Interview of Patriarch of Jerusalem Irenaeus To The National Herald, N. York, March 15 (24pages)

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Reg. No.
Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross
34th Anniversary of our Ordination to Hierarchy

To the most pious Mr. Theodore Kalmoukos, beloved Child in the Lord
of our Mediocrity, Esteemed Publisher of The National Herald
and Journalist, Grace and Peace from God the Father
37-10 30th Street, Long Island City
New York, 11101 USA

Responses to Your Questions Submitted us


Your Beatitude, how many years have You spent there in confinement?
Eight years. Since February of 2008, I am not able to leave my cell in the Patriarchate,

which was given to me at the time that Benedict served as Patriarch, and where I
continued to live after my election as Patriarch, and continue to the present day with the
power of God.

Let us remind the Greeks in America why You are confined, why do You not go

This imposition on me of exclusion from outdoor areas and the outside world and my
confinement to my cell and its courtyard took place two months after Israels recognition
of Archbishop Theophilos of Tabor as Patriarch, which was granted him following
political pressure exerted on Israel by Greek-American agents and the then Greek Minister
of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Bakoyianni. Entrance to the Patriarchate was forbidden to two of
my assistants, Archimandrites who were members of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy
Sepulchre, the Greek-American Fr. Chrysostom Mezilson and Fr. Ireneos, who had served
the Patriarchate the first as head of the Secretariats English Department, and the second
as President of the Patriarchates Financial Ministry since they refused to sign a prepared
text that the Secretary General of the Patriarchate, Archbishop of Constantina Aristarchos,
was distributing to all the members of the Patriarchate, which I am also sending to you

together with the present responses, and which text was compelling them to cut off all
communication with me and to consider me from then on as a monk.
Since then, two people, Aristarchos, Archbishop of Constantina, and Theophilos,
Archbishop of Tabor, have locked the two outer iron doors. The result is that I am able to
go out of my cell into the courtyard, where the Chapel of Saint Thecla is located, but I am
not able to leave this area and to go to other areas of the Patriarchate or outside of it. Also
I am not able to enter the Chapel of Saint Thecla, even though I had keys to the gate of the
Chapel, because they have place a padlock on the door, the keys of which the above persons
keep, as well as the keys to the outer gates.

How do You live? what do You eat? Do You have electricity? heating?
By the grace of God, noble people from the Old City who have known me for many

years, as well as Cypriot and Greek pilgrims from time to time, bring me the necessities for
my livelihood, which I pull up with a basket from the road of the Patriarchate to the roof
of my cell.
After the crisis in May of 2005 and thereafter, the tray that is used for daily lunch
meals, which every member of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre gets from the
central kitchen, was never given to me. Besides, even if they did give me food, I am not
able to take it from the kitchen, since the outer doors, as I mentioned to you, are closed,
and I cannot reach the kitchen area.
The Patriarchate has always paid the waterworks and the electricity for every room
within the Patriarchate from the central treasury. Its just that the water heater has broken
down, and no technician is able to come into my cell to repair it, and so every winter I heat
water in the kitchen to use for any bodily and domestic use.

How do You spend Your day?

With prayer day and night, reading, phone contact with my spiritual children, with

the outside world, daily pilgrims, friends, acquaintances, strangers, fathers of the
Brotherhood, monks, clergy and bishops of other territories, who show concern for my
health and for the resolution of the tragic situation that prevails in the Patriarchate. On a
daily basis, from the window of my cell that faces Saint Helen Street, which leads to the
All-Holy Sepulchre, I greet the pious pilgrims who want to visit me but are not able, and
their faces, warm with love, encourage me.


All these years, You have never visited a doctor for regular check-ups, for blood

tests to see how Your health is, or even a dentist?

On the one hand, they do not permit entrance to anyone, not even a doctor or a dentist,
in order to visit me I have no teeth left saying that I have died, that I dont exist, that I
have left, or they send anyone who wants to visit me to Aristarchos, Archbishop of
Constantina, who, after asking Theophilos, either doesnt respond at all to the pilgrims, or
refuses, saying that supposedly there are rules that do not permit this. On the other hand,
even if they were to open the outer gates that I might go out of the Patriarchate, no one
ensures that I may freely return to my cell.
Regarding this latter point, since so much has been said that this is not true - even
that it is just an imaginary fear of mine, I would like to state that, in response to a related
question of the President of the Appellate Court in Larissa posed to the defendant,
Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, during a trial because of the libelous defamation
against our beloved Archimandrite Dionysios, most dear to us for many years and truly a
member of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre, having served as Abbot of the
Monastery of the Holy Cross and as Headmaster in Jerusalem: if Patriarch Irenaeus went
out of the Patriarchate, would he be able to return, Aristarchos said that: there is an issue
there, and that this is not certain.

