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For many, adventuring means striking out with as

word or aiming down the shaft of a bow and arrow. For
others, it means tapping into the energies of the universe, or
communing with a deity to summon forth magical forces.
For the engineer, however, technology is king. To some, it
may appear as if they wield some form of undiscovered
magic, but the engineer knows that the secret to their talent
is based not within the realm of spells, but rather science.
Engineers often come from areas where magic is sparse.
Though they do manipulate some quasi-magical energies,
their abilities are based in science and technology, and their
upbringing often reflects that

An engineer is often seen as a fifth wheel in a party. Their
talents are not magical, yet their skill with weaponry is not
nearly that of more martial classes. They usually find
themselves as supporting members of the group, capable of
fighting in the front-lines with their clockwork companion
or standing in the rear, providing ranged support.

Alignment: Any
HD: d8
Class Skills
The engineers class skills are Appraise (int),
Bluff (cha), Craft (int), Diplomacy (cha), Disable Device
(dex), Escape Artist (dex), Intimidate (Cha),Knowledge
(all) (int), Linguistics (int), Perception(wis), Profession
(wis), Sense Motive (wis), Sleight of Hand (dex), Stealth
(dex), Use Magic Device(cha)

Skill Ranks per Level

: 6+int modifier
Class Features
The following are class features of the engineer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
The engineer is proficient with all simple weapons, light
armors, shields, and firearms.
Artifice Pool:
An engineer has access to a reservoir of quasimagic energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and
enhance his skills. This artifice pool has a number of points
equal to his engineer level (minimum 1) + his
intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes at the beginning
of each day.
At 1stlevel, an engineer can expend 1 point from his
artifice pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is
holding (including any weapons his Omni-tool is
emulating) a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For
every four levels beyond 1St, the weapon gains another
enhancement bonus, to maximum of +5 at 17th level. These
bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with its
existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5.
Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the
following weapon properties:

defending, flaming, shock, keen, thundering, flaming burst,

shocking, burst, speed, or brilliant energy by spending a
number of artifice points equal to the properties
bonus. These properties are added to any the weapon
already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is
not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be
added before any other properties can be added. These
bonuses and properties are decided when the artifice pool
point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the
engineer uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if
the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the engineer.
An engineer can only enhance one weapon in this way at
one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use
immediately ends. Additionally, the engineer can spend 1
point from his artifice pool as a swift action to give himself
a +4 bonus on disable device or use magic device checks
for one round.
Clockwork Companion:
An engineer begins play with a powerful
construct at his side known as a clockwork companion. The
clockwork companion is detailed below.
An engineer begins play with a special, object,
known as an Omni-tool that he can use to perform multiple
different functions. This tool can look like any number of
different things. For most engineers, it appears to be a
metal tool box of some sort, though some use it as a wristmounted machine, or even a metallic, clockwork belt or
vest. The Omni-tool does not take up magic item slot. At 1st
level, an Omni-tool has a number of basic functions equal
to the intelligence modifier of the engineer, selected from
the list of functions below. If a specific function of the
Omni-tool (such as an emulated weapon) is broken or
destroyed, only that function is broken, and it can be
repaired as you would normally repair an object of that type
(for example, you would make craft checks to repair an
emulated weapon or shield). The ability to switch to other
functions is not hampered at all. If the Omni-tool itself is
destroyed, the engineer can build a new one by spending a
full week working, and paying an amount of gp equal to the
engineers level x 100. A
new Omni-tool built this way has all of the functions of his
old Omni-tool. An Omni-tool has a number of hit points
equal to
5 + the engineers level, and hardness equal to the
engineers level (minimum 1).
An engineer builds his Omni-tool so that no one else can
make it function. Anyone other than the engineer who tries
to use the Omni-tool finds it to be a useless hunk of metal.
At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the
Omni-tool gains a new function.
Functions labeled as basic can be selected at 1st level, as
part of an Omni-tools base functions, but are not selectable
after 1st level unless the engineer chooses the Back to
Basics function. The engineer can only have one function

active at any time, gaining the benefits of that function. He

can switch from one function to another as a swift action.

engineers level.
Discharge (Ex)

