nico found it very funny expression undisguised horror of it. Did believed he
expected it to be changed before him, and why I was so scared? So clearly
remembered nothing of how the shirt had exposed her bare thighs as she writhed
fever, or how he had been a gentleman and had returned to bajrsela.
- Do not be shy ... I will be out.
That was not shy! Gaby watched him disappear through the door. He had a brief
view of the sea as the door opened, and heard the hypnotic music of the waves.
Clearly, I was on a beach, but where?
He looked at the closed door and was raised to run after him, demanding some
answers. But he was too weak to run anywhere, and was also naked, dusty by sand
and sticky with sea salt. It would be better to ask explanations once she was
Never before showering the idea had seemed so attractive, although the vision
that was found behind the curtain was not very reassuring. There was a sink, toilet,
and shower oldest aspect that Gaby had ever seen. The water did not come out
very strongly, but at least it was warm and had soap and shampoo surprisingly
luxurious brands as spartan environment.
Maybe it was all very basic, but Gaby had never enjoyed or appreciated both a
shower like this. Salt and sand skin and hair cleaned, dried with towel and clean
shirt that because his owner was so high, reaching to mid-thigh, fortunately got. It
was not exactly what she had called decent, but better than nothing.

He was standing at the small table, Sir v iendo two plates of something she did
not recognize, but whose scent made his empty stomach complained of hunger. He
had left the door open, and Gaby discovered how much the sound of the waves
could be heard. The cabin looked straight at most glorious sea that had ever seen.
A tub and pale sand dotted with shells led to a wave of blue sapphire shining,
danced and filled the room with light. But the room seemed to be concentrated at a
single point, because all I could see Gaby was the power of the man whose figure
was silhouetted against the bright background outside.
Now she stood, did not need the shirt as an indicator of how tall he was. Realize
that he quickly by the way he stood, dominating the small room. His dark, tousled
hair, small eddies in the neck. Gaby felt a strange and powerful rollover heart
when he looked up and slowly laid eyes on it.
- My shirt serves him - he murmured softly.
It was an innocent remark, but something in the way of saying it, and the look of
approval that accompanied it, Gaby did feel a woman. He felt a tingling in her
breasts and soft damp pain of desire. It was a powerful and primitive response and
she had never felt that way.
Invaded by a sudden feeling of claustrophobia, without really knowing how to
handle it, Gaby approached the open door and breathed the fresh, salty air while
watching the waves in silence for a few moments.
- It's beautiful, is not it? - Said a voice behind her.
Gaby struggled his face had an expression of appreciation and turned innocent.
- It's amazing.
And so he was. Oh, it was so captivating ...

- That smells good - she managed to say, making an effort to look away from
Nico said nothing. He had seen her nipples became erect and was dilated pupils,
and felt her sex began to harden.
- Let's eat - said evenly -. We could go out, but I think you need a break from the
sun. So contemplate the view from here.
But Gaby did not move.
- You said you would give me answers, and I want some. Right Now. Please.
Nico smiled slowly. New things always activated, and was not used to anyone to
speak otherwise not to go with deference.
- Questions can expect face but not your appetite.
His words were soft, but were those with iron determination. Like he was used
to giving orders and will not tolerate that these orders were disobeyed. The aroma
of the food came to Gaby, who felt his mouth watered. Maybe he was right. Over
Gaby sat at the table.
- Coma - he said, putting forward a plate of food.
But the order was unnecessary. Gaby began to devour the dish with the fervor of
the hungry.
He watched in fascinated silence, because this was also a new sensation. When
they were with him, others always ate with disinterest. There were unwritten rules
that always followed, waiting for him to start and ended when he finished he was
part of the protocol around him, but at that moment, if she was doing, it was as if
he was not there!

She ate wordlessly, unable to remember when both had enjoyed a meal. He
finally left the fork down and sighed.
- Was it good?
- Delicious.
- Hunger makes everything taste better - he said slowly.
There was a glass with red wine in front of her, and he gestured to drink, but she
shook her head and grabbed the glass of water. Then he leaned back in his chair
and stared. His eyes were as black as a moonless night, and crossed with light
- Will it begin to explain now?
Nico discovered that it was fun. He had rescued, so he deserved a little fun in
- Tell me what you want to know.
- All Right. For starters, who are you? Not if ... N i not even know your name,
sir - There was a pause as he considered the question. He seemed sincere, although
the "sir" added to the end could have been false, of course. Had she been?
- My name is Nico - he said at last, studying her reaction carefully, and noting
that it had not recognized -. And you?
- My name is Gaby.
"Gaby" he repeated inside.
- It's a pretty name.
- Is short for Gabriella.
- As the angel - he murmured, letting his eyes wander idly through his hair.

Gaby warned again in his voice that caress that made her aware that she was a
woman. And he a man. A man who had been ill and half naked. But he was an
angel, a guardian angel.
- Where am I? - She asked slowly.
He looked at her skeptically.
- Do you really not know?
Gaby sighed.
- How long will continue with riddles? Of course I do not know. I was on a
ship, and the next minute I'm in a hut on the beach, eating ...
He looked at his empty plate. Even the food had found it strange, unfamiliar,
like l with his strange accent and her exotic looks. Disoriented, Gaby kept
- What did I just eat?
- Rabbit.
- Rabbit - she repeated weakly.
I had never eaten rabbit before!
- Live in freedom in the hills ... - he explained, adding, watching very carefully in the hills of Mardivino.
- Mardivino - she asked, looking at him, while processing the information -. Is
where we are?
- Certainly yes - - him, drinking a glass a very dark wine and examining it with
eyes as dark said. Have you heard of this country?

It was one of the less famous principalities. A Mediterranean island spoiled by

the sun, tax haven and home to many millionaires; exclusive, remote and very,
very beautiful.
- I'm not a disaster in Geography - she replied - Of course I've heard of
He reiterated his authority.
- You were in prohibited waters. Should not daring to come to this part of the
Gaby remembered Mark and one of the other strutting about their knowledge of
navigation, and then getting drunk big. He remembered how scared he had felt,
and the endless time I had spent alone in the upper deck, with the sun beating down
on it without mercy He shuddered.
- But we were lost - he protested - really lost!
- Yup.
He believed her. Beyond the rugged north coast of Mardivino had rocks and rip
currents that they would go wrong the most experienced sailor. No one would be
stupid enough to deliberately expose themselves to danger in which he had found.
Then, why they had done?
He drilled his eyes.
- Those people who were with you ...
- What about them?
There was a long pause.
- Is either journalist? - He asked in casual tone.

- Journalist? - She repeated, wrinkling her nose. - Well, I know both those who
were going, but no one said being a journalist. Why would they be?
She looked into his eyes, which shone suspicious.
- For nothing - he replied t apadamente.
But Gaby caught evasion in his voice and stared at him. He had no further
information. She watched intently as if seeing it for the first time. His clothes were
simple, but his bearing was aristocratic, and there was something in his appearance
that she never I had seen before in a man. It was something about the way he
behaved, security itself seemed almost arrogant innate rather than learned. But
wearing faded jeans and a worn T ...
He had taken his beach cottage where the shower let out a trickle, but soap and
shampoo were of the best French brands. Gaby frowned. In addition, he called her
"face", does not?
- Are you Italian is?
He shook his head.
- Spanish?
- Do Not.
- French, then.
He smiled.
- Not Either.
Gaby recalled words he had uttered.
- But you speak three languages ...

He shrugged. How much should tell? How long should continue with this
delightful game of anonymity? How long could it?
- Of course it does.
- And your English is perfect.
- I know - he said mockingly.
But this time it was not to be seduced by the soft, seductive voice. Gaby leaned
over the table, challenging gaze.
- Who are you exactly, Nico?

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 3
L or strangest of all was that co Ni was really fun. It was like a game, or story, the
prince who was disguised as a beggar and no one recognized.
For a man whose life was both the most striking aspects as the darkest of fairy
tales, this was a new and entertaining twist. And if he told her, nothing would ever
be the same anymore. The attitude of irrevocably change it to him. I no longer
speak to him as if he was just a man, an ordinary man.
Does small unwanted often had to be "normal", if only for a day? Even when he
had been at university in North America, striving to go unnoticed, people had
known his identity. It had been inevitable bodyguards had preceded him to ensure
that the site was suitable for a prince.
And when someone had asked him to come, to explain who he was and what his
place in the world?
Do Not Ever.
He leaned over the back of the wooden chair.
- How does a man defined? - He asked, both for her and for himself -. How
through their possessions? How through their accomplishments, perhaps?
She looked puzzled.
- Is it you unable to respond directly to a direct question?
Surely. In the world he lived, never made direct questions. It was he who led the
conversation to his whim. very old laws forbidding others to begin. When he
spoke, the ge n t listening. He had never known anything different , had accepted

as usual, but at the time, with an unusual awareness in him, knew the absolute
deference could be limiting.
- My name is Nico. I have twenty-eight and was born in Mardivino, I am a native
principality authentic - he said, and his eyes twinkled. - Now you know everything.
- Everything and nothing - she challenged him. - What do you do?
- What what I do? - He repeated with a new gleam in his eyes.
How could I have forgotten that in her world people are defined by how a living?
- Yes, for a living.
- Well ... this and that - he answered evasively. - Working for a very rich man.
That should be enough to explain a bit. Maybe that's why he seemed so sure of
himself, so that was awesome. Maybe he had taken some of the characteristics of
his boss and was imitating, as sometimes happened thought Gaby. That would also
explain the extravagant bathroom soaps: he must enjoy the generosity of his boss.
Gaby nodded toward the humble interior.
- Is this your house?
There was a pause.
-. No No, I do not live here. It's just a place that belongs to me ... boss.
- And the watercraft?
- Do you remember? - He asked.
The shower and the food had made some sort of recovery magic and began to go
to his fragmented memories brain. He remembered being caught in arms against a
firm and fibrous body, and the comforting warmth of him. And then recalled the
ride on water droplets splashing his fevered skin.

- A little bit.
- What about her? - He asked casually.
- Is it yours?
Inexplicably, he felt a slight disappointment. Did it matter that something? A
watercraft last generation was the plaything of a rich man. His usual cynicism
made its appearance. Sure matter, things like that always did. One was not referred
for who he was, but he had. But, Once removed all that paraphernalia, what was
- No - he replied wearily. - Just something I use when I want.
- Well, I hope I have not gotten into a problem - she said.
The cynicism of Nico began to disappear when she looked at him like that so ...
so sweet, he thought. So clean, so innocent. So relaxed before him, and also caring
for her sake! When someone had done that for him?
Once dry, brown hair spilling heavily on his shoulders and face, but could not
hide the exuberance of her breasts. Nico felt the need of her body intensified to
imagine walking those curves with his hands.
- No, you've gotten me into any trouble - he murmured -. I suspect he would not
have minded rescue himself.
The words were pure flirting and almost imperceptibly changed something in the
atmosphere and then intensified. A fuzzy sexual consciousness that had been there
all the time took center stage. Gaby felt the warm tongue licking their fur desire
and ardent cry your response. No atr Evia at him, but what other co sa could look?
The room was so small and he was so ... so - He swallowed, his mouth was as dry
as the golden sand beach by the sun.

- Maybe you should think about going home - she said slowly.
Nico had noticed how her body tensed, how his eyes looked wary.
He forced himself to stand firm against the demands of her hungry body, aware
that so surely scared and lost. Because sex was easy, he could get sex anytime they
wanted to. But I could not get a situation like this . How would having sex with a
woman who does not know who he was?
- Still not - he asked with his eyes fixed on view, taking a sip of wine -. You still
have not told me anything about you.
- Well, you know my name. I have twenty-six and was born in Somerset -. she
said, and looked at him with mocking eyes Now you know everything about me.
- Everything and nothing - he said, repeating her words ironic. - And the men who
were on board? Are any of them is your boyfriend?
Gaby felt her cheeks burning.
- You can not come and ask me something so suddenly! - Protested.
- Why not?
- Because I thought we were having a polite conversation, and such questions are
out of all the rules!
- A polite conversation? - He repeated in a whisper. - Oh, I think not, cara mia.
When a man and a woman having a conversation, there is always an internal
dialogue. What one says is never what they're really thinking, in the background.
"Or else, I would be telling you that want to feel your naked body against mine,
taste your tongue while licking my lips and hear you scream with pleasure as I
penetrated for the first time. "

Those words whispered increased caution her, but also the feeling of a tense
expectation. Should not be anxious to leave? Instead, he could not take his eyes off
the captivating sensuality of her lips, the firm lines and marked his body ... He
could not stop thinking about how awesome it was to be naked.
His voice interrupted his thoughts.
- And good? - He gently insisted. - Want to run the dungeon to greet any of them?
- Yuck! No thanks - Gaby said, shuddering -. Neither is my boyfriend, never will
be. Mark is simply someone who I met through work.
He paused, remembering what had been entrusted.
- He invited me to spend the weekend with friends - continued - but when I
arrived, I discovered that his idea of how we would spend time together was
different from mine.
- What happened?
- We made it clear that I was not interested in him, and that was when he decided
to have the affair with the bottle of whiskey, instead of me - she said, and her voice
trembled slightly. - There I began to panic.
Nico recalled how she had clung to him on the cover, and how had he shrunk the
stomach to hear the groan of protest that it had issued to leave her alone for a
moment. He recalled how the the had clung his hand, as if his life depended on it.
Rescuing a woman evoked a powerful and primitive feelings, recognized him,
feeling the q ue was not used, and which were much more powerful to ignore her
who he really was. This was also an unusual feeling.
He wanted to make love, but now could not. Making love to a woman in her
territory was always a very sensitive issue. And he had no desire to destroy the

trust she had in him, not to abuse their position. When taken to bed, would be on
equal terms. And if you want that to happen, should return to England lifting the
least possible scandal.
- You wanna go home? - He asked suddenly.
Gaby That question caught off guard, and waited for his expression did not reveal
his disappointment. What did you expect, stay there indefinitely, in that beautiful
place, with that strong, handsome man who had saved her, as if they were Adam
and Eve, with the inevitable discovery of their sexuality?
He managed a smile trembling.
- Well, I suppose I must.
He caught his reticence, and that only made to increase his desire for her. But, as
had mentioned before, hunger made everything taste better ...
He took a last generation mobile phone pocket of his pants.
- I'll prepare everything.
He went outside to have coverage and she heard him speak Spanish in low and
fast voice. Then he went back into the cabin.
- Can we go flying in the next hour.
She was unable to hide his embarrassment.
- So soon? But my ticket is from Nice, and it is far from here.
- We'll travel in my private jet.
She frowned.
- That can it be?

Again, he drilled his eyes, but too was enjoying the feeling of anonymity to end
it. And besides, was not lying. I was just telling the truth in a somewhat different
- My ... Chief said nonchalantly explained - is an immensely rich and generous
man. And I am qualified pilot. So I can take you home.
Briefly eye to eye in crossfire remained.
- That, of course, if you trust who can fly the plane and take you home smoothly
He had rescued the boat and made sure not spend the night in jail. The'd care
while she was lost in the delirium of fever, why would not trust him?
And when the called "face" that way ...
- But you can go just like that? Did not mind your boss?
-. In absolute Also, I have to do some business in England, and I can do both this
weekend and next.
She noticed the glow of anticipation that illuminated the dark eyes, the smile that
curved her lips irresistibly, and felt the wild beat of his heart.
- That's ... it's very kind of you - she said.
The question "why" remained in the air.
He shook his head slightly. "Friendly" was a very English description, one that
had never been applied to it.
- Friendly? No, face, is something much more basic than that - he stopped,
suddenly aware of the irony of his words -. You see, I'm finding that I'm as
susceptible as any man to spell beautiful green eyes and about as soft lips a flower.

Gaby felt her cheeks burning. There was no doubt that this was a hint. What
would she do? After all, what she had in common with the foreigner as vital, your
watercraft, his pilot's license and ability to prepare a delicious meal in the simplest
environment? And who lived on an island, far from his world ...
The shadow of a smile flitted from one face of sharp features.
- Would you like to have dinner with me, once we are in England?
If preferred for him outside, sharing breakfast, but that inevitably happen next.
By beating runaway your heart, someone might think that Gaby had never been
invited to dinner, but really felt like well, like all the invitations until then had been
only trials to the real time. And found smiling with lips that had never before
considered soft as a flower, but they parted like petals.
- Thanks - murmured -. I would.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 4
"S nly is a dinner date," Gaby herself was repeated. Then, why was he so
nervous? Why hands smoothed her dress were so moist and pale and cold lips?
They were painted criticism lightly and looked in the mirror.
The silky black dress shone over the curves of her buttocks and breasts,
contrasting provocatively with buttons that formed a line from the neck to the
The black sandals realzaban his legs, and wearing only ornament was a black
velvet choker inlaid with jet black so black and shiny as the eyes of Nico.
For the thousandth time, Gaby looked at the time and again arranged dress, with
the mind set on the extraordinary events of the past two days, which had
culminated in that Nico had brought him to England piloting the plane.
She had spent the flight drinking a fruit cocktail and looking around in disbelief.
Thus it was that the head of Nico won life, must have been a huge success for
owning a plane like this.
He had then looked back to the cabin, and has b ed seen Nico sitting in front of a
lit like a Christmas tree display. His fingers caressed the main control as if it were
the body of a woman, and she had shuddered, unable to help. Decidedly, there was
something very sexy about a man knew fly a plane, but then again, she had never
met anyone like that!
- Here you are, at home - he had muttered Nico with bright eyes, when she had
entered the cockpit after the successful landing.

When piloting a plane, Nico always felt invaded by euphoria, like when sailing,
climbing or diving into the deep to explore the beautiful coral reefs around
Mardivino. Some people called it live dangerously, he called simply live.
- Thanks - Gaby said, praying that the invitation to dinner it was serious. - It was
a magnificent flight.
- When will I see you again? - He asked drawled. - Tonight?
He destroyed it, but Gaby shook her head. A woman should never be too easy,
everyone knew that!
- No, I'm afraid not tonight. I have to catch up on many issues.
He raised his eyebrows.
- Canclalos - said arrogantly.
Their eyes met. Gaby sensed that he was used to that, you get what you want
without effort. Well, if he was not prepared to wait even a day then was wasting
his time with her.
- I'm sorry - she said coldly. - I can not. I've been out and I need to catch the
rhythm of work, see what has happened during my absence ... you know.
With great effort, he hid his twinge of irritation and shrugged.
- Sure. So ... when? Tomorrow night, or else you'll be busy?
Gaby caught the sarcasm in his voice.
- Tomorrow will be fine - answered flatly, but the small victory had resisted only
increased his apprehension.
I was not dealing with the kind of man she usually had treatment. Nico was
different, and not just because he was abroad and overwhelmed r ely attractive.

piloted aircraft and rescuing women lost ships. He was a man from head to toe ,
with their appetites, and she still did not know enough to know how to treat ...
- Give me your address - he told -. I'll pick you up around eight. We'll go
somewhere around here, unless you prefer we meet in London.
Gaby's brain worked in a hurry. London supposed problems such as after dinner
late and he suggested spending the night in a hotel. And she had never been the
kind of woman who slept with a man on the first date. Slightly aghast at the path
that took their thoughts, Gaby shook his head.
- There is a lovely restaurant near where I live. I'll take you there.
At eight o'clock, Nico rang the doorbell, surrounded by the scent of flowers
carrying warm air. Rosas summer blooming profusely around the door of the house
of Gaby, such a beautiful home and a picture of a old box of chocolates.
Nico then had a vague sense of detachment, as if he could not believe where he
was or what he was doing, thousands of miles away from their usual world and all
its limits and rules.
The door opened and suddenly could no longer think clearly because she was
sensational, with a black slinky dress that made her body seemed wrapped in
licorice. And he imagined licking it up to remove it ...
He smiled.
- Ciao, Gaby - said softly.
Gaby looked at him, but could not speak, because ... Oh, he really was
In Mardivino they had captivated his strength and his amazing appearance,
qualities that seemed to have increased a thousand times. Maybe it was because I

was seeing outside their natural habitat, as if he had planted an exotic flower in a
garden city.
The alt ura him TOWARDS your porch covered with fl owers seems a doll house,
and next to the brightest colors of your garden seemed insignificant. Her skin
glowed with an olive tone, and wearing a soft linen and Fresh protruding muscles.
His eyes shone, and there, under the best English sun, vitality was almost indecent,
like any other man on the face of the earth seems only half a man beside her.
Gaby felt his heart quicken and her mouth went dry.
- Hello, Nico.
A Nico had happened to her that perhaps she had been researching Mardivino and
that things had just changed irrevocably. Does she know what ya? He watched
intently, but his eyes gave no sign that he had learned. He raised his eyebrows as
he asked:
- Are you hungry?
She felt that she would not be able to eat anything, but it was the least diplomatic
thing he could say before a dinner date.
- Hope you like the restaurant ... - said breathlessly, because the warm, manly
scent of him seemed to be stroking the skin.
He smirked, enjoying his answer. The question had not uttered had already
received a reply: brightness liked by those emerald eyes convinced him that, for
her, he remained simply "Nico".
- You are very pretty - said softly.

