Her Eyes Rolled Up, Ceased Breathing, Mouth Frothing, and Nowhere On A Moonless Night

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You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine

Symbolic lights, Well of

Darkness, Marathon to
Rescue Our Baby
Driving my Audi on a journey through a deserted town street while peaceful
Sunday night waking lights, sweep shadowy veils across a virtual glass bubble.
At every glance in the rear view mirror, in line of sight meeting our toddler eyes
she customary responds with smiling eyes, I conceded to her silent wonder
world. Such as Martine alongside curiosity of the leading vista through a
horseshoe course. Our existence influenced by the purr of a contented engine,
in a furry interior atmosphere, emerging a sensational city planners' deviation
tour by commercial insignias.

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
Sizing up the swift passage of the small town of Leopoldburg, by the last right
butted townhouses ending earlier clearing fields disappearing in the darkness.
On the left running tapering off a white haze on toward a distant set of red
glowing traffic lights. In a soft white aura hollowing out a background
escarpment shadowing woods wrapping up the fields. Approaching the bright
lights toggling down to green.
Moving through the intersection, and Instinctive connected our earlier swift
entry into town. The reflective pointers guiding us right and away from the No
Entry sign. A sudden immaterial boulder fell over our heads. the glazing
disappearing and poured the black night into the interior wiping our eighteen
month daughter slumbered into a nonexistent silence. Without visual presence,
relayed by headlight beams brushing the tarmac of the outward main artery.
We short lived that last leg of our journey, confronting outskirts forking roads.
In the confusion, tempted right for in the distant ray, which renewed the
phasing white hazy lit street through rows of evanescent townhouses. When at
best Martine guessed, since we left Paul and Marie-Helene earlier in the
evening along village connecting roads, we opted for the left conjuncture.
At the time, symbolic and not trackable, the leader of destiny which amazed
me, powerful and bright headlights breaking afar the night. When Steffy's voice
break the silence such an echo rising from the depth of a well, in a pleading
tone of voice as the darkness scared asking, [Dutch] When will we be home I
want to go to mommy?
Ho no, don't start again, the thought escaped Martine, in anticipating a
repetitious little girl's anxious questions. After a hesitation, Martine glanced
over her shoulder and the instant sightless retrieve from between headrests
saying, [Dutch] Steffy Just now We will be by your mother in a little while!
Approaching on our right, a standalone structured luminosity emanating a
violation of the shadowy and flocculent surrounded wooded area. When the
headlights wayside spills off brushing a reflective silvery mesh along the fenced
in property to a gateway. There, an evanescent way through a second hand
vehicle parking lot. The mind completed the invisible way around the looming
back corner to a series of closed workshop gates recessed in the two-story rear
brick wall. Which facade advanced the a fluorescent voluminous showroom to a
stretch and in height storefront outline, to the limelight and preserving six
variants of spanking new Opel models. Soft and efflorescent waterfall of lights
spillage from the cubic lines, misty and pooling up a ground apron, prowling a
white dying haze in a last outreaching breath of light low and exhaustive to lie
sprawled across our way.
As the car moved through by a feeble shadowing veil streamlining across the
windshield. Filtering through the glass bubble interior brushing across laps our

