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For any one of the following groups, the Aztec or Inca, or Maya, which of the
description below is FALSE?
a) They lacked well organized government.
b) They developed complex calendar and mathematical systems
c) The produced large supplies of food
d) They possessed well-organized religious systems.
2. The archaeological excavation at LAnse aux Meadows provide evidence of
a) the precise location of the Viking settlement in Vinland
b) the existence of a Viking settlement in North New found land.
c) the existence of a Viking settlement in Greenland
d) the existence of a permanent Viking settlement in Vinland
3. On what type of evidence did Van Sertima base his thesis of African presence in
the Americas before Columbus?
Archaeological remains
Linguistic patterns
Folk tales
Botanical similarities

i., ii, iii only

i., ii and iv only
ii, iii and iv only
i., ii, iii and iv

4. Which of the following BEST describes the traditional stories of Norse history?
a) Myths
b) Legends
c) Runes
d) Saga
5. Population decline in the Americas after the Spaniards arrived was MAINLY due
to the
a) failure of native crops
b) growth of European population
c) internal warfare among indigenous people
d) introduction of European diseases
6. The main purpose of the encomienda system introduced by the Spaniards was to
a) ensure fair, treatment of the Indians
b) prevent enslavement of the Indians
c) provide defence for the Spaniards
d) provide a pool of labour for the Spaniards

7. Which of the following factors accounted for the Spanish conquest of the Aztec
and Inca?
Superior military force of the Spanish
Tactics of divide and rule by the Spanish
Strong resistance from the Indians
Internal conflict among the Indians
a) i, ii and iii only
b) i., ii and iv only
c) ii, iii, and iv only
d) i., ii, iii and iv
8. The MAIN course of death on the Middle Passage during the Trans-Atlantic trade
in enslaved Africans was
a) disease
b) suicide
c) insurrection
d) malnourishment
9. Which of the following factors BEST explain why Maroon societies were a
serious threat tot the plantocracy?
a) Maroons were known for their expertise in guerilla warfare
b) Maroons stole supplies from the plantation.
c) Maroons grew crops such as sugar cane and coffee for trader.
d) Maroons served as a constant reminder of successful resistance to slavery.
10. Which factors BEST explains why the British conquest of Saint Dominque iin the
1790s failed?
a) British troops were affected by disease
b) The British lost control of Naval base at Mole Saint Nicdas
c) The coloureds failed to support the British
d) Toussaint LOuverture out manoevered the British
In over throwing me you have cut down in St. Domingue only the trunk of the tree of
liberty. It will spring up again by its roots, for they are numerous and deep.
11. Out what occasion during the Haitian Revolution did Toussaint express these
a) after his capture by the French
b) after the British were expelled from St. Domingue
c) after a major victory over the Spanish army.
d) After the expulsion of the ruling class from St. Dominigue.
12. Which of the following was NOT one of the Amerlioration Proposals?


The prohibition of all floggings

The right of the enslaved to be married
The prohibition of separation of families
The admission of evidence in court by the enslaved.

The Negroes would find it difficult to understand how they could be free and
constrained at one and same time. The Republic would not wish to take away from them
with one hand what it has given with the other
S. C. Gordon, Caribbean Generations pg. 143
13. Those words were MOSTLY likely said by
a) Leger Felicite Sonthonax
b) Thomas Fowell Buxton
c) Victor Schoelcher
d) William Wiberforce
14. What factor prevented the creation of a just society in Haiti between 1804 and
a) The division of plantations into peasant lots
b) The domination of the towns by mulattos
c) The establishment of a constitution in the territory
d) The use of forced labour on plantations

15. Which of the following factors BEST accounts for the failure of the Federation?
a) The choice of Trinidad instead of Barbados as the capital.
b) Disagreement among the Caribbean labour leaders.
c) The inability of the politicans of the Caribbean to see themselves as a
regional unit.
d) The unwillingness of Britain to give the Federation its full support.
16. Which of the following used by early navigators to determine the position of the
ship in relation to the stars?
a) A lodestone
b) A compass
c) An astrolable
d) A map
17. The inhabitants of BOTH Jamaica AND Cuba at time of Columbus arrival in the
Caribbean were
a) Aztecs
b) Tainos
c) Mayas

d) Kalinagos

18. Contact between the Kalinago and Taino resulted mainly from
a) Friendship
b) Labour
c) Trade
d) Waitore
19. Which of the following was NOT used by Kalinagos?
a) Cassava
b) Maize
c) Salt
d) Pepperpot
20. Which is the correct order, from MOST to LEAST powerful, European social
groups in the 1400s?
a) Merchants, priest, peasants, kings
b) Kings, priests, peasants, merchants
c) Priests, Kings, Merchants, peasants
d) Kings, priests, merchants, peasants
21. Which measure was NOT used by Spain to protect her empire from other
European powers?
a) The encomoieda system
b) The convoy system
c) The asiento
d) The House of Trade
22. Which of the following refers to the contract given to other European nations to
trade in captive Africans?
a) Asiento
b) Encomienda
c) Siete Partidas
d) Code Noir
23. Which of the following Haitian leaders declared Haitis independence?
a) Toussaint LOuverture
b) Henri Christophe
c) Jean Jacque Pessalines
d) Alerandre Petion
24. Which of the following conditions did NOT result from the Haitian Revolution?


The economy of the island was almost destroyed.

The pattern of land ownership changed
The mulattoes were wiped out.
The country became independent from France

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