How do You respond to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which alleges that You are

not confined, but self-confined, namely that You choose to be confined?

In accordance with what I have said to you already, every person thinking logically is
able to easily comprehend that my living conditions constitute a type of custody and
humiliating, even inhumane, treatment, since access to the inner and outer areas of the
Patriarchate have been barred from me. Once, a group of local Arab-speaking people
resorted to the courts in order to obtain permission to enter so that they could visit me,
since Theophilos refused to permit them, invoking asylum and the self-governance of the
Patriarchate; and the court granted them permission, despite Theophilos will, and so this
group of pilgrims visited me. They had formerly sought the intervention of the Israeli
Police, before addressing themselves to the court, but the Police had alleged that it is an
internal issue of the Patriarchate.
Now, Theophilos and Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina allege that the Israeli
Police are responsible for visitations! The Lord says, I will judge you by your own mouth,
wicked servant (Luke 19:22). Only if someone is imprisoned or in custody or under special
conditions that limit his freedom is the police responsible for transporting this individual
or permitting visitation with him - except if, as Patriarch, I make use of the support

provided by the state police for the safeguarding of my transportation or of my bodily
integrity. Let them tell us, which of the two is this? There is no room for a third case.

If I visit Jerusalem next week, will I be able to see You?

Hopefully. But they will not allow you, as they have done to others, even my niece,

who came from America. They did not allow her entry to see me face to face, and she left
full of grief. No person, whether a relative or someone from my wider circle, has been able
to see me, regardless of how far they may have travelled, my dear Mr. Kalmoukos. And
even if they permit you, hopefully it will only be so that they can pull the wool over
everyones eyes, to show that they are saints and that my lowliness is a raving lunatic, as
they allege. As soon as you leave, the same conditions of confinement will prevail.

Has Patriarch Theophilos ever visited you all these years? Has he called you, has

he shown interest as a human being, at any rate?

The last time we met was when I summoned him to my cell, in April 2005, and asked
him if he has anything against me, since I had heard that he signed a libel against me. I
wanted to find out the reasons for his confrontation, which he might have had against me.
He assured me that he would never sign anything against me and that he is by my side.
Shortly after, he put his signature on this document disavowing me, which they did not
have the courage to set before me in a synodal session, so that I might at least present a
defense concerning all the matters of which they were accusing me, but rather they
gathered signatures on foot, in the corridors, in the library, and in their cells, from a
portion of the Brotherhood that did not exceed 35 out of the one hundred members of the
Brotherhood. The remaining members, all those who did not sign, after the Pan-Orthodox
Conference at the Phanar in 2005, were blackmailed, punished so that they might sign,
while all those who did not sign were expelled from the Church in Jerusalem.
An unerring testimony concerning these things is the attached hand-written letter,
dated April 4/17, 2005, of Metropolitan Palladios, now of blessed memory, of Ptolemais,
one of the two Metropolises of the Patriarchate with a flock, in which letter he wrote:
Your Beatitude, With special joy I proceed to make known to your Beatitude that I was
led astray and I signed the Letter against your venerable Head, that was being circulated,
I revoke my signature as though I had not signed, and I am siding with your Beatitude. I
respect and love your Beatitude very much, and I ask for forgiveness for what I have done,
and I ask for your compassion and trust. Seeking your Patriarchal prayers and blessings,
I remain. In Ptolemais, April 4, 2005. With profound respect, Metropolitan of Ptolemais

The three members of the Ecumenical Patriarchates delegation, who, without my
permission, came to Jerusalem in order to clarify the matter, before the convocation of the
Pan-Orthodox Conference, vividly delineated Theophilos role in their report, which
comprised the only basis for His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch in making his
decision to my detriment. They state characteristically:

Prior to this departure, on May 10, from the morning until the afternoon,

(the delegation) received His Eminence Metropolitan of Tabor Theophilos and the
Archbishops Theophanes of Gerasenes and Aristarchos of Constantina in colloboration,
who again expounded on the grievous situation that prevails in the Patriarchate of
Jerusalem of ancient renown, and stressed the firmness of the resolve of their positions and
of those who are in line with them and sought again the aid of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
not only presently but also in the future, because they have need of guidance. The
Metropolitan of Tabor was especially revealing, who with humility expounded, in a most
spiritual manner, on the situation within the Patriarchate, and the impossibility of
cooperation with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who is no longer able to unite the
Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre and who has done many things against the
Patriarchate of Jerusalem that are not good, actions to which primarily his continuous
cooperation up until that time, as he said, with His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos of
Athens had led him, but mainly those unknown clergy and laypeople who come from
Greece to the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre.
Give heed to the phrases because they have need of guidance and his continuous
cooperation up until that time, as he said, with His Beatitude the Archbishop of Athens
Christodoulos (while two months earlier he was, the only one, ordained Archbishop by me),
but mainly those unknown clergy and laypeople who come from Greece to the Brotherhood
of the All-Holy Sepulchre!, meaning our Archimandrites Chrysostom and Ireneos,
members of the Holy Sepulchre Brotherhood from their youth, his terror day and night.
So the last bombs of the two triads fell, that of the Bishops in Jerusalem (Theophilos,
Aristarchos and Theophanes) and that of the representatives of Ecumenical Patriarchate
(Metropolitan Meliton of Philadelphia, the current Archbishop of Crete Irenaeus and Fr.
Basil Gontikakis), against a) the Autocephaly of our Patriarchate, in need of guidance...
and in the future, that is, up until the present day, your All-Holiness!, meaning, your
crime is perpetual!, b) my Lowliness, c) His Beatitude Christodoulos, and d) my steadfast
co-workers and Members of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre, supposedly
unknown, who did not pass Theophilos birth control test - the control of selecting my
children - on me.

Since then, I have never seen Theophilos again, and I believe that he does not have the
courage to speak to me or to face me, since the honor of the High Priesthood of Christ,
which I had given to him alone, he betrayed, worse than Judas, as soon as he received it
from my hands. And he has not repented, but he has crucified Christ and the Church again,
having organized his treacherous plan step by step in cooperation with the interests of
Jewish, Greek and American agents. Inasmuch as he has killed me, he calls me to repent,
for what? That I ordained him? I believe that, if he sees me and hears me implicating one
by one the people and the methods that he used in order to ascend the Throne by
dethroning me, he will faint, as has happened to him several times, especially after the
Jordanian Government revoked his recognition in 2007.

What do the Bishops and other clergy, who constitute the Brotherhood of the All-

Holy Sepulchre, say? Do they communicate with You?

I communicate daily by telephone with the Monks, Clergy and Bishops of the
Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre. They cannot visit me, since the gates are locked,
not even from the railings or the window at the gates, because the cameras that are there
will locate them, and afterward they will suffer consequences from Theophilos. Bishops of
the Patriarchate hear from Theophilos mouth the next day, what they had just said the day
before on the telephone, receiving a penance for this. The removal of Metropolitan of Petra
Cornelius from the Synod is a characteristic example.
They express their pain and grief to me on the phone and that with caution; they
fear the consequences from Theophilos, as soon as learns that they are speaking with me.
They are astonished at Theophilos continuous transactions, and the fact that he keeps
his position by standing on strong shoulders with the distribution of the Patriarchates
estate to powerful men, such as Prince Emir Gazi of Jordan.
The King has always honored me. He knows about the injustice of my dethronement,
which is contrary to the Sacred Canons, and he knows even better about the falsity of the
accusations. I esteem him and respect him. However, since Patriarchal land by the Jordan
River on the Jordanian side was ceded by Theophilos to the Prince, and from there, to the
Patriarchate of Moscow, resulting the creation of a Church and Hotel, the Prince drinks
water in the name of Theophilos, and he has become Theophilos executive agent, carrying
out his decisions in Jordan, removing Archimandrite Christophoros from the Monastery
that he had built with his labor and blood, the only Monastery of the Patriarchate in
Jordan, indeed threatening him with deportation!, since Theophilos regarded the above
Archimandrite as responsible for stirring up everyone in an uproar against him and
therefore against the parliament of the state!, and he sought the aid of the Prince in

