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Jericho Wallace

Age: 35
Race: Augmented Human, Earth subtype
Strong Hero 5, Tough Hero 5, Soldier 2, Gun Bunny 12/Gestalt BSAA Agent 20 + Paragon 4
Level: 24
STR: 29 (SQ: powerful build)
CON 30
WIS: 26
CHA 25
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: None
Height: 510
Weight: 178lbs
Movement: 45ft, Climb 45/"Flight" in 45ft increments
Languages SpokenBAB: +24
DR- 12/- , Resistance 1/2HD Fire, Acid
Regeneration Fast Heal 3
AC: +9 Class Defense, + 7 Dex
Initiative +7
Saving Throws





+4 WOD


Skills *indicates bonus from class/other source (+96 pts)

Perception +34

Treat Injury +22

Intimidation +34

Knowledge(Science) +17

Streetwise 34

Knowledge (Architecture) +15

Drive +34

Demolitions + 34

Security +34

Gunsmithing +34

Survival + 34

Profession Herbalist +34

Repair +34



Special Abilities
Advanced Extreme Effort: The effort requires a full-round action and provides a +6 bonus
Remain Conscious: The Tough hero gains the ability to continue to perform actions when he or she would
otherwise be considered unconscious and dying. When the Tough heros hit points reach 1, the hero can
perform as though he or she were disabled, making either an attack action or a move action every round
until the hero reaches 10 hit points (and dies) or the heros hit points return to 1 or higher. The hero can
choose to succumb to unconsciousness if he or she thinks that doing so might prevent him or her from
taking more damage.

Robust: The Tough hero becomes especially robust, gaining a number of hit points equal to his or her
Tough level as soon as he or she selects this talent. Thereafter, the hero gains +1 hit point with each level of
Tough he or she gains.
Stamina: The Tough hero recovers twice as fast as normal. So, the hero recovers 2 hit points per character
level per evening of rest, 2 points of temporary ability damage per evening of rest, and awakens in half the
normal time after being knocked unconscious.
Weapon Focus/Specialization-Unarmed +1 hit, +2 damage.

BSAA Agent

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, and Repeating Crossbows. BSAA Agents can wear Light
Armor, but are not proficcient with any type of shield.
Close Quarter's Marksman: When Using his chosen firearm/crossbow, a BSAA Agent does not provoke attacks of Opportunity.
Critical Abomination: When Using his Repeating Crossbow, a BSAA Agent can perform Critical Hits on Undead and Aberrations.
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 2nd Level, the BSAA Agent gains the Improved Unarmed Attack Feat
Called Shot: Starting at 2nd level, When Using his Repeating Crossbow and within 5 ft of his Target, the BSAA Agent can choose to
take a -2 penalty to his attack roll. If he is successful in hitting his opponent, he may immediately make an unarmed strike against the
opponent at his full base attack bonus. This may only be done once per round.
Green Herb: At 3rd Level, the BSAA Agent can gather and mix a variety of herbs into healing salves. BSAA Agents automatically
gain the use of an Herb Satchel. On a successful DC 15 Profession (Herbalist) Check, he may prepare a single herb. When used, this
Herb heals 1d4 HP. He may use this ability (3 + Wisdom Mod) times per day. Administering an Herb is a full round action that
provokes attacks of opportunity. It takes 10 Minutes to prepare an Herb if the BSAA Agent does not have his Herb Satchel. If the
BSAA Agent loses his Herb Satchel, he may purchase another one (And buy the Herbs he needs) for 50 GP. If the herbs are not used
within 24 hours, they lose their healing properties. It is suggested that a BSAA Agent prepares his Herbs at the beginning of the day,
much like a spellcaster prepares his spells.
Firearm Upgrade(Shotguns):
Omega SPS-12 Shotgun (d20 Modern Weapons Locker pg 152)
2d8, 20 x 2
10 round box magazine
40ft Range Increment
Upgrade Damage, Crit, Piercing, Clip x 2 (2d10, 19-20, hit any opponent in a straight-line behind the target, +10 rounds on clip)
Improved Uncanny Dodge/Improved Evasion
Red Herb/Blue Herb/Battle Medic: At 9th Level the BSAA Agent's Green Herb Ability improves to Red Herb, allowing him to heal
2d4 points of damage with each application. He must, however, now make a DC 20 Profession (Herbalist) Check. Can heal Poisons as
well. Provokes no AoO
BSAA Veteran/Bane of the Abomination: Favored Enemy Bonus increases to +4 vs. Undead and Aberrations.
Survivor's Resilience: At 15th Levei is Unaffected by Magical And Non-Magical Disease.
Rapid Reload: Rapid Reload Feat
Everdeath: At 18th Level, any Aberration or Undead the BSAA Agent kills can never be raised except by Wish,
Diehard- +4 to Endurance saves, may sleep in heavy armor , Automatically become stable/disabled at - hp.+1 hit point per level.
Also, you may sleep in heavy armor without becoming fatigued.Immunity to all non-magical diseases/poisons of all kinds. Gain fast
healing 3
Tactical Retreat: When using the Full Withdraw action, the BSAA Agent moves at his full movement speed, even if he is hampered
by an effect that would lower his movement speed. If he is paralyzed or otherwise helpless, this ability does not function.
Unrelenting: At 20th Level, when the BSAA Agent fights a creature with at least 4 more HD than he has, he cannot be killed unless
he is reduced to -20 HP, in addition, all attacks he makes vs. a creature that has 4 more HD than him gain a +2 untyped bonus to attack

Gun Bunny

Improved InitiativeDivine Relationship +2

Massive Damage +2
Blind-Shoot Feat
Portable Armory Feat
Weapons Encyclopedia Feat
Judge Opponent Feat
+4 Character Points
Defensive Combat Mastery +1
Steady Hand Feat

Potential(24 pts, refreshes each hour) May spend points on a 1/1 basis to influence rolls.
Excellence 2
Mountain Rage: You gain the powerful build special quality, and DR/- equal to half your HD. Whenever you damage an
opponent with a melee attack you may attempt a bull rush against them as a free action. You gain the Earth subtype.
Paragon Athletics- Climb equal to Land speed/ always take 10 in Climb/Jump . In addition you can perform complex jumps in mid-air
that basically grant you a flight speed equal to your base speed, but you fall at the end of your turn if there's no nearby surface to hold
on. Enemies adjacent to you count as a surface to hold on for the purpose of this ability, and you're dragged by them if they move. An
enemy may attempt to shake you off as move action by succeeding in a grapple check against you, in which case you fall as normal.
You can use a Climb check instead of a grapple check for resisting being shaken off. Double the bonus you gain from using Potential
points for Climb and Jump checks.
The One:Resistance 2 elements/DR/magic equal to half his HD.
Exceptional: +4 bonus to two stats of their choice (you can pick the same pair of stats twice).
A Step Ahead: All movement speeds increase by 50%!
Know the Trick: 1/ 3 HD per day Haste


*indicates bonus feat from class/other source

Athletics*- The character gets a +2 bonus on all Climb checks and Swim checks
Alertness*- The character gets a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Brawl-When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and the character deals
nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + his or her Strength modifier
Heroic Surge-The character may take an extra move action or attack action in a round, either before or after the characters regular
actions. The character may use Heroic Surge a number of times per day depending on his or her character level (as shown below), but
never more than once per round.
Character Level

Times per Day






+4 feats


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