Strangely, his compliment had the opposite effect that he intended to get. He
returned to Gaby to reality, made him see things as they were, not as she wanted to
be. She was not beautiful, just reasonably attractive.
- The Mediterranean men are always best compliments saying that the English she observed coldly.
- Which exp li ca why Mediterranean women accept them better - he replied
Oh, I wish I could go back in time and repeat this scene !, Gaby wanted. Was it
going to ruin the night before it started? He smiled apologetically.
- U r right.
- Shall we try again? - He teased, a smile -. You're beautiful.
- Thank You.
- You are quite welcome.
Gaby felt his heart pounding. Given that look, he wished that he took her in his
arms and kissed her; He wished to caress her cheek, as if to make sure he was flesh
and blood, and not a figment of your imagination ... But he refrained.
- Would you like ... this ... drink before? - She asked -. Or we go straight?
A Nico thought she was a lioness protecting her lair, and clearly nervous about if
I let him cross the threshold or not! He never had to behave like the rest of men,
nor follow their rules, and at that time saw some of its drawbacks.
He shook his head vigorously, recognizing the need to take a neutral territory.
-. We do not Let the restaurant - he said.

It was too hot to wear coat, and walked side by side down the main street of the
city, bathed in the amber sunlight. An old man was in his garden, pruning roses,
and smiled as she passed him.
- Beautiful night, is not it? - Commented the man.
- It is fabulous - Gaby said, casting a fleeting profile marked dark Nico to look.
The restaurant was on the side of the main road near the church. It was small, and
had an enthusiastic amateur, but had spread their fresh seasonal food, and almost
always full and it was very difficult to get a table. But in hot nights like this, put
out tables on the terrace and the adjacent lawn.
Gaby saw a couple of women they turned to look at them as they were led to a
table under a chestnut tree. They said I should not be surprised, Nico was
exceptionally handsome and stood out from the crowd. And besides, there were
many Latinos monuments like him strolling through the streets of Greenhampton!
- You'll have to ask me, face - he said, once seated at the table and returning the
letter to the waitress.
- What do you like?
-. Everything I like everything - he said while staring -. I have very broad tastes.
Oh dear ... Gaby was aware of the sudden wave of desire to be caught by the jet
brightness of her eyes. It was as if no man had looked before, but really none had
done, not with a sensuality so manifest . Still, his silent flirtation not departed from
his cold self-control, which was very strange with its warm aspect of Latin.
Gaby asked asparagus and prawns, and a very cold wine and flirting eyes warned
the waitress gave her to him, though, which honored him, he showed no reaction.

The sky had turned dark blue, softened by the last orange rays of the sun. In the
distance, some birdsong and the sound of crickets is rarely heard. Nico sat
purposefully back to other people. He tried wine and let out a long, deep breath as
he felt the tension leave your body.
- It's a good wine remarked.
She looked at him.
- I know.
He laughed and looked into her eyes.
- Tell me, how long you've been living here?
-. About three years I went to college near here and I really enjoyed this, but until
I knew what I wanted to devote not took root.
He stroked his glass reflective fingertips.
- Actually, I know nothing about you - he said.
- True - she confirmed, and laughed. - Maybe it's because of the particular way
we have known.
That phrase awoke slightly cautious Nico, until reminded himself that women
liked to believe that every encounter with a new man could be a Romeo and Juliet
type story. And if he wanted, what could go overlooked .
He took another sip of wine.
- Tell me about yourself.
- Well, I studied history in college.
He breathed deeply and told how he had been changing from one job to another,
how he had never felt real satisfaction in their work and had believed unable to

commit to anything, until one day an American cousin had complained that it was
impossible to discover the "real" England, that everywhere was the same type of
spectacle for tourists. Foreign visitors wanted to see places that come out of the
traditional routes, sights and wonderful gardens that were not crowded by
weekenders with cameras Photo and video.
- So you saw a gap in the market? - He asked.
-. Absolutely . I dedicated myself to find the best lodges and not large castles, and
found very nice hotels that do not belongs to hotel chains cyan Look simple
restaurants, like this one, the kind of sites that you do not normally hear. I got a
loan and founded the company Authentic England, I announced on the Internet and
now the business is taking off. Even I had to hire a person to work with me.
- Go! - He exclaimed, with bright eyes -. I'm impressed.
- And that's me - Gaby said, and leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands -.
Do you?
They waited in silence for the waitress served them food, dishes and both looked
as if they were intruders.
Nico ate a prawn, save more manners than hunger.
- I work in the field of tourism, but in a different way.
- Ah yes? What are you doing?
- Well, it's complicated. It would take hours to explain.
And he did not hours. Not to pass them talking. He leaned toward her and came a
faint scent of lilacs.
-. Let's talk about boring things like work, Gaby Because in a night like this, we're
not saying cries for participating in our conversation, can you hear it?

She looked into his eyes, feeling it melted, knowing what was coming next, and
scared and anxious at the same time to hear it.
- Like what?
-. Like the fact that I expected much as I could and now I want to kiss you And if
we ordered more food, it will be a complete waste, because what I want is to take
back home, where they can kiss in private - said him, and his eyes flashed as she
recreated her lips -. Surprised?
- No, not surprised - she replied slowly.
Those words had left his senses raw, awakening their deepest desire.
Had he desired to other men, of course, but never that way with a powerful
craving that seemed stealing her breath, heart and judgment. He shook his head
- So if you're not surprised, what's happening? - He murmured.
He stroked her eyes, and she felt the warm pulse of blood urging her, encouraging
her to say what she really wanted.
- I'm impatient, I guess - said hoarsely, and swallowed.
He narrowed his eyes, momentarily surprised by her reaction, but the unexpected
was a potent aphrodisiac. He pulled out his wallet, extracted several airplane and
left on the table.
- It was supposed to I invite you, for all your help - Gaby protested.
- Calla - he said softly. - And you left too much money - she added, as he stood
- Then, the waitress will be a pleasant surprise, eh?

Gaby hoped he could afford it, it was a generous gesture not only to impress her.
But he had already surrounded his shoulders with one arm, and his fingertips
brushed his skin, and the only thing she could think of was in tact.
They eagerly took to the streets and, once they were out of sight of customers, he
pulled her tightly to him, choosing a dark site where no one would see as a
university that wants intimacy without ruining your reputation.
They had a long time to get to that point, but at last she was in his arms, and he
kissed her and she kissed him back, and suddenly things started to get out of hand.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 5
- N ico! - Gaby gasped when he placed his lips on hers, causing an anxious
- Yay? what? - He whispered impatiently, pressing his hips against hers and
listening triumphant another moan.
- We can not do this! - Gaby said, closing his eyes as he felt the center I wish him
hard as a rock -. Not here!
Nico was still. Did she thought he was going to have her right there? What would
drop their pants and pull down her panties, and to do so against the wall? His
desire intensified to almost make you crazy, and pulled her mouth and closed her
eyes, trying desperately to regain control over your breathing.
- Movmonos - ordered.
He took her hand and Gaby allowed, so stunned that this could have been the
people of him, not his, as she blindly followed his steps until they reached home.
A Gaby both hands trembled as he tried to open the door, he had to grab the keys.
Once in the hall, he turned to her, made her lift her chin and saw the concern on his
face, furrowed frown.
- What's going on?
- What will you think of me? - She murmured.
Nico suppressed a smile. He knew this game. The women wanted sex as much as
men, but they needed respectability clothe; as if sex could be considered
respectable ...

- What do I think? I think you're beautiful, face, and I really want to make love.
She pulled away from him, her eyes glazed with desire, but many years of
conditioning could not suppress a couple of hours. He gestured toward the kitchen.
- Maybe ... should prepare some coffee.
For a moment, he could not believe it. She had just been in his arms, about to
surrender to him, and now he was distancing? That was incredible, unheard of! Felt
the throbbing in his groin primitive. If he approached her again and touched her,
you repeat your actions? He thought not.
But something stopped him, and was more than the inconceivable idea that she
held firm in his decision. No, again was the attractive prospect to experience what
other men found every day in their lives; they had to fight for what they wanted.
For once, I was on equal terms with a woman, when usually everything was in its
favor. Did not he had wondered, over the years, how would it be if a woman
treated as a normal man, knowing that That surely would never happen? Well, at
that time had the chance to find out.
The gods had blessed with good looks and a good brain, as well as the honor and
burden of both rights and duties of birth, so I wanted to see if they alone were
sufficient to achieve what we wanted so ardently.
- Maybe you should - he said with a tone full compression.
Gaby's lower lip. Does a part of her had not wanted him to overlook their doubts
and fears and arrogantly take her in his arms and kissed her breathless?
- Do you ... want a coffee?
To her horror, she began to shake violently, and Nico watched squinting before
raising his hand and gently stroke her lips.

- You know what I think? - He whispered.

Gaby shook his head.
- I think you've already sufficiently defended your position as a woman. The
honor has remained. But now you want to kiss you again - said, and for a second
eyes widened, like a predator cat -. Am I right, cara mia ?
She looked at him. "Yes, you're right," he thought. "Kiss me. Now. "
He read the silent request in her eyes and leaned forward, running his mouth one
slow and exploratory way her lips with the most delicate touch, barely touching
her, which made her pulse and accelerated to soar even more. The soft kiss - not
kiss continued until she felt she would die of frustration, but finally the tip of his
tongue probed her lips, moistening, and she licked anxious, wanting to taste it. It
was more than before, but still was not enough, and Gaby groaned.
Then he raised his head with a look of slight bewilderment softening the desire
that had hardened the features of his face.
- Want more?
She nodded.
- Say It.
- Yes, yes. More. More!
- Good girls so please ask - he said, in a hoarse voice suddenly, and this time the
kiss was anxious and explorer.
Gaby felt his knees were weak will, as if the bones will dissolve, and maybe he
felt it too, because he grabbed her up and took her to the living room. He lay on the
couch and placed her on top, straddling so that her warm thighs pressed against her

Gaby closed his eyes and gave him. He could feel every muscle and every nerve
in his body, and evidence of how much he wanted as he pressed his hips against
- Can you feel me? - He murmured.
- Yup.
He came even closer.
- And now?
Oh, God, how he was pressing against her was almost indecent, despite the
barrier of clothing. She nodded vigorously as he slid his hands up and down her
slit. Gaby felt weak, dazed by the fact of being letting you do that so easily. It was
as if he had bewitched. That was wrong, she knew it was wrong, but did not want
him to stop. I could not stop it.
- Nico ...
Her trembling hands slid between ebony curls of her hair and then fell to his
shoulders. Through linen shirt, he felt those strong muscles, and dug her fingers
into his skin.
- Nico! - Moaned, gasping.
- Nico, what?
- Kiss me again.
He kissed her to clear all your doubts, until she became docile. Only then he
turned away from his mouth. He began to undo the buttons of her dress, one by
one, and she felt the cool breeze on her hot skin as he took off the shoulder dress.
The pupils were dilated him to see how her nipples were apparent under the satin
and lace of her bra.

- I want to see your breasts - possessive he murmured, stroking one of the upright
conscience nipples -. Can I?
A wave of pleasure so fierce it almost hurt washed over her body.
- Yup.
He slid his hand down her back, she unhooked her bra with ease and her breasts
were free, magnificent. Nico felt his sex even more hardened.
- What panties? - He asked hesitantly. - Are you wearing matching panties?
They had put together especially for this, wanting it to happen.
- Yup.
- Can I see them?
She knew what he wanted to do. It felt like a puppet in the hands of an
accomplished teacher, her dress pulled over her head and dropped it on the floor.
He heard the change in his breath as his eyes drank your waist, how silk was of her
hips and her bare thighs open about it. Then Gaby felt a sudden shyness. But that
shyness changed to a womanly pride when he saw the hungry and possessive look
on his face.
He leaned back slightly, as if appreciating a painting, and recorded curves and
shadows of his body. The skin is sunburned had adopted a golden glow that
highlighted more underwear. He wished tear it and make love while still wearing.
But it was impossible to meet both fantasies ...
He slid his hand into her panties, watching her pupils will be dilated with pleasure
as he caressed her in her most secret place, feeling the warm moisture through silk
and observing how she writhed against his fingers instinctively .
- Nico! - She screamed.

He wanted to tell him to unbutton his pants, had a terrible desire that she undress
him like an ordinary man. But it was not and never would be.
He picked her up effortlessly while the zipper down and pants, shoes and socks
eagerly took off. He warned that she was totally committed to it, slowly she
lowered her panties and took them off. Then he lowered about it and Gaby
suddenly opened his eyes. He looked alarmed and confused as I felt the first touch
of his nakedness against her.
Everything was happening so fast, too fast. Should it be so, make love on the
couch for the first time when u n were partially clothed? The blood rush in my ears
and Gaby shuddered as he felt he shot her.
- Do not ... do not prefer to go to bed, Nico? - She asked, in a whisper.
There was something innocent about that question, something that sparked his
conscience, as if he had broken a cardinal rule did not know.
God forgive him for that assault, to take just what he wanted. And above all, for
failing to take precautions! He stifled a groan of frustration and forced herself to
contain her overwhelming desire for a moment, as he hair back from her face.
- But do not know where the bed! - He snapped his strained voice -. you show me
the way, Gabriella?
That was what she had thought and therefore tried to leave him. But the move
backfired as it made the tip of the members of it were placed within her, and she
knew she could not move. A delicious hot and unstoppable began to seize it.
He squinted.
- Too late? - Involved.
Oh, yeah, too late.

- After - she managed it -. I'll show you later.

But now urged him like there's no tomorrow. Nico could barely think straight
while looking for his pants and pulled blindly them the necessary protection.
Hypnotized by the movement of her breasts, penetrated with a groan, holding hips
to delve into it further.
- Nico!
The cry of pleasure escaped her lips. Heaven saint! She was a beast! He grabbed
his shirt and began to unbuckle, whispering his name as he moved inside her, and
then saying moaned again and again, as if he could not pronounce it enough times.
He sought to calm her with deep, lingering kisses, but what we got was intensified
his desire to lose control. And he was free to afford. Free as a lion. Never before
had felt free. It was unknown and free. Simply Nico.
Still lost in the rhythm, caressed her breasts, feeling the nipples harden under his
hands, and a wave of pleasure almost made him have an orgasm.
- Gabriella ...
He made his name with a shudder of awe that was almost a plea, and Gaby
opened his eyes and stared at him, seeing his soul, seeing the essence of man, and
that's when the pleasure wrapped completely.
- Oh! - He cried softly, and higher and higher. - Oh! Oh! Oooh!
He felt that followed, carried away by a wave after another, and hugged her
tightly, almost reverentially, until the storm had subsided.
Gaby, amazed and satisfied, felt his heart beat with a primitive rhythm, feeling his
chest rise and rest on him. It took a few minutes to realize that he had fallen asleep,
and welcomed the respite. I was shocked by the depth your response to him.

She had never been so uninhibited, never in his life. Abstracted, he placed a kiss
on the silky skin of her shoulder as he writhed lazily, she turned her head slightly.
The last rays of sun came through the door terrace, illuminating as two dancers, as
they lay sated and intimately bound on the couch.
With horror, Gaby suddenly realized that I had not thought for a moment of
privacy, and not obscured until ten!
Hell, anyone could have seen them! Oh, God. Gaby felt guilt and dyed her cheeks
flushed and agitated gently to Nico. But could not resist walking your fingers for
that silky.
- Nico! - Urged him gently. - Nico, wake up!
Nico stirred. There was great ... there was much peace ... and a beautiful light
illuminated them. The total relaxation was an unusual state in it, so valuable, so he
sighed and tried to fall back asleep. I did not want to leave that place. He shook his
- Do Not!
- Nico, wake up! You must!
That female voice slipped inside and brought him back to real life. The word
"must" he twitched. It was a very unusual word for it.
Nico opened his eyes and found the slanted over hers, his tousled hair, her kissswollen lips, and her naked breasts pressing against him soft pink face it.
Che cosa stava accendendo?
It took a couple of seconds to realize.
The woman in the boat! He had come to his house and made love to her. He
raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It had been very fast.

He returned to gaze upon her pose.

- Ciao, bella - said softly in Italian.
Gaby tensed and indefinable quality made it different from the man who said his
name with the voice broken by passion. Suddenly, she felt intimidated by it. It was
more than that, suddenly he was a stranger, a stranger too sexy who had just made
- We must move - she said embarrassed.
- Move rn?
It was stupid to feel shy after what just happened.
- Al upstairs - she added -. . A bed in case ...
He shrugged and pointed to the window.
- Well, I would not want anyone to see us n! You know ...
Nico froze.
Oh, yes, of course I knew. I knew there were people who paid countless amounts
of money for information like this. He pursed his lips. What the hell had been
thinking? Carefully, he removed himself and sat up, shaking his head in disbelief
and furious with himself, as he was fully aware of their revolt clothes.
- Have bathroom? - Asked tersely.
The bubble burst into a myriad of drops. How dare he use that tone with her?
- What do you think? - She snapped.
He warned the angry look on his face and wanted to applaud her for not bothering
to mask it behind a smile. But why should I? She did not know who he was!

Without warning, she pulled away from him and stood up, automatically
searching your panties, and remembering that he's been broken.
- I'll show you where it is - said angrily - and then you can go.
He stood up instantly amazed by so sexy movement of his buttocks, and even
more authoritarian way she was treating him.
He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her hair from her neck to stroke his chin.
- Do not be angry with me, Gabriella, cara mia.
- So do not make me angry.
He returned to stroke his neck and neck.
- Am I doing mad now? - He murmured.
She closed her eyes.
- In fact, you will clawing my skin - replied weakly.
- But you like it?
Oh, yes, loved, loved like everything he had done since he had touched the
doorbell. But if you stopped to consider how they behaved like two ... two ...
She turned to face him.
- Do you behave like this normally?
- Do not you? - He replied.
- Of course not!
- Well, you should - he ruled, thoughtful -. Of course you should. You have an
exceptional talent to make the best of a man ...