expatriating him from Jordan. Whereas the flock has a thousand reasons to shout out that
Theophilos is unworthy, even now, in every Divine Liturgy that is celebrated in the
Churches of the Patriarchate in Jordan, but also in Ramallah, the capital of the Palestinian
The misleading situation that Theophilos has caused for agents of Jordan has reached
the point, where they regard anyone who is with me or who is against Theophilos as set
against the King and the Jordanian State! In this manner Theophilos attempted to quiet the
tempest of peoples reactions against him because he has done none of those things in
Jordan, which he signed, both he and Mrs. Bakoyianni, concerning the application of the
Jordanian Law regarding the Patriarchate.
Furthermore, Theophilos has signed a document that Jordan has the responsibility for
the protection and operations of the Orthodox Sites of Pilgrimage in the Holy Land,
making the Jordanians allies, while he gained the support of the Israelis by selling land to
Jewish companies, and by not applying the Jordanian Law, showing the Israeli State that
he is acting in accordance with the legislature of Israel, namely the Ottoman Law of 1878,
which the Jordanian Law 27/1958 abolished.
10. Where is this situation heading?
With mathematical precision, we are heading toward the fragmentation of the
Patriarchate, toward the loss of our capacity to manage and safeguard the status quo of the
All-Holy Sites of Pilgrimage, since Theophilos, in order to be on good terms with everyone,
and to have the support of state and transnational agents, as well as that of religious
communities, is betraying the ancient rights of the Orthodox, assigning the repair and
preservation of the Universal Sites of Pilgrimage, such as the All-Holy Sepulchre and
Bethlehem, to companies, the administration of which does not safeguard the same pledges
for protection as those of the Patriarchate; he delivered the keys of Bethlehem to the Latins,
and parceled out the ownership of Patriarchal Land, thus creating a new geo-political
reality in the region. This accusation was attributed to my person most falsely, as was
proven by the Government by agents who wanted to achieve precisely this end through
another person, in this case, Theophilos. These agents are shadow companies that use him
as their pawn for their plans in the Middle East.
11. What ought to be done so that this matter can be resolved?
If Theophilos had even the slightest sense of the inferno that he has created, he ought
to have already abdicated willingly from the Throne, upon which he ascended in an
adulterous manner, in contrary to the Sacred Canons definitions.

If the Members of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre did not feel the bronze
hand, heavy with fear upon them, they would have would have thrown off the yoke of
bondage that Theophilos has imposed on their necks and on the Patriarchate, making it a
hostage to enmeshed interests and relations, removing all sanctity from the institution,
since he has not acquired Apostolic Succession, as there was no vacancy of the Throne of
Jerusalem, and consequently, no canonical election, consequently the Synod that currently
governs the Patriarchate of Jerusalem is insubstantial.
The fact that the motive behind the scandal at the Patriarchate was political does not
mean that we must seek political support. If the leaders of the Countries who were involved
want to correct the errors of their representatives who played a leading role in the issue of
the Patriarchate, it would be a fountain of blessing for themselves, because what is unjust
is not blessed.
As soon as my bonds are loosed and I am able to come into contact with the Members
of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre, I will summon them to restore the
Patriarchate of Jerusalem to its proper course of functioning. Now everyone knows what
happened and why it happened.
One of my first actions will be to criminally prosecute all those who squandered the
money of the Church, opening accounts in their names in London and anywhere else,
whether they are ecclesiastical or political persons.
12. How do You respond to the Greeks in America, who are wondering how it is
possible that such things can happen next to the Tomb of Christ, a Patriarch to be
essentially imprisoned?
Greeks in America who place their personal interests above our Race and Church are
traitors. One of them, I say this with sorrow, is Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, a Proto-Presbyter
of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, who, after having ousted the Archbishops of America
Iakovos and Spyridon from their Throne, opened his wings to cross the Atlantic and
reached our Patriarchate. With his well-known liaisons and with the former American
Ambassador to Qatar, the Greek-American Patrick Theros, and the then Secretary of State
Candoleezza Rice, he persuaded the former Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.
Scandalakis during their meetings in America, that Theophilos is the most suitable person
to oust and succeed Irenaeus because he is a clever diplomat, as the former Ambassador
recommended him to the then Greek Deputy Minister and to the Ship Owner Mr. G. C.
Ventouris in his letters dated from February 2001:

Ambassador Patrick Nicholas Theros
Capital Investment Management Corporation
6862 Elm Street
McLean, Virginia 22101
Tel: (703) 947-0870 Fax: (703)847-3068
February 11, 2001
Mr. G Ventouris
Ventouris Shipping
in care of Capt. Imman. Petroupoulos
Dear Mr. Ventouris:
First, let me wish you and your family and colleagues my best wishes for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year. Second, please excuse for typing this letter in English and not in
Greek but my ability to type in Greek is limited, more importantly it takes me three times
as long.
It has been some time since we have spoken and I regret that I have not been able to
provide you with much news. The battle in the Sanctions Committee of the UN Security
Council continues without profit. However, recently, the Qatari Ambassador to the United
Nations informed me that the Committee Chairmanship has changed. The new Chairman,
the Norwegian Ambassador appears more sympathetic to our needs. The British delegation
appears to have dropped its objections. The American delegation is now awaiting a policy
lead from the new administration. We should have more news by the weekend.
On the larger issue of LNG, we have been delayed because the company which we will join
has not yet sorted out its own internal issues. However, it is still an active issue. We are not
just confined to Brazil, but may have some good prospects on both the East and West
Coasts of the United States. If this works out right, and if we are patient, Ventouris
Shipping may be the first Greek company to break into the LNG shipping business.
I hope to have positive news on both subjects in a very short time.
Permit me to raise another subject which is extremely important to me and on which I
would like your assistance. The death of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Diodoros, has opened
new opportunities for either great success or great disaster for Hellenic Interests. The last
fifty years have been the most difficult through which the patriarchate has passed since the
days of the Latin conquest of Jerusalem and the slaughter of Orthodox Christians in 1098
AD. You can imagine what several wars, the Israeli occupation, the Palestinian Revolt, the
rise of Muslim and Jewish religious fundamentalism and the expulsion of most Christians

from Jerusalem has done to the Patriarchate. In recent years, the Vatican has mounted a
campaign to take over the Holy Sites that are now under our control. Unfortunately, the
problem has been compounded by a succession of Bishops who have been uneducated and
in many cases corrupt. Even those bishops who are neither have been tarred with the same
brush. I had the misfortune to have a first hand experience with this corruption. During
1999 I brought investors from the United States to invest in several of the properties of the
Patriarchate in Palestine. Despite a family friendship with then Patriarch Diodoros we
were blocked at every attempt by other Bishops who bluntly demanded payment or took
money from competitors. The age and bad health of Diodoros compounded the problem. In
the end, our efforts failed as the investors were horrified that bishops would seek bribes.
The time has come to elevate a young, dedicated, dynamic and educated clergyman to the
Patriarchal Throne. I and a number of prominent Greek Americans support the candidacy
of the Archimandrite Theofilos Giannopoulos. He took his degrees from the University of
Athens and the University of Durham in England. He speaks English and Arabic as well
some Hebrew. Father Giannopoulos first came to my attention when the late Patriarch
Diodoros sent him to me in Qatar to start an Orthodox Church. He has earned the support
and respect of the Emir of Qatar and other senior officials. He worked in a number of
positions in the Church of Jerusalem form parish priest in Galilee to representative of the
Patriarchate to the World Council of Churches. Most important he is a smart diplomat,
incorruptible, and dedicated to preserving Jerusalem as a Greek Church with a hellenizing
The key elements influencing the election of a new Patriarch are the Governments of
Greece, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority in about that order. The Russians are
spending a great deal of money to support the Secretary General of the Patriarchate
Archbishop Timotheos - whom the Arabs find unacceptable because of his personal
reputation. The Greek Government appears split with professional diplomats experienced
in the region supporting Father Theofilos. However, the Deputy Foreign Minister Mr.
Niotis appears to be supporting Bishop Eirinaios who was the Exarch in Athens. The
majority of the younger Archimandrites, who do not vote but who are the future of the
Patriarchate and the Monastery of the Holy Tomb, oppose the Archbishop again because
of his personal reputation. I know that you are not without friends in Government and
appeal for your intervention, if you agree with me on the need for new blood in the Church
of Jerusalem, with Mr. Niotis and even the Foreign Minister Mr. Panandreou. I would be
prepared to come to Athens next week if you believe that I could visit with senior officials
and make a personal appeal based on my own experience.
I look forward to your answer and hopefully seeing you in the new future.
Best Regards,
Patrick. N. Theros