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
seated silhouetting figures. A reticent little alerting voice, Steffy' said, {Dutch}
There is something wrong with Loulou1.
The projecting and driving white searchlight beam amused me by a spectacular
pushing back in retrieving a deep distant bluff of a wall in conjuncture with the
blind piercing of our way into a flawless night. When Martine showed a
complacent penchant for the yapping little girl. She relents to her conscious
after a brief hesitation, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder into rear of
the car. Prompted uncoiling her figure sinking back into the comfort of her seat,
she met an instinctive brief return regard, with a poignant shock scream in
mind, prompted from the brief eye fixation. In the same instance surged a spur
of anger, saying in the silence of her mind, Loulou stop your game! On second
thought, in a toned down voice, she pleaded, [Dutch] Loulou! What's the
matter with you?"
Driving in a virtual array of axes, entering an intersection like stimulated by a
focal point on Sibylle to a simultaneous collision of a instance. Martine's safety
belt in an elastic stretch wasn't able to retain her figure. Vigilant in an alarmed
voice, screams at her child the menace, [Dutch] Loulou, Loulou," which didnt
spur a response! Martine threw a swift hopeless eyed glance across, and
addressed me in an anxious tone of voice saying, There is something wrong!"
Both caught by a time accelerating mode. Martine in a catty aroused body twist
jumps to the rear, climbing the backrest to handcuff herself into the headrest
Streaming over the windshield streaky shadows our glass bubble moved out
the influential filtering showroom haze of outreaching light, which clear the
glaze for a see through view. We shunted the cycle lane, onto a pedestrian
walkway, pulling up to a wayside grit coming to a halt by the flinging open
passenger door. From a lit interior Martine tiger leap to stand on the road
shoulder and disappears into shadowy sprightly swirl and dives back through
the clearing rear door over Steffy's lap. with a crispy thought, It's not the
moment to play the fool! Her figure stretches out deeper crawling toward the
middle, calling out in an anxious tone of voices, [Dutch] Loulou! What's the
The instant I jumped onto the tarmac, keeping low watching through the
windows Martine unbuckled her baby girl. Then, dragged herself with her
daughter at arms in retrieve from the interior. I witnessed an unfamiliar
choreographic style from her habitual slipping into the moment's theatrical
limelight. Dishonoring her characteristic Tiger camouflage, which in this very
rare instance vanished as a dying glow into a shadow of darkness. We moved
1 Sibylle's nickname

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
abreast toward the distant auroral light which lies its dying haze across the
undulated rooftop between us. She moves along the streaky sleek streamlines
edged off the metallic gleam, clearing the flowing down the rear glass window,
these girls who knew no limits in their games, and Martine in a conscious
surges of distress calls, Daddy2! Daddy There is something wrong with her.
I began like running through a maize field in search of an outlet, wondering,
Where to find life a hospital to rush our baby to? Swept by sight seeking in
the distance town lights. Found in the bleeding pitch black No Man's land,
instead a glimmery shadow, which I pursued in the axis of our earlier arrival.
The shadow crossed the low lying fluorescent glow along an intrinsic skyline.
Neared to the prolongation in the axis of our idling Audi, the evanescent road,
like a soft flashlight beam which sweeps through obstructions. Emerged a
hopes raising blinding glare in my line of sight. The upcoming light attenuated
and broaden, splitting in the middle, as I spared a thought for those rare likely
reluctant driver in pulling over to our rescue. the first headlights were going to
dimming down, to a moment of despair, turning off before reaching the
shadowing rectangular structure glowing a fluorescent spill in the leading road.
Returning us to a lone stance in the deep night, which equals the second and
indifferent driver passing us by.
Martine calls out,[Dutch] Loulou! Answer me... Loulou," clearing the rear trunk
wing with the limp little figure. She poses in the dim parking red tail light glow,
retort to my closing in presence, She's not right! instant propelling escape,
toward the genie of the emergent fluorescent glow from the geometric lamp. At
her feet, the tale of a dark night absorbing the dying auroral haze. In a
dithering instant, her
mind pirouettes
away. her body
swerve in and after
her eyes gleaming a
last resort anxiety.
In an apparent
personality swap,
the mother is living
in her daughter's
genetic pragmatic
Virgo moon. the
daughter seemed to
arouse a mother's
2 Martine nicknamed me, in the context as intimatePapa in an English speaking country.