At 7th level, he can have two functions active at once. The

following are selectable functions:
Back to Basics:
The Engineer selects 2 basic functions. He can,
instead, select 2 basic functions
he already possesses and upgrade them, spending

: As a standard action, an engineer can spend 1 artifice

point to loose a bolt of electricity at a creature within 30
feet as a ranged touch attack. A creature struck by this bolt
make a fortitude save (DC 10 + the engineers
level + his intelligence modifier) or be stunned for 1round.
The engineer must be at least 10

an additional basic function to gain the superior

effect listed in the basic functions description.
level to select his function.
Discharge, Mass (Ex)
Bonded Tool (basic) (Ex)
: The engineers Omni
-tool is bonded to him in some way, making it resistant to
disarm and sunder attempts. The engineer gains a bonus to
his CMD to resist disarm and sunder attempts that target his
Omni-tool. By spending an extra basic function, any disarm
and sunder attempts that target his Omni-tool automatically
Bonus Feat (Ex)
: The engineer selects 1 bonus feat for which he meets the
prerequisites. He only gains access to the benefits of this
feat whenever that particular function is active. He always
counts as possessing the feat for the purpose of meeting

: As a standard action, an engineer can spend 1 artifice

point to loose a bolt of electricity at a creature within 30
feet as a ranged touch attack. The bolt can then arc to a
total number
of secondary creatures equal to the engineers
intelligence modifier. These creatures cannot be more than
30 feet apart from each other, and the engineer must make a
separate ranged touch attack against each of them. All
creatures struck by this bolt must make a fortitude save
(DC 10 + the
engineers level + his intelligence modifier) or be
stunned for 1 round. The engineer must be at least16

Death Ray (Ex)

level to select this function unless he already haste
: The Omni-tool can fire a beam of heat that deals damage
to an enemy. As a standard action, as long as the engineer
has at least 1 artifice point, he can fire his death ray as a
ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet. The death ray
deals1d6 fire damage at 2nd

function, in which case he can select this function at level


level, plus1d6 damage every 2levels thereafter.

Disrupt Weapon (Ex)

Disable Construct (Ex)

: The engineer learns how to use sonic energy to rend and

destroy objects,

: As a standard action, the engineer can disable a construct

just by touching it. By spending 1 artifice point, he can
make a melee touch attack against a single construct and
make a visible device check (DC 10 + the HD of the
construct). If successful, the construct is entangled for 1d6
rounds and its damage reduction, if any, is reduced by half
for a number of rounds equal to the


including his opponents equipment. He can spend 1

artifice point to make a special sunder attempt against a
creature, making a melee touch attack against the creature
and dealing 1d4 sonic damage per two levels the engineer

has to the targeted piece of equipment. The engineer must

be at least 4th

mind-affecting abilities, even if it has no intelligencescore.

An engineer must be at least 6th

level to select this function.

level beforeselecting this function.

Emulate Shield (Basic) (Ex):

Lightning Caster (Ex)

The omni-toolemulates a single type of shield that the

Engineer isproficient with, and is treated as that shield. By
spending an additional basic function, the Engineercan
apply the Masterwork quality to this shield.Masterwork
emulated shields can be magicallyenhanced, but only the
one shield gains theenhancement bonus if the Omni-tool
can emulatemultiple shields.

: The engineer can cast abolt of arcing lightning from his

Omni-tool, shockingentire groups of enemies. By spending
1 artifice point, he can make a ranged touch attack as
astandard action with a range of 60 feet against a single
target, dealing 1d6 electric damage per 2levels the engineer
possesses. In addition, thelightning can arc to a number of
secondary targets,all of whom must be within 30 feet of the
originaltarget, equal to the engineer's intelligence
modifier.The engineer makes ranged touch attacks
againstthese secondary targets as well, dealing half as
muchelectricity damage as the damage dealt to theprimary
target. The engineer must be at least 12th

Emulate Weapon (Basic) (Ex):

