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For Civil Engineering Works

2012 Edition

architectural I civil I electrical I mechanical I structural

Copyright 2012 Housing & Development Board. All rights reserved.

This publication is reference material for Consultants to develop an effective quality
management system (QMS) in their respective HDB-related projects. It is not a set
of exhaustive standards for Consultants to adhere to in their management of civil
works. Consultants are responsible for meeting the standards imposed by the
Building Control Act and related Regulations as well as relevant Codes of Practice,
and for observing good industry practices to develop and implement their QMS.
For the avoidance of doubt, if there is a difference between the contractual
obligations exacted on Consultants and the guidelines set out in this publication,
Consultants will be held to their respective contractual obligations.
This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
in whole or in part without the prior written consent of HDB.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained in this publication, HDB and its employees shall not be responsible for any
mistakes or inaccuracies that may be contained here. Any liability and responsibility
to any party for losses or damage arising from this publication are expressly
disclaimed by HDB and its employees.

Housing & Development Board (HDB) takes pride in housing more than 80% of the
population in Singapore. Delivering well-designed HDB flats of high quality has always
been our top priority.

HDB started to outsource the consultancy services for the design and supervision of
construction of HDB flats since 2003. We now have more than 100 consultants
participating in HDB projects. To ensure consistency in supervision practice and
standard, HDB has embarked on this project to produce a set of Supervision
Guide. They aim to serve as reference to the consultants in developing a
comprehensive Quality Assurance System for managing our projects.
There are altogether five Guides covering the supervision of architectural, structural
engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering
works. These guides set out our expectations, share HDBs requirements and illustrate
good practices.

These Guides are now available at HDB BGBiz Portal ( for
your easy reference. We hope you will find them useful and informative. We will be
reviewing the guides regularly and we welcome your valuable feedback to further
improve the guides. Lets work together in the pursuit of quality excellence in our

Thomas Seow
Group Director
Building Quality Group
Housing & Development Board



Pg 1

Site Preparation

Pg 2

Trial Bore

Pg 4

Pre-piling Meeting

Pg 6

Pile Load Test Requirements

Pg 7

Bored Pile Records

Pg 13

Pile Length Audit

Pg 14

Service Road, Drain & Minor Sewer

Pg 16

Good Practices

Pg 23

Annex - Forms for Reference

Pg 27



This book serves to guide our Consultants in supervising piling, service road and minor
sewer works for new HDB development projects. HDBs general requirements and the
examples cited are only for reference purposes. The Consultants shall develop their
own comprehensive supervision system and specific checklists/forms for each project.
The Consultant shall submit the following to the HDB Project Director (PD) according
to the proposed timeline to ensure timely completion of piling, service road and minor
sewer work:



QPs responsibility in checking different stages of


Before contract

Inspection forms for civil engineering works for

Site Supervisors

Before work commences

Pile construction programme

Bored piling machinery mobilization plan

Method statements

2012 Housing & Development Board

Site Preparation

Pre-Construction Survey
Consultants shall ensure that pre-construction survey is carried out to determine the
condition of existing buildings and structures adjacent or in close proximity to the piling
works. The consultant is required to exercise due diligence in monitoring the piling
works, assess the readings and instructs the contractor to take corrective actions
where necessary.

The owner of each affected building or structure shall be given a copy of the preconstruction survey of their property. A complete set of the pre-construction survey
report should be kept on site.

Services Detection
The Contractor shall engage licensed cables/services detecting companies to carry out
cable/services detection work.
Copies of the latest services plans shall be kept on site.
Any cable/services detected shall be clearly marked on site and contractor shall take
the necessary precautionary measures to protect the cable/services throughout the
construction period.
Examples of cables/services that
require protection :
Power cables
Telecommunication cables
Water main
Sewer line

To carry out services detection before

work commencement

2012 Housing & Development Board

Site Monitoring Plan

Consultants shall ensure that the Contractor implements an effective site monitoring
plan when piling works are to be carried out in close proximity to existing
buildings/structures. For example, where site is near an existing slope, a basement or
LRT/MRT structure.
For piling works within the LRT/MRT railway protection zone, the Contractor is to seek
approval from relevant authorities before the commencement of piling work.

