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This Paper is for Assigment of Islamic Philosophy
The Lecturer:
Drs. Machrus, M.Ag

Arranged by:
Muhammad Aseffudin

The Special Program of Theology Faculty

Majors Aqidah Filsafat



Muhammad Aseffudin

The entry of philosophy developed in the coastal ocean of the eastern Mediterranean
in the 6th century AD is characterized by the questions to answer the question about nature,
man and God. From the Mediterranean move towards Athens, which became the homeland of
philosophy. When Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great, philosophy began to
explore the eastern world, and culminating in the 529M.
When in contact with Islamic philosophy, it happens that the philosophy inspired by
the points that lead to the sources of Islamic law. Islamic philosophy is a philosophy that all
philosophers are Muslims. The philosopher lives and breathes in the reality of Al-Quran and
As-Sunnah. There are several major differences between Islamic philosophy with other
First, despite all Muslim philosophers revived the works of Greek philosophy, but
then they adapt them to Islamic teachings. Secondly, Islam is a monotheistic religion. Thus, if
the other philosophy is still "seeking God", in Islamic philosophy instead of God "is found".
A. Understanding of Islamic Philosophy
The word philosophy or philosophy in the Indonesian language is the uptake of the
Arabic language which is also derived from the Greek, philosopia, Philo = love, sopia =
wisdom. So seen from the root, philosophy contains want to know more in-depth
understanding or love of wisdom.
Definition of the term of philosophy is to think in systematic terms, radical and
universal to know about the nature of the something existing , such as the nature of nature,
human nature, the nature of society, and so forth. Thus, came the philosophy of nature,
human philosophy, philosophy of society, and so forth. The understanding of Islamic
philosophy is to think systematically, radical and universal of all things based on the
teachings of Islam. Islamic Philosophy is oriented philosophy of Al-Quran, seek answers
about rights issues based on the revelation of God.
B. The growth history of Islamic Philosophy
Islamic philosophy path laid by two contemporary living environments equally laid
foundations of rational study of Islam. The first is the interpreter environment that supplies
the Islamic world with the thought classic, either east or west. Second, environmental sects of
Islamic theology. Arabic is utilizing the teachings of eastern and western philosophies the
Islamic conquests. They studied and written texts translated into Arabic. In the last years of
the first century Hijra, arose partly from a foreign language interpreter.
The movement is running 3 century and carried out by specialist translators who
controlled study Arab. They have a specialsation on certain aspects of civilization, such as

medicine, philosophies. Leading interpreter of Islamic movements in such a way to wisdom

and philosophy, so in touch with the culture of Persian and Hindu- translated from the
literature of Brahmanism, Samaniah, etc.. He was giving special attention to Greek
philosophy, so familiar predecessors Socrates and flow figures Alexandria. Platinus thinking,
although the opinions of others got a good portion among the people Muslims. No doubt that
is closer to the idea of Platonism Islam, because it contains elements of a mix of philosophy
and religions.
The translators also write directly. Some are focused in medicine, chemistry,
astronomy / philosophy, which no doubt is less starting point for scientific and philosophical
writings of Islam. The translators were into contact with thinkers who are nearby. Kalamiah
flow groups, the final year of the first century Hijra, raised to the surface the problems-the
problems of philosophy, such as the problem of determinism. And in the second century Hijra
born faith problem
C. Typical characteristics of Islamic Philosophy
1. As a religious-spiritual philosophy
It said religious philosophy, because Islam grows in the heart of Islamic philosophy,
the characters are educated with the teachings of Islam and Muslims living in the atmosphere.
Islamic philosophy is an extension of the discussions of religious and theological existed
before. Islamic philosophical topics those are religious, such as the worship of God. Because
He is the creator, then He created and not something, organize and arrange1.
He created the sheer grace. He maintained with his attention and he bow to the laws
of a permanent and solid. Religious and spiritual manner, the philosophy of Islamic scholastic
philosophy can approach, even in line with contemporary philosophy.
2. Rational Philosophy
Although the religious-spiritual, but also very Islamic philosophy based on reason in
interpreting the problems of the divine, human and nature. Human reason is a potential life.
He has 2 kinds. First, practically in charge of controlling the body and regulate behavior.
Second, the theoretical specific with regard to perception and epistemology. Because of this
practical sense that receive sensory perceptions and summarize the universal understanding
with the help of an active mind.
With a sense, we analyze and prove. With a sense, we revealed the scientific realities.
Because the mind is one of the doors of knowledge. The philosophers of Islam in line with
Mutazilah that preceded them in the glorification of reason and submit to the jurisdiction.
They rest on a sense in many ways.
To that end, they agreed that the human intellect is able to distinguish good and bad,
even able to distinguish good and bad prior to any provision of the religion. They put forward