She raised her hand to slap him, but he grabbed her wrist before she could touch
- Do you dare to hit me? - He asked indignantly.
She realized what he had been about to do and was horrified.
- Oh, God, Nico, sorry! I had never tried hitting a man! Do Not Ever!
He stared at her.
- And what I have, that makes you behave so differently?
She shook her head frantically.
- Maybe it's that I'm angry at myself for habe rm and behaved in an outrageous
manner. For afford ... For wanting you ... - she finished, her voice trembling.
- Why wish me? - He repeated, hugging her tightly and burying his face in her
hair to hide his smile of joy. - Is that it?
That told him all he needed to know. She liked sex, and him too. They had hit it
off creating dynamite, and could do it again. He had before him a beautiful and
captivating woman whose appetite matched his. Two bodies in complete harmony,
with the addition of the distance between them, which would keep alive the desire
and the boredom away. Yes, it would be a perfect lover.
More sooner or later he would have to reveal his true identity, but would not
anticipate that problem because, when he had not worked as a last resort to go
crazy women? Do not tell yet. I wanted to enjoy that freedom while he could.
He bent down to pick up her dress and held it out, placing his other hand just
below her belly. The tips of his fingers played between her wet hair, and his eyes
shone with excitement when she took a breath ragged, full of pleasure .
- Are not you going to show me where the bedroom is? - He asked drawled.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 6
E l phone rang and Gaby started. "Leave it to sound", she told herself. Because if
it was Nico, there was nothing sadder than sitting by the phone waiting for it to
- I'll call you, cara mia - I had promised him, after a long kiss that left her
And then he was gone, with half the buttons of his shirt torn. He had stopped at
the door and had looked at his shirt, with a quizzical expression on his face.
- Thankfully, no I have to go to any meetings - had commented.
- And where are you going?
- To London.
And then, because I needed to do things exactly as he had imagined, he kissed her
- I'll call - he had promised.
But until then I had not. Surely it would be busy, or at least that was what she was
repeated again and again, trying not p onerse nervous, hoping that he actually
called. Because the alternative was too hard for taken into account: that was a
phrase he had said to walk away from it without causing a scene. She fell into his
arms with almost embarrassing ease, and perhaps it had happened that so
masculine desire it and then despise what he had achieved so easily.
But it was not only his pride that made him to hope that he had told the truth, it
was mostly that was dying to talk to him. She had believed him when they had

been lying there, Nico caressing your skin, saying it was the best lover she'd ever
had, because she wanted to believe, needed to believe. As if that way justify his
uninhibited behavior. And his words were almost offset the fact he left before
midnight. The mocking whisper of "Goodbye Cinderella" you rang in the ears.
Gaby lifted the receiver.
- Hello?
- Gaby?
He was about to lie to mourn and hang up, because the voice was deep and
foreign, and instantly recognized, though he pretended it was not.
- Yes, it's me - responded cautiously.
- G aby, I'm Mark.
- Oh hey.
The coldness won his voice naturally. She hoped never to hear from him after the
disastrous episode of the ship.
- What I can do for you? - He added.
- How did you avoid being thrown in the dungeon with the rest of us? - He asked.
- I was the only one who was not drunk, if you do not remember! And she was
- That I had already deducted.
- Look, Mark, I'm busy ...
- Not enough to hear what I have to say.
Gaby frowned, something in the tone he warned that there could be problems.
- What is it?

There was a pause tinged with ill-concealed nervousness.

- You know the guy who called the police?
- You mean the man who rescued us?
- Yeah. Well, it never guess what it's called?
No need to guess. I knew his name, as he knew his kiss had gone up to heaven
and his tongue had guaranteed a permanent place in paradise. Gaby shuddered with
a mixture of pleasure and the feeling that maybe would never know it.
- Nico - answered -. It is called Nico.
- That is not your real name!
A bad feeling began to assault her.
- What do you mean?
- His real name is Nicolo!
- Well, he has shortened - Gaby replied coldly. - Many people do, for example,
me. So what?
- Nicolo of Mardivino - he said, emphasizing it carefully.
She still did not grasp the issue.
- Yes, that's where he lives.
- The Prince Nicolo! - He triumphantly declared.
- Mark, have you been drinking again?
But as he asked the question, the significance of his words finally permeated ella,
and almost that he fell down the handset.
- What did you say? - She asked in a whisper.

- He's a prince!
- Of course not! He's ... it's ...
But words failed him, instinct told him he had to believe the unbelievable.
Although she was determined to fight that instinct, as he said something he did not
want to hear.
- I do not think so - he said.
- Check it then! He is the youngest of the princes, are three! It's a little playboy,
as expected - he said, and laughed rudely. - It's a daredevil and womanizer.
She dug her fingers into the handset.
- Anything else, Mark?
He adopted a malicious tone.
- What happened when we went? You slept with him?
Gaby hung up tightly with trembling hands.
Of course it was not a prince! The princes did not go around rescuing women,
caring for, and appearing later in his door, and ...
And making love.
Hardly aware of what he did, he approached his computer and typed the words
"Mardivino Prince Nicolo" in an Internet search engine, and was horrified to find
that there were 36. . 700 entries Agreed to the first and waited for what seemed an
eternity, until finally appeared: a photograph of Nico, who, it seemed, was not
simply Nico, but His Serene Highness Prince Louis Fantone Nicolo Cacciatore.

There were details of his education in Mardivino, France and Italy, and pictures
of him with his family unless that family posing in the throne room, adorned with
gold and precious stones.
Gaby felt he was going to get sick.
The powerful car ran narrow roads like a silver predator, and Nico looked back at
the mirror, but the trail behind it remained empty.
Should having phoned?
No, it was better that way. Face to face, person to person.
He had a way with words and knew how to handle women. It would explain why
he had not told him who he was and would understand. And then kiss her again, so
she will forgive everything.
He felt the deep pain of desire, marred only partially by his conscience that sex
between them was too ...
He frowned. Too what? Intimate? The intimacy was dangerous, misleading and
should be avoided. To him weakened and women gave them hope. Hope that never
met, especially for someone like Gaby.
But she was all. Tender, passionate, hot, provocative and perhaps most powerful
of all that had been his tenderness, that Nico was unknown. He never allowed
people to approach him enough for there to be tenderness, and never expected. He
had invaded unexpectedly, like the feeling of a soft slumber after a sip of a
particularly good wine.
Maybe it was because he had not felt the need to lift the barriers that used to
protect himself. For once, he had been able to pretend it was a normal man, and she
had responded with a passion that had so caught off guard.

And he wanted more of that passion.

He parked on the road leading to her house, locked the car slowly, and keys got
into thoughtfully pocket, with a full awareness of lush green leaves of the trees and
the sun that filtered through them and illuminated the dusty road. He could hear the
sweet song of birds and that it Tra rendi, did his senses suddenly awakened h
"It's the power of having sex so new and different, "he said to himself. Before you
know it, your appetite was sick, and she had assumed something new and fresh.
Oh, how I wanted to taste it again ...
He rang the bell.
Out of sight, standing in the kitchen, Gaby heard the bell over his racing heart,
and thought about ignoring it. Would not that be best? Surely he would leave, and
so would everything. Do not imagine him standing outside his door, waiting
patiently all day, because that was not something that a prince did, right?
But if allowed to leave, then there would be a sense that it was over. Realistically,
she knew that their paths would never again crossed and never have the chance to
say what I meant. Or rather, to tell you what he needed to hear. That deceptive and
manipulative snake!
How did he react she expected?
He felt almost died, but managed to take a joyful expression of surprise on his
face as he opened the door. Even this was not completely false. Maybe he had
cheated, but that did not stop her body respond to him on a purely physical level.
And, as a man, he was a magnificent specimen. His long legs were covered with
dark jeans, wearing a black shirt that showed off every curve of her impressive

torso. His hair was tousled, as if he had been driving with removed hood, and his
eyes seemed os c uros gemstones on her olive skin.
But the image of jewelry reminded her, and had to restrain close the door shut.
- Nico! - Whispered, hoping to sound like a crazy woman for her new lover -. Do
not expect!
- I should have called.
She gave him the reproach of the smoothest way possible.
- Well, you said you would.
He unconsciously relaxed and felt the tension leave your body to realize that the
welcome was not a drama. So she did not know it! Which meant he would have to
tell him.
But not yet. After ...
First, I wanted to have another evening of amazing sex.
- Can I come in?
For a moment, Gaby felt the value left her. It would be easier and distract less if
she told him there in that moment. But then he took courage. She was not so weak
as to allow his imposing presence the influenced after what he had discovered,
Her mouth smiled. Incredible master of deception! Prince Nicolo of Mardivino
would taste their own medicine!
'Of course - she replied nonchalantly, and headed for the kitchen, for him to

Nico frowned. At that time, yes I was surprised. Did not she should have melted
in his arms? Do you regret what had happened between them? Had he come to the
conclusion that the last time had been too easy? The frown turned into a smile as
he recognized another facet of this unknown world. He could wait ... you would do
well to wait ... The food awaits his desire and power.
She was standing next to the refrigerator, looking like he was shooting an ad with
a bright smile on her face.
- What I can offer you, Nico? Champagne?
He began to feel uncomfortable. They had slept together, it was true, and had
been damned wonderful, but it was not enough to celebrate, do you? Searched his
memory, trying to remember what he had told her during those incredible hours in
bed. But no, he had not said anything that would give it the id ea that what was otr
to anything more than a brief romance.
- Do not you want champagne?
Then Gaby knew he could not maintain the facade any longer.
- In fact, I think it choke me.
He squinted.
- Then why ...?
- But that's probably because it's a cheap champagne - she interrupted, warning
surprise him.
Surely he was not used to something, she concluded, for someone to interrupt.
- I guess you're used to drinking only the best, right, Nicolo?

Nico felt a heavy heart for something like disappointment ... disappointment if it
was, he was not sure. But from what I was sure was himself his own stupidity. He
had been living in a fantasy he had invented.
- You know? - He asked weakly.
- Yup.
Of course he knew. Nico's mind began to spin. When he had known? When had
he opened his eyes to have overcome the fever? Or even before that? Maybe she
had known all along. Maybe he was wrong to judge her and she was an avid reader
of the tabloids, press reveled posting photos stolen from him.
Maybe she could not believe his luck had to open my eyes and find out who had
Would planned everything as he had thought at first? Was she prepared a
beautiful lure to catch a prince? Nico felt him tense.
- When did you know?
With a growing sense of disbelief, she stared at him, noticing the tone of
accusation in his voice.
- When do you think?
Then he began to wonder if his innocent and scandalous sex on the couch not
have been so innocent after all. What if there had been hiding photographers
outside? Photographers who could find some sickly website ... The awareness of
how unwise it was froze the blood in the veins.
- I do not know - he replied icily. - So I ask you.
She had begun the attack, but now felt on the defensive. How dare he? How dare

- You think you know all the time, right?

He hid his turbulent thoughts behind the mask of ice that was second nature.
- Did you know?
She opened her eyes wide.
- And you think that's why I slept with you?
- Was it?
If she had previously thought was going to be sick, nausea from that moment
transported to a new dimension. How could he think that about her?
And why would not it? She had behaved like a slut! He had been about to slap
him once, but could neither would try again. Because, as we now know, he could
have made the arrest, accusing it of some sort of treason!
The truth came by his s lips like a torrent,
- I had no idea who you were, so you know! I thought you were just a man who
worked for a millionaire - said with eyes blazing. - Why not going to believe? One
is not every day a prince.
He realized he had hurt his pride. He wished to go back and remove what he said,
but could not, so instead he approached her, his hands outstretched in a gesture of
- Gabriella ...
- The name I use - interrupted her, furious - is Gaby ... like yours is N ic olo.
That's the reality. And the two people who made the mistake of intimacy were not
real. You were living a fantasy, so leave it at that, okay?

The sharpness of it shocked him as much as the realization that this was not
something you could fix with its charm. No, if he had in mind the furious
expression on his face.
- What if I say I do not want to quit? - He asked softly.
The look of her response was charged with contempt.
- I gather that your whole life has accomplished exactly what you wanted ...
He was kind enough to shrug.
- Well, because this time you will not get it! I want you to leave now, and I never
want to see you anymore - she said, and took a deep breath, afraid to do something
to repent later break to mourn and humiliation.
Much worse than the shocking realization that he had cheated, he had been led to
believe a farce, was the pain I felt inside. She had been enthralled with him, he had
given his heart besides his body, and aho ra needed a painful surgery to mend his
- I do not like anyone to laugh at me - he added.
How dare he be so insolent? How dare he talk to him that way ?, Nico asked,
knowing he should turn around, go and forget about it forever.
- Is that what you want? - He asked gravely.
- Should I say it in French? - She sneered. - Or in Italian or Spanish? What do I
best would understand it?
His outburst of anger had it done relax enough so he could catch her off guard. He
slid his fingertips along the silky skin of her cheeks, and warned the sudden
trembling of her lips and dilation of the pupils with a strange, heady triumph.

Was innate in him fight for what I wanted to prove to himself that he was able to
achieve on its own merits, and not rely on titles that were with him, by accident,
since he was born.
- Very good - he murmured in Castilian, instinctively returning to the ancient
language of their ancestors, the Spanish conquistadors who had fought so hard to
Mardivino -. 'll leave, Gabriella, and you reflect on your madness much as you
want. Because it is crazy .
His eyes shone with the heat of battle.
- Are you keeping a battle with yourself for no reason, because you still want me
as much as I want you, - he concluded.
- You really live in the country of fantasy! - She said scathingly.
The heat of desire seized him.
- Will you be mine again - he promised softly, kissing her hand before turning
and leaving your house slamming the door.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 7
G aby stared at the letter as if contaminated. - You do not seem very excited Rachel said with bright eyes -. Most people would be jumping for joy at having
received a request from a royal family!
He took the letter and read it again as reverently as if it were one of the Dead Sea
- I can not believe it! A letter from the consortium of tourism Mardivino repeated in wonder - asking our professional advice!
Gaby sighed and ran a faint smile to his assistant. Rachel was young and
enthusiastic, but just these qualities, which had hired, made him difficult to
understand why she had no intention of accepting the job. Although, if you stopped
to I thought, how could I explain it to anyone, and that the facts sounded credible?
What if you simply let go? He could imagine how the conversation would be:
"You know ?,'s just - a ruse to get me to go to Mardivino, Rachel.
- And why is that, Gaby?
- Well, the Prince rescued me from a boat adrift, but I knew then there was a
prince. Then he came here for dinner and went to bed, and when I discovered that
he deceived me, I said I never wanted to never see it. "
Gaby chose his words carefully. Maybe it was more advisable to hide behind a
professional concern.
- Honestly, Rachel, I'm not sure I have time to go - he lied.
Rachel looked at her like she was crazy.

- But I can take care of the office here, you know I can! - He exclaimed, and
suddenly his face assumed a pained expression. - Unless, of course, you do not
believe me capable of carrying the office, but you should let me try it before!
- Of course you can!
Rachel shook her head.
- I mean ... this seems straight out of a fairytale!
Maybe yes, thought Gaby, but not in the way that Rachel was talking about. It
certainly looked like the part of the story where the apple biting the protagonist's
plunged into a dream than a hundred years, or where the float glass he became
pumpkin. It was the dark side of fairy tale.
- It could become a much bigger project than a small company like ours can
Rachel waved his hands as if to say so what?
- If it is too large, we can hire more staff!
Gaby looked at his assistant while an idea began to take shape in his mind. It was
a solution that would not only save you the skin, but deeply thrilled to Rachel. And
the Prince Nicolo Louis Fantone Cacciatore could not object .. .
- Can you go out and buy some bread to eat? - He asked innocently.
As Rachel left, Gaby grabbed the thick cream paper sheet embossed letterhead
and dialed the phone with trembling hands, not believing that connect directly to
the Royal Palace Mardivino.
But he hit, and nearly fell to him earphone when he heard the soft and enveloping
- Hello? I am Nicolo.

How should I address him? How Nico, Nicolo, Prince ...? Or perhaps most
appropriate of all, like a rat!
- Nico? - He asked, coldly, without any formality.
Amid the opulent and quiet of his office palace splendor, Nico felt the deep beat
of his heart to hear her voice. I knew it would.
- Ciao, Gabriella - greeted softly. - Have you received my letter?
- How else would not know your phone number? - She asked icily.
Nico felt his pulse quicken even more. He constantly looking for new adventures,
and never before realized how exciting it would be an insult.
- So, when are you coming? - He asked cheerfully.
Oh, his answer was going to give much pleasure to Gaby! It would be a little
revenge, that was true, but a powerful revenge, heal some of the pain and
humiliation I felt.
- I'm not going. I'll send my assistant in my place.
There was a pause.
- Oh, no, not going to do it - he said softly.
She ignored the threat in his voice.
- It's a girl very capable, and this is a wonderful opportunity for her!
- But it's not your assistant whom I love, face, I love you.
Incredible despot! Well, learn that she was not one of his subjects, and could not
give orders like one.
- I think it's time for you to explain something, Prince Nicolo. Point one: it is
pathetic to invent a job just because they want to see someone again, especially

when she has no desire to see you again, ever! And point two, or will my assistant,
or you can say goodbye to work.
He chuckled, grabbing the handset full of expectations. She was screaming for the
conquered, and he had conquered mountains and oceans.
- Point one, Gabriella: If your ego is as big enough to see this as a simple trick,
but my need for your services is genuine.
- Oh, really? - She asked, incredulous.
- Yes, really - he said, gazing thoughtfully at the sea -. . Mardivino is a small
island that needs a selective tourism . Its popularity is increasing, and we all know
the dangers that has been inflicted elsewhere When too many people go to a
Instead, there is the risk that the original charm of this place is destroyed. It's
starting to happen here, and it's happening now.
- That's not my kind of market - she said coldly.
- Well, maybe you should be - he replied -. I deeply researched your company and
I like what you do. I love it.
- The truth is I do not need your approval, Nico.
But I could not have said it, because if he did he.
- Sometimes, an eye that is not used to this you can see what the so-called
"experts" do not see. You have both the ability to see how the imagination,
Gabriella, and that's what I'm looking for.
- Oh, hoisted the flag! Declares a national holiday! Is it supposed to be haunted?
Because it is not so! I have never claimed your approval and ...
- And Point Two - he interrupted again -. Please understand that I'm serious. I do
not want your assistant comes. I want you.

- What heavy! I'm not going!

That struggle and resistance it was exciting to Nico to an unbearable level, but his
voice remained contained and comprehensive.
- I think you will. Or better yet, you should. I'm not used to my requests are
rejected, and if you refuse, then I am afraid that your business could ... how shall I
say? - Paused -. Maybe one day you would discover that you had undergone a
reversal of fortune.
The threat sustained his words, and an ice cream certainty. Gaby knew he was
serious. I did not know how it could hurt your business, but was convinced he
- I ... you're threatening? - He asked, incredulous.
- It's all about how you perceive - he replied softly. - 'm just giving you a
wonderful opportunity that would be silly you will reject. It would be career
Damn It! That man was smart and perceptive. For someone who by their position
was withdrawn from the world and the problems of it, knew the value of a job like
this. Or had perhaps grown up knowing I could get what I wanted, as long as the
price was appropriate?
Gaby spoke coldly. At least he could voice from shaking with rage.
- And if I accept? If I do the work you say you got for me, will you promise me
you'll leave me on my own?
- And I take care of tourism on the island - he replied innocently. - It would make
no sense for me to make a promise you can not keep face. You will, of course,
which is attached to tar me.

He got the word sound indecent sexual, which had probably been his intention.
And the impotent rage of it did not protect the sudden shudder ran through her skin
as he remembered very clearly what it was he accomplished lover.
- I think we're talking about different things, Nico - she said softly. - As for
promises, I can promise you something I have every intention of keeping:'re not
going to get whatever you want.
- But you do not know what I want, do you, Gabriella? - He scoffed.
No, but I had a pretty close idea. She was not stupid, nor a woman with no
experience. I had not lived as a virgin. He had had a couple of lovers in the past,
but none was forthcoming even close to the abilities of Nico . He went beyond the
art, beside it was as if she had never made love in conditions. With it became an
experience that transcended anything that could be felt in the arms of another man.
He had made her feel as if her body had no bones, as if it weighed, merging with
it as if made exclusively for that. She had felt his heart beating against the body of
him, and he clenched heat inside her. In her arms, she has b ed sense vulnerable
and still powerful, and had seen how his face softened with pleasure and joy that
had been added to their own. They had tasted those pleasures one night only and
there was no doubt that he wanted to experience it again. The sky was witnessed
only thinking about it the body of Gaby was dying of desire.
But things had changed. Even if he had not cheated, something he had done, the
relative innocence of what had happened ent re they could never recreate. He was
not who she thought he was. He had kept his identity secret.
Does his persistence was due to the fact that she had refused, and that had never
happened in his privileged life? What other reason existed if not for that he
pressured to return to the island?

