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Fwd: Please join Governor Scott Walker in the revival of America

1 message

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: John Bell <[redact]>
Date: Monday, April 6, 2015
Subject: Please join Governor Scott Walker in the revival of America
To: [redact]

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

For the first time in North Carolina history, our Republican party controls
the Governors office, two U.S. Senate seats, 10 out of 13 U.S.
Congressional seats, and super majorities in the N.C. House and
This has all been achieved in five years a momentous accomplishment
for our party and, ultimately, for the people of North Carolina. Though
were fresh off yet another historic political cycle, Its not too early to
think about the 2016 election, and how we can ensure our gains are
For the first time in recent history, North Carolina is slated to hold an
early presidential primary, giving our voters a real voice in selecting the
2016 Republican presidential candidate. The November general election
promises to be competitive here, which means North Carolina once
again will be a national state of interest for both parties, and the
presidential contest is sure to have a significant impact on every down
ballot election.
For these reasons and many others, next years presidential contest is
of great importance in our state, and we have a huge role to play in
selecting the right nominee who both represents our conservative, pro-

growth values and can win against the vaunted Democratic turnout
machine in November.
We would like to introduce you to Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.
Governor Walker's conservative philosophy and leadership has been
challenged in three tough elections that garnered national attention and
earned Walker the scorn of national labor unions and liberal special
interests. For years now, he has been public enemy No. 1 to the lefts
dark money operations. And in each contest, he has emerged victorious
despite their multi-million-dollar barrage of attacks.
His conservative record of accomplishments as governor of Wisconsin
is remarkable. Indeed, his reforms serve as a great model to change
Washington and save our country from financial ruin.
Scott Walker, a 47-year-old conservative, battle-tested leader, truly
represents the next generation of Republican leadership.
Follow the link to read more about Scott
Walkers plans to restore personal freedom and to save America.
Also, Please consider joining the OAR North Carolina Core Leadership
Group (CLG). The CLG will be comprised of current and former elected
officials at all levels of government, influential activists, business
leaders, and opinion drivers that can help us grow our organization and
promote our issue agenda.
To join the OAR North Carolina Core Leadership Group (CLG) follow the
link below and sign up today.
Thank you for showing your support for Scott Walker.
Senator Bob Rucho ~ Representative John Bell

Senator Wesley Meredith ~ Senator Warren Daniel ~ Senator Jim

Davis ~ Senator Tommy Tucker ~ Senator Andrew Brock ~Senator
Louis Pate ~ Senator Ron Rabin ~ Senator Buck Newton ~
Representative Mike Hager ~ Representative Jon Hardister ~
Representative Brian Brown

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