Ibnu Sina, al-Irsyad, Leiden 1982. halm 147-157

the theory that God must do the good and the best, so the act of God is inseparable from good
c. Philosophy of the syncretism
Islamic philosophy blends among fellow philosophers. However, their specific
concentrations studied Plato and Aristotle. They translated almost all the standard books of
Aristotle. Aristotle and Plato so many schools of Islamic influence. No doubt, Aristotle and
Plato's philosophy is the leader, who put its principle, discusses it in detail, with the goal of
these principles. However, it is impossible to expect a successful blend of the foundation is
However, this is a starting point that underlies the subsequent philosophers. If the
combination of Plato and Aristotle as one of the principles underlying the philosophy of
Islam, then the second principle is to combine philosophy with religion. In addition,
characterized by religious, Islamic philosophy also includes a sense of religious texts. In
philosophy, there are aspects that are inconsistent with religion. That is why the Islamic
philosophers busy characterize the philosophy of religion4. Cultivated blend of Islamic
philosophers is one of the bridges that close knit Arab philosophy and the philosophy of Latin
d. Islamic Philosophers
Some of the leaders of Islamic philosophy among others:
Al-Kindi was the first famous philosopher. He was not only a philosopher, but also
scientists of his day. About philosophy, Al-Kindi argues that between religion and philosophy
there is no contradiction. Tawheed is the noblest branch of science from philosophy.
Discusses the philosophy of truth / essence. And first it is God's nature. Al-Kindi to review
the theory of the justice of God and argues that all acts of God that does not contain elements
of wrongdoers.
Al-Kindi also talk about the soul and mind. The human soul has three power. Lust of
power concentrated in the abdomen, the brave, based on the chest, and the power of thought
centered on the head. Think the reason is called. In his philosophical thinking, Al-Kindi was
much influenced by Aristotle, Plato and Neo-Platonism. Most of his works (numbering about
270 pieces) disappeared. Ibn al-Nadim, based on writings alqifti classify the writings of AlKindi to 17 groups, namely:
Philosophy, as the book of al-Kindi ilal mu'tasyim billah philosophy fil al ula, the
book of al harts ta'allum ala al philosophy, the book is like al jawami fi al fikriyah,
and so forth.
Logic, as an overview of the book isaghuji farfuris li, ne treatise fi'amal mukhrijat al
jawami, fil ashwat al khomsah treatise, and so forth.

Al-Syahrastani, Nihayah, Oxford 1934, halm 397-400

Nata, Dr. H. Abuddin. 2001. Ilmu Kalam, Filsafat dan Tasawuf. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada
Nasution, Prof. Dr. Harun. 1985. Islam ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspek Jilid II. Jakarta : UIP

Science is calculated, such as fil kamiyat al mudhofah treatise, treatises ta'lif al a'dad
fi, fil madkhal ilal aritmatiqhi treatise, and so forth.
Sferika, such as fil kuriyat treatise, rialah fi style kuroh amalia Samiti, the minutes of
fi tashihil kurah, and so forth.
Music, treatise al kubra ta'lif fit, fil treatise madkhal shina'atil musiqi ila, and so forth.
Astronomy, such as al syu'aa mathrah treatise, treatises fil fashlayn, and so forth.
Geometry, sepeerti treatise al mir'at manazhir deviation fi, fi treatise aghradh uglidis
book, and so forth.
SFERA-SFERA sky, like the minutes of fi zhahiriyah al celestial sphere, alan fil
treatise Al-Aqsa, and so forth.
Studies of treatment, such as treatises wad fil ghidza dawa'al muhlik, risalh aqsam fi
al humayyat, and so forth.
Astrology, such as fi madkhal ahkam treatise, treatises fil qada 'alal kusuf, and so
Psychology, as the minutes of fi mahiyat al nawm ru'ya war, Kalm lil fin Kindi nafs,
mukhtasyar wajiz, and so forth.
polemix writings, such as fir Radd alats tsanawiyah treatise, Jawahir fi alajsm treatise,
and so forth.
Politics as treatise tashil subul al fadhail fi, fi alfazh sughath treatise, and so forth.
Meteorology, as the minutes of fi illat anwa'us sanah deviation, the minutes of fi
ma'iyat az age wad wal hin dharma, dna so forth.
Oversized (magnitude), such as fir kubra risalatuhul rub'il Maskun, the minutes of an
ad ajram fi akbar, and so forth.
forecasts, such as fin Nahl treatise, treatises na'til hijarah fi, etc.
Al-Farabi focusing on happiness, which he coveted the highest human goals can be
achieved only through the will and commendable act of intentional understanding. From the
psychological aspect, Al-Farabi concentrate on running `iradi charity. To that end, he
distinguishes from the endeavor will of god.
He argues that the will of god (the will) was born by a sense of longing and desire
generated by the taste and imagination. While efforts were born solely by the thought and
analysis. Al-Farabi explains that humans can do well if he wishes. Because it is free to realize
what he wants and do. But this freedom is subject to the laws of nature, each provided with
facilities in accordance with the event, and each of which there has been at the its qada and
qadar5. His essays are:
Agradhu ma ba'da at tabi'ah
Al jam'u baina ra'jai al hakimain
Tahsil as Sa'adah
'ul ujun Masa'il, and so forth.