Well, to prepare for the big surprise. His family, he thought Gaby, used to accuse
her of being stubborn, and she knew that sometimes could be a defect. But mo
ments like this was a very useful feature, although she preferred to define it as
- So you agree, Gabriella? - Encouraged her soft, mocking voice.
She thought a moment to resort to the noble character of him, but warned in his
voice his iron determination. He thought expose him. Would he be able to do
something as hostile as destroy your small business just because she did not want
to submit to their will? Did he could not he just shrug and accept what she wanted?
Sure there were thousands of willing women become their lovers.
Instinct told him that he was used to getting what he wanted, and he wanted her.
Well, would have it, but just as she would like.
- Well, I agree.
- Excellent.
He felt the triumph in his voice and closed his free hand into a fist. Why not
slapped him when he had the chance? He breathed deeply, forcing himself to
sound calm.
- But first I need more information on what exactly what you expect me to do.
- I think it will be easier when you're here. You'll have all the information you
She ignored his words.
- That's not enough, Nico - said sweetly. - I would like you to send me a fax some
statistics on the number of tourists, their demands on housing and all that. Can you
send them to me as soon as possible, please?

Even at school he had gone to such a severe and urgent way !, Nico thought. You
should feel indignant at this insubordination, yet had never heard anything so
exciting in his life. What a pleasure it would be for her I surrender to it! And if
statistics were what she needed to return to Mardivino, would send all the statistics
you need! Nico looked at the deep blue sea through the window of the palace and
smiled predator.
- Very fine.
- I will travel there in early next week.
- Tell me when and I'll send a plane - said, adding, with a note of delight -. In
fact, I'll fly the plane myself.
The triumph then rang in her voice.
- Oh, no, Nico - replied softly. - Once is enough!
- Are you criticizing my skill as a pilot?
-. No I'm resisting your efforts to control me. Want my professional skills and you
will have, but you will receive the same treatment as any other client. There will be
no preferential treatment. I will take a regular flight, thank you very much, and I
will include in the cost of my bill.
For a moment, Nico was speechless, unable to believe what I was hearing. She
was rejecting his offer! He rejected the youngest prince of Mardivino take her
flown to the principality!
- Oh, and one more thing, Nico ...
Would he make requests? Through a haze of disbelief and frustrated desire, he
felt he was beginning to sprout an admiration for their tenacity and courage.
- Go Ahead.

- I trust my hosting requirements will be met to the letter. I want a room to

myself, and if incumples that, take the first available flight and return to my house,
and you'll have to find someone else.
- Very well - he said coldly -. And now I'll give you my cell phone number.
- Go on, then.
He had never felt so frustrated. Did she not realize the honor that he was giving
him, allowing access to him when she wanted? He had been about to say no to
abuse of that privilege but clearly she did not see it as a privilege!
- Jusque's, cherie - he murmured.
For a moment, Gaby was confused by the sudden change of language.
- I thought empleabas typically Italian.
He observed a boat speeding through the bay.
- That depends. The Italian is the language of love, but my French and Spanish
cousins would disagree with me. And right now I do not feel very loving toward
you, Gabriella.
She could not pass that.
- I think you have the danger of confusing love with sex, Nico - said quietly, and
hung up.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 8
- And where you plan to stay, Nicolo? - In the palace, of course. - No - replied
Gianferro tone uniform and unambiguous -. No tolerate think one of your lovers
staying at the palace.
Nico did not react. Not at that time. Over the years, had learned that good
reasoning was better than the fire of indignation, especially with his older brother.
Biting his tongue was against his nature, but had learned to handled with
diplomacy when dealing with Gianferro, because Gianferro was heir. He was the
firstborn. Above it hung, attached by a sigh, the double edged sword of leadership
for months since his father, the King fell ill.
Somehow, Gianferro had both the best and the worst in the world of royalty.
Heady aphrodisiac of power, together with the suffocating burden of responsibility
The firstborn was always seen as the most privileged, but Nico knew that
regardless of the perception that had the outside world, there was a perfect position
in the royal family of three brothers.
Guido, the middle brother, lived abroad. The middle brothers were always
ignored. Even in "normal" families had difficulty establishing their role. That
explained why he had left Mardivino as he could, creating for himself comfortable
living international playboy.
Nico, being small, should have been the spoiled child of the family, but things
had not turned out well.
His birth was announced the disease that had killed his mother, and since then the
pride of his father to him had been bathed in sadness and melancholy.

Gianferro had almost assumed the role of parent, if such a thing was possible
when separated only seven years apart. He'd always care Nico always had
protected him fiercely, and as the years passed had been reluctant to abandon that
role. Nico had to make a pulse every step of their independence.
- Gab Riella is not my lover - began, dispassionately.
- For real? - Gianferro asked incredulously, raising his eyebrows -. Is it not the
same woman hair like fire you brought to your beach house? Does the fellow
drunks passing rum the night in jail for Solajoya?
Nico stared at him.
- Did you know that?
-. Of course police chief informed me of what was happening.
- A nosy ... - Nico angrily said.
Gianferro laughed.
- He just does his job. I hear about everything that happens in Mardivino, it is my
duty, especially when it comes to my brothers. And loving people to stay in the
palace would ruin your reputation, in the same way one of those extreme sports
you practice you will destroy life.
Nico sighed. Trying to defend their way of life was as useless as whistling in the
wind. Already had tried enough times over the years.
Equally useless would try to explain that nothing happened between Gabriella and
he in the beach house. Given the history of past lovers, Gianferro not believe him.
And even if the truth be known, is not offended that his innate pride male and
- Can I have're banning, Gianferro? - Nico asked, half joking, half serious.

- No - Gianferro replied with a slight smile his expression softened a bit hard -.
I'm just trying to appeal to your sense of what is appropriate and what is not, Nico.
- You know that she'll be here with a legitimate request? - Nico said nonchalantly.
- Work in the field of tourism.
- How appropriate for both - he said, and paused. - What she has asked you to do
exactly on the island?
Nico saw the glint of defiance in the eyes of his brother, but said nothing.
- I'll keep you informed - said cheerfully.
Gianferro laughed softly.
- Give him an office in the palace, then, but to stay at L'Etoile. That should be
luxurious enough to impress.
- You think that's what I'm trying to do?
The brothers eyes crossed.
- I do not know what you're trying to do, but I know enough to guess - responded
Gianferro gently -. . I gather that she is beautiful, and that's enough But never
forget that for a man in your position, it can not be a fun, Nico.
Nicolo gave a cynical smile.
- No need warnings of you, Gianferro - replied gently -. And she has never been
to me than a diversion.
Gaby's trip to Mardivino was on a scheduled flight in an English company, but
that ended any resemblance to any other flight.
He had taken the first available flight, and was pampered and expected as a
pregnant woman about to give birth. He hesitated a lot to other first class

passengers to treat them all the attention. Does happened that because Nico, Prince
Nicolo, you I had asked to travel there?
I had a sudden flash of what it should mean to be a prince, surrounded by people
always ready to shower you with attention. Ever were having a "normal"
relationship with people? Surely not. And that could not be good for anyone.
He pursed his lips. I was definitely not good. It could become a controlling
person, just how he had shown. He had achieved her to go to Mardivino by an
arrogant willpower. Did he all his life doing the same?
Still hurt that he had cheated, but his discomfort was caused by something else.
She had surrendered their arms and made love to an incredible new way. But he
had trampled all those feelings with his deception. And if they had done it once, I
could make him another. A man's position Nico did not care for the feelings of a
woman, why should he? Hundreds wishing would become lovers.
He must keep a clear head and take down any dangerous sense of hope, whenever
threatened to appear. He must analyze things objectively. They had had a fantastic
sex, that was all. He should start worrying about it, because it accomplished
nothing with it.
"And you're a strong woman," she reminded herself. "You know who you are.
Can you resist him. "
It landed at the airport in Solajoya was a dream, did not pass customs or waiting
queues. It was the first off the plane and on the tarmac waiting Nico himself.
Despite everything that was promised, his heart began to accelerate as he
approached her.
- Hello, Gabriella - greeted him softly.

- No ... I did not expect you to come to fetch you in person. - stammered, because
the impact of seeing him there had so unexpectedly erased almost all their good
intentions Where was the strong woman at that time?
He gave her a half smile.
- Did you think that would send a servant, perhaps?
- Something like that.
- Well, I've put myself in that role - he said with bright eyes -. And I'm at your
service, cara mia.
She thought he intended to sound like an erotic statement.
- Does that mean meekly would obey my every command? - She asked as he
opened the car trunk.
He turned and looked at her with a mocking gleam and serious time in his eyes.
- One should treat their servants with respect - he said gently -. Or they will not
respect you.
She wanted to ask him how he should treat fans, how much had to respect.
Nico took his hands and suitcase stuffed in the trunk of a black limousine, and
Gaby could not resist the forbidden pleasure of crossing it from top to bottom with
the view.
She had seen him looking like tramp, and as an elegant European, but at that time
there was no doubt that he was a prince. Something in the cut of his suit, even for
the ignorant eyes Gaby, made him seem the most expensive market. The shirt, the
best silk, was a pale blue, and was unbuttoned at the neck, revealing a shock of
dark hair.

And he had seen her naked, she thought Gaby, with a sudden wave of pride and
wish the weak. "I had it in my arms as he penetrated me deeply and passionately."
Yes, you and millions of other women, told cynical voice of reason. But the
reason was not worth to heal a hurting heart.
Nico turned and frowned.
- You're blushing face - said quietly - and have the troubled look, why?
She put aside the desire and repentance and raised her chin proud attitude.
- Why do you think, Nico? Do you think it might have something to do with the
fact that I have been forced to take this job against my will? What have been
coerced and blackmailed to do what you fancy?
Not at all, he thought wryly. Or she would be sending him messages of
expectation, not that manifesto challenge.
- Will you be angry all the time you spend here?
-. Since lu ego not intend to make low tra for which I get paid the best you can.
You have made me a question I've answered.
- But if my words "troubled" offends the Prince, then I'll replace it with a smile! She said, flashing a grin. - Is better that way, Nico? Is this what you are used?
Nico narrowed his eyes. He had hoped ... what? That she would be happy to be
back on the island? What are your protests were the kind that made women
sometimes when they wanted something, but knew it was more politically correct
not show it? He was not so sure. And the insecurity was a feeling that was
- Come on - said tense, and grabbed the car door.

With Nico at the wheel, they sped off the small airport, greeted with reverence by
police. A group of people swarmed to the exit, waiting in a taxi, they saw the car
and began to point it out. Even a couple of them were waved and made them
Gaby blinked dazedly.
- Is it always like this?
Nico gave him a tense smile.
- You have not seen anything.
- Have a good American accent - she said.
- I hope so. I went to college there.
- Where I?
- In Stanford.
When had it that he had spent his entire life on the island imagined? An American
education explained his cosmopolitan attitude.
- And you liked? - Insisted, curious.
He smiled.
- I loved. But he was young then replied slyly.
How little I knew of him. She had believed it important were the big things,
starting with its status as prince, but in a moment of clairvoyance realized that it
was the little details that led to the understanding of everyone.
Gaby recalled that he had told her that dealt tourism on the island, and wanted to
know more about it.
- And tell me, do you have a job?

His smile was cynical.

- Did you ever imagine you would be sitting on the throne all day while I served?
- Something - she shrugged admitted -. I'm sorry. Tell me about it, want to know
Nico was discovering that the real interest was something that was hard to resist
but, surely there would be more behind? Does he wanted to somehow redeem
himself before her? Teach it was no lazy dilettante without any activity,
commitment or purpose in life?
- I have focused on rescuing the city of Solajoya past and try to regenerate started slowly -. Its size and location are perfect for media and software industries.
- To be a resource rather than banks and tax exiles?
- I see you've done your homework - he said.
- Please do not treat me with condescension, Nico!
- No I was doing - he replied, almost gently -. I was applauding your work ethic,
so you know.
She did not want to wallow in his compliment, like a cat in front of a roaring fire,
wanted to remain immune to him, all of him. But beginning to realize that I was
not going to be easy.
He leaned back in the seat and looked out the window. The sky was as blue as a
swimming pool, and the sun shone red flowers of the trees that were on the side of
the road. He felt full of joy that always produced new places, until reminded
herself the reason why he was there. "Imagine that he has no twenty-eight years
and is ravishingly sexy and manly. He is an old man, a grandfather. "

- And what is the official language of Mardivino? - Asked politely, because the
sources that had been documented not clarify that point.
He increased the speed of the car, with a slight smile. More duties, he supposed.
- The four languages: Italian, Spanish, French and English are official - he said.
- But this is not too confusing?
- Not for me - he answered softly. - I find it enormously useful. Almost never find
yourself in the situation of not understanding what is being said. And you can also
switch languages when you want people do not understand.
Gaby snorted.
- If I were you, I'd give an overview of my skills of understanding, Nico! Because
I distinctly remember I told you I did not want this job, and yet you coaccionaste
me to come here.
He laughed softly.
- Ah, Gabriella, do not you know that man seems very exciting woman who
argues with him as you do?
- Especially when he is not used to argue? - She completed.
- Especially in this case - accepted it.
Meet with a challenge and insubordination as those were almost like learning a
new language!
- No I'm doing so - she replied.
- I know. And pray ah, let us a truce. You're here, and you can enjoy this, so why
do not you look out the window again so you can see how beautiful it is my island?
- Where are we going? - She asked suddenly.

- You'll stay at L'Etoile Hotel - answered him. - Have you heard of him?
Of course I had heard of him, had spent the last days learning everything possible
about the principality and to be a small island, had a lot of history. L'Etoile was a
hotel that competes with the best in the world in style luxury and elegance. It was
the kind of place beyond the reach of ordinary people.
Gaby looked wrinkled skirt with consternation. I was going to emerge as an
elephant f ina glassware.
"You're on a business trip," she reminded herself. "No one expects you to
compete with the jet - set".
- That'll be fun - he said with an even tone.
- And you're working in an office at the palace - he said nonchalantly.
Gaby swallowed. If your clothes and seemed too ordinary for a luxury hotel, how
the hell would compete in the palace? "Not going to do it, 'she said to herself,"
you're going to be yourself. "
- Could you turn around widest possible through the capital before you get there?
- He asked coldly.
- Why any particular reason?
- I want to get an idea of what field I move. The more you know the better
prepared will be.
"And before I go home," he thought. But a group of bright white buildings caught
his attention, and suddenly he found that his house was far, far away.
- We are entering Solajoya. I'll take you by the poorest neighborhoods.

That was beautiful, he thought Gaby while looking out the window. The roads
were narrow and winding, surrounded by tall houses with shutters, adorned with
pots of colorful flowers.
He c ondujo by closed curves did what seemed to be the center between the main
streets crowded, some returning from the beach while others huddled outside a
large white building. There were students with long hair, dressed jeans, sitting on
the outside of the building, writing postcards, and other groups older with serious
expressions, studying guidebooks highly concentrated.
Gaby leaned forward.
- What happens there?
- Is Juan Lpez Gallery - Nico explained. - Do you know him?
She frowned.
- Are you an artist? - He asked, remembering.
- It was. He died fifty years ago. It was an early and tragic death, but for an artist
is a good way to sell.
- What cynicism! - Gaby said.
- How true! - He replied softly.
- Tell me about him.
He smiled, realizing that their relationship was forged on a relatively equal, and
that she had no intention of softening its attitude towards him.
- He was what is called "an artist's artist." He studied much to Picasso and lived
most of his life here. It has many admirers, and come from all over the world to see
his work. He bequeathed everything Mardivino provided her to stay here. I loved
the island, as you can see.

. And, looking at the pier in the distance, Gaby knew exactly what was like a toy
city: the buildings in pristine white, the main street guarded by palm trees swaying
in the breeze.
The car went over the sea and suddenly appeared L'Etoile, white against the blue
background, shiny and bright as a star.
Nico stopped the car outside and turned to look at Gaby. She gasped. The theory
applies to one that would remain immune to the charisma of a man was fine, but
nothing was to be compared to him so close, you could almost feel the warmth of
your breath, touch the silky texture of her olive skin, deep into his bright black
eyes which in turn was aroused and made fun of her.
- You can choose it face - he said softly. - May I join in if you like, but if I do
some occur ... "buzz" - ended, after a brief pause.
She remembered people pointing at the airport, and thought he should live his life
with the feeling of constantly being examined.
- Are you going to the beach cottage to escape the "buzz"? - He asked, forgetting
for a moment that the trip was supposed to maintain a purely professional tone.
-. Of course is a peaceful and secluded place - he replied, smiling a lazy smile. Except for the odd siren that appeared in my bank, of course.
- I think it's better not enter - was quick to say it, but less about the possible
"buzz" that the dangers of that smile.
He nodded and looked at his watch.
- Okay, then I'll leave you to rid your luggage.
- I did not bring many things. I do not intend to be here more than a week, Nico.

His eyes sparkled. She would be there as long as he deemed necessary, neither
more nor less.
- I gather you in an hour - announced evenly -. And you teach your office at the
- Make that two hours. I want to take a walk on my own first, have my own sense
of place before crossing the sacred palace gates.
- I'll have someone accompany you.
- You will not! I want to be free to explore on my own.
"Free", he thought, with a sudden sense of longing.
- You are a very stubborn woman, Gabriella - said softly.
- I do not deny.
He opened his mouth to protest, but closed it again. What could I do, take her by
force? Tell her she was there for him what he pleased?
Recognizing furious that, for the moment, she had the upper hand, got out, took
his suitcase from the trunk and handed. She was not joking, he had never seen a
woman to travel with such a small suitcase.
His eyes slid up the shoes she wore, with a delicate and sexy heels, not very high,
which enhanced the delicious curves of her legs.
- If you are thinking of exploring the city, I suggest that you get something more
sensible than that to walk - he said tensely. - Fino ad allora face.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 9
G aby stay watched with a mixture of elation and disbelief, because the "room" in
which she thought would be there was actually a suite, and almost as large as the
ground floor of his home in England!
He glanced at the windows were floor to ceiling and offering a breathtaking view
of sapphire blue sea. Small clouds of cotton played each other in the blue sky, and
the sun was flashing distant yachts.
Across the bay, hills covered with dark green seen, in white houses that shone
like jewels. It was a combination of natural beauty and vast wealth, world
accessible only to a few, and in other circumstances she would pinching to
convince that was not a dream, and loving every second.
He spent the fingertip on the petal of a lush orchid, telling herself it would be
crazy not enjoyed at least some of that unique experience in your life.
She dressed to go out for a walk with flat sandals with matching pale blue dress
and hair up in a ponytail with a blue tie. Finally, a straw hat brimmed was placed
and the look in one of the mirrors, found that the image offered was sober and
restrained. Well. I wish I last long.
The day was extremely hot, but a slight breeze that was oppressive avoided. The
hat was a good idea. Nico had been right about how hard to walk, because the
streets around the harbor were cobbled. He stopped to look in all windows. There
were luxury goods stores and clothing along with other accessories selling
navigation. Otherwise, everything was very predictable.

Abounded sidewalk cafes, and Gaby found an empty table in one, sat down and
ordered a tremendously expensive coffee. He was a while savoring his cappuccino
and watching the people go by. The main cause of congestion seemed to really be
the art gallery was dedicated to Juan Lopez. There was a time when two buses
released its travelers atop one of the picturesque streets, and as they moved it
seemed as if outside a football stadium before the game started.
Gaby took out his notebook and wrote for a while, then left the cafe and walked
into a bookstore.
The interior was dark and deliciously fresh. There was a whole section dedicated
to Juan Lopez, but attention of Gaby flew to a portion of the store devoted to the
royal family of Mardivino.
There were biographies and books of photographs, family portraits and individual
portraits. In a charming volume small, entitled Like us, he found a picture of Nico,
baby cherub of chubby cheeks, dressed for christening with a cascade of lace in
arms of his nanny. Maybe this was usual in princes, but she discovered that her
mother died when he was only a baby.
There was a sad whole chapter, solemn, on the death of the young queen, and a
photograph heartbreaking, portraying three children as they watched hang flowercovered coffin: the two largest dressed in gray coats and matching Nico, crying in
the arms of another nanny.
During his work in documenting, Gaby had read about the death of the mother of
Nico, it was clear, but see it there in black and white and the Mardivino own,
somehow more real and more poignant did.

