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English Language Test

Name and Surname ______________________

Class ____Date _______

1. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

Studying in the UK
A student at Kings School tells us what she likes about her English course.
My names Carmen Garca and Im a student at Kings School, which is a language
school in Glasgow. Im Spanish, from Madrid, but my mother is French. Shes a
teacher in Madrid. The students at Kings School are from many different countries. Im
in a class which has students from Japan, Mexico, Germany, and Italy. Its really
interesting to meet so many different people. The director of the school is British, but my
teacher is American. Shes from New York and her names Helen. Shes very nice and
shes an excellent teacher. Her classes are always great fun. Jos and Karl are probably
my best friends in the class. Jos is from Mexico and Karl is from Berlin, in Germany.
We always speak English together because thats the best way to learn.
a) The student tells us about the curriculum
b) The student tells us about her English course
c) The student tells us about a school in Australia
d) The student tells us about animals in school


2. Read the text again and match the following items


Carmen is a student at
Kings School is
Jose is from
Carlas teacher name is

a) language school in Glasgow

b) Helen
c) Kings School
d) Mexico

3. Read the text and tick () for true and (X) for false.

Mothers Day
The modern Mother's Day is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world,
most commonly in March, April, or May as a day to honor mothers and motherhood. In
the UK and Ireland, it follows the old traditions of Mothering Sunday, celebrated in
March/April. Historically, the celebration has it origin in ancient customs and traditions.
The ancient Greeks kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. The ancient
Romans also had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno (an ancient
Roman goddess), though mothers were usually given gifts on this day. In Europe there
were several long standing traditions where a specific Sunday was set aside to honor
motherhood and mothers such as Mothering Sunday which is a Christian festival
celebrated throughout Europe that falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent. One of the early calls
to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States was the "Mother's Day Proclamation" by
Julia Ward Howe. Written in 1870, the Proclamation was tied to Howe's feminist belief
that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level. Today the
holiday has become very popular around the world. People take the day as an opportunity
to pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. There is also
a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and other gift to mothers on the occasion.
a) Mothers Day is celebrated only in the Southern part of the world. __
b) In the UK and Ireland follows the old traditions of Mothering Sunday.___
c) In Ireland it is celebrated in December/January.___
d) Romans had a festival called Cybele.___


4. Read the text once again and give short answers to the following questions.
a) What was called the Romans another holiday that was dedicated to Juno?
b) Which festival is celebrated on the 4th Sunday in Lent?

c) Mothers Day Proclamation was written by . ?

d) What do people gift to their mothers while this celebration?


1. Choose a topic from the following titles and write an essay.
a) The most important people in my life?
b) My first day at school.
c) The most beautiful place I have visited.


30 %


30 %


25 %

Creative writing

15 %

Teacher : Elif Musai

Reading part : 45 / ___

Parent signature ________

: 25 / __

Writing part

POINTS: 70 /___

1 20

21 30

31 43

44 - 57

58 70

Grade ____________

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