Al-Farabi, al-Samiah, al-Mardiyyah fi Bad AlRisalah al-Farabiyyah, Leiden 1890, halm 64

Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina is famous for two books, namely Al-Qanun Fi Al-Tibb and Al-Shifa. Al-Qanun,
an encyclopedia of medicine. Al-Shifa is an encyclopaedia of Aristotelian philosophy and
science. Ibn Sina echoed Al-Farabi, "Act for each given freedom in accordance with nature".
Ibn Rushd
Ibn Rushd's a lot of focus on the philosophy of Aristotle and write summaries and
commentary that cover most of the Greek philosophers essay. In the field of philosophy, AlTahafut Tahafut, he wrote in response to the book Al-Ghazali, Al-Falasiyah Tahafut. Ibn
Rushd's books about the philosophy of Aristotle translated into many languages latin and
influential thinkers of Europe.
Then in Europe trdapat Averroism flow. According to this flow, contain the truth of
philosophy, religion and revelation bring things that are not true. This opinion is probably
derived from Ibn Rushd. This mistake arose from a misunderstanding of western writers on
Ibn Rushd interpretations of Aristotle's philosophy.
e. Influence of Islamic Philosophy
Up to now can be seen that the Christian philosophy influenced by Islamic
philosophy. It is rooted in the last years of the 12th century, when people began to contact
with the Arab Latin through their envoys to Sicily and Andalusia. This influence was clear
and strong in the 13th century and spread to the Renaissance.

D. Conclusion
Islamic philosophy coincides with the first philosophers, namely Al-Kindi, in the mid
9th century AD6 After a translation movement of Greek philosophy and science books into
Arabic, more than half a century in Baghdad. The philosophers interested in philosophy
because philosophy is an Islamic religious demands in order to seek truth and practice the
truth. They use as a filter (filter) is Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
Discuss the problems of Islamic philosophy of philosophy, such as the familiar theory
of happiness and virtue, and God's human relations and vice versa. In addition, Islamic
philosophy also includes medicine, law and economics7. Also entered the Islamic sciences
such as jurisprudence. Islamic philosophy reached its peak in the age of Al-Farabi and Ibn
Sina. When there is disagreement among scholars about the philosophical Ibn Rushd,
attention to the philosophy to be reduced. And attention to emerging and developing it again
in the last century (20th century).

. Nasution, Prof. Dr. Harun. 1992. Filsafat dan Mistisisme Dalam Islam. Jakarta : Bulan Bintang


E. Bibliography
1. Ibnu Sina, al-Irsyad, Leiden 1982. halm 147-157
2. Al-Syahrastani, Nihayah, Oxford 1934, halm 397-400

3. Nata, Dr. H. Abuddin. 2001. Ilmu Kalam, Filsafat dan Tasawuf. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
4. Nasution, Prof. Dr. Harun. 1985. Islam ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspek Jilid II. Jakarta : UIP
5. Al-Farabi, al-Samiah, al-Mardiyyah fi Bad AlRisalah al-Farabiyyah, Leiden 1890, hal 64
6. Nasution, Prof. Dr. Harun. 1992. Filsafat dan Mistisisme Dalam Islam. Jakarta : Bulan

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