We did see Nico as a being of flesh and blood, someone who really bleeding if a
cut is made. It made him look like someone who could love and who was in need
of love, but does not that would be his illusions?
His fingers were focused hopelessly in a chapter devoted entirely to Nico, entitled
The reckless prince. It contained photographs of Nico, the man of action, in formal
poses: piloting a yacht, with thumb up on top of a snowy mountain, and climbed a
monstrous bike.
Gaby became engrossed in reading, until suddenly checked his watch and saw
with horror that should have returned to the hotel for ten minutes. But he could not
draw the image of motherless head baby. Would your love of speed and danger
related to a childhood without the foundation provided by a mother, surrounded by
servants of the palace, which were forbidden by protocol show true love? Or was
that an overly simplistic explanation?
He hurried back to the hotel and found Nico waiting, leaning against the door of
his car. His heart skipped a beat.
His posture was relaxed, but as he approached, he could see the look of irritation
that had hardened his features and his dark eyes gleamed. The tender concern she
had experienced vanished before that cold look of censorship.
- Sorry I'm late - is it automatically apologized.
- Not very professional of you - he snapped, hurt because he had a strange feeling
of being out of place, waiting by the car like a chauffeur. - Do you like me wait?
Have you done it on purpose?
- Oh, for God's sake! Of course I do not, I just lost track of time.
She did not regret at all! In fact, it was quite the opposite! Nico felt anger and
frustration simmering consumed it.

He looked down face flushed cheeks and parted lips, and felt the urge to kiss her
as punishment, to let it clear that no one ever made him wait.
He opened the passenger door, shaking his head slightly. A kiss, as punishment?
Who was he kidding?
Approaching the door he held open for her, her bare arm brushed against his. It
was a fleeting contact, but it was like an electric shock to Gaby, who stepped back
as if struck.
- Do not do it - whispered.
Their eyes met.
- What not to do what? - He asked.
He felt the hair bristling neck as he looked at Gaby, angry and somewhat horrified
at himself for the fact that a brush so innocent affect him that way.
- What have I done, ca ra? - He mocked. - Do not blame me for your own
feelings. You want me. You want me yet, but you're too hypocritical to accept it.
He walked around and sat in the driver's seat. He closed the door with a bang and
let Gaby sit in the passenger seat shaking.
"Ignore what he said," Gaby herself is said. "If you do not, you have to admit he's
The car sped off and glanced Gaby's profile Nico.
- Who is sulking now? - He asked.
With great effort, he awoke from his dream.
- I do not.
- Do not you want to talk?

He smiled.
- I want to talk for hours.
- So tell me about Mardivino.
This was, he admitted reluctantly, exactly the right thing she could say. I did
forget his excitement and the idea almost unthinkable that go back to bed with
Gaby Scott once again had overtones of being impossible.
- What would you like to know?
- All Round.
- "Everything" is a very broad appeal, face - he mused.
But, with eyes on the road, began to tell the story of Mardivino with, and
sometimes exalted, recalling the Crusades and the battles for the Promised Land
unexpectedly imaginative voice. He spoke of the Spanish conquistadors, the Italian
aristocrats and French Counts, who had struggled for centuries to become owners,
until finally they agreed to share the spoils of that exquisite island, a jewel on the
His enthusiasm was contagious, and Gaby found himself listening raptly as if it
were a girl that you had a wonderful story. It was not just the story that started up
his imagination, he was. He could watch closely as I listened, I could remind
herself the passion of him, his strength ... and then wish not to have remembered.
But if that upo away thoughts of his mind, other more embarrassing memories
took their place, with a graphical accuracy. could almost see him licking his lips
with his tongue, and then feel your own belly, her thighs ...
But his restless thoughts stopped at the sight before him. He had been so deep in
thought, barely caught on the view through the window of the limo. But now some

large doors and adorned with bread Gold opened before them and Gaby felt his
breath as he appeared before them the Rainbow Palace.
His first impression was that it seemed a decoration, something that was real yet
not very real. She wondered if behind their bright walls find an empty stage and
pieces of wood holding up. As wondered what was behind the Nico used different
masks. Would not anything real in your world?
From a distance, the palace actually looked like a rainbow, with the full spectrum
of vibrant co lo res, from violet up, own sumptuous royal red. Only when the car
approached, Gaby got to see small mosaic trails . It was an illusion, there was no
But when he got out, he began to get an idea of l ugar. It was immense.
Quadrilaterals emerald lawn perfectly cor t ado were surrounded by roses of
velvety red roses. There were a source flooding everything with the music of a
waterfall, and I saw a wonderful statue of a woman who seemed so real that was
tempted to touch it to see if it was marble or had blood in his veins.
- Come - d ijo Nico, watching her.
- I'm a little overwhelmed - she said sincerely.
His mouth left his tension a moment. When paused a moment his fight with him,
Gaby was very sweet.
-. Well, you're not only is the place where I live.
How many people in the world living in a place like this ?, Gaby asked. Nico was
different. And she could do not forget.

He led her through endless corridors were decorated with huge pictures of men
and women in suits of the finest silks and lace. With her black hair and black eyes
those fascinating, were ancestors of Nico, sure.
This was a different world.
Suddenly, he opened a door and Gaby was found in an office, or rather a room
trying to look like an office, because the offices were not normally antique tables
or curtains falling to the ground in heavy folds.
- You work here - he announced.
Work. Yes, of course.
It was hard not to remain captivated by that. He seemed at home in that as
sumptuous surroundings, but how not he, was his home! Nico the cottage from the
beach and Nico lover seemed mere creations of his imagination.
- Very good - she said, with a smile full of energy -. Can you give me a map of
the island?
- There's one here.
He leaned across the table and Gaby caught the faint scent of a fragrance of
lemon and musk. He closed his eyes briefly, desperate. That aroma was very
evocative, the carrying places you would not go, she had breathed the essence his
head resting on his neck.
- Have you used this? - He asked, opening a huge book with a map of Mardivino.
She approached him and looked over his shoulder. Then he turned and their eyes
met. Gaby felt succumbed helplessly.
- Gabriella ... - he murmured, as if caressing voice.
She shook her head desperately, trying to convince herself also.

- Do Not.
- Your mouth says one thing while your eyes tell me something completely
different - he remarked quietly.
Nico took her hand and pressed his fingers to his mouth, feeling trembled at the
slightest touch. Increased pressure from his mouth and watched as she closed her
eyes in ecstasy.
- Nico ... - she whispered.
He opened his eyes. This time they were emeralds shining among the thickets of
their black lashes. He let out a low moan, and buried her hands in her hair before
lure her into his arms, his eyes shining light the conquest as he watched her.
- Nico, what? - He asked hoarsely.
- This ... is wrong - she said between gasps.
But he made no move to stop him, to push him away or let go of his grip, and the
only thing he could do was drink at those lips and that face that had seized her
dreams from that encounter flooded much too short tenderness and sensual beauty.
And then I could not wait, could not think beyond the need to taste her and kiss her
Her hands grabbed his broad shoulders as if attract a magnet, and stifled a scream
mingled with his breath as he felt the warmth of his mouth on hers.
- Oh - she moaned as he surrendered des li zaba his hands and grabbed the
buttocks, pulling her closer to the hard core of his desire. - Oh!
Urgently, he slid his hand up her bare thigh, stroking with fingertips making
gentle circles. She felt that she spread her legs in invitation.

Nico know was about to explode, as if to rip that cheap dress and possess at that
moment, in that same place. He pushed aside her panties and explored the heat hot
and sticky it, Gaby gasped with pleasure.
- I want you, Gabriella - said -. I wish you much.
She wanted him too. Too. Boldly, touched her too, placing his hand on the
member to feel how he was going to increase in size. He removed his mouth from
- Come to my apartment - urged him -. Let me make love to the rest of the day
and night, until I've emptied my entire seed.
It was a surprisingly powerful words, which moved Gaby even more than the soft
caress of his expert fingers, or the memory of his passionate kiss. I did not know
what was going to do it then and had no chance to find out because someone called
at the door knocking authoritarian and Nico froze.
She looked horrified.
- The door! - He whispered.
He acted instinctively, putting the dress away from her and ran his hand through
his hair, aware that the smell of it still in his fingers. He let out a short, shuddering
- Yay? - He asked, his voice rising.
The door opened and a man. Although he had not seen pictures of him hours
earlier, Gaby would know instantly that it was the older brother of Nico, Gianferro.
He tried to imagine how he would perceive the scene. From the outside, both
were decent, but should give be obvious what had been about to happen. The flush

on their faces gave them away. Gaby wanted to sink into the earth, as the Crown
Prince watched.
The dark and impenetrable eyes Gianferro moved it to Nico.
- Forgive me - said icily -. Obviously this is not the right time.
Nico was well aware of that expression, but openly confronted the indictment
charged disapproval, brazenly denying the obvious. Why do not I? He was no
longer a child, and his brother was not her guardian! If he intruded between two
adults acting freely, had to assume that he did not like what was found.
- Gianferro - started him as calmly as if he were having tea with a woman on a
terrace -., I'd like you to meet Gaby Scott, who will use his extensive experience in
the world of tourism in advising Gaby, this he is my brother, Crown Prince
Quick and autocratically, Gianferro Gaby nodded and went to Nico a look of
agony. Should he take a bow? Understanding it in silence, Nico shook his head
almost imperceptibly.
- And what is your particular experience in the world of tourism, Miss Scott? Asked the heir drawled.
She knew what he meant. But the game was to adapt. She could not pretend that
what had happened had happened, but he could play with it. I had not committed
any crime and did not have to crawl to Gianferro.
- Since you ask, I am specialized in the market of 'small is beautiful', Your
Highness - he answered softly. - Which perfectly describes Mardivino, do not you

Nico gave him a silent look of admiration. Most women - their environment
would have blushed and would have stuttered to answer that question. He had been
about to come forward to protect Gaby of veiled hostility of Gianferro, but was
checking that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
- Nico has not said how long do you stay - said the Crown Prince.
- That's because I have not yet decided how long I need. I have not signed any
It was impossible not to notice the surprised of that face. And of Nico. She
supposed that both were accustomed to be the ones making the decisions, not to
employ people who decided for themselves!
- But can this r quiet that I will perform my job in the shortest time possible - he
continued softly.
- Glad to hear that - Gianferro said, throwing another unfathomable look Nico -.
Can I see you alone for a moment, Nicol o?
Nico raised his eyebrows.
- As you can see, I'm busy.
Gaby felt her cheeks lit. Gianferro Was trying to get Nico's office to warn him not
to make love? Well, you could save yourself the effort!
Gaby closed the book and caught him in his arms, offering a cool and
professional smile.
- I was about to leave. My visit here today was only to have the first contact, and
in the future will work on my own - announced, and his green eyes sent a warning
to Nico -. I have no need for Nico spent more time with me.

Nico pursed her lips. She was playing with him, knowing that he was not going to
complain in front of his brother. How dare he?
- Anything else, Gianferro?
- I'll see you at dinner.
Nico shook his head.
- I do not believe.
There was a pause during which the eyes of two brothers met and engaged in a
silent duel ebony.
- So you can fit me into your schedule sometime before the year ends? - Asked
Gianferro ironically, and left the room after a brief nod.
When he was gone and the door closed behind him, Gaby turned to Nico, his
voice trembling with anger.
- How dare you expose myself to this humiliation? - The accused.
- I assure you I did not expect that my brother appeared - he replied dryly.
- Oh, no?
- Of course not. If so, it would have taken the precaution of bolting.
Gaby was about to scream! Nico did not seem remorseful at all, on the contrary,
simply looked irritated, as if he had suddenly removed the fun. Which, come to
think carefully, was what had happened.
- Do you think you can come and seduce me? Is that what you meant? - She
demanded - exercise your droit de seigneur?
- Do not think so much - said he drawled -. And I had not planned, if that's what
you know. Just, you're too irresistible expensive.

- What kind of slut I seem because of your brother?

- Slut? - He asked, surprised, eyebrows raised. - That's a pretty passionate
language, Gaby. My brother is not naive, he will not judge you, or me, to do what
is so natural to a man and a woman . I really should have bolted ...
That was the straw that broke the camel.
- I do not care if he judges me or not! - Gaby said, contradicting the heat of the
moment -. I who judge myself, just so you know, and I'm ashamed of my own
- I because?
- Because it has been bad, you know I've been bad!
- I disagree - he replied, staring at her, wondering if she had any idea how
beautiful she was angry. - You want me, Gabriella, do not deny it. You know it is.
She stared at him, his eyes fixed on those burning eyes and the curve of his lips,
and then the heart skipped a beat and could not do anything about it.
- I do not deny that at some very basic level is true. But that's not how it worked,
Nico. There must be something more than the purely physical attraction.
- That did not seem important fact last time - said he insultingly.
- That was because ...
He stopped, terrified of showing their vulnerability, he knew she had begun to
build all kinds of dreams with him. She had treated him as he was led to believe it
was, strong and powerful savior, and a man intelligent and provocative. But that
had been an illusion that had crumbled like dust.
- For what? - The urging him arrogantly.

- Maybe I behaved uninhibitedly - admit it -. But I thought you ... In that time, I
did not know you ...
- That I was a prince? - He finished dryly. - Well, now you know, and I must say
this is the first time that works against me.
Her eyes gave off heat.
- It's more than that, and you know it!
- And what is? - He called it -. Explain it! Why do you care so much my title,
- Not the title ...
- Oh, no? - The challenge him.
- Do Not! Is the fact you did not tell me! I hate that a man is not sincere.
- Rarely new lovers are told the whole truth - he snapped, frustrated.
Maybe he was right, but suddenly there was more. "Surely this is the first time in
your life that you do not get what you want, at least one woman."
For a moment, he felt invaded by a heady sense of power, but soon disappeared
and was replaced by something more satisfying. Because at that time, nevertheless,
Gaby felt were on par.
He smiled faintly.
- And now, if you do not mind, I returned to the hotel and take some notes.
He realized he was not going to make progress. At least, not yet. But it would be
many more opportunities.
- Okay - accepted with ease -. Come on. We can continue our fascinating
discussion then at dinner.

- No, we can not - she replied, reveling in the surprised him.

Needed to protect itself, not just the sexual charisma of him, but his reaction to
succumb to it, and to do so needed to put distance between them.
- I'll spend the night at my lavish suite, dinner and ask for room service.
He saw that he stayed with his mouth open in amazement. He passed him, her
head high, and opened the door forcefully, more as a resource to be protected than
anything else. The room then came into view around the corridor, and with his
brother and servants can appear at any time, meant that he would not try anything
But he was laughing softly at his bizarre behavior.
- Oh, your surrender will be the world's sweetest face.
- That's not going to happen, Nico - she replied tartly, and wished seem more
confident than he felt.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 10
Fter a long bath, and a delicious dinner you ate on the terrace overlooking the
harbor, Gaby studied the map that Nico had given him. When he went to bed, I was
But fatigue failed to block images of their mocking black eyes, and when she
finally fell asleep, was to dream of Nico.
A car picked up the next morning and took her to the palace, where a servant led
her to the office that Nico had taught him the day before. There was a small vase of
fragrant white roses on his desk, with an envelope beside him, he hurried to open.
Inside was a note of Nico. It was the first time I saw your letter, and it was like
the man who wrote, inflexible and energetic.
The note said: Today I went to the mountain bike. dining with me tonight? And
was signed with a simple Nico.
Gaby leaned back in his chair and looked out the window at the palace garden.
Should I have dinner with him?
Well, what else can I do? Sit down in your suite every day, calling the service
rooms? He grabbed his pen and began taking notes.
Soon, he discovered that an office was an office he was where e stuviera in a
palace or otr or place. The only difference about this office was silence. She had
not always worked at home, had also had their experiences in elsewhere, where
there were always whispers, people drinking coffee, or the sound of the phone
ringing and receiving faxes pages. But the silence that place was awesome. Did

servants moved noiselessly? Surely. Suddenly, he felt a wave of understanding

about how lonely he must prove to be a prince.
Gaby worked hard, highlighting places we wanted to visit, and I was just thinking
about where to eat when someone knocked on the door.
- Forward - she said, and the door opened to admit the tall, imposing figure of
Prince Gianferro.
Somehow she was not surprised. I was stood.
- Honestly, I do not know if I should curtsy or not - admitted.
He nodded.
- I think I may be excused - replied dryly -. After all, this meeting is informal. I
was wondering, since you been working all morning, if you would like to see the
palace gardens.
"Want to know what I think," she said. He nodded.
- I would much.
- Come on.
It was a peaceful order, but she thought that attitude he was as natural to him as
breathing; had been obeyed without hesitation from the cradle, how that affected
the development of the character of a man? How had affected Nico?
They left the hall cold marble into the gardens bathed in sunlight, and Gaby
tingled all over the skin to remember Nico. He wished he was there with her. He
would protect his brother, he realized Gaby, of the probing questions that I was
sure would happen soon. Or do Gianferro was too subtle for questioning directly?
A man of his stature lead their affairs in a more discreet manner.

He stopped beside a bush with the most lush roses Gaby had ever seen, with
gorgeous saffron petals and pink edges and peach, and inhaled her sweet fragrance.
- Does your work is going well? - Gianferro asked casually.
Gaby nodded.
- I see that you can do many things.
- For real?
The dark eyebrows rose in a compelling question.
Nico was who was in charge of tourism development -. Of the island, and was
Nico who made him move to there She would not tell your curious brother before
deciding what plans could be developed.
- Yes, really - she Pythian re gently, and saw that he tightened his lips.
Gaby had no intention of being rude. He took a deep breath and looked around.
- These flowers are the finest I've ever seen - he said quietly -. And they have a
very unusual arrangement.
There was a pause in which I saw he squinted and then nodded, as if he'd learn
something, and then he noticed the sudden dark glow appeared at the bottom of
those eyes that seemed both Nico.
- Son roses with the name of my mother. My father made the planted after his
death - said without emotion in his voice -. If you look closely, you see that the
bushes are the initials of his name.
- Sorry. I did not mean ...
- No - he interrupted, shaking his head. - It was a thoughtful and intelligent

Gaby was too ashamed to feel patronized, and besides, I was sure that this was
not the intention of it.
- Maybe - he continued thoughtfully - since you have so much influence on my
brother could convince him to stop risking your life continually ... And if you say a
word or two about the climb, it would be very useful Gaby looked at him. She had
no experience of this kind of life, but instinct told him that this was not a
conversation that the heir to the throne had every day.
- I have no influence on Nico - she replied.
-. Oh, I do not agree you have enough for him to be brought to you, a foreigner
here to work for him.
- That does not happen often?
- No - he answered emphatically.
- Why do not you you have the same concerns?
- Do you think I have not done? - He replied with a strange smile. - Life moves,
but relations with the brothers remain firmly anchored in the past. Our mimic
fights we had in the nursery palace! But a man who flirts with danger will not
achieve any lasting happiness, in any sphere of life. The danger is seductive and
addictive, but the life of Nicolo is planned differently from other men form. Your
destiny is written, its path is clearly defined. In all directions.
Gaby realized that he was warning. The warning was to move away! Suddenly, he
felt an overwhelming urge to turn against those that rigidity and limitations. No
wonder he Nico him to flirt with danger if his life was going to be a straitjacket!
He looked intently Gianferro.

