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From norword@gac.

edu Mon Dec 4 15:13:53 1995

Received: from (root@localhost []) by (8.6.
12/8.6.12) with SMTP id PAA14957; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:12:24 -0600
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:12:24 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Precedence: bulk
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: NW 25.1: Christmas Preparations - Advent
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: The daily Norwegian
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----------------------------------------------------------------Tema: Juleforberedelser
Nummer: 25. uke / 1. dag
Dag: Mandag
Dato: 4. desember 1995
----------------------------------------------------------------DAGENS UTTRYKK (Phrase of the day):
Naar begynner advent?
Advent begynner fire uker foer jul.
Mange norske barn faar adventskalendere,
og de teller ned dagene til jul.
----------------------------------------------------------------UTTALE (Pronunciation):
(nohr beh-yeen-nehr ahd-vehnt)
(ahd-vehnt beh-yeen-nehr fee-reh ew-kehr fuhr yewl)
(mahng-eh nohshk-eh bahrn fohr ahd-vehnts-kah-lehn-dehr-eh,
oh dee tehl-lehr nehd dahg-eh-neh teell yewl)
----------------------------------------------------------------BETYDNING (Meaning):
When does advent begin?
Advent begins four weeks before Christmas.
Many Norwegian children receive Advent Calendars,
and they count down the days until Christmas.
----------------------------------------------------------------GRAMMATIKK (Grammar):
There are many different TIME EXPRESSIONS in Norwegian. Usually

these time expressions involve the use of a preposition, and

they are often different from the prepositions that might be
used in English.
Common words for different lengths of time:
et sekund (a second)
et minutt (a minute)
en halv time (a half hour)
en time (an hour)
halvannen time (an hour and a half) en dag (a day)
et doegn (24 hours)
ei uke (a week)
en maaned (a month)
et aar (a year)

for tre aar siden (three years ago)

ex.) Jeg begynte aa kjoepe julegaver FOR FIRE UKER SIDEN.
(I started to buy Christmas gifts FOUR WEEKS AGO.)
Vi kjoepte et juletre FOR TO DAGER SIDEN.
(We bought a Christmas tree TWO DAYS AGO.

2. om tre maaneder (in three months)

ex.) Det blir jul OM FIRE UKER.
It will be Christmas IN FOUR WEEKS.
Jeg skal gaa paa ski OM TO TIMER.
I am going to go skiing IN TWO HOURS.
----------------------------------------------------------------ABONNENTENE SKRIVER (Subscribers Write):
Ciao til alle NorWord-vennene! Jeg heter Franco og skriver fra
Pisa, byen med det beroemte taarnet. Jeg er trettiseks aar
gammel. En venninne av meg som heter Elaine fortalte meg om
NorWord, og jeg vil gjerne sende en hilsen til henne. Jeg har
alltid vaert glad i Norge, helt siden jeg var der for foerste
gang som liten gutt. Jeg vil gjerne reise tilbake til Norge snart,
og derfor proever jeg aa laere norsk. Jeg er italiensk og liker
god mat og god vin. Jeg driver friidrett og spiller tennis og
basket. Jeg liker godt aa reise og aa ha mange venner.
Beste hilsener
----------------------------------------------------------------NYHETER FRA P4 RADIO (News from P4 Radio)
Homepage: <>.
Denne uka starter Regjeringen arbeidet med en stortingsmelding om
narkotikaproblemene, som vokser urovekkende raskt her i Norge.
Det sa Sosial- og helseminister Hill Martha Solberg paa en
konferanse om stoffmisbruk i Tromsoe i dag. Den nye stortingsmeldingen, som skal vaere klar neste hoest, skal saerlig se paa
nye stoffer og nye brukergrupper. Tidligere i dag ble det klart
at Tromsoe, Trondheim og Drammen skal faa ekstra penger for aa
bekjempe narkotikaondet neste aar.
----------------------------------------------------------------NYHETER FRA P4 PAA ENGELSK (News from P4 in English):

This week, the government starts work on a parliamentary report

about the drug problems which are growing alarmingly fast here in
Norway. The Social and Health Minister, Hill Martha Solberg,
reported this at a conference on drug abuse in Tromsoe today. The
new parliamentary report, which will be ready next fall, will
especially examine new drugs and new groups of drug users. Earlier
today, it was reported that Tromsoe, Trondheim and Drammen will
receive extra money to fight the drug problem next year.
----------------------------------------------------------------LIST OWNERS AND INFORMATION:
The Norwegian Teachers Association in North America (NorTANA)
Less Commonly Taught Languages Project, CARLA, U. of Minnesota
Louis Janus <>
Nancy Aarsvold <>

From Thu Dec 21 21:00:02 1995

Received: from (root@localhost []) by (8.6.
12/8.6.12) with SMTP id UAA13302; Thu, 21 Dec 1995 20:59:58 -0600
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 20:59:58 -0600
Message-Id: <v02130501acf34c31b398@[]>
Precedence: bulk
From: (Nancy Aarsvold)
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: A NorWord Christmas
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: The daily Norwegian
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------Tema: Jul
Dato: 21. desember 1995
-----------------------------------------------------------------------EN JULEHILSEN (A Christmas Greeting):
Louis and I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year! We would also like to send our apologies for the extended vacation from
sending daily NorWord lessons that we have been taking in December. We have
been working on a NorWord phrase-a-day calendar during the past six weeks,
and it has taken all of the time we usually devote to writing NorWord lessons.
For those of you who have already ordered the calendars, they are in the mail
and should reach you before Christmas (with a little luck).