Examples of monitoring equipment:

Noise Meter


Vibration Monitoring


Tilt Plate

2012 Housing & Development Board

Trial Bore

The Contractor shall carry out trial bore outside the working pile location to determine
the following:

Soil condition against soil investigation report

Condition of the side wall of the bored hole
Casing length to prevent loose material from dropping from the side wall
Method of casting ( Dry or Tremie casting)
Speed of boring for the planning of construction resources

To commence trial bore

while waiting for permit to
commence piling work.

2012 Housing & Development Board

Review of Soil Conditions

Sufficient safety measures must be provided to ensure that the site has been hoarded
up before allowing the commencement of trial bore.
The Consultant shall review the outcome of the trial bore. Additional trial bore should be
conducted if soil condition detected differs from the soil investigation report or
undulating rock formation are detected.

Comparing of soil sample against soil investigation report

Granite ?

Incline formation
Socketing to

The bored hole must be covered up immediately after it has been inspected.

2012 Housing & Development Board

Pre-piling Meeting

The main purpose for the pre-piling meeting is to establish a mutual understanding
among all stakeholders on the construction programme and supervision system, and to
ensure that the piling works can be completed on time.
The following key personnel shall be invited for the pre-piling meeting:

Project Manger

Main Contractor
Project Manger
Site Supervisor
Safety Officer

Piling Contractor
Site Supervisor

The agenda for the pre-piling meeting shall include:

Trial bore observations
Casting method (Dry or Tremie)
Soil/rock samples
Approved method
Casing Depths
Resource Planning/ Piling duration
Types of boring tools
Zoning of Ultimate Pile Load Tests (ULT)
Construction sequence
Ultimate load test testing schedule and depth of test pile
Founding depth of pile based on zone & pile sizes
Consultants Quality Assurance/Quality Control system
Documentation control
Method Statement
Pile installation daily cut-off time
Consultants routing
Pile Penetration Checks
Any other piling related issues

2012 Housing & Development Board

Pile Load Test Requirements

Static Load Tests

The number of pile load tests required is specified in the contract drawings or
In general, the number of pile load tests required are as follows:
Ultimate Pile Load Test

: 0.5% of total working piles

(instrumented or non-instrumented)

Standard Pile Load Test

: 1% of total working piles

Pile Load Test Using Kentledge System

In the preparation of pile load tests, the contractor shall ensure the rigidity of the
support. If necessary, piles or other strengthening methods shall be installed at
contractors expense. Only authorised personnel is allow to gain access to the
kentledge area. No worker shall use the kentledge as a shelter/ rest area.

The contractor shall submit the method statement on setting out of kentledge
Item such as the followings shall be included :
Geotechnical bearing capacity check
Maximum allowable load on kentledge
Maximum load to be applied on test pile
Stability monitoring of the kentledge

Proper erection of kentledge

Ultimate Pile Load Test (ULT)
The consultant is to plan the sequence and the schedule of the pile load tests.
The depth of the pile is to be decided by QP with reference to the approved design
penetration and observation made during the trial bore.

2012 Housing & Development Board

Standard Pile Load Test (SLT)

The selection of the working pile for SLT should be made after the working piles have
been installed. It should not be preselected as it is also serve as a quality control for
assessment of the workmanship. It is recommended that the first SLT for the zone/block
be conducted early so that any remedial action, if required, can be carried out quickly to
minimise delay to the overall construction programme.
Instrumented Ultimate Pile Load Test (iULT)

Upon the completion of each iULT, the Consultant is required to arrange for a PileDesign Optimisation Review with HDB.
The QP and AC must submit their respective evaluation reports on the test results to
HDB within 10 working days upon completion of each iULT.
The review is to be attended by QP, AC and/or PE(Geo) & AC(Geo).
Flowchart for Pile-design Optimisation Review
Maximum Duration
commence piling
works (based on
original pile design
verified by ULT)