- I should get back to work - said apologetically. - I have a lot to do, and Nico will
take me to dinner.
He hid a smile, a determined smile. Suddenly he found that he was looking
forward to that moment!
Nico was about to call Gaby when his cell phone rang. She opened her eyes
widened for a moment when I saw the number on the screen, and smiled.
- Nico?
- Gabriella - he murmured -. I can not believe it. The woman who behaved so
dismissive when I gave him my number is using it! How did it go?
- It has been productive - he replied, "and interesting." - are you still free tonight?
He felt his pulse quicken automatically.
- When do you have in mind? - He asked softly.
- I mean Dining - was quick to say it.
- Well, I thought so too - he replied. - What did you think I meant?
- To nothing.
He smiled.
- I'll pick.
-. According How about eight? Oh, and Nico ...
- Mam?
- Do you drive the bike at high speed?
He frowned.
- That's the point of having motorcycle, Gabriella. I'll see you then.

And he hung up.

Gaby opened her closet trying to be enthusiastic, but it was not easy. It was very
well have been the minimum amount of clothing possible, but would have to put
things twice if he stayed over a week. And he knew the dress black!
Stayed a while under the jets of the shower. No need to stay more than a week,
she told herself firmly. He had devised a simple idea that I was sure it would work,
and when it is exposed to Nico, could leave before doing something really stupid,
like start worrying about it.
"But if you already worry about him," a voice mocked inside.
He turned off the shower with a flourish and wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe.
She did not worry about it. Just felt sexually attracted by it, that was it, he
"But not just about sex, Gaby" he caused that irritating voice. "You know it's not
just that. And besides, you never had such a wonderful sex in your life. "
It had a white dress she had been saving, though he was not sure why. So, after
much thought, I put it on. It was sweet and feminine. He was about to become a
braid, but eventually decided to bring loose hair.
He arrived ten minutes late and he was espe r'm at the foot of the stairs, sitting
relaxed on a leather sofa. A huge man with a suspicious hunter stood beside him.
When the elevator doors opened, the murmur of the hall fell silent and Nico stood.
The people were watching, both openly and more openly. The women, some with
their husbands, were placed so that they could be seen from its best angle, chest out
and sinking their stomachs. B ut he was not looking at the women.
He was looking at her.

Gaby warned that he made a brief nod to the man beside her, and was vaguely
aware that the faces began to turn toward her in disbelief. And then he realized
how cheap it was apparently her dress compared with design models of others.
What happened next was like a well oiled machine was set in motion. They
should be given some subtle signs that magically a hallway that led to the exit
while a huge car appeared in the doorway was created a chauffeur at the wheel.
Gaby realized that she had never met him in such a public place before. That
explained the big security deployment.
- Is it always like this? - Gaby asked as he entered the car and the door closed
behind them.
He turned to her, thinking how fresh and bright she was with her simple white
- As well?
She shrugged.
- So of choreographed. As if everything was planned down to the last second.
- Until the last second, no - he commented wryly. - Since you're late.
- Sorry.
- Do not worry - he said, and smiled.
- Like this, all the fuss?
- It is what it is. I can not change it, so I try to accept it. Otherwise my life would
be unbearable. I long as I can escape.
- How is the bike?

-. The bike, yes 're obsessed with my fucking bike! . And yes, before you ask,
also watercraft You know what they say, are big toys for big kids - he said, and his
eyes twinkled at her blushing slightly. - Now stop asking me so many questions
and tell how was your day.
-. Pretty well I have some ideas.
- Like what?
She gave him a smile prim.
- I will not contrtelas until it has developed the conditions. But I made a list of
places on the island that I would visit.
Which sounded like a refusal to answer the question of it!
- Okay - he replied, slightly dazed. - have already arrived.
The restaurant was clearly chosen both for its discreet location and for its
stunning sea views, but only managed to strengthen the feeling of Gaby to be in a
different world. There were women adorned with jewels worth a fortune, and
recognized a famous actress very loving attitude with a man who certainly was not
her husband.
But all eyes were on them, watching them as they walked to a table in a lighted
candle reserved.
He ordered red wine, and then a steaming dish which came in a characteristic blue
earthenware bowl with a lid.
- What a beautiful bowl - Gaby said.
- Do you like it? It is produced only in Islaroca, at the northwest end of the island.
- I've never seen anything like it.

- Soon you will, we are performing an export operation right now.

That had been the creature of Nico, his attempt to change something about the
reputation of the island that was just a tax haven for people with too much money.
On an island with few natural resources, it seemed foolish not to take advantage of
the industry ceramics, although Gianferro had opposed to expansion in the first
momen to. Ah, fucking her brother and his need to control everything!
When the waitress uncovered the bowl, Gaby stood for a moment, then looked at
- Recognize this - said, sniffing.
He held her gaze.
- That's because I cooked the same to you on the beach. It is our national dish - he
said, and smiled a wry smile -. But surely it will not be as good as mine.
He was right, was not so good, but Gaby suspected that hunger that had at that
time was not as dire as he had felt on the beach.
One bite was enough for transport to the time and the place, to remember how
kind and sweet who had been with her. Then his memory took a little longer and
revived a more evocative memories ...
She looked and felt a yearning began to prey on her.
He watched her lick her lips with the tip of his tongue and felt the pain of desire.
- Gabriella ... - he whispered.
But his words were interrupted by a commotion at the door. Heads turned in that
direction, and Nico squinted to see that a man of extravagant appearance with a tuft
of yellow hair smiled at them and began to approach his table.

Nico stifled a sigh, but Gaby heard him. He was tinged with resignation and
irritation, but her beautiful brown face showed no reaction.
- Who Is It?
- It is the owner and chef of times. It is like a star on the island, as often the
modern chefs - he replied, and smiled cynically -. I thought I was in Paris.
Gaby looked at him as he drew conclusions.
- Have you come ...? - Hesitated, because their assumption sounded too weird. Have you traveled from Paris specifically because you were having dinner at your
His eyes looked at her quizzically.
- Well, what do you think?
She thought he was absolutely crazy, that's what I thought.
Gaby watched the owner bowing to Nico, barely give him a look at it. As if she
did not tell. But yes Nico had, that looked at their fawning friendliness, the
suggestion that Nico could order a natural strawberry Hignlands of Scotland and a
junior would be sent at the time to get it.
When the man was gone, Nico watched.
- Do you understand now a little, Gabriella, why not tell you who it was?
And Gaby nodded, feeling that he had been too hard on him. He had judged from
their point of view, without thinking about it.
- Must have been interesting ... be anonymous - she replied slowly.

- It was an experience of freedom that I found very exciting - he said, and

shrugged -. And heady experience enough to allow me to repress the awareness
that was hiding something.
It was the same feeling of freedom that turned people are fans of extreme sports,
concluded Gaby. Everything fit.
- If I had known, I would not so angry.
A faint smile came to his lips.
- No, I'm sure you would not have done. But somehow I'm glad you did not
know. For once it was nice to be with someone who behaved ... - I paused,
shrugged and smiled slightly - . Well, normally, I guess.
And that had not changed. He did not remember ever had such an innocent
conversation with a woman.
Gaby felt the pounding heart and sweaty palms before the new turn of events. He
was doing it again, I was softening it. But that would only complicate things.
Because what he had said no difference. It made her actions were more
understandable, but their motivation was the same. He had wanted sex with her,
and that was what he had. It might have been the most wonderful thing It had
happened in his life, thought and Gab, but she figured she must always be so for a
man like Nico.
And the most important fact of all could not s er changed: he was a prince and
she a woman ordinary. And she should keep that in mind and end up with a broken
Nico studied at him. He warned that she had drunk a little, would have done
deliberately? Perhaps because it seemed less to the defensive than before.

However, instinct told him to move very carefully. He sensed that she was close to
surrender, but one wrong move would end everything.
Later, sitting in the privacy inside the car, Gaby waited breathlessly a movement
that never came. He was aware that his overriding feeling was disappointment.
"Leave it, 'he said. "Stop wanting something only you would bitterness. "
E l car stopped at the hotel and he turned to her, his dark eyes shining.
- Do we go to some of the people on your list tomorrow? - He suggested.
Gaby nodded. Her heart was pounding so hard, he was surprised that he did not
- In agreement.
- We will spend all day - he announced casually -. I take the picnic.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 11
- S abes that Gianferro talked to me yesterday?
- Oh, yeah? - Nico never took his eyes off the road. They were heading to one of
the least beautiful villages of Ga bri Mardivino because she wanted to see him, but
had not told why.
- I'm thinking - had she said, unfazed.
He thought ironically that arguing with an immovable woman was a rare erotic
- What did he say? - He asked while driving on a narrow road that ri a dream
bike, but it was not as fun in the car with four wheels had believed necessary for
that trip.
- He cares about you.
Nico let out a sharp laugh.
- Do not tell me, have missed you the sermon on "extreme sports"?
- Did you know?
- Of course - answered and shifted gears -. . Even though I just strolled along the
beach in Solajoya, if Gianferro does not seem right, try to dissuade me is not so
much the fear of the consequences, in this case, but the fact that likes to control, it's
in his blood. their responsibilities as heir to the throne it is taken too seriously
sometimes. Therefore Guido does not live here, so he left as he could.
- You do not care?

- Oh, I've learned to ignore it - he replied softly.

- Sounds to me a little communication problem.
- Forget amateur psychology, Gabriella. If you want some advice on how to deal
with my brother, I'll ask.
There was silence in the car, claustrophobic and it grew like a heavy, oppressive
- Excuse me - Nico said finally.
-. No 're right - she said, and shrugged. - Your relationship with your brother is
not my business.
No, he was not. He had not made to go there to hear his personal opinion,
vocational maybe. Although that was not entirely true either. The work was a
simple maneuver to bring it to the island in order to seduce her. But she had taken
over the project with an enthusiasm that surprised him, and still did not know her
Nico frowned. Nothing was going as he had planned. Why she was keeping him
away when he knew perfectly well that she wanted him?
- We have arrived - he snapped when the car pulled into the dusty road leading to
the village.
It was a very unattractive, and high desert, with so distant sea looked like a blue
satin ribbon at a distance. Nico looked around. For years he was not there.
Local people still cultivated olive trees, but in those days had to compete with
extensive methods of cultivation larger countries, such as Greece, and it showed
The place seemed deserted, the small restaurant on the main street was old and
worn. They walked by the people, impressed by its emptiness and silence. There

was nobody in the streets, except for a couple of kids drawing in the sand, which is
the stared with wide eyes. It was clear that no one recognized. It looked like a
ghost town, he thought Nico stunned.
- No one ever comes here - said slowly, as directed their steps back to the car.
Even he visited him. went about the island on a bike, but never stopped anywhere
long enough to contemplate, to admire. He shook his head, like a man waking from
a long sleep. What could he do to help those people?
Realized that there needed to be the heir to worry, and part of it was upset
because he had been a stranger, a woman gave English, who had shown him that.
Who else would have dared? Who would have looked directly into his eyes and
would have said things that Gabriella had said?
And is the complete lack of connection with their island she did not give him the
unusual opportunity to express? She did not mind speaking his mind.
- I neglected places like this.
Gaby caught the guilt in his voice.
- You can not do everything, Nico - said softly.
- Could do more - he said suddenly.
- I agree. In fact, I think I have the solution for places like, well, certainly for this
She was good at his job, he suddenly recognized it was very good. The intuition
that he had some intuitive eyes that provide a new perspective had been right.
While she understood his limitations ...

Her hair looked like spun gold with the sun reflecting on them. He felt flooded by
a languid feeling of happiness. She had the good idea to wear a hat to protect your
face from the sun, and made her look very pure and innocent.
With startling clarity, Nico reminded her ability as a lover, and the deep pain he
had endeavored to suppress suddenly came to life and dominated everything.
- Do you ... you want to hear? - Gaby asked, suddenly breathless, because when
he looked that way, made her feel ...
He swallowed, suddenly aware of birdsong in the distance, and heartbeat, strong
and heavy, his heart.
- Qu if I want to hear what? - He asked in the same tone, that did not
understand, deliberately sending a silent message and sensual eyes.
She wanted him to stop doing that, and also wanted to continue looking like this
- My ... my idea, of course.
Slowly, he smiled.
- Want to tell me about it while we eat?
Gaby felt his heart like a symphony under his chest.
- It's a little early to eat.
- We find the best place for a while.
Gaby shrugged, as if it were nothing, as if she did not worry him.
- Okay - agreed, and wondered where the woman had gone cold and brisk

He was lost in the soft promise ebony those eyes ...

He drove the car into and stopped him near a small grove of trees that she did not
recognize:. Were tall, elegant, with broad leaves that gave plenty of shade and tiny
blue flowers trees It was beautiful, but it was isolated, warned Gaby, and heart
quickened even more. "Then, ask him to take you to another place," his inner voice
- Why are you not spreading the blanket? - Asked him casually -. Y or take a
She closed the door and did what he asked him, he spread the blanket on the grass
with trembling hands. When he put the basket on the blanket and sat beside her,
she knew what was going to happen. He wondered, not if would be able to resist,
but if you really want to resist.
Nico leaned on his elbows and studied. Her body was tense, waiting ... Oh, my
God, yes. They were in shade under the trees and the sun filtered through the
leaves in a kaleidoscope of gold.
- Why do not you take off your hat? - He suggested softly. - I can not see your
She was not sure she wanted you to see. And if I read them their doubts, their
fears? And above all, their desire. They were supposed to work, but the work was
the farthest thing from his mind at that time.
Anyway, took off his hat, feeling as shy as if he had asked him to do a strip tease,
and her hair fell over her shoulders as sumptuous silk.
- Your beautiful eyes - he murmured -. So green ...

His voice sounded deeper and softer, but his eyes shone ... desire. Gaby felt dry
mouth and pulled the tip of the tongue to lick her lips. "Say something," he
thought. But the words seemed to him as strange as the place where he was.
- Are you thirsty, cara mia? - He asked her caressing voice hoarse.
The Italian, as he had said, was the language of love. But it was not love, she tried
to convince herself. It was pure and simple sex ... for him.
- To - he whispered.
- What pare what? - He asked as he opened the basket -. What kind of host would
otherwise take care of my guest?
He had thought to bring champagne, but was too worn clich, and he evoked
bitter memories.
She had offered champagne as an empty gesture again, but this time had been
angry. At that time did not seem angry. It seemed sweet and vulnerable, but ready
and waiting, like a delicious cake waiting to be cut. Nico pulled a thermos metal
basket, filled a glass to the brim with lemonade and handed.
Gaby accepted trembling, unable to control. Something went cold drink in your
mouth, but most spilled down her dress, leaving wet spots like giant tears over her
breasts, which rose and fell for his rapid breathing.
He took the cup with one hand as steady as a surgeon, and drank. Then he put her
down and put his face close to hers.
Gaby breathed his manly essence, and was aware of the silence that surrounded
them. The plodding his heart beat was the only sound perceived.

And he seemed to have everything under control while she was so agitated as if
butterflies fluttering inside. "This is wrong, 'she said to herself, but deep down I
knew that this was what he had wanted all along .
- Gabriella ... - he whispered. - You made me wait, and I can not wait any longer.
His overwhelming sincerity made her melt, or maybe it was the warm breath on
her skin. She had controlled both their need and desire that when he left a little
free, they became unstoppable.
- We should not be doing this - said it carried away while he stroked her hair with
her hand.
- Oh, yes. Yes we should - he murmured. - Been a long time ... too.
- Nico ...
He silenced her with his mouth on hers, brushing his lips slightly, experiencing,
feeling she shuddered and hearing her groan of protest when he retired. Nico
smiled in triumph as he kissed her again, only that Once slid his hands down her
back and held her, pressing her body tightly against his.
Gaby was lost in the sweetness of him as he kissed her again and again, until the
desire possessed whole. The deep kissing him made everything is spinning as she
writhed beneath him, forgetting everything. Forgetting deception and differences,
and everything that had happened before, and just kissing, caressing. Feeling that
he wanted was a lock for your senses.
He felt as if sinking, sucked deeper and deeper into a dark swirl of desire, and lay
on the ground, overwhelmed by the need to possess her. Immediately.
- Nico!
His hand was on her leg, lifting their skirts.

- Touch me - the urged him, his fiery fingers between the skin cool those thighs.
She gasped against his neck.
- Touch me - he insisted.
She reached down and rested his palm on his firmness, and he moaned softly,
almost helplessly.
She felt an intoxicating power because he was at his mercy as much as she was to
him. He pulled his mouth to his ear.
- You Me ... have me in your hands, I can not think straight ...
Then do not think. Just enjoy.
"Just as I do." Nico winced as he felt her fingers touched him so intimately.
- Oh, God, yes!
The words left his mouth co mo a warm stream. All composure was gone. He had
never felt so out of control, and feel terrified as much as joy caused him. It was like
being on the edge of a cliff, knowing that was going to jump but do was crazy.
She pulled her hand, he took it into his mouth and gently nibbled his fingers.
- Slowly. Do it ... with ... calm ... - I urged him.
But he was not following his own advice, Gaby thought, his head thrown back
and resting on the blanket, as he came down the panties. Gaby felt a cool breeze of
air over his burning skin and opened his mouth to say that such they should move
there, he was a prince ... that everything was happening too fast. But also opened
her thighs ...
And then he kissed her on the mouth while his fingers dug into her honeyed
warmth, and she was lost in the rhythm of an older dance than any crown or

privilege. He stopped thinking about it and just thought Nico, that man bright eyes
that had gripped his thoughts and dreams from the moment he had first seen her,
and stroked with a sweet precision that made her scream in amazement, in ecstasy,
against his skin.
Gaby slid his mouth and his jaw sagged under his silk shirt. He found a more
silky, firm and smooth. He began to pull impatient belt from him, and heard him
chuckle with pleasure.
He held her hand as she raised the abeza c; his eyes were flooded with so much
desire that seemed coals. He shook his head.
- No, let me - snapped without taking his eyes from her face as she unbuttoned
her pants.
Le rose dress and moaned softly to discover that she's not wearing bra. She
ducked her head and sucked hard one nipple while his pants removed inadvertently
or rather powerless, wait completely undress her. The little moans that she let out
excited him more and more, and then did not have to wait any longer, and
introduced deep inside her.
- Nico! - Gaby shouted as he began to move, because the last time I had not felt
so big, not so hard, and so perfectly coupled.
Gaby dug his fingers into his hair and pulled his head to hers, opening her mouth
to him as if he never had enough.
And Nico was lost ... got lost in a new territory for him. He had always been a
master of self-control, and usually had the ability to watch the ceremony from
outside, watching the woman and take the initiative, leading to both by the way he
wanted to continue, almost like the conductor of an orchestra.

But this time was different. Was it because she had been on tenterhooks for what
seemed an eternity? Or because he had never been quite sure what could happen
and now it was happening, his powerful sweetness beyond her wildest fantasies
and burning?
Nico felt lost in a deep pleasure where ego was completely erased by sensations. I
no longer felt his body like his, but hers yes. All yours; His hands slid from her
breasts to her hips, pulling her even closer to him as he moved into her again and
again. He felt that he would die if the end did not come soon, but also wanted it to
last forever.
Gaby's scream pierced the air, his body tensed and then began to stir, his eyes
closed and his lips whispered his name like a prayer. And Nico followed,
dissolving into something that seemed so sweet sin.
For a moment, Nico felt the same heady feeling of triumph he always felt when
tamed a new and difficult stallion, or when sailing and nc gainst the wind.
And then the sensation disappeared, and was left with the feeling, more familiar,
He must sleep, for when she awoke she was in her arms, and heart beating
beneath him wearing a ponderous pace. He raised his head just as she opened her
eyes, shining filled.
- Oh, Nico ... - she sighed.
He traced the line of her lips with a finger, and the desire reappeared with such
force that impressed him. He pursed his lips. "Keep your perspective", he told
- Well, tell me that your idea - asked drawled.

Gaby looked at him and blinked, lost in a moment of confusion.