4825.815-19 /
21-2564 KOVE GR

DATE: 14.02.2001


His Excellency
Ambassador Patrick Nicholas Theros
Capital Investment Management Corporation
6862 Elm Street
McLean, Virginia 22101
Tel: (703) 947-0870 Fax: (703)847-3068
Your Excellency, Mr. Ambassador.
Thank you very much for your letter of 11.2.2001.
Regarding the first section, our business presence on both coasts of the United
States, etc., we will come back to this with care.
Regarding the issue of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, having been counted worthy
to come to its aid repeatedly, financially and not only financially, as well as directly to the
reposed Patriarch Diodoros, I have the following to report to you:
There was an Archimandrite, and for this I would have done everything, and not
only I my spiritual father and Elder, Archimandrite Dionysios, former Simonopetrite,
whom his Abbot and Elder Aemilianos granted to me, too, as my souls and my familys
doctor and guide. He is a dynamic churchman, known both for his personality and for his
work even on the other side of the world, for which reason those ambitious to succeed the
patriarchal throne exiled him martyrically, with his company, from Abbot of Holy Cross
Monastery, Jerusalem: while as long as he was Abbot there, I personally took upon myself
the renovation and maintenance of the Monastery for years, as I did Patrocrators
Monastery before. The would-be successors acted out of their fear of this present hour, in
which even today, younger Archimandrites and Abbots within the Patriarchal court are
crying out about the crime and shouting for restitution, with the exception of the Exarch
of the All-Holy Sepulchre, Metropolitan Irenaeus, who was in Greece then, too, when this
drama was happening in Jerusalem, and is clear of the blood of this tragic martyrdom, on
behalf of which even the Foreign Minister, Mr. G. Papandreou personally, has been taking
action for the last five years. The Exarch, with whom, through my Elder, I am connected
indissolubly and inspired spiritually, is the only one suitable, qualified, acceptable,
unimpeachable and capable for Patriarch of Jerusalem, as you, too, will be convinced and
will strive on his behalf, when you get to know him and be with him: His Eminence
Irenaeus deserves that each one of us pray for him and make every possible effort to help
him be elected Patriarch of Jerusalem, for the good of the Patriarchate, of Greece and of the
other Churches.
I hope you will come to Greece soon; then we can put all these things in place, as
well as many others, from close at hand.
With much appreciation and friendly greetings.
George K. Ventouris

ogether with his also well-known liaisons with the Jewish-American lobby, he persuaded
authoritative political centers to persuade Israel that their chosen one, Theophilos, is the
canonical Patriarch who must be recognized!
Rejoicing in this feat of his, the above Proto-Presbyter of the Ecumenical Throne
announced by phone to our Archimandrite Chrysostom after the elections in August of 2005
that Theophilos is Patriarch now, we have to support him, and must later, in any case, when I
came to Jerusalem, I said then that I would make my tour guide, Theophilos, Patriarch, and I
However the only thing that they managed to do was to exile Adam Theophilos from
Paradise, and together with him, the generation that recognized and accepted him, so that God is
laughing as He says, And God said, Behold, Adam has become as one of us, knowing good
and evil. And now, lest he stretch forth his hand and take from the tree of life and eat and live
forever! (Genesis 3:22). For this reason, we firmly believe that God will put an end to the evil
that Theophilos, who has fallen worse than Adam, has brought about.
And since May of 2006, an arrangement was made between Theophilos and the
Ecumenical Patriarch that the parishes of the Palestinians and Jordanians in America that belong
to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem be subsumed to the Archdiocese of America: the two of them
signed the pertinent proceedings in Jerusalem on February 28, 2007.
For this reason, I ask the Greeks, our brethren in America, to pray for our Patriarchate and
for me personally, to not allow their fellow Greeks to war against the Church and to create
schisms, but to respect the Autocephaly of every Church, its Institutions and its Representatives,
and to not enter into the temptation of globalization within the Church.
13. How do You explain the silence of the Church of Greece, with the exception of a
few Bishops who have raised the issue concerning You?
Archbishop Ieronymos knows better than anyone about the difficult situation in which I
have lived since my election. Formerly, indeed during my first years as Patriarch, he had written
to me prophetically then as Metropolitan of Thebes and Levadeia (when he asked of me that the
Abbot of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Dionysios Kalambokas, return to his
position as Abbot of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem with his brotherhood, who had been delivered
to my hands personally by his Elder Aemilianos and who had been driven out in 1996 by our
common persecutors): Your Beatitude, everything around you is being lost! I did not
understand him then, but I experienced it later. He knew very well those things that others were
adeptly concealing from me or that I did not want to accept that they were happening here,
namely that there is such malevolence and vindictiveness against me.