Completion of instrumented ULT (iULT)

Within 5 working days

Contractor submits iULT report to QP

Within 5 working days

QP/AC evaluate pile design based on iULT results and submit

evaluation reports to HDB (IRD Engineer & PD)
Within 3 working days (scheduled by IRD)

QP/AC present analysis of iULT results and recommend pile redesign at Pile Optimisation Review with HDB
QP submits
revised pile design
to HDB for

Within 3 working days

QP submits revised pile design to BCA and obtain BCAs approval

QP/Contractor implement BCA-approved revised pile design for

remaining piles on the next working day upon BCAs approval
*For buildings of 30 or more storeys, QP(Geo)/AC(Geo) are required for foundation design submission.
2012 Housing & Development Board

Calibration of Test Equipment

To ensure that the equipment used is accurate and in working condition, the
Consultant shall verify the validity of the certificate of calibration before the
commencement of pile load test.
Equipment to be calibrated:
Dumpy level
Pressure gauge
Hydraulic jack
Load cell
Dial gauge

Serial No.

Date of calibration

Calibration validity is 3 months

from calibration date.

2012 Housing & Development Board

Tempered-Free Test Equipment

For safety reason and to prevent unauthorized loading or unloading of the load test, the
hydraulic pump for the jack shall be encased in a steel or wooden box under lock and

Valve of hydraulic pump and

pressure gauge sealed with
tape initialled by RE/RTO

Equipment to be encased in a
tempered-free box during the
holding period of pile load test

2012 Housing & Development Board


Pile Test Records

The Consultant needs to ensure that the test loading sequence is according to the
approved Method Statement, and witness and verify the pile load tests.
To prevent any pre-loading of the test pile, the pile top levels are to be recorded before
the erection of kentledge platform and after the load test in the pile load test record.
Pile Top Level
Before & After




Upon completion of all the pile load tests, Consultant is to provide summary of pile load
test result to HDB (PD).




QP to endorse and
to indicate followaction where

Please refer to sample of the form in Annex A.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Pile load test settlement requirements

Ultimate Load Test (ULT)
2x Working Load (holding 24hrs)
2.5x Working Load (holding 72hrs)

: not exceeding 25mm

: no ultimate geotechnical failure

For instrumented ULT :

After testing to 2.5 x Working Load, the test pile is loaded up to 3x Working Load
or as instructed by SO Rep.

Standard Load Test (SLT)

1x Column Load + 2x NSF : not exceed 10mm [if pile is designed for negative
skin friction(NSF)]
2x Working Load (holding 72hrs) : not exceeding 25mm

2012 Housing & Development Board


Bored Pile Records

Pile Record
The Consultant shall ensure that the Contractor maintains and updates the bored
pile records after each pile installation and to be submitted to the RE/RTO by the
next working day. For the purpose of payment for coring through rock layer, the rock
socket level shall be clearly indicated on the pile records form. A sample of the form
is shown below. The form shall be endorsed by the Contractors Representative and
the Consultants RTO & RE.

Some essential records:

Pile Reference
Boring Details
Soil Description
Rock Socket Level

Pile installed with UPVC pipe: Yes/No

Rock Socket Level :___________

Please refer to sample of the form in Annex A.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Pile Length Audit

Audits by HDB on Pile Penetration Length

In addition to the quality and integrity of the piles, HDB conducts audit checks on pile
penetration records (for bored piles with dry casting method only).
The purpose of pile penetration depth audit is to ascertain that the amount of piling
work (pile size and depth) on record tallies with the actual piling work done on site.
The procedure required are as follows:
Audit on Pile Penetration Length

During partial/full completion of piling works (by block)

PM/RE notifies HDB PD to arrange for pile audit check by IAD

(to provide pile layout plan & piling record)

