Reading Point Radio: Bringing News and Information Over The Air

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Reading Point

Radio: Bringing News and Information Over the Air

Radio is a relatively inexpensive medium for the general public; a great
variety of tastes can be satisfied by it. Specialized audiences can be catered to
as well. As a result, a career in radio may satisfy your own interests and
Radio can normally offer more coverage and flexibility in covering a news
event tan TV- even though TV may have more impact. News from international
agencies- Reuters, UPI, etc. comes to radio stations by telex. The news editor
assesses each items importance and interest value before preparing the
broadcast. Radio stations often recruit their editors and commentators from
newspapers. Without previous experience in journalism or some specialized
training, it is very difficult to find work in the radio industry.
opportunities for ambitious beginners.
Local news and information are the
main ingredients on local radio and
cover a wide range of topics: the arts,
sports, hobbies, local personalities,
programs for local schools, immigrants,
community services and so on.
Radio is more than just news. It is
entertainment too. The disc jockeys
who present record shows, the scriptwriters who write copy for the people who
actually talk on the radio, the researchers who produce all the background
material for a show and the technicians all play important roles in producing
programs which will satisfy a great many people. The fact that radio is a
relatively inexpensive form of entertainment makes it posible to cover wider
audiences tan TV does.
Answer the questions
1. In what way does TV have more impact than radio?
Television has more impact than radio because it provides images and
audio at the same time
2. Why is it possible for radio to reach more people?
The radio comes to more people because it has more coverage in the
most remote places.
3. What is the news editors job?

The news editor assesses each items importance and interest value
before preparing the broadcast.
4. What does a disc jockey do?
The disc jockeys who present record shows
5. How is local radio different from national radio?
Local radio stations offer Local news and information are the main
ingredients on local radio and cover a wide range of topics: the arts,
sports, hobbies, local personalities, programs for local schools,
immigrants, community services and so on. And National radio offer
National news and information are the main ingredients on national
Write on your own
1. Do you have a favorite radio station personality? Why do you like him or
My favorite radio station personality is Gina Parker, Shes is very funny
2. Do you enjoy music stations or talk-show stations?
I prefer music stations.

Reading Point
Management: Offices cant run without it
Its a managers job to be effective; its
his/her only job. For a long time,
managers were appointed on the basis of
their capabilities and success in their
work. It was unlikely, for example, that a
sales manager would have no experience
as a salesperson. Unfortunately, the best
salespeople are not necessarily the most
effective managers. In many cases, the
company loses a good salesperson and
gains a worthless manager.
There are, of course, managers who recognize their weaknesses. They tend to
stay so close to their work that they do it themselves instead of training their

subordinates. Consequently, they neglect their primary function, which is to

manage, and their subordinates leave their jobs in frustration.
Nowadays, a manager has to be able to make decisions with the help of
scientific techniques, graphic models, mathematical formulae. These are the
tools of decision making and management. Managers are appointed
according to their training and qualifications and not because of long service
and loyalty.

Answer the questions

1. What is meant by the company loses a good salesperson and gains a
worthless manager?
Means that for a long time, managers were appointed on the basis of
their capabilities and success in their work. It was unlikely, for example,
that a sales manager would have no experience as a salesperson.
2. How do managers who are aware of their weaknesses sometimes cause
frustration among their subordinates?
Because the managers who recognize their weaknesses. They tend to
stay so close to their work that they do it themselves instead of training
their subordinates. Consequently, they neglect their primary function,
which is to manage, and their subordinates leave their jobs in frustration.
3. What aids do managers have when they make decisions?
Nowadays, a manager has to be able to make decisions with the help of
scientific techniques, graphic models, mathematical formulae. These are
the tools of decision making and management.
4. How are managers selected differently today compared with years ago?
Nowadays the Managers are appointed according to their training and
qualifications and not because of long service and loyalty.
5. What is a managers chief function?
A manager is the one that supervises the work of his subordinates and
takes decisions with wide experience in the business
Whats the Word?
1. I hope you do well in your new position. I wish you great ___ success__
2. She was so busy; she ___ made___ all of the things she had to do.

3. Many managers dont _ recognize____ their weaknesses

4. Managing is a managers __function

Write on your own

Do managerial jobs seem attractive to you?
Yes, I find interesting and attractive.
Should managers relate to their employees on a personal level? Why or why
No, because they to the relate on a personal level they would lose objectivity
in their work.

Reading Point
Publishing: The business of making books and magazines
Many publishing houses continually
produce a variety of different
products, each with its own
particular appeal. Many publishers
produce only one kind of book:
cookbooks, dictionaries, childrens
books, etc.
business. It is a means of making
Money. It is not glamorous or
romantic. It is, in fact, hard work. A
lot of the time it can be
monotonous and tedious. It can also
be great fun. Each book is unique and there can be a lot of variety in the work.
It is fascinating to see a book grow from the original idea, to the manuscript, to
the finished published book- a process that can easily take from two to five
If you enjoy writing and have a good sense of style, you might make a good
editor. You must also be good at working with details because there are
numerous little details that an editor has to be aware of when producing a

Editors, although essential to the publishing process, are only one kind of an
employee in a publishing house. Just as in any other business, there must be
sales representatives, designers, secretaries, production assistants, marketing
people and so on.