In today's lesson, you will find information about the calendar, a possible
in the NorWord format, and Christmas in Norway. We would also like to thank
everyone who has sent us Christmas greetings and other nice letters. We
enjoy and appreciate hearing from you.
God jul og godt nyttaar!
Vennlig hilsen
Nancy and Louis
PS. Now our regularly scheduled Christmas vacation is starting so you won't
hear from us again until the second week of January. Louis (smart man) is
going to Florida to spend the holidays with his family, but my folks are coming
to Minnesota from the state of Washington for two weeks. We're hoping for a
lot of snow and cold temperatures so they can experience a real Minnesota
-----------------------------------------------------------------------NORWORD PHRASE-A-DAY CALENDAR, 1996
We are pleased with the way the calendar turned out, and think it will be a
way for beginning learners to get a good introduction to Norwegian and for
intermediate learners to review everyday vocabulary. The calendar is in desktop
format with a stand to keep it upright and a spiral binding across the top
so the
pages can flip over. Each page is 4 1/4" by 5 1/2" and has the outline of a
Norwegian flag on it. The upper left quadrant contains the theme of the week
and a line drawing; the upper right quadrant has the phrase or sentence of the
day; the lower right quadrant has the pronunciation guide and the translation;
and the lower left quadrant contains the day, date, and any special holidays.
There is also a 90 minute tape available which contains the phrases-of-the-day
read by two students from Norway who are currently attending St. Olaf College.
The calendar costs $12.00, the tape costs $5.00 (+ 6.5% sales tax for MN
residents), and shipping is $2.00 to locations within the US. We will also ship
to other countries, but then the customer has to pay the shipping cost. If you
have questions, you may call me (507-931-6244/507-931-9661) or send
e-mail ( If you would like to purchase the calendar, you may
send a check or money order to:
NorWord, c/o Nancy Aarsvold
702 Lower Johnson Circle
St. Peter, MN 56082
-----------------------------------------------------------------------CHANGE IN THE NORWORD FORMAT
We are also considering making some changes in the NorWord format after
Christmas. This is by far the most rewarding and worthwhile project which we
have worked on, but we have been struggling a little to find the time to keep up
with the work during the fall and the winter. Since we're not being paid
for our
time, we try to make it pay in a different way by using it to increase our
technical skills or to connect it somehow more directly to our real jobs.
now, we are both starting to use the World Wide Web more at work so we are
thinking about converting the e-mail list to a World Wide Web site. It
would give
us the chance to incorporate some sound and graphics into the lessons as

well as
to invite more participation by classes from Norway and classes and individuals
in the US and other countries who are learning Norwegian.
We haven't made a final decision about what to do yet, and we would appreciate
hearing from you if you have ideas or suggestions for us. You can send
responses to me <>.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------JUL I NORGE (CHRISTMAS IN NORWAY)
Datoer i jula
23. desember
Christmas Eve
24. desember
25. desember
26. desember
27.-31. des.
31. desember
1. januar

Dates during Christmas


Dec. 23

annen juledag

Dec. 24
Dec. 25
Dec. 26


Dec. 27-31 Christmas Season

Dec. 31
New Year's Eve
Jan 1
New Year's Day

Vanlige uttrykk

gleder meg til jul.

oensker meg ei bok til jul.
gjoer rent i huset.
pynter huset.
sender julekort.
kjoeper gaver.
lager gaver.
baker kaker.
pynter juletreet.


feirer jul.
gaar i kirken.
leser juleevangeliet.
hoerer paa juleevangeliet.
synger julesanger.
spiser en deilig middag.
gaar rundt juletreet og
synger julesanger.
Jeg pakker opp gaver.

the night before

Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
the Second Day of

Common Expressions
I look forward to Christmas.
I want a book for Christmas.
I clean the house.
I decorate the house.
I send Christmas cards.
I buy presents.
I make presents.
I bake cookies.
I decorate the Christmas tree.
I celebrate Christmas.
I go to church.
I read the Christmas gospel.
I listen to the Christmas gospel.
I sing Christmas songs.
I eat a delicious dinner.
I go around the Christmas tree and
sing Christmas songs.
I open presents.

God jul!
Merry Christmas!
Gledelig jul!
Merry Christmas!
Godt nyttaar!
Happy New Year!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry if the layout of this lesson looks poor. We are using new e-mail
and I haven't been able to change the font or the type size, so the logo at
the top
is out of kilter.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------LIST OWNERS AND INFORMATION:

The Norwegian Teachers Association in North America (NorTANA)

Less Commonly Taught Languages Project, CARLA, U. of Minnesota
Louis Janus <>
Nancy Aarsvold <>

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