IAD and PD select 5% of the total number

(dry piles with UPVC pipes only)

IAD and PD inform PM/RE on selected piles

Contractor prepares piles for checking within 7 days

PM/RE inform IAD and PD for checking

IAD, PD, RE and Contractor to conduct physical check on site

RE prepares the record for Physical Checking, to be signed by RE,

Contractors PM & HDB rep (IAD & PD/PDA)

2012 Housing & Development Board


For bored piles with dry casting method, the Contractor shall install a 16mm internal
diameter hollow UPVC pipe of approved quality with a pre-laid 3mm wire.
Contractor is to take the necessary precautionary measures to prevent damage to the
UPVC pipe before the pile penetration check.

To provide UPVC pipe for checking on pile

length (for bored piles with dry casting
method only)
UPVC pipe is cut and
capped after concreting

RTO to document the record

of UPVC pipe installation

Please refer to sample of the form in Annex A.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Service Road, Drain and Minor Sewer

Service Road and Drain Construction

Service roads have been incorporated to HDB development to provide access to the Multistorey carparks and other services such as the Electrical Sub-station, Central Refutes
Chutes and in some cases serve as Fire Engineer Access. Parking lots for handicapped
drivers and service bays as alighting and pick-up points are provided along service roads
where required.

Service Road with drain within driveway

Construction of the service roads shall not commence until the construction of drains is
sufficient to permit drainage of the road formation.

Existing level constraints

In drain construction, the proposed invert level may not match the existing drain invert
level at the discharge point. Adjustment to the upstream level may needed to ensure that
the proposed gradient is achieved. Hence, it is important to conduct check to these levels
before the drain construction so that any adjustment to the drain depth / gradient can be
made, if necessary.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Bakau Piling

Depending on the soil condition, bakau piling to drain may be required as specified by the
QP and indicated on the drawings.

Bakau Pile installation in progress

Bakau pile shall be driven with piling frame with a drop hammer of approved weight of not
less than 200kg to a final set of 200mm for the last 10 blows from the drop of 1.0m to
1.5m height.
The Contractor shall submit the method statement to the Consultant before commencing
the bakau piling. All piling information shall be recorded.

The centre
line and the
positions of
the piles
shall be

Bakau Piling to Drain Culvert

Preparation for lean concrete and

subsequent drain base construction

2012 Housing & Development Board


Galvanised Grating
Galvanised gratings shall be tested for their zinc mass coating. 2% of the total
number of gratings installed or a minimum of 3 numbers of gratings shall be
selected for testing.

Grating and frame to

drain opening

The mass of zinc coating on each grating shall comply with the following average
coating mass:

2012 Housing & Development Board


Interlocking Paving blocks

Sampling and Test Requirements
A total of 16 blocks shall be tested for each
550m2 of interlocking pavement.

The maximum dimensional deviations from

the standard work sizes for the paving blocks,
measured in accordance with BS 6717: Part
1o or SS 76M , shall be as follows :

: 2mm


: 2mm


: 3mm

The average compressive strength shall not be less than 49N per mm 2 and crushing
strength of any individual blocks shall not less than 40N per mm 2.

Homogeneous or Non-homogenous Coloured Paving Block

Coloured paving blocks formed by addition of pigments may be either homogeneous
or non-homogeneous in colour. Non-homogeneous coloured paving blocks are
considered as composite concrete paving blocks.
The coloured surface shall not be less than 5mm thick. A total of 5 composite
concrete blocks shall be checked for surface layer thickness compliance for each
550m2 of interlocking pavement.

(composite concrete paving block)


2012 Housing & Development Board


Interlocking Pavement Construction

Interlocking concrete pavement are introduced to service roads because of their myriad
design, pattern arrangement and colour scheme in lieu of the dull concrete and bituminous

Typical Section of Service Road

Interlocking paving
blocks (80mm thk)
Bedding sand (50mm thk)

Bedding sand shall be

well- graded sand passing
a 4.75mm sieve.

