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Prince E.

Environmental Law
November 5, 2012
The Inconvenient Solution
Recently, I watched the film The Inconvenient Truth featuring Al Gores
crusade against Global Warming. The film successfully states the problem by citing
scientific data. I am convinced that there is a problem and that industrialization and
hypercommercialism are two main drivers of greenhouse gas emission. Whether or
not Global Warming exists is no longer the issue. I posit, What can I do about it?
To outline my line of thought, I break the general question into three. Firstly,
What can a citizen do to mitigate Global Warming? Secondly, What can a law
student do to mitigate Global Warming? Lastly, What can a lawyer do to mitigate
the same? We will answer the first question.
As a citizen, I can adopt the Japanese system of workplace organization
method called the 5 S. The 5 S system later evolved into the 6 S. I will expound on
the later development. The 6 S involves six stages namely: 1) Sorting; 2) Setting
in order;
Shining by cleaning and solving;
Standardizing; and 6) Sustaining. Applied to the workplace, we can sort all our
files, office supplies, incoming or outgoing mail, and other documents. Doing so
includes separating used or spent recyclables such as plastic or metal based
products. In my workplace there is a conservation box where we can fill it with
sheets from unneeded documents whose back portions are clean and blank. I can
still use the back portions of the sheets for more printing. A recycle bin is always
ready at my side and foodstuff must be thrown elsewhere. After sorting and setting
order comes together. The difference is that the sorting involves separating the
useful from the useless while setting in order is organizing the useful. After
organizing the useful stuff, regular cleaning and problem-spotting must be done.
Problem-spotting is identifying blocks or gaps in one system and finding ways to
remove them. This will ensure efficiency. Of course, never forget about safety. In
ensuring safety for oneself and others, always identify the hazards and follow
instructions closely. Then we standardize and sustain. Standardizing and sustaining
goes together. Standardizing means consistent practice across circumstance while
sustaining means habitual practice over a period of time. When the 6 S are done, I
discovered how much waste I have done in the past. The immediate effect is a neat
office with freedom of movement and the environmental effect is less trees being
cut and less paper being burned or recycled. The primary objectives of the 6 S are
efficiency, efficacy, and productivity. Of course, we can also apply the 6 S in
The reason that I include the 6 S is because Al Gore exposed the inefficiency
and unproductivity General Motors compared to Toyota. Toyota was one of the

corporations which applied the 5 S and they kept on producing fuel efficient cars in
compliance with the Kyoto Protocol. General Motors argued in the past that
complying with the Kyoto Protocol, which outlined the reduction of carbon emission,
would hamper productivity. Apparently, General Motors rating proved otherwise.
Perhaps General Motors needs to reconsider their position.
Aside from being a citizen, I am a law student. As a way of reducing the loss
of trees, I practice borrowing older editions of law books and printing out reviewers
on used sheets from, guess what, the conservation box. The disadvantage is that
the newer law books may have dramatic changes or additions. So far, I can survive
law school with older editions and reviewers.
Finally, when I become a lawyer in the future, I will do two things: 1) Apply
the 6 S and 2) Write shorter pleadings. Seeing some messy law offices in
Zamboanga City, I realized just how difficult it is to handle clients. Maybe being
systematic about ones workplace and clients may reduce workload and maximize
productivity. Moreover, Ill try to write shorter pleadings than the opposing counsel.
Besides, the judge would appreciate a short but very substantial pleading filled with
aptly chosen jurisprudence than a long one that advertises the counsels ego. This
requires a lot of skill since I must structure my arguments clearly choosing the best
jurisprudence without going beyond the length of the other counsels pleading. The
immediate effect is that the judge will read the shorter pleading first and may give
him a good impression over my client. The environmental effect is the preservation
of trees and less paper to recycle which by the way needs fossil fuel to keep on
To sum it up, efficient use of natural resources is done through the 6 S
system. Any waste means more fossil fuel being burned and more trees are cut.
Even the process of recycling needs fossil fuels. Indeed, the conservation of natural
resources means to reduce, reuse, and recycle; recycling is the last option. Thus,
when we successfully reduce and reuse, we consequently reduce carbon emission
by having less to recycle. Moreover, the practice of lengthy pleadings must end. It
is not good for the judges health and electric bills. Often, they read deep into the
night and the electricity consumed in this city means more coal being burned.

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