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
Gemini spirit blustering winds. Cute, flirtatious, exerting coquetry skills in the
symbiotic year in the Chinese calendar. The mother's inherent fanciful Tiger,
which Sibylle in stealth evokes in a distant squint, while acute rolling her eyes.
Meeting up with Martine I said, Pass her!"
Engineered by a reigning Electra Complex, my little girl had shown a staunch
independence in the first hours after birth. Jerking a hand pull away, which I
touched in admiration of the slender monkey fingers, and left offended. She
grew up, refuting walks. I thought up new skills, pointing at short intermediate
road sings, thinking, A father ought to tame a daughter's will. She grew witty to
new found skills at meal time, and games that were off, she keeps up, teasing
me beyond my expectations.
Our daughter's wits lingers in mind, as Martine buildups up frantic eye shifts,
churning in mind instant recoils, meeting up erratic interfering thought,
initiating a turn, gestures a twist, to catch a desperate arms throw over head,
as she danced in mind rocking our baby to wake up. She ghosted round about
me, and in the subtle change of angle our little girl waxed a lucent moon face.
Martine shot a remark, She's all red in the face!" She thought out loud in an
assured voice, There is something wrong with Loulou She's not well She's
all hot!" while her nimble fingers crawled across the breast of the little coat,
popping buttons, and in a brief exposure to crisp air, despaired that neither
brought Sibylle out of her hypnotic state.
Martine's eyes in relieve from an distinct held gesture hurling her daughter
across, at the thought, Daddy will take care of her Everything is going to
change Loulou you'll be all right It's his responsibility. Her arms refrains
from enacting her mind. In a moment of calm said, Take over, I don't know
what to do and handed her over to me her mind anchored on her daughter.
Dithering, retracting in remote hesitation, aware it's too late for a change of
With our daughter in my arms, I hustled, pestering at breaking up her game. In
a dance warm up, bustling her comfort, and calling out, Sunshine,
Sunshine ... Abandoning elaborate body rolls forward, swaying around, only to
notice Sibylle persevered with her ceased up expression. By a kidneys push,
swinging back up watching her reclined in my arms, her eyes fixation into the
tenebrous night, I straightening up to Martine's extended arms at taking the
relay. In the instant exchange searched Sibylle's thoughts appearing to repeat,
earlier and all along, I'll ignore you for as long I wish! To a chill washing
through my body, seeing her eyeballs rolling loose in their sockets. At loss in
the instant in doubt, spurts out of mind the trick beyond a toddler's faculty and
wiped from imagining her sudden wide mocking smile, saying, I fooled you

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
Standing by like a fool, an army of neurons dispatched in emergency like a
disrupted ants nest break up. Nimbly claws and jaws quiver in a wild scattering
brain labyrinth outbound.
Martine carrying our daughter dithers in rebounding swirls, suddenly came to a
stance, still and quiet squints down at her daughter. bending her head over
approaches her face. In a breath of panic says; :She's frothing. I glanced at
the baby soft slumbering lips, seeing strange frothing bubbles, while familiar to
foam. Martine's eyes blasted by a heart thump, enacted a child hearing rumble
of a father's last words, her ear on his chest. In Martine's voice, the thunderbolt
that struck the seven year old child when his heart stopped beating.
Help, help, help, I call in mind, raising my eyes off our daughter with a sweep of
sight off to the right. Instinctive orientated toward life hiding in the direction of
our earlier arrival. I said, There are lights!" My eyes intrusive fixation at the
few lucent windows peeking for the shadow of a moving figure. I turned away
from the shadowy geometric height and width squaring a brick facade with a
return of the front corner. Detached from the looming foreground symbolic
fluorescent falling haze into the roadway, to follow Martine's evasive eyesight.
I neglected understanding, Martine's instant gesture turning away from me,
saying in mind, This is different. Gesturing a bounced off side from my
obstructive figure, which didn't permit posing the question, What does it
medically mean? Reading her devouring shifting eyes, glaring a devastating
fatal fear, she cleared her view around me in mind shouted, Help, help, help!
In a brief glance from Martine's apparent mirrored eyes, I spotted over my
shoulder in the shadows of a bohemian house a first pair of white paint peeling
drops of wooden slatted roller blinds. Farther off from an instilled doubt at
finding life home. adjacent soft candle lights shines through twin filtering
curtain nets, and in turn shying the occupancy. My thoughts returned to the
lonely deserted night, preoccupied, and repeating to myself, Find a doctor
where? Martine tilted her head far down. Close to meeting her daughter's face,
steadfast skimming brief brushing in a pendulum motion across the little nose.
She poses. Approaches the little nostrils. In a brief caution wait, Martine kicks
her head up screaming out, She's not breathing Daddy what were going to
do, she's not breathing!
Distant, along the deserted road, the yellow and black translucent Opel sign
enveloped in a haze of lights the dealership apparent pointer, which leveled up
a first floor pair of small lucent windows. The shadowy facing facade left an
impression of staff in a hurry, omitting to switch off the lights before the
weekend. In a splitting thought,and equally apparent owner's apartment, I
glance over toward Martine questioning, Isn't it too far? The instant Martine's
frightened eyes catty after prey hussled around my body, calling out, There is