Crusher run (200mm thk)

Hardcore (150mm thk)

Subgrade ( 500mm thk)

Crusher run material

consists of hard, clean,
durable and angular
material with a nominal size
of not more than 125mm.
Hardcore shall be
composed of approved
broken stone, brick,
concrete not exceeding
150mm or less than 60mm.

Sub-grade material should have

a minimum soaked CBR of 5%
and compacted to minimum of
95% of maximum dry density
using AASHTO compaction test
2012 Housing & Development Board


Testing of Water-tightness of Sewers

All sewers below 600 mm in diameter before being surrounded and covered shall be
tested by filling with water. The pressure shall be measured from the highest point of
the pipeline under test and shall be 1.5 metre head of water. Pipelines should not be
accepted until they have withstood the required pressure for 30 minutes without a
loss in excess of 1.5 litres for 100 m for each 300 mm in diameter.

Records of water tightness test to

be endorsed by Consultants &
Contractors Reps

2012 Housing & Development Board


Materials Test
The Consultant shall plan and schedule the materials for testing. To avoid abortive work, the
test results should be obtained before allowing the use of materials for construction.
Sample list of materials for testing:
Service Road/Drain Material

Relevant Tests

Precast Concrete Drain Channel, Kerb

Water Absorption Test

Interlocking Concrete Paving Block

Compression Test, Surface Layer


Hot Dipped Galvanised Hinged Grating

Zinc Mass Coating Test

Compaction of Road Formation

Compaction Test (Dry Density-Moisture

Content Relation), In-situ Field Density

Compaction of Sub-grade

CBR Test

2012 Housing & Development Board


Good Practices

Sequence and Daily Pile Installation Programme

The Contractor is required to submit to the Consultant the daily programme showing
the piles to be installed as below :

Indicate location of the

piles to be installed for
the day


Update the date of

installation and pile

Daily programme for BLK XXX

Date :
Pile Dia (mm) Pile location

Piles In Close Proximity

The Consultant is to check the sequence of the pile installation to ensure that piles
in close proximity are not installed on the same day. This is to avoid any disturbance
to shaft friction and setting of the concrete.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Measuring Tapes
To ensure measuring tapes used are not tampered with, the Consultant shall check the
measuring tapes used on site for the measurement of pile penetration depth.

The Consultant is to ensure measuring tapes used are not tampered with.

2012 Housing & Development Board


Temporary Casing
For the safety of workers and to prevent loose materials from dropping into the bored
holes, a temporary casing of at least 1 m height from the ground level shall be

> 1m casing
above ground

Proper storage of reinforcement cage

The contractor shall designate a proper storage area to store the reinforcement cage.

cage shall be
elevated from the

2012 Housing & Development Board


Interlocking block around services/ manhole covers

Site Supervisors should know the details well and to conduct checks to ensure that
work is carried out according to the drawings.

Edges of manholes should be surrounded with paving blocks.

Kerb details around turning corner

Correct type of kerb as

shown in drawing should be

Corner kerb formed with sharp


2012 Housing & Development Board



Annex - Forms for Reference

Record of Condition of UPVC Pipes Installed in Bored Piles

2012 Housing & Development Board


2012 Housing & Development Board


Summary of Load Tests Results

2012 Housing & Development Board


The Supervision Guides Editorial Team would like to express its thanks and
appreciation to Mr Tan Thu Liak, Mr Lim Seam Teong, Mr Alan Tang Liang Yah,
Mr Patrick Ng Hak Wue, Mr Chan Yee Soo, Mr Shaifuddin Bin Md Salleh and all
others who have in one way or another contributed towards the success of this

The Editorial Team

Mr Neo Poh Kok
Ms Magdalene Tan Ee Yin
Mr Lim Kee Thiam
Ms Fauziah Bte Jaafar
Ms Kelly Foo Siew Lin
2012 Housing & Development Board

Together, we provide excellent project management to deliver

quality homes in a sustainable environment.

2012 Edition

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