Scheda - Odin Workshop A Gallipoli, Italia, Sett 2014

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Domanda di partecipazione

Ultima data di scadenza: 15 agosto 2014

Da inviare a:


22 28 settembre 2014ws
Nome: Grigoriu
Cognome: Iulia
Indirizzo e-mail:
Numero Cellulare: +(40)745924316
Et: 20 years
Uomo / Donna
Nazionalit: Romanian
Lingue conosciute: English, French, a little Italian
Titolo di studio: High School of Art Dimitrie Cuclin, Bucharest, acting department
Professione: Student at the National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale"
Bucharest, departament of theatre directing
Esperienze teatrali:
In high school I studied acting and during those years I was involved in many projects as
actress and dancer.
In 2010 I created a theater group named Quasar theatre; twenty people (actors, dancers,
scenographer, lighting technician, amators or professionals) were part of it, and together we
did five performances: CriVain, Orage a Paris, Dcor, The school insane, Free will, the play
texts and the directing belonging to me. We went to different festivals in the country, in Iasi
(The National Symposium of Arts), in Ploiesti (Nights in Thalias world), Bucuresti (Ludic
Theatre Days).
In 2012 I played Juliet in Nichita and Tango, a production of National Theatre ClujNapoca, Romania.
I am studying theatre directing at National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale,
Bucharest from october 2013, and within the University I directed the following plays:
- Masa, after The Seagull by A. P. Chehov,
- Dorian Gray, after the Oscar Wildes novel of the same name
- The colonel bird, by Hristo Boicev
- The Devils Disciple, by G.B. Shaw
- The Lady from the Sea, by Henrik Ibsen
- Hedda Gabler, by Henrik Ibsen
- Nest...ingherii, after W. Shakespeare

Per quale motivazione desideri partecipare a questo seminario?

I think its very important to have mentors. Not only in this profession, but in life, and I felt
this need for mentors since I was a little child. Its not really what they tell you or how they
treat you, its about the energy you get only thinking about them. Its this kind of strange and
cozy energy I feel when I think about Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret. Sure, I read his books,
I saw his interviews, I searched everything the internet and the library could give me about
his work, but just the thought of actually being there and see and feel everything, makes me . I
think from one point of view, its better that I havent been to any of his workshops yet, and I
can be a part of this experience all fresh and in a pure form.
I am studying theatre directing and I know that experiencing the workshop will inspire me for
years; I also write plays and the first thing that gets me started on writing something new is
the people I met, and Im sure there are plenty of interesting people to meet and exchange
ideas, thoughts, feelings.
Vuoi frequentare il seminario come partecipante attivo o come osservatore?
(Il costo per partecipare uguale in tutte e due i casi)
I would like to actively participate to the workshop, if possible.

Hai partecipato precedentemente a seminari dellOdin Teatret? Se s, a quali e quando?

No, I havent .

Vuoi aggiungere eventuali informazioni ulteriori?

No, thank you.

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