You are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine
You are My Sunshine
a house! As she paused from a gazelle leap across the road, in a
flabbergasting swap, I was Led on by the speed factor in covering distances,
and saId, Let's go and ask there?
I trotted across, toward the whitewash brick facade looming in the wake of the
far distant showroom fluorescent spill. Emblematic, serene and simple as guard
houses to an evanescent background of embedded reflective rails in the
shadows of a spreading railway yard. Spurs as my hope dissipated from finding
alternative emergency relief -- Yet, across the yard lies in hiding a connecting
country road through the woods to the local shopping street. Ignorant and like
a beacon of light in the night, flashing a regard, I attempted at catching up
time. Reading the few feeble lit windows like a person's eyes, I accelerated
home for help. Approaching the shaded door of a standing obstacle to time.
Agitated, I wrapped at the door. Time stood still, while I repeated knocks.
Increased at shorter intervals. In a break of continuity, I watched a slit of light
up the wooden door widen by the gravity of a hinging weight. Opening to an
escaping angelic light raising a silhouetting figure, giving me rights to a
lackadaisical look. I rushed asking the seventeen-year old young man,
[Dutch] Our baby daughter needs urgent medical attention -- Where is there a
hospital do you know a doctor?" I fast repeated myself. Nothing in my
accelerating words shakes up the teenager. In desperation, I pointed behind
me to Martine upcoming with our daughter, and pulled back, turning out of his
line of sight, for the young man to witness a genuine urgency.
The teenager leaning against the door rebate, a hand grip at both faces of the
door, the handles of propping arms, feeling despair raise unable to shudder the
young man from a hypnotic sleep. Increasingly arousing the sense of a bad
choice at indicating an itinerary to hospital -- At the thought of driving through
a strange town on a lost course at the first turn.
Martine had joined in a stalemate situation, as i grew a sensed of rehearsing
my words, when on a calm note, I said, [Dutch} Can you lead us to a doctor
our daughter needs urgent medical care?
Nothing I said moved the youngster from the cobwebs of the mind to think,
when Martine in a pleading tone asked, [Dutch] We need a hospital, or doctor
-- It's an emergency."
No, said the teenager with a categoric withdrawal gesture.
That won't do, I thought and Insisted, [Dutch] Would you not come with us.
Show us the way?"
[Dutch] I can't, the youngster replied.
[Dutch] Why can't you be our guide to a doctor?"

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You are My Sunshine
[Dutch] I'm alone at home."
With these words the door closes like a punch on the nose, and with a door in
our face, like a relinquished curiosity of light, left in the dark. I turned away
from the dark wooden door wiping by sight in disbelief over our daughter and
mother. Martine featuring dumbfounded, I said. My little one3 and leaped by
sight over her shoulder and in diagonal across the tarmac toward the evening
enticing Opel dealership. Symbolic words in a breeze through my mind, I said,
"We have to find someone shows us the way to a Doctor." Aware she'll be short
on my heels, I sped around Martine in mind and soul at the source of the
fluorescent lights.

3As I nicknamed Martine.

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