- What idea? - Asked stunned.
He pulled away from her slightly. The distance helped him get perspective, and at
the time needed. She could exert extraordinary magic when he was in his arms, but
that was it. That was all.
Nico got up on one elbow and looked lazily.
- Have you already forgotten your idea, face? - Joked -. If not survive more than
an hour, you can not be a basis idea!
Those words brought back to Gaby abruptly to reality with a painful jolt.
She had wanted to stay lying tender muttering phrases, but he wanted to talk
about ideas! At least, had reminded her rightful place.
Gaby recomposed his face and tried to rid look wonderful drunkenness. "For
God's sake, Gaby, just give your soul, so make sure you recover every last bit of
- Well - he began, taking a deep breath and feeling that the oxygen is clarified
mind -. Of course, I will write a list of my proposals, but one thing that I think
would have an immediate impact, and has something to do with the there are
multitudes around Juan Lpez Gallery. They cause a real problem.
Did he'd expected her to make a face? What would you say he did not want to
talk about work at such a time? Nic and squinted. His unexpected observation had
caught him off guard, so found himself struggling to concentrate on the damn idea
of it, and not in the sensual curves of her body.

He looked at her suspiciously.

- What do you propose we do about it? Mardivino is very proud of its strong ties
with Lopez.
- Move it - she answered simply.
Suspicion of Nico increased.
- Explain Yourself.
Oh, in that moment he sounded like a real prince! Yet, strangely, mental
toughness and determination of Gaby returned to activated gradually. Would he
suddenly become one of those spoilers women just because he had shouted in
ecstasy in his arms? No, not going to do it! Feel what you feel inside, I hide, and he
would never know it had been, because she would not allow it.
Repressing the craving to slide his fingers through his jaw, Gaby smiled.
- Solajoya has much noise and is thriving, and always will be, because it has port
and it is the capital. People travel here specifically to see the work of Juan Lopez,
so the pictures do not have to be in Solajoya. I think that you should move the
gallery to another place. A place that tourists do not usually visit. A place where
evil does not come extra income that would bring tourists. A place like the people
who just visited. Why not?
There was a pause.
- Why not? - He repeated, thoughtful, and his eyes flashed. - It sounds too simple.
- The best ideas often are.
But the worst. Accessing a picnic with him was something simple and make love
even easier. And, despite how much his professional and calm expression tried to
hide, she was left with a deep pain in his heart. Because that would never be more

than that and if he could not accept it, would end up deeply hurt. "Stay true to what
you know, Gaby."
- That people need urgently back to life. Think what this would mean. A new
gallery that would take full advantage of the tables, and everything which would
accompany: Postcards, Prints, and a restaurant or two. Sure, you'd Be very careful
not to destroy the personality of the people, but I see not allowing that to happen.
- Why, thank you, Gabriella - he scoffed.
Gaby lips were dry suddenly licked.
- So you think?
- I think.
- All Right.
Gaby felt he had saved the day. He had done what had been raised, take ardor to
the situation, but now needed to move from there and catch his trial. He sat down
and started to get the dress, but he held out his hand to stop it.
- What are you doing?
- What you do you think? I am ...
The words died on his lips as his fingers began to caress her bare breasts, tracing
small paths through your skin and sensitized. She closed her eyes.
- I'm getting dressed.
He felt the hot, powerful jolt of desire as he drew closer. He grabbed her buttocks
with his hands silky and felt him shudder. It was time to show him who was boss.
- Oh, no, not going to do it - he quietly refused.
She wanted to stop him.

No, not wanted.

She tried to stop him.
No, he did not.
Trying to stop someone meant more than a slight shake of his head. If I had really
wanted to stop him, he would not have twisted pleasure as he caressed her, and
would have returned the caress ...
Neither would his heart pounding with a wild and delirious joy when he entered
again. His last sane thought was that one perfect act would try to achieve the
impossible, making her feel complete.
And, while, d painfully incomplete.
Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 12
D escendieron the mountain in the car in silence, and Gaby was a silence full of
unanswered questions. There was that relaxation she expected or wanted after such
a successful morning that culminated in his stunning erotic encounter.
Because Nico had locked itself.
She had seen in his eyes once the passion was gone. As if someone had suddenly
changed the temperature of the water while you wash his hands and his eyes had
changed from warm to freezing, making her shiver. Even his features, which They
had been so animated and alive as they made love, then they were cold and
Oh, he was sweet, had fastened her dress and had joked with her, and her skin had
covered her mouth fiddling, but it was as if the shares had simply made a lover
should do after the event. I had not been feeling genuine closeness share the
conviction that if she had asked him what he was thinking, he would have told.
The intimacy that had been present both before and after making love was gone.
And something inside, acknowledged Gaby, had been destroyed. As if, to please
her physically, he would have taken away the ability to speak as if he were a
normal man.
So, was that the end of his "work"? Even though he carried out his suggestion to
move the gallery, would you give that right to it to stay? You wanted to do, was to
allow herself to be a toy for a prince?
Gaby bit her lip and looked out the window, as Solajoya white roofs began to

Nico gave him a look.

Now what was he doing?
He could choose, of course. I could deal with the matter as something unique that
would not repeat. It was something he had wanted with all his might and he had
finally obtained, satisfying his hunger enough to disappear. But I had been.
Although she was slightly defensive, with slightly cramped and stiff shoulders,
Nico discovered she was still excited. I still wanted to caress her, running his
fingers through his body until it is opened again, like a glorious flower opening its
petals only for him, so he could get lost in their heady perfume.
Struggled to shift gears and swore softly. She turned her head, eyebrows raised a
Nico looked at the road with a frown. He was a, well enough to participate in any
international career. driver first then, why was acting like a nervous student
presenting the driving test?
The car stopped at L'Etoile and taking a deep breath, Gaby turned to Nico. I was
not dealing with an ordinary man, she reminded herself, and not to expect him to
behave as such. There would be no long kiss goodbye, or the promise to call. After
all, they were in public.
"Keep your composure, Gaby, 'she said to herself. "It acts as a sophisticated
business woman. If was something so unique and so unique, so I remember it as
something beautiful. Bring your wounded to England with you heart and
recomponlo privately ".
He smiled. He must regain control, leave a way out of it and let herself a
loophole. To be a toy for a prince? Not in a million years!
- I guess I should start thinking about booking my flight back home.

Her words took off guard Nico.

- To home? - He asked, frowning.
- Of course.
Gaby felt the smile appeared more easily animated by almost insulting him
puzzled expression. Do their women clung to him as if life were you in it?
- What will I stay longer? I made my recommendations to improve some of the
problems Mardivino, and you did you manage to have sex with me.
- What I've managed? - Snapped him, offended -. You make it sound as if you
had not had anything to do with it!
- Have I been?
Gaby was having fun. It was wonderful to see that look of indifference was gone
and in its place was a genuine emotion, though they were angry.
- Well, obviously that's not true - she continued -. I ...
- How magnanimous of you to admit that!
Those mocking words cut hers and stared defiantly.
- I had to see what has happened.
- Thank God - he said dryly.
- But there's no need for me to stay.
Nico pursed her lips. She was right, and it was not. In the end, her work on the
island had been a ruse, demonstrating the power of it and its privileges. And yet
she had taken in Seriously. He had submitted a problem and she had solved very
clever way. In fact, had exceeded all expectations I had about it, both in and out of
bed. "But if you do not even have been together in a bed! "he provoked a voice

inside her, and her body began to torment him further to realize the untapped
potential that had Gabriella.
- Do not want you to go - he said stubbornly.
She was about to add, "and Nico always gets what he wants." But it was not.
Nobody could even princes, let alone princes. He thought of his lonely childhood,
lived as a spectacle, exposed to public at parties like a little mannequin. She had
seen in pictures. Why was surprised that he did not have a 'normal' emotions?
She looked at him with raised eyebrows.
- You do not want to?
- Do Not.
Gaby waited. She did not want to leave, but there was a difference between being
honest enough to admit it and be an easy conquest. Would he be able to admit that
the feelings between them were strong enough so that the obstacle that he was a
prince ceased to be important? Or what was only his side of the story?
He leaned toward her an instant, so she could suck his natural wild essence, and
that the weakened proximity, as he knew it would. "Say something meaningful,"
she begged quietly. "Tell me even though you know it can not last, you worry
about me, if only minimally. "
- Will not you stick around to see how it takes shape your idea? - He murmured.
Gaby felt the sharp pain of rejection that he was not even aware but not reflected
nothing in his face. It was time to live in reality, not lost in impossible dreams. A
unless he was prepared for that, it would become a loser.
- I have a business to resume in England, Nico - she reminded him kindly -. I can
not stay here forever.

But as the words left his mouth, he wished to withdraw them. Because that
reminded them that there was a time, there was a limit. She was asking the
question I had not the courage to ask directly.
His eyes sparkled, and knew he had to be honest with her. He wanted her, but
following its rules, no other way possible.
- I wish you'd stay a little longer, Gaby. To expose your idea to Gianferro and
planners, yes, but for something else.
He shrugged, as if it were nothing ... God did not matter! Would live if she said
no. His eyes shone with a dark purpose. He had no intention of allowing him to say
- I want you to be my lover, Gabriella - admitted softly. - Just that.
Just that.
As statement was insulting.
Or simply was sincere?
He was dictating the rules as he had certainly done in every relationship of his
adult life, and Gaby realized that he could accept ... or not. It all came down to one
thing: if she was ready to accept him unconditionally or whether he would allow
his unrealistic dreams sent back home.
He watched the silent struggle within her, the longing in his eyes, though
struggled to hide ... And he saw also proud that she kept her head high way and
suddenly seemed the most compelling combinations.
- I wanna kiss - he announced, feeling the blood burning in his veins and warmth
spreading across his skin -. . But I can not do it . Not here, not now In fact, I can

not go to your sui you, for the same reason why you can not visit me in my room
palace: the gossips would know and your life will become hell.
- And yours too, Nico - she noted dryly. - Do not forget that.
- We must be discreet - he said as if she had not spoken.
Discrete. As had been the lover of the members of the Royal Family since the
early dynasties.
- I have a house on the outskirts of Solajoya - he continued -. We can use it
whenever we want. It's very pretty and secluded.
Like him. Gaby watched her seductive eyes, sensual lips. His strong and slender
body was tense and expectant. She could almost feel the pulse of his desire, and
that feeling was reciprocated.
Did should just stay with what I had experienced in his arms? L l evrselo and
remember with pleasure? As a treasure that would bring rainy days, to remember a
time I had been to the beautiful and incomparable time ... There was no future for a
relationship with this man, all you would get would end up with a broken heart.
And not just because he was a prince.
Gaby recalled how he had changed from being warm and delivered to cold and
indifferent after making love. A capability as that for c ompartimentar things was
an obstacle much greater than their high status. Is she hoped he would change?
That everything would change, and they could walk watching a sunset, holding
At the bottom of her heart, she knew what to do.
So what's stopping?

Him. Just him. The fact that Nico. The essence of the man. She had wanted him
from the first moment he had seen, and desire had been increasing. We had wanted
when he thought he had nothing, and still wanted him later.
- I do not know - she sincerely said, but the doubt in his voice as an invitation to
be convinced.
- We could go there later, mia cara - insisted the voice of velvet, deliberately
stroking his senses -. We could spend the night at each other's arms. One night.
Tonight. Why deny that?
With a mixture of nervousness and fear, Gaby knew he could not resist. What
harm could make one night? He nodded slowly, as if he were considering the
matter, but in reality was to prevent him to see the vulnerability in her eyes, which
was making her feel so naive rookie as a teenager.
Gaby lifted his head, his gaze was Orgu sa ment and without fear. He had made
his decision and would enjoy the most.
- Why not? - Said casually, and opened the door Piglet d e -. You'll spend for me?
Or should I get a dark coat and wait in a corner in shadows?
He laughed, suddenly flooded reckless driving.
- I'll pick you up at eight. And I'll cook for you.
But food was the latest in what Gaby thought as a long bath was given.
"Outside the doubts", she told herself sternly as wet hair is brushed. "This issue is
not about that."
And what would ...?
He put the brush on the dresser with a bang. Iba pleasure, fun, simple, normal
subjects. There was to be momentous.

Gaby left the side door of L'Etoile, found him waiting car and sat inside with him.
Nico smiled as he started the engine.
- You smell like flowers, face. In a meadow of flowers.
Gaby thanked the low light hid her flushed with pleasure cheeks. But that was the
continental education from him, she reminded herself, while the powerful drive
them out of the capital. The continental men were more gallant than the English.
She had discovered that long ago.
But some sweet words could go crazy for a woman, even if the last thing in the
world that need, and Gaby felt an overwhelming sense of anticipation as he was
driving on the roads. Somehow, that appointment was just a cold, or warm !,
sensual encounter between two adults who so wished, yet knowing that did not
diminish his growing excitement. Soon would be back in his arms, and suddenly
that was all that mattered.
When Nico opened the door, the house was dark, but flipped a switch and light
flooded everything from a huge lamp. Gaby just saw the huge, elegant proportions,
furniture French antiquarian who were scattered around the lobby, because he He
took her in his arms with a hungry groan, burying his face in her hair and her scent
deeply, as if he had been underwater too long.
He pulled away and took her face in his hands, his black eyes shining with a
higher intensity lamp.
- The bed - whispered, and, seizing her by the hand, led by a wide staircase.
Gaby's mouth was too dry to speak, but what use were the words at a time like
this? She was beyond the stage of saying they should have dinner first, or a drink,
not wanting to do anything.

Nothing I could stop

the desire ard lowing that gripped his veins c

lamorosamente, longing to feel his skin against hers again.

Nic or as Nico, devoid of all, only a man of flesh and blood.
He opened a door into a beautiful bed, adorned with sumptuous embroidered
curtains, made her turn to him and looked into his eyes for a long, impenetrable
Now, kiss me - asked quietly. - Kiss me, cara mia.
It was an order to which she had not been able to resist although the building was
collapsing around him. He circled his neck with her arms, stood on tiptoe and
pressed her mouth against his. The soft groan he filled with pleasure and daring.
As his lips opened under his, and their tongues intertwined, Gaby pressed her
body against him and he felt his breaths mingled as he moaned again.
It was as if they had been trained in what followed, because they moved in sync,
in a silent dance without words, to the bed, as if they had practiced the steps again
and again, even though Gaby knew she never had moved well. Is he right?
With knowing smiles hungry, they lay on the bed.
- Gabriella ...
But she silenced him by placing a finger over his mouth, and began to unbutton
his shirt. The words destroy the fantasy that he was hers; at least your body could
fake it.
She had never taken the initiative as before, and a part of his mind wondered if
such a dominant man would do. But his concern was fleeting, because I saw the
look of ecstasy on his face and knew that he was delighted.

He slid his hands up to his erect nipples, circling around the sensitized skin, and
that lean, firm body shivered with pleasure.
- Che cosa statefacendo love? - he moaned softly.
Her hands moved to his narrow hips.
- English please! - He joked.
But he shook his head, forgotten words and almost superfluous.
She undressed him as slowly as he could, until the tension between increased so
much that almost became unbearable. Her hands trembled as silk panties down,
and then placed on top of it. Their eyes met in the middle Broken only by his rapid
breathing silence, as she was reconciled to him, hugging him tight in her exquisite
and heat.
And that was too much. A small cry escaped her lips, and suddenly began to
shake uncontrollably.
He had observed and understood perfectly. He pulled his face to hers and kissed
her, lacing his fingers in her silky hair before her down sideways and start moving
Gaby gasped, and it was by far more than the feeling of him filling her deep, tight
... It was by the way their eyes met, observing the reactions of the other in a way
that almost frightened her so intimately.
She was excited to see how pleasure that flooded his body made her face relax
ecstasy, and joy he fed his own, until he could no longer gazing. Until the waves he
had been building a after another the flooded with a power that destroyed

He watched her orgasm, retaining almost annoyed that came, not wanting what
his own end. But the urge to surrender was too strong. I was having to lu c har with
your body to not get with each deep thrust. Whenever penetrated it was like
reaching the top of a mountain. Or like falling from the stars.
He then cried bitterly for liberation, to seize him a spasm of pleasure so deep, he
thought he would die at that time. And then let go, while the warm waves flooded
it, closing her eyes as she breathed in the soft and feminine fragrance of her.
For a moment I held her tightly, but then suddenly, abruptly pulled away and
stood tumb ado staring at the ceiling, where the moon cast its shadows.
And Gaby felt the loneliness its way where there was pleasure and fulfillment
once only. He had done it again, he acknowledged. had returned to unwind, to let
her out. The closeness, the feeling of complete unity ... it was purely physics.
Perhaps he even realized he did.
- Eh! - She whispered -. Do not do that!
Reached out and slid from shoulder to elbow him. He turned his head to look, but
not smiling.
- What not to do what? - He asked coldly.
The tone of his voice should have prevented it, but Gaby was in a state of ecstasy
such that chose not to pay attention. He shrugged. How could he learn if she did
not teach him?
- Te distances after making love. You can still maintain privacy, you know? - He
added softly - once it's over.
His hair was a bright fire under the moonlight, but his eyes were shadowed, and
he knew he could not continue taking advantage of what she gave him, not when

she gave so generously. Because that was not simply the best sex of your life, that
had been making love. That's why he seemed so different. So wild, so free. So
Nico knew what she was offering, and that if he continued accepting without
returning anything in return, or even unspoken promise to give something in
return, then he would just be an emotional thief. As much as it pained him, I had to
tell. But does a part of him did not expect her to forgive all for being honest?
His eyes were dark when he sought her gaze.
- No I love you, Gabriella - said slowly.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 13
G aby let the words of Nico sink in it as a heavy rock disappearing without trace
in murky waters, but his initial feeling was almost euphoric relief. He felt as if he
had gone to the doctor and had demanded to know the truth about a forecast,
because only then you might be able to address the problem.
And I heal.
But the euphoria was replaced almost immediately by a sense of real fear, and
wanted to scream: "I know, I'm not stupid, Nico! I've known all along, and would
have been able to accept my pace and my way if you could have to pretend a little.
Just for one night. A beautiful night of fantasy. "
Do I Cure it?
How the hell would I do? Becoming silly? Pretending ignorance? Having said
cold and controlled manner, "What the hell are you talking about?"?
No. He had all his life surrounded by people telling him what not think. They
were left on the surface. They talked for hours without having a real conversation,
but a mere small talk. If she intended to get something from her brief romance with
him, would be honesty.
And pride.
- I know, Nico - he said and his voice was almost gentle.
What grace. The softness had appeared not know where, concealing the shocking
realization that this was the last time. But it was not his fault. In fact it was not. He
was like it was not like she wanted it.

Nico frowned, as if this was not the reaction he expected.

- I'm twenty years old - started with tense voice -. And do not want to commit.
With anyone. No need to compromise. And when you do, it will be with someone
- More appropriate - interrupted her with irony, seeing the look of irritation to
But damn, does he not been interrupted often enough in the past?
-. I know that too, Nico Why the hell do you bother to tell me all this?
Why then? Did not he could have waited until the morning, and have left a
memory I rm Bear and intact and not marred by bitter truth?
Gaby sat so overwhelmed by the whirlwind of his thoughts that he almost forgot
she was naked until he saw the brightness response in his eyes. He reached out to
her, but Gaby him away.
- No - said firmly. - Please do not touch me.
Never in his life had encentrado Nico with a situation where you do not get away
with it thanks to its charm, but knew she was serious. What woman as stubborn
and obstinate. He stifled a sigh.
- Come on, let's get up and eat something.
But Gabriella shook her head. How easy it would go something overlooked, as
usual. Walk downstairs to the kitchen and let him seduce her with his culinary arts
and conversation, drink wine and be lulled, so that even the hard actually passed
into the background. And then return to kiss and make love, but it would not be the
same, how could he be? Because, despite the odds they had a future together were
nil, that did not stop stupid of her to wait maybe could itself be.