Answer the questions

1. What wrong impression do some people have about publishing?
Some people think that the publications can be monotonous and
2. How do the products from publishing houses vary?
Many publishing houses continually produce a variety of different
products, each with its own particular appeal. Many publishers produce
only one kind of book: cookbooks, dictionaries, childrens books, etc.
3. How long does it take for a book to be produced from the manuscript
For a book to be produced from the manuscript stage is need from two
to five years
4. How is publishing like any other industry?
Just as in any other business, there must be sales representatives,
designers, secretaries, production assistants, marketing people and so
5. What makes a good editor?
A good editor enjoy writing and have a good sense of style.

Whats the Word?

1. This job is a __form___ of making a living
2. I do the same work every day. It is rather __boring__
3. The _good_____ ideas are the same in the book, only a few details are
4. There is a great___ of books here; theyre all different.

Write on your own

Whats your impression of people who work in the book publishing business?
My impression is that is a work very interesting and fascinatin
What characteristics do you imagine many editors have?
I imagine that editors are people who read a lot and are very detailed

Reading Point
The Beauty Business: Improving Ones Looks
Throughout the ages, people have tried to preserve or improve their looks.
Nowadays, with increasing prosperity and leisure, people are willing to spend
time and money on their appearance. The beauty business has grown and
employs an ever-increasing number of people.
Success in the beauty business depends on a
warm personality. You are in close personal
contact with your clients all the time. You have to
work with people of all ages and types. No matter
how well-trained and skillful you are, your clients
will also expect you to listen to their personal
problems about families, husbands, wives, pets,
work, etc.
Good health is important. You must have the
stamina to stand all day without showing fatigue.
You must be well-dressed and attractive yourself.
You must have artistic imagination.
There is a wide range of jobs to choose from:
hairdressing, wig-making, pedicure, manicure,
massaging, health clubs, the cosmetics industry, etc.
You may even prefer to start behind the beauty counter at a large store!

Answer the questions.

1. What have people always tried to do about their appearance?

Throughout the ages, people have tried to preserve or improve their

2. Why is the beauty business growing so much nowadays?
Because Nowadays, with increasing prosperity and leisure, people are
willing to spend time and money on their appearance.
3. What sort of person will do best in the beauty business?
the person with a warm personality
4. Why is it a physically demanding career?
Because You must have the stamina to stand all day without showing
5. Why could it be an expensive career for you?
Because I would have to be well dressed and attractive all the time
Whats the Word?

I dont think there is any way we can __ refloat___ our business.

I think your client ____ should___ you to be there by six o clock
Youre not too Young! People of all _ages___ are welcome.
I am never ill. I have perfect__ health______
I think shes tired. She is showing signs of__ fatigue ___

Write on your own

Do you agree that success in the beauty business depends on a warm
Yes, I agree that's what makes a successful business

Reading Point
Building an Airline Terminal
Eero Saarinens main philosophy about architecture was that all buildings
should represent a sense of bold unity. Saarinen was a famous architect who
dared to do new and different things with his architectural designs.
Saarinen studied both sculpture and architecture. His training in sculpture may
have affected his attitudes about architecture. All of his buildings are different

from one another and all of them are quite breathtaking. One of Saarinens
most famous structures is the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St.
Louis. Many people simply refer to it as the Gateway Arch. At 630 feet high,
it is the nations tallest monument. It spans the width of the Mississippi River.
In 1956 Saarinen was asked to design the TWA terminal at what is now New
Yorks Kennedy Airport. As was his style, he decided to research the site in
depth before he committed any design to paper. He and some of his colleagues
went to the terminal site and recorded information about such things as plane
arrivals and departures, the flow of passengers throughout the terminals and
other kinds of airport action. It was then that Saarinen announced that his new
terminal would not be a static enclosed space, but a place of movement.
Saarinen began to design models for
the TWA terminal. He worked on
models of cardboard and wire and
other materials.
He wanted to capture the curved
shapes of the building he had in his
mind. One morning at breakfast
Saarinen discovered the solution for
his design. He envisioned the design
on his grapefruit; he carved arches in
it and later finalized it by adding four
intersecting barrel vaults like an
umbrella over the passenger area. When the terminal was finally completed in
1964 it was deemed a success and was described as a bird in flight.

True or False?
1. __False_____ Eero Saarinen was a philosopher
2. __True_____ Saarinens sculpture studies influenced his ideas about
3. __ False ____ The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial crosses the
Missouri River
4. __True ____
Saarinen always researched sites before he designed
5. __ False ____ The architect wanted the terminal to be spacious and

Write on your own

If you were an architect, what kind of building would you design? Why?
If I were an architect, I would like to design a very large and very nice building.
Because I like nice things

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