SUGGEST "Dancer" 3.5 Class From Documents? Vampire/Succubus/Immortal Hybrid

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SUGGEST Dancer 3.5 class from documents?

Vampire/Succubus/Immortal Hybrid


Natural Abilities

Unbridled Hunger- Keilani can feed from any creature or construct with a human male form, regardless of actual physicality.
Poison Immunity, Electricity Immunity
Resistance Cold, Fire and Acid equal to HD
+8 to Perception checks, +4 to Stealth checks
20d12 HD, +20 BAB, +12 to Saves, 23 x (8 + Int Mod) Skill pts, Slam 1d6
Feats 10 plus Alertness, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes
Energy Drain-(SU) 10 + HD +Cha Mod to resist. Keilani can do this as a ranged attack with 30ft range increments and drains two negative levels.
Alternate Form- A succubus may take the form of any Medium sized humanoid. While using her change shape ability, a succubus gains a +10 circumstance bonus on D
Tongues- The succubus may speak with any creature that has a language. The caster level is equal to twice the succubus HD
Telepathy (Su): Keilani can communicate telepathically with any living creature within 100 feet that has a language.
Natural AC- +9
DR 10/silver or wood
Blood Drain: If pinning an opponent, the vampire can make a bite attack that does 1d4 Constitution damage each round, the vampire gains 5 temporary hp each point. K
Dark Metamorphosis (Sp): With this spell any blood the dhampir touches is absorbed by their body just as if they had used their fangs. This may be used once per 2 cha
Vicissitude- Rank 3. In all instances, it requires a melee touch attack and requires an action point to activate.
Changeling- This allows Keilani to make minor cosmetic variations to her or others. She may increase Attractiveness or look like someone else. The DC to perfect At
Fleshcraft- As above, but any texture and shape is possible. Most often done as a curse (For every 4 pts of the Body Alteration check to disfigure, -1 permanent Chari
Bonecraft As above; if done without use of Fleshcraft to rip bones through the skin, 1d6 damage per pts of the Body Alteration check.
Powers (at will) - Caster level equal to character level (36 levels worth of spells, metamagic feats may be added as if spell levels)

Powers (3x per day) Caster Level equal to character level (26 levels worth of spells, metamagic feats may be added as if spell levels)

Powers (1x per day)- Caster Level equal to character level (16 levels worth of spells, metamagic feats may be added as if spell levels)

Special Qualities
Blood Requirements: If you do not drain at least 5 Constitutions point of Blood every 2 days from a living creature, you take -2 INT and +2 STR
(Fort Neg, DC 15 + number of days since you last drunk). If you still do not drink, for every day you take -2 INT and +2 STR until you will
become as weak as your mortal race until you completely refill yourself

Wood Vulnerability- Weapons made of at least 90% wood (and stakes) bypass any damage reduction. She can be staked if she takes a critical hit
with a 90% wooden weapon. It will place her in torpor until it is removed.

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