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Influence consumer responses

Taking into consideration the four marketing mix stimuli discussed above in this report the following consumer
responses can be seen. They are as under:

Cognitive Response

Affective Response

Behavioral Response

Cognitive Response:

One of the main issues which can be studied within the cognitive psychology refers to the study of memory. In
order to study the consumer responses, the Atkinson Shiffrin model shall be kept in mind. This model will help
to study the structure of memory i.e. how well the consumer attaches along the brand Cadbury. It shall be seen
that, the memory of the consumers can be divided into three parts i.e. Sensory Memory, Short Term Memory &
Long Term Memory
It shall be taken into consideration that, the human mind can remember only few things. Hence, to attract more
& more customers towards it the promotional strategies so used shall be in such a manner which shall remain
in their minds for long. The advertisements, tag lines, jingles & slogans attached shall be in such a manner
which would help the consumers to recognize as a brand which provides chocolates, toffees, milk powder, etc.

Sensory Memory: The first stage which would be taken into consideration to by to discuss the cognitive
response will be the sensory memory. The first stage will keep in mind the information which would
enter the senses of the consumers. This would be practiced primarily with the advertisements being
hired on televisions, radio, banners, etc. The sensory memory would be attached along the various
elements such as sound, light, videos & the cartoon elements used. The consumer memory takes into
consideration an external energy which would convert one form of energy into another. This will help to
have a mark in the back of mind of the consumer (Evans, Moutinho & Raaij, 1996). And the consumer
will be able to relate along the brand. The various types of advertisements will act as an external
energy which would help the brain to understand & react in the similar manner. The memory which
would be created within the minds of the customer will last for approximately 3 seconds of hearing,
second of vision, etc. In case of Cadbury chocolate or toffees or milk powder, the color of the tin pack
or the wrappers would attract the attention of the customers. The dark blue cover of the tin pack will
grasp the attention of the consumers which will have a long lasting effect over the same. In terms of
advertisements over the various means of communication such as radio, television, internet, etc the
tag lines, slogans, etc will provide an echoic memory for auditory stimuli.

Short-term memory: The aspect within this model would also keep in mind a temporary storage facility.
The use of the tag line i.e. Kuch meetha hojaye, aaj pehli tareek hai has acted as one of the best
ways with which the consumers relate to the brand i.e. Cadbury (Bowers, 2009).

Long-term memory (LTM): The last stage to judge the cognitive response of consumers would be to
have a long term memory. The long term memory with regards to Cadbury chocolates can be seen
with respect to the information flown regarding the brand. The long term memory can be judged when,
the customer suggests others to buy a bar of Cadbury or opt for Bourn vita as compared to the
substitutes available in the market (Cadbury, 2010).

Affective Response:

The next way with which consumer response towards the brand i.e. Cadbury can be seen in terms of affective response. The
use of means-end chain model will refer to as a conceptual tool which would help the consumers to understand as well as
perceive the products offered by Cadbury in an effective manner.
(Source: Peter, Olson & Grunert, 1999)
An effective response can be linked between the consumer as well as the consumer brand i.e. Cadbury with respect to the
various product attributes, functions, usage of the product & the values attached along the consumers. A change amongst the
advertisement campaigns as well as the jingles has had strong impact over the adults & has led to a change in the perception.
One of the advertisements designed by Cadbury which led to an increase in the level of sales as well as the revenues was the
advertisement which showcased a grandfather playing with his grandson, a pregnant lady demanding for a chocolate bar as
the child inside the womb also wants it. This advertisement touched everybodys heart & encouraged the people to grab a bar
of chocolate without any hesitation (Marketing BrainStorm, 2011).

Behavioral Response:

The brand Cadbury operates in a highly competitive environment. In spite of the competitiveness, Cadbury has
developed a link in the minds of the consumer that Cadbury refers to chocolate (Lane, 2006). The behavioral
response related along the consumer brand i.e. Cadbury can be seen by improvising the image of the product
also helps Cadbury in order to attract more number of people towards it. Innovative & attractive packaging,
launching a new product or using a new logo helps the organization to attract as well incite the individual to try
a new product. This helps the organization in order to increase the level of sales as well as sustain its position
in the chocolate market. To capture the Indian working class population, a different type of advertisement was
being formulated. This advertisement was attached with a brand new jingle i.e. Kuch Meetha hojaye aaj pehli
tareek hai. This jingle is the repositioning of the very slogan i.e. Kuch Meetha hojaye. This slogan was
formulated keeping in mind the celebration or the happiness of the Indian working class when they get their
salary on the first day of every month. This ad gave the working class an opportunity as well as to treat them
with something sweet (Wiley Knowledge for Generations, 2005).



Hence, it could be concluded that study of consumer behavior will help the organizations in order to upgrade
their marketing strategies so as to read the psychology of the consumers. Consumer behavior could be known
as a process where in the consumer buying behavior is to be studied in an in depth manner (Evans, Moutinho
& Raaij, 1996).
There are four marketing mix stimuli which would help the consumer brand i.e. Cadburys to attract more
number of people by focusing the following aspects such as place, price, product & promotion. Once the stimuli
have been identified, the three types of responses which shall be kept in mind would be cognitive, affective &
behavioral responses. These responses will help the organization to know i.e. which marketing mix stimuli shall
be highlighted more which would help the enterprise in long run

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