I impute to him only one thing, that he did not immediately send me my steadfast coworkers and members of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre, which I had asked of him,
and specifically the Archimandrite in question, indeed with his Letter of Release from here from
his persecutors being non-canonical and invalid.
I know that he is most dissatisfied and deeply hurt because of my personal situation, which
is being handled inhumanely, and above all because of the situation in the Patriarchate. I thank
him from the depths of my heart, that his heart bends down to my martyrdom, and he does not
permit himself to set foot in the Holy Land without being able to see me, since Theophilos does
not allow this!,
Archbishop Ieronymos is the only one who, due to his position, is capable of removing the
abomination of his Predecessor against me.
I thank him for sending me Angels from his Church to see my martyrdom from close up
and to ascertain with their own eyes, without being led astray by the sirens of this deceitful
age, such as him who up until recently was a student at the School in Zion and today false
Exarch of the Patriarchate in Athens, with the air of a judge of the Inquisition, while the internet
is full of photographs and articles of his exotic vacations with an escort, who has launched
lies directed by Theophilos to the ears of the Head of the Church of Greece, trembling together
with his assignor from their fear that the theater of the absurd is reaching its end. However he
found his judge, Metropolitan Ambrose of Kalavryta and Aegialeia, who is truly admirable and
Most of the Metropolitans of the Church of Greece know the truth; perhaps they have kept
silence publicly until now, so that the pearl might appear through the Synod, and behold, he is
already shining.
14. How do You explain the stance of the remaining Patriarchs and Heads?
Theophilos does not permit even the Patriarch of Alexandria to visit Jerusalem, because he
knows that he will ask to see me, which Theophilos is avoiding as the devil avoids incense,
according to the lay proverb. Thats why he is perpetually postponing the Patriarch of
Alexandrias trip with various excuses each time, awaiting my death, to which he together with
others like him has condemned me.
The Patriarch of Alexandria had not only understood that we were right at the PanOrthodox Conference at the Phanar in 2005, and on the eve of the Conference, he was
personally stating to me until the middle of the night that he would support our positions, not
out of personal sympathy but out of knowledge of the truth and recognition of the scandal and

crime organized to his detriment; however at the sessions critical moment, he agreed with
Ecumenical Patriarch, who wanted my head on a platter, for reasons that he knows, and he got it!
The only Patriarch who ought to have forcefully stood against me, since the accusation was
that I had sold property of strategic significance that belonged to the Patriarchate to
companies of Jewish interests, would have been the then elder Patriarch of Antioch Ignatios,
because he is Arab-speaking. However he played a leading role, through Metropolitan of Beirut
Elias, in not accepting my removal, since no actual accusation had been substantiated.
His daughter Church of Georgia [which has been wronged for centuries by false brothers
who reverse the Lord's words regarding the chief seats at banquets (Luke 14, 7-11 & 20, 46)],
being listed 9th in the Diptychs even though since the 5th century its rightful place has been just
after the Mother of Churches, Jerusalem. At the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, the See of
Jerusalem received the honor of being 5th (as Rome had not yet fallen), as the city of Christ
the Heavenly King, from the earthly king of that time, while it has been undergoing mangling
for a decade now, in our person], and the Church of Poland followed him. Meanwhile, the
Churches of Serbia, Bulgaria and Czechia abstained, because neither did they sufficiently know
the matter under discussion nor did they have time to study it, due to the hastiness of the PanOrthodox Conferences convocation, a fact which they even mentioned to the Ecumenical
The actual and genuine relations of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem with Patriarchates of
Antioch and Romania were literally burned, by virtue of the well-known initiatives of
Theophilos to their detriment and their representatives in Qatar and in Jericho correspondingly.
The Church of Greece was under fire at that time from the Government of KaramanlisBakoyianni-Scandalakis, and that which was written, Let my soul die with the Philistines
(Judges 16:30), applied to Archbishop Christodoulus of blessed memory, who threw me over
the precipice in order to protect himself lest he be thrown over the precipice ultimately, by those
bearing offices in the Churches if the accursed illness had not anticipated him and he
complied with apparently political pressures.
Unfortunately, Cyprus followed suit, since even though the current Head, to his credit, did
not identify himself with the unsubstantiated position of the Ecumenical Patriarch, the other two
members of the three-member delegation of the Church of Cyprus shared the view of the
Ecumenical Patriarch; hence he would have been the minority if he had expressed his
The remaining Churches, 7 all together, against three who were absent and four who were
opposed, were besieged with psychological pressure and the Ecumenical Patriarchs command

