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Chapter 24 – Nationalism

-Nationalism – spreads worldwide thanks to the French Revolution

-French Revolution gave Napoleon opportunity to conquer Europe
-Napoleon places brother on Spanish throne

-Social Stratification – in Latin America

Peninsulares – born in Spain and moved to Latin America
Creoles – children of peninsulares born in Latin America
Mestizos – half European / half Native American
Africans and Mulattos – half European / Half African
*Creoles lead independence movements

-Independence wars in Latin America wreck economies and poverty increases

-Political divisions arise

Radicals – want extreme change
Liberals – want some change
Conservatives – want little to no change

Latin American Independence Movements

-Controlled by France
-High population
-August 1791 slave revolt
Toussaint L’Ouverture
-1801 Freed slaves on entire island
-January 1802 France sends troops
-May 1802 End revolt and slavery (yellow fever weakened French)
-Sent to jail in Alps
-Jean Jacques Dessalines continues struggle
-1/1/1804 Declared Independence
-1820 Haiti becomes republic
-Simón Bolivar (Liberatador)
-Creole from Venezuela
-1810 established republic (followed by civil war)
-Exiled twice to Haiti for revolutionary activities
-1821 Venezuela Independent
-1822 Took control of San Martin’s army in Equador
-12/9/1824 Defeated Spanish in Battle of Ayacucho (Peru)
-Leads to more Spanish colonies’ independence
-Gains nickname “George Washington of South America”
-1830 Dies
-San Martin from Argentina (Creole)
-Served as Spanish military officer
-1816 Argentina declares independence
-1817 Helped free Chile
-1821 Advance on Peru
-Gave control of troops to Bolivar
-1850 Dies in France

-Miguel Hildalgo (Priest) “Father of Mexican Independence”
-9/16/1810 “Cry of Dolores” Calls for rebellion by ringing of church bells
-9/17/1810 Over 60,000 Mestizos and Indians march toward Mexico City
-1811 Spanish troops defeat Hildalgo’s troops (Hildalgo Executed)
-José Morelos – Priest / General – Took over after Hildalgo’s death
-Controlled Southern Mexico until Spanish kill him 1815
-New Constitution Ended church privileges, broke up large estates
-Admired by Napoleon
-Augustin de Hurbite (Creole Officier) defeats Morelos
-1821 Declares Independence
-Refused to relinquish governing power of Central American countries
-1822 Crowned Self Emperor
-1823 Overthrown and exiled and Central America breaks from Mexico

-Peaceful Independence
-1807 Portuguese royal family flees Napoleon
-After Napoleon’s defeat, Portugal wants to return to old way
-1822 Brazilians petition Dom Pedro (King’s Son) to rule
-9/7/1922 Independence granted
-Reforms of Freedoms of Press and Religion
-Monarchy until 1889
Trouble in Europe
1. Congress of Vienna created international peace in Europe 1815-1848 but led to internal
strife (civil war type).
2. Political Instability of 1830 led by liberals and nationalism (educated middle class)
-Belgium breaks from Netherlands
-Greece breaks from Ottoman Empire (Helped by Britain, France, Russia)
-Italy fails to unify (for now)
-Poland fails to break from Russia
-France King Charles X (younger brother of Louis XVIII) wants to reinstate
absolute monarchy… fled to Great Britain and is replaced by Louis
Phillippe (Citizen King)
-Louis overthrown 1848
-Created republic
-Political factions cause chaos
-Elect Louis Napoleon (Nap’s Nephew) as president 1848
-Named emperor Napoleon III in 1852 (built railroads, increased industry
decreased employment)
3. Ethnic Uprisings of 1848
-Ethnicities move for independence in Hungary, Austria, parts of Central Europe
-Metternich resigns
-1849 sees a return to conservationalism
4. Backwards Russia
-Czar Nicholas I lost Crimea War 1856 to Fr., Br., Sardinia, Ottoman Empire
-Tried to impose Russification
-Son Alexander II wanted to promote reforms (Peter)
-Edict of Emancipation 1861
-Son Alexander III and Russification
-Increased industry
5. Nationalism Breaks Up Old Empires
-Prussia defeats Austria and gets control of North German Confederation
(7 Weeks War below)
-Austria and Hungary split but are both ruled by Francis Joseph
-Russia’s Romanov family power steadily decreases until collapse after WWI
-Ottoman Empire experiences outside interferences (Greece Example)
6. Italian Unification
-1852 Group called “Young Italy” led by Mazzini pushed for independence and
-Younger than 40 years old only
-Brief success until kicked out of Rome 1848
-Count Camillo di Cavour of Sardinia
-Wants to unify North Italy
-Shrewd (thinker) Alliance with Napoleon III against Austria 1858
-Guiseppe Garibaldi of Sicily
-Man of action – dominates southern Italy
-“Red shirts”
-Had to be cautioned about moving against Rome (Church)
-King Victor Emmanuel II rules all of Italy by 1870
-Industrial north and agricultural south creates problems
7. German Unification led by Prussia
-Military tradition strong
-William I seeks to strengthen army with Junker support
-Junkers do away with tariffs and create money system with help of
group of people called the Zollerein
-Selects Otto Von Bismarck as prime minister
-Realpolotik – success matters more than legality or idealism
-Moved without parliament’s permission “Blood and Iron” speech
-Alliance with Austria to fight Seven Weeks War – Prussia defeats Austria
-1870 caused Franco-Prussian War (telegram)
-France loses Alsace Lorraine (later cause for WWI)
-France pays $1 Billion
-Wilheim I crowned Kaiser at Versailles (2nd Reichelieu)
8. Europe Divided by 1870
-Strong = Britain, Germany
-Middle = France
-Weak = Austria, Russia, Italy, Ottoman Empire

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