The omni-toolemulates a single weapon that the Engineer
isproficient with, and is treated as that weapon. Thisweapon
cannot be worth more than 50 gp. By spending an
additional basic function, the Engineercan apply the
Masterwork quality to this weapon.Masterwork emulated
weapons can be magicallyenhanced, but only the one
weapon gains theenhancement bonus if the Omni-tool can
emulatemultiple weapons.
Hacking (Ex)
: An engineer can tap into theelectric impulses that compel
constructs, alteringthem and
forcing his own ideas into the subjectsmind. This act is
called hacking. The engineer
spends an artifice point and makes a single touchattack
against a construct. If the touch attack issuccessful, the
construct makes a will save (DC 10 +

level to select his function, unless he has the death ray

function, at which point he can select this function at 10th
Over shield (Ex)
: The Omni-tool produces shield of energy that protects the
engineer against damage. As long as this function is active,
he gains an amount of temporary hp equal to his level. If
any of this temporary hp is lost, it restores only when the
engineer's artifice pool restores, after eight hours of rest.
Potent Magic (Su)
: When the engineer activates a magic item (such as a wand
or a necklace of fireballs), he uses his intelligence modifier
instead of the items base modifier to determine any save

1/2 the engi

neers level + the engineers intelligence

Rapid Surgery (Ex)

: The engineer can spend 1artifice point to cast

modifier) or is treated as being under the effects of a


cure light wounds

as a spell-likeability, using his engineer level as his caster

spell, treating the engineers class level

as his caster level. This ability only lasts for only 1minute
per level instead of 1 hour per level. This
ability bypasses a constructs normal immunity to

Repair (Ex)
: The engineer can spend 1 artifice point to cast

whole on his clockwork companion as a spell-like ability.

He adds his engineer level to the hit points restored by this
Smugglers Hold (Su)
: The Omni-tool creates an extra-dimensional space large
enough to hold a single potion, wand, or light weapon.
When the Engineer switches to this function, the item is
automatically in-hand. Any item held in a
smugglers hold is automatically considered

builds a new turret, any currently active turrets are

automatically destroyed. The turret gains an armor bonus to
its AC equal to the engineer's level, and has an amount
of HP equal to double the engineer's level. Turrets cannot
move, and are locked in the square in which they are
created. By spending 1 extra artifice point upon the
turrets creation, it gains treads that allow it to move, at the
engineers command, at a speed of 10 feet.
The engineer cannot choose this function until at least 8

concealed, and creatures do not have a chance to spot it

with perception.

level, unless he has the death ray function, at which point

he can choose this function at 6

Tool Kit (Basic) (Ex):

The Omni-tool emulates a set of tools. It can emulate one
of the following
tools: artisans tools, a musical instrument, or thieves
tools. By spending an additional basic
function, he can instead emulate one of the following
tools: masterwork artisans tools, climbers kit, disguise kit,
healers kit, masterwork musical instrument, a merchants
scale, or masterwork thieves tools. The supplies in a
disguise kit and healers kit are restored at the beginning of
each day, when his artifice points are restored.
Trapfinding (Ex)
: When this function is active, an engineer adds 1/2 his
level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to
Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An engineer
can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Turret (Ex)
: The engineer uses his Omni-tool to compose and create a
mechanical turret that fires at his enemies. As a full-round
action, he can spend 2artifice points to build a turret. The
turret counts as a medium construct and remains for a
number of rounds equal to the engineer's level, at which
point it collapses and is destroyed. The turret acts

Weird Science (Basic) (Sp)
: The Omni-tool gains the ability to emulate a single can
trip, chosen when the Engineer chooses this function. This
can trip must be chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list
and can be used as a spell-like ability at will as long as he
has at least 1 artifice point. By spending an additional basic
function, the Engineer can instead choose a 1
level spell, chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. An
Engineer can cast this1
level spell as a spell-like ability by spending 1
artifice point. If the Engineer upgrades a can trip to


immediately after the engineers initiative, and can

level spell using the Back to Basics function,

make a single ranged touch attack (the attack bonus for this
attack is the engineer's level + the engineers intelligence
modifier) at a range of 30 feet against a single creature of
the engineer's choice on its turn. This attack deals 1d6 fire
damage per 2levels the engineer possesses. An engineer
can only have one turret active at any given time. If he

he no longer has use of the chosen can trip, and completely

replaces it with the 1
level spell.

