Break Away

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Tevona Prendagrast

Tevona Prendagrast

July 2014.
Sitting here reflecting on my years in High School especially the last year I
realised that I have grown. Maybe its for the worse I cant tell. But emotionally I
had mature. I have learnt to trust my own instincts. I realised who my real friends
are and I felt the pain of losing too people you love and consider your friends and
these are lessons well learnt but am beginning to wonder to for what?... to lose my
self all over again. Maybe I wasnt worth it. It maybe
I guess it comes the with the process of breaking away . oh I know one day Ill
break way.
Healing comes with time right?
My seventh grade was the worse experience ever. I had no friends only..classmates.
its funny really. I was placed in a class with princess and princes. They all cared
about boys, hair , their appearance and all that. I was like a out cast. I wasnt even
interested in combing my hair it hurts to admit but its facts. I was probably teased
behind my back but they had enough sense or probably its their pride but they let
me exsist but keep a good distance while they are at it. I really didnt mind. I had a
best friend but I doubted if she remembered I exsisted. She moved to America.
But a few months of pure torture had passed and I was in the eighth grade. I was
relieved to be away from them. Who wouldnt be? But then some of them followed
me to 86 not the worse of them though. It was kind of a new start literally a new
I have always been good with words. I could tell a lie without stopping to think
the lie just flow. Most people doesnt know all this. When I said a new start I mean
I pick up a story and I worked with that. I created a life for myself that wasnt
impossible yet out of reach previously. but they believed me. I didnt give them
much of a choice but they are like the averge person they dont try to make the
mesh fits together. Even I realised some flaws, things that doesnt adds up. At first
I was all by myself and yea I noticed just didnt care. But then I Math class I

Tevona Prendagrast

finished my work and a guy by the name of Ferron Crossman needed help with his
math work so we switched seats. Thats when I met sherika she is one of my bestie.
Its funny how our friendship begun considering she was the smart one. Sherika
and Tasha was doing a math work together and I sat in Ferrons seat infront of
them. I looked at their work and said that wrong enuh.
Sherika looked at me and said, den how it do?
From then on we became best of friends. I cant remember how Alya and I became
friends. I guess Sher introduced. I remember one class we had Alya sat beside me
and the had to remove her. So we shared a bond from then on.
I just want to set the story straight before I head to the main events. I dont want to
do much back tracking.

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