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Fundamentals of the Curam Enterprise Framework for Business

Analysts 5.2
Formation Informatique / Dveloppement logiciel / IBM

This course provides a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the Curam Enterprise Framework (CEF). It presents a
business analyst and caseworker overview that introduces the key components of the CEF, namely, Participant Management,
Case Management, System Administration, Rules Management, Workflow Management, Financials, Service Planning, the
Curam Documentation Center, and the Curam Impact and Relationship Analyzer (CIARA). The course explains Curam
out-of-the-box functionality and the recommended approach to reusing the Curam reference application. The course enables
learners to gain practical exposure to typical activities required of business analysts on projects, such as, business process
analysis, mapping data to the Curam data model, rules development, and fit-gap analysis.

A retenir
Dure : 5 jours soit 35h.
Rf. 9D08G


Describe the main components of the Curam Business Application Suite (CBAS)
Identify Curam Enterprise and Solution Modules
Identify and navigate the various components of the CEF
Use the Documentation Center
Navigate CIARA
Participate in mapping legacy data requirements to the Curam database

This intermediate course is intended for business analysts who will work on Curam projects.


formation est
propose en
Inclus dans cette formation

You should have a working knowledge of health and human services programs and exposure and experience in typical
business analysis activities related to system implementations.
It is recommended that you have experience with Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel and Word, and one or more database

The main components of the Curam Business Application Suite (CBAS)
The Curam Enterprise and Solution Modules and their respective functionalities
Using CEF components
Documentation Center and CIARA and their use in Curam-related business analysis activities
Mapping legacy data requirements to the Curam database

Coaching Aprs-COURS
Pendant 30 jours, votre formateur
sera disponible pour vous aider.
CERTyou s'engage dans la ralisation
de vos objectifs.

Votre garantie 100%

Notre engagement 100% satisfaction
vous garantit la plus grande qualit
de formation.

CERTYOU, 37 rue des Mathurins, 75008 PARIS - SAS au capital de 10 000 Euros
Tl : 01 42 93 52 72 - Fax : 01 70 72 02 72 - -
RCS de Paris n 804 509 461- TVA intracommunautaire FR03 804509461 - APE 8559A
Dclaration dactivit enregistre sous le N 11 75 52524 75 auprs du prfet de rgion dIle-de-France

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