Weirder Science (Sp)


: The Omni-tool gains the ability to emulate a single 2nd

level, the clockwork components allowhim to move at full

speed in heavy clockwork armor.At 15

level spell, chosen when the engineer chooses this function.

This spell must be chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell
list, and can be used as a spell-like ability by spending
1artifice point. An Engineer must be at least 4
level to select this function.
Technologist (Ex)
: At 2
level, an engineergains a bonus on all disable device and
knowledge(engineering) checks equal to his level.
Clockwork Armor (Ex)
: At 3
level, an engineer can modify armor he wears with
addedclockwork components to allow him to be
moremaneuverable in the armor. If he spends eight
hourswith a set of armor, modifying it, it gains the

level, an engineer can create clockwork armor for others, as
well as himself. He must spendeight hours with the armor
and the creature forwhom he is modifying it in order to
accurately affixthe clockwork components. This clockwork
armorfunctions for the other creature as it would for
him.However, clockwork armor created for others mustbe
consistently maintained by the engineer. He mustspend 1
hour working on the armor daily, or it willlose its
clockwork property.
Inventor (Ex)
: At 5
level, an engineer brings a
new meaning to jury
rigging. He


has the ability tocreate almost anything with a little elbow

grease andspare parts. As a full-round action, the engineer
cancreate any non-magical item worth 10 gp per classlevel
or less by piecing together spare parts andchemicals. To do
this, he must immediately spend gpequal to the price of
the item created to representthe materials needed. He must
also make a disabledevice check with a DC equal to the
crafting DCrequired to make the item. If he fails the check,
theitem is destroyed and he does not gain its use.Items
invented this way are unstable and do notlast long. After a
number of rounds equal to the

and 15

engineers level, the item


crumbles and is destroyed.Weapons created in this way

(includingalchemical thrown items) are weak and poorlymade,and are immediately destroyed if the user rolls a 1
onan attack roll with the weapon.He can also use this
technique to brew potions orpiece together wondrous items
by imparting some of his quasi-magical energy into the
scrap andchemicals as he puts them together. There is no
pricelimit on invented potions or wondrous items, but
hecannot create a potion or wondrous item with acaster
level higher than his class level. In addition,an invented
potion or wondrous item cannot have aspell level higher

clockwork property and, when he wears it, it has 1

less check penalty and 1 more maximum dexteritybonus.
At 7
, 11

level, the clockwork armor gains 1 less check penalty and 1

moremaximum dexterity bonus.This armor is specifically
designed for the engineer, and the clockwork components
do notfunction for anyone else except the engineer.At 7
level, the clockwork components allowhim to move at full
speed in medium clockwork armor. He also gains
proficiency with heavy armor.At 11

than his intelligence modifier. Hestill pays the price of

the potion, or the price of a wondrous item upon
inventing it. He must alsospend 1 artifice point per spell
level of the itemwhen creating the potion or wondrous item,
and thedisable device DC is equivalent to the spellcraft
DCrequired to create the item (including the +5 to theDC
for not possessing the required spell).If the engineer can
cast the spell used in thepotion as a spell-like ability
through his omni-tool,he does not add 5 to the DC to create
the item for notknowing the spell.
Cheap Inventions (Ex)
: At 10
level, the engineer only needs to pay as much to
createitems with his inventor special ability ( the price of
mundane items or potions, and 1/8 the price of wondrous
Quick Inventing (Ex)
: At 14
level, creating anitem with the Inventor ability takes a
standard actioninstead of a full-round action.
Reprogram Omni-Tool (Ex)
: At 17
level, the engineer can reprogram his Omni-tool, giving
itdifferent functions. By spending one full dayworking on
it, he can replace a number of functionsequal to his
intelligence modifier with newfunctions for which he meets
the prerequisites.Broken functions cannot be switched out
in thisway,.
Exoskeleton (Ex)
: At 19
level, the engineercan command his clockwork companion
to literallyopen up and allow him to step inside, wearing
thecompanion as an exoskeleton. This is a move actionthat
provokes an attack of opportunity, and the engineer can
wear this exoskeleton for a number of rounds every day
equal to his level. These roundsneed not be consecutive.
When he is wearing the exoskeleton, he gains the following

abilities: The engineer has the same strength and dexterity

as his clockwork companion as long as he wears the

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