But his words had destroyed all hope, and without hope, what was left?
Pride, she reminded herself. She still had that.
- No - she said, shaking her head, trying not to sound sad -. It makes no sense. I
want to return now to L'Etoile, and tomorrow morning plane back to England.
He cursed softly in a voice full of acidity.
- I've been honest with you - said bitterly, wishing I had not said anything until
morning. - Why can not you accept?
- Accept your conditions without question, you mean? - Asked her getting stiff. should conditions that do not consider my feelings? Sorry, Nico, but you can
always get your way. You can not play at being the little misunderstood prince
who needs to keep his identity secret throughout the burden associated with its
title, and then turn around and arrogantly demanding obedience blind which is part
of that title!
- How dare you talk like that? - He asked.
- What me how dare? - She repeated, her green eyes flashing. - I'll tell you how I
dare! Does the fact that we love the fact just now I do not grant any rights? Or do
you treat all women as if they were merchandise, using them until they start to
threaten you, or make requests that are not part of your game to be prince?
- Enough is enough! - He snapped.
- No, it's not enough! - She replied -. Maybe it's time someone starts to answer
like a normal human being can not stand it when that happens, am I right? Hold
you hate restrictions prince's life, but you can not expect to hide behind it when it
pleases you!
- Hiding? - He repeated angrily. - Me, hide?

Gaby gave a cynical laugh as he realized he had touched a nerve.

- So I've offended your macho image, eh, Nico? - She brought her gaze daring. Do not you know that being a real man is more than just go full speed on a bike or
put your life in danger?
- I said enough is enough! - He repeated sharply.
But she was flooded with so implacable necessity, which could not have stopped
even if he wanted.
- You say you have a problem with Gianferro? Well, no wonder, he is terribly
worried about you! How much longer do you think remain "the reckless prince"
with your crazy stunts? Until you're fifty years and you continue up the mountain
bike? Do not you see how sad is that?
- I will not hear a word more! - Him I exclaimed angrily -. We hope down!
- Yeah, that, run away, why do not you going to do? You probably spend the rest
of your life running away from the truth!
For a moment there was silence tinged with disbelief.
- Slipping Away? - He repeated.
- That's it. Escaping unconsciously.
She looked at him, stopped at that moment of revelation as a swimmer about to
jump into the water and went without fear.
- You will never be happy until you discover what you try to escape.
She stared at him, waiting breathlessly their response as a condemned woman
begging for mercy to the judge. But he just gave a bitter and sarcastic laughter as
he grabbed his shirt.

- You better views - said, not just give him a look.

In a way, this was the worst possible reaction. At least when it had been furious,
she had felt that they were still connected in some way, as if a dispute was proof
that there had been something more between them than just sex. But that illconcealed boredom was humiliating. As if he could not wait to get rid of it.
Had they wounded him his words? She had spoken angry, yes, but he felt he had
every right to. He had intended to open the eyes to help, not to hurt him.
Shyly, she reached for tousled black hair, but he pulled away and left the bed.
jeans She stood with a dismissive gesture that broke her heart into a thousand
pieces, and Gaby realized he had broken that for always, and detonation had been
his harsh words.
No. He also had shattered, supporting rigid rules that would stop any possible
closeness between them. G aby grabbed his wrinkled pants and shook. notice him
looking, watching how her bare breasts moved freely was given . He saw his jaw
- Hurry - snapped him, and then went and left her alone.
His expression was icy.
With trembling hands, Gaby dressed in the room lit by the moonlight, with the
skin still red after the incredible sex they had shared. And when he stood up after
tying sandals, saw his picture in the Venetian mirror over fireplace.
There she was, with her dress of a chain of clothing stores and unkempt hair. The
strange moonlight was added to the surreal image of the mirror. She did not fit in
the place, never would.

Slowly, he started down the stairs. Nico was waiting at the bottom, with bright
black eyes staring like a new species that had discovered and was not sure what
would be your next move.
And she looked at him, with eyes equally insecure.
Does a part of it did not regret having said those words? A part of her that now
would be willing to change your mind? If Nico took her in his arms, kissed her and
tried to convince him to stay, would you be able to resist?
With great effort, Nico looked away from her thighs, brushing against each other
as he descended the stairs.
- Come on - he said, insultingly looked at his watch. Maybe you're not hungry,
face, but I do. I will leave the hotel and then I'll go to dinner.
Who ?, she wondered. But the painful shock of his heart were caused not by a
barely imagined jealousy, but for sure was going quickly become part of the past
Soon, she would just be a blur.
Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Chapter 14
E l problem was that there was no one I could tell Gaby because even herself
sounded totally amazing. What would your parents, or Rachel or her best friend
Celia, if they suddenly blew why changing mood so suddenly, or by attending tears
to your eyes without apparent cause?
"Well, this is what happened. I'm in love with a prince, but he does not love me
have had an affair and now it's gone, and I have to get going and get on with my
life. "
In the end I had to give some explanation, so he gave one that said it all.
"It is a man."
Then everyone understood, and there was no need for further explanation. None,
except Celia, he worried who he was or where he was, because the result was that
no longer part of the life of Gaby and had broken her heart.
And when she thought about it, that was the fundamental issue. The fact that Nico
was a prince did not matter. If it had been a banker, or restorative, or trucker,
would he have hurt less?
. Of course not Amar hurt. It seeped into the heart with his particular pain and the
only solution was to let time heal him. That this boring prediction that made
everyone be fulfilled. time heals all intellectual level She knew it was true, but on
an emotional level ... well, I just could not imagine that I would not live in that
state for the rest of his life.

His output was precipitated Mardivino and dishonorable. Oh, yes, a smart car had
driven to the airport, but was driven by a chauffeur, not by Nico.
The only contact he had with him after that night, when he was taken to the hotel
in tense silence, a call was dry and factual phone, in which he had been informed
of the schedule of flights.
The only unexpected contact had occurred at the end of the conversation, when
Nico had added, or rather groan:
- Gianferro thinks your idea is good.
And, as she was maintaining composure he barely, came out cold and sardonic
- Please tell him I'm glad I been helpful.
So there it was, he thought as he watched his garden Gaby through the window.
Even the weather reflected his mood. It was one of those dull and depressing of
low clouds poured incessant sheets of rain days.
It had rained every day since he had come to his house and the lawn was a
By midmorning still unclear, and Gaby had to light a lamp. He turned on the radio
and heard an old television celebrity was enjoying new fame to walk to remote
locations around the world.
"Maybe I should do that," thought Gaby. A change of scenery.
He discovered that he missed M ardivino, who would not ?, c on its so clear blue
skies, and sapphire water, and mountains covered with green, and the houses of
white roofs of the capital.

He fiddled with the radio, changing browser exploits by classical music, and had
just made a great coffee rang the doorbell. She sighed.
"Please, than Rachel," he thought. Neither Celia. Not another friend with his best
intentions he had decided he needed "to stop thinking." For a moment, raised no
Do Not.
The world is not going to disappear, nor should.
He opened the door with a smile. It was funny. Maybe his heart was broken to
pieces, but somehow managed to disguise it with a bright smile.
But the smile died on his lips, because there was Celia, or Rachel. It was Nico
who was standing there, her hair soaked by rain, the shadowed face and body virile
and alive as ever.
Looked Like ...
Gaby swallowed.
Seemed both a man and a prince. Despite his soaked jacket and his faded jeans,
there was something regal in his proud and autocratic looks.
He had never been so desirable, nor as unobtainable.
Nico looked at that face lifted to his, pale, oval, with eyes like two e normes
emeralds, and glimpsed his look of pain and regret. For a moment, almost turned
around. Perhaps the feelings that caused one on the other were too intense, too
incompatible with their lives, especially with him. Maybe she had reached that
conclusion for themselves. But he knew he had to find out.
- Ciao, bella - waved gently, adding even more smoothly. - Gabriella.

He was the only person who had called in his life. As if to use your real name had
awakened the woman who had been hidden beneath the surface. A woman could
love, live, feel, suffer ... one woman with the same passions that he, only he
sublimated passions using these damned machines!
Gaby looked at him and was about to pinch, trying to get used to the fact that he
was not a figment of his imagination, but he was really ahead of her, at her door.
He thought it looked different. More slimmer hard. Tense. His jaw was darkened
by the shadow of a beard. I see him again made the day so gray seems bright
suddenly, and Gaby felt her heart melted. Oh, God, would ever able to I look at it
without dying of love for him inside?
- Nico! - Exclaimed -. What are you doing here?
- Getting wet - he said wryly.
- Oh, my God, you better come in!
He gave a rueful smile. When in his life he had to someone's door, getting wet in
the rain?
- Give me your jacket. - It is apre Sur say it because it would be easier if I did
something calm . But her hands were shaking as hung the jacket soaked calm?
Who was trying to fool?
He ran his face with his eyes, not daring to feed the tiny glimmer of hope he felt.
The fact that he was there did not mean anything.
- Why are you here? - She whispered.
The mere presence of him there was a statement that normally would have been
enough by itself. But it was not enough. She had accused him of many things, but
he had reacted had been telling escaping. And he used the circumstances, their

privilege and things as substitutes for reality. It was the harsh reality. Which was
sometimes painful, but he could not always escape if I wanted to live with some
degree of peace.
But he never explained his feelings before, never had what so and, like when
learning new skills, was found in the long-forgotten being a rookie position.
- I got rid of the bike - announced.
Gaby blinked as his stupid fantasies turned to dust. Whatever he had secretly
hoped would happen, it certainly was not talking about his doomed bike! His face
remained expressionless.
- Ah yes? - He asked stiffly.
He realized that this was not what she wanted to hear. As if he were a child
learning to swim, made a second attempt.
- I want to be a sad man of fifty climbing the mountain bike.
He was repeating her words. Gaby lower lip.
- I should not have said that.
- On the contrary, cara mia, said just the right thing.
- Ah yes?
He saw the disbelief in his voice and knew he was justified.
- What else could I learn? - Asked simply, and smiled at her open her mouth in
astonishment -. At that time I did not want to hear, but it is also true that no one
had talked to me like that before. I do not want that kind of excitement. It means
nothing, because it is not real. But you turn me on, Gaby, and you are real. Very

Gaby could barely breathe, but I knew I wanted more than I suspected he offered.
And more than that, she needed him to say it again, as if repetition could only
convince her to speak honestly, it was not simply a ruse to recover the physical
issue that was so explosive between them.
- You will have great sex with other women, Nico, you know I do.
His face darkened. What woman as stubborn and obtuse!
- I'm not referring to sex!
- Oh, no?
In the distance, Nico heard the music of a piano.
- Do Not.
- So ... what are you referring?
Nico frowned.
- I do not know. It seems love.
This was an unimaginable recognition, but not the whole truth. Did not she had
been dismantled layer by layer of his life, forcing him to look at the center, true
and sometimes painful, of everything? Will he dare to do then? For a man who had
spent his life taking risks, I never found one so overwhelming as that. He shrugged
his shoulders like a small child.
- It is love - he admitted -. I'm in love with you. I love you, Gabriella.
- Oh, God - she exclaimed. - Oh, Nico ...
Her eyes est aban Randolo Dazzling, blinding him with an emerald glow more
vivid than the tones of the ocean. And they Nico saw what she felt for him, a
statement without words how much he meant to her.

But was it enough? Is she you be prepared to give up their freedom for a royal
life, which she despised many ways?
- Do you think we have a future together? - He asked her softly.
Gaby shook his head.
- I'm not able to think beyond the next second - he said, excited -. And if you do
not come and hug me, I guess I'll die.
You take her in his arms was the easiest thing I had ever done, and feeling her
arms around his neck as if it were not to leave never escape, felt like back home.
Nico closed his eyes and buried his face in fragrant silk of her hair.
That feeling defied all logic and common sense, and was most valuable and rare
treasures that were in the palaces of his family. And he just had experimented with
it. Only her. In her arms. In that sense the men renounced the throne and could
understand why.
He reassured to note that beginning to tremble.
- Shh. I know. Believe me, cara mia, I know.
He lifted her chin with one finger and your eyes open paging messages are
exchanged, and answered questions without the words, And then his mouth moved
to erase the pain and heartbreak, standing over her mouth with a tenderness that
she did not think he could show, and she grabbed his face in his hands and kissed
him back gently.
And when they finally parted, her eyes were dazed.
- Sky dolce - muttered Nic or shocked by the power and beauty of his embrace,
because he did not know that a kiss could be more than foreplay. Little did I know!
Much had to learn. He stroked her face.

Gaby looked. You really what was going on? And even if it did, what would
happen then? When two people were in love, of course speaking of a future
together, but his case was not that of others: How could it be? She stroked his
cheek, which was still quite cold and wet.
- We can not continue talking about here. You're cold. Come, sit down by the fire.
Sweet and rope normality of those words made Nico smile.
- Have you started a fire? But if we are only in September.
- But it is very cold! Come on. I'll serve a brandy.
He spread his hands toward the fire and sat on the floor. A Gaby liked to see it on
your carpet, his long legs stretched out. He served a little brandy in a pair of
glasses and sat beside him. Only when they had drunk and let the vessels by the
fire, she turned toward him.
- And what made you change the frigid man who came running to this ...? - He
asked as he walked the line of her lips with a finger, as if to confirm that he was
real and not a dream evaporate at any time.
He gasped and grabbed his finger. He sucked until it was too wet. Then he pulled
it out of his mouth and wiped them with her cashmere sweater, and left it there.
- It was you. You have changed me - he answered softly -. . You made me see
things I do not want to see . I did see escaping all the time, escaped feelings,
because feelings can cause suffering But, more than that , have made me see my
life as it is and without you is empty. I want to be with you, Gabrie ll a.
She forced herself to be practical, because if I started to go with his greatest wish
and then circumstances so obscured by new hands ...
- But I never let Gianferro!

- Why not?
- Because I am a commoner and you're a prince! He will never give me your
- I can assure you that he approves you - he flatly contradicted him. - Yesterday
morning walked enraged by the throne room, wondering what you had done me
recover the trial had, when he had spent years trying!
- Getting Approval is one thing - she slowly said -. But we can have a life
together is something completely different. How could we? I live here and you live
in Mardivino. You can not live here, for practical reasons, and if I were to
Mardivino to be with you, we should take our romance a secret.
- If we are not married.
Gaby looked at him.
- Excuse me? Did you just talk about marriage?
- Yup.
- Will you marry me?
- Of course you do! You do not want to marry me? - He asked playfully scolding
-. Because you still have not told me you love me!
She took a deep breath.
- Oh, God, of course I love you, my love. Nico, you know I love you.
- Yes - he said, with an arrogant happiness -. The know.
- But we can not get married!
- Why not?
- It's too early!

He shook his head and hand over his heart in the most romantic gesture that Gaby
could imagine.
- No, it's not - he contradicted him gently -. In fact, that we are following
tradition, because courtship in the Royalty is never very long.
- But you do not need permission Gianferro?
- I would marry you without your permission, mia cara - he said with bright eyes . But my strength is moot, because he has already given permission.
She blinked.
- For real?
He nodded.
- Oui, c'est vrai.
She squinted suspiciously.
- Told me that the Italian was the language of love!
He smiled.
- And it is - he agreed softly -. But French is the language of the law, and
marriage is a combination of love and obligations.
There was a pause, broken only by a heartbeat silence. Was his, or hers?
- Will you marry me, Gabriella?
She did not answer immediately. He turned his mind that he knew he needed
because a marriage to a prince was different. She loved him, yes, but the
obligations and duty were paramount if you want to be happy together, and she
could only accept the offer if it was certain that it could be a good wife to him.

- Oh, yes, Nico - answered softly, fervently -. It will be a proud and honored to be
your wife.
Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


Sharon Kendrick - Mediterranean Passion - 1 The Royal House of Cacciatore

Everyone liked a royal wedding, and Mardivino was no exception. The world
press went crazy with the history of the youngest of the three beautiful dark
princes, who was in love with a girl "stream" of England.
It was all overwhelming.
In the end, Gaby decided to confound the experts predicting which of the most
exclusive designers in the world would be lucky to create her wedding dress. She
chose a simple white dress beautiful, exquisitely cut by the dressmaker mother. In
his hands carried a bouquet of the English flowers, white roses.
- Simplicity is the new trend! - Exclaimed connoisseurs.
But Gaby did not care who got married in the beautiful cathedral Solajoya with
world leaders and royals among attendees. She was going to marry the man she
loved and who loved her, and that was all that mattered .
When she looked into his eyes before the altar, everything else was gone, all he
could see was only Nico Nico, his love and his life.
He had left him free to redecorate the house on the outskirts of the city, but had
also booked them a part of the rooms in the palace itself. Everything might have
been a little overwhelming, but love Gaby surpassed everything else, and he
assumed his new role with fervor and joy.
In addition, work together.
Although they would not live together before marriage, Nico had shown him all
facets of her life, and she had discovered the number of projects in which he was

involved. No wonder he had not had time to visit each of the small villages of the
island ... Part of his new revitalization program was underfunded explore the
villages with Gaby beside her.
He had ordered the change of location of the main museum of Solajoya, and
wanted her to help him plan a world tour of the work of Juan Lopez, for the whole
world to know the "artist of the artists'.
The new gallery was opened by the new princess to a wildly enthusiastic and
grateful that a portion of tourism on the island give them prominence. Local
population Architects and urban planners had been visiting the village to oversee
the expansion, which had been designed to blend with the natural scenery, without
departing from its natural simplicity.
Gianferro audience had asked her shortly after they announced the wedding, and
she had traveled to the island to prepare for the event.
He had noticed nervous stomach churning as he walked down the hallway to his
office. He had given its approval, yes, but what if secretly doubted his ability to be
a good wife and princess?
But Gaby did not have to be scared. The hard his face had softened at the look of
anxiety in his eyes, and had directed him to sit beside him on the couch.
- Come, Gabriella - had whispered it -. And tell me what magic has applied Nico.
- It's not magic - had she coyly replied. - It's only love.
Those black eyes, so like his brother, had flashed.
- He planned to ask yourself if you really love him - he said -. But now I see that
the question is moot, because the answer to your eyes shine like the noonday sun.

- Oh, Gianferro is my kind of guy - Celia had whispered adoringly morning of the
ceremony, while her bridesmaid dress is smoothed. - Is there any chance you do
But Gaby had shaken his head.
- I do not think so. It's a loner.
Gianferro soon be king because his father's health was weakening rapidly, and be
king was a lonely fate. The princes were plentiful, but kings were few. They had
accepted that Nico marry her, a commoner, simply because he was the youngest of
the children, and had a lower burden of responsibility on their shoulders.
But the fate of Gianferro was drawn. When I had a girlfriend; should be adequate.
And when Gaby looked sexy but that agitated face, wondering how to endure the
reality of having to marry a virgin.
Prince Guido had come to the island at the last moment, and Gaby had witnessed
an extraordinary phenomenon. All women had looked around him with an almost
incandescent desire He was an extraordinarily handsome man recognized her, but
her black eyes were full of boredom, almost boredom.
- So you've passed me getting married first, Nico - had told her prenuptial dance.
- I'm not surprised! - Nico had responded dryly. - Have wishes to marry, Guido?
- None at all - was the mocking response -. I'm happy as I am.
- For reals? - Suddenly had asked Gaby, and both brothers had turned toward her.
Nico was not surprised as Guido, because he was accustomed to her innocent way
of speaking his mind.
Guido had narrowed eyes.

- Of course - he had answered casually. - I enjoy my self-imposed exile. No

convicted mothers clucking and introducing me to his beloved daughters.
And he had left out a bitter laugh when one of the mothers commented had started
patrolling it, almost blinding him with their diamonds, with a look of determination
on his face.
- Forgive me - had murmured Guido -. But long ago he was not here.
- I fear that Guido is a little cynical when it comes to women - had confessed
Nico Gaby later.
The guests were gone, and they two stood on the deck, side by side, watching the
stars and crescent moon.
She had turned to him with an expression of mock surprise.
- Do not tell me!
Nico had laughed.
They laughed a lot. They hugged tightly and thanked God for having found each
Gaby had left his old life behind, but so Nico had made, and they were
discovering together was better than his best fantasies.

Polylopez scanning and run by Joany Gido


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