toward me, Irenaeus, pacify the Church, that is, resign, and since I did not resign, the
exhortation turned into a decree, Away with him, away with him, crucify him, for the peace
of the Church, in like manner to what is written, And it was Caiphas who had advised the
Jews that it is to their benefit that one man die for the people (John 18:14).
And I ask His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch, is there peace today in the
Patriarchate of Jerusalem? in the Orthodox Churches? at the Holy Mountain? When he visited
the Patriarchate, when he came again and prayed with the Pope, misleading him even more, did
he think of, ask for, or seek to see someone whom he himself crucified, his imprisoned
Orthodox brother? Or did he ease his conscience, by thinking that I had willingly locked
myself up seeking the seat on the throne?
In other matters, his All-Holiness is proposing and preparing a Pan-Orthodox Synod with
the other Churches concerning the unresolved matters of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church,
while he himself, standing in the holy place, has fueled a Schism within the bosom of Holy
Zion, the Mother of the Churches, from which the Truth and the Light has sprung forth for the
However, it is enough that His All-Holiness acknowledge the Ecumenical Crime against
me in 2005, and the Church will again sail on its course through the ages, because it presently
finds itself under perpetual ambush, such as that which was set up recently, and indeed, by
Bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, members of the Inter-Orthodox Committee in Geneva,
whose aim is to incorporate into a text prepared for the Holy and Great Synod, the position
concerning the protection of the minority of another nature, which would constitute, if it is
included, a treacherous revision of Orthodox theology and anthropology.
Whereas, no mention is made about the audacity and the brazen perpetrators of the change
from the Old Calendar in 1924 and thereafter, after the Russian Church was stilled in 1917.
15. Did You voluntarily abdicate Your Throne?
In the report mentioned above, the members of the Patriarchal delegation state:

Shortly before our departure, the Greek General Consul in Jerusalem came to

our lodging and greeted us, saying that the honorable Greek Government is most disquieted by
the way matters have developed, that the submission of the Patriarchs resignation would be
desirable and salutary, which will occur because, in the course of that day, as she said, the
proceedings of the Sacred Synod (of the disaffected) would be recognized as lawful both by the
Jordanian Government and the Palestinian Authority.

However, my holy brethren, I did not abdicate nor will I abdicate, as long as I am breathing,
the Throne of Jerusalem, which consequently was not vacant not because of my insistence on
any spiritual or administrative authority, but as a testimony of faith, of dedication to my Schema,
to the All-Holy Sepulchre, to my Brothers of the All-Holy Sepulchre. I remain here for them
and for Christ, even if the outcome of this is martyrdom, and I did not choose either the
apartments, or the money, or the cars and drivers, that the Greek politicians offered me, and
those who came here illegally from the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the Deputy Foreign
Minister Scandalakis were arranging it at the airport, pre-judging me.
So that the proceedings of the Sacred Synod (of the disaffected) would be recognized as
lawful (consequently, they are not lawful) by the Authorities, and following on the heels of
the prophecy (namely, the collusion) of the Consul General, Mrs. Helen Surani, you did the
same thing at the Phanar! A new ecclesiology, or rather heresiology, holy Metropolitan of
Philadelphia, holy Archbishop of Crete and Fr. Basil! You name the disaffected a Sacred
Synod!, while you acknowledge that they are disaffected! Away with the blasphemy! What
court will try your heresy and impose the penalty of excommunication, provided for by the
Sacred Canons?
No Pan-Orthodox Synod is able to recognize what is unsubstantiated, to legalize what is
illegal, to canonize what is sacrilegious, or to bless what is unjust, just as no criminal system
that renders justice within a state of law is able to justify what is unjust. An error can only be
corrected, it is not clothed with a regal or political or ecclesiastical mantle, so that it can be
acknowledged as correct, just as sin is eradicated by repentance, confession, imposition of
penance by the Confessor - Spiritual Father, and remission, and never by committing another sin.
16. If I am not mistaken, Patriarch Bartholomew, then at the Meeting of the Heads of
the Churches, had removed You from the Diptychs, isnt it so?
You said it well, because whatever was decided then at the Meeting of the Heads of the
Churches was a decision of one person, namely of the Ecumenical Patriarch, which he also
imposed on as many Churches as he could, he himself reading this to the world!
It is another matter, if the then external politics of Greece had imposed this on him or if it
were his decision, which he imposed on the Greek world everywhere, unto his judgement and
condemnation. I will not enter into the process of judging or thinking which of the two is worse
than the other; the results, however, have led our Homeland of Greece to the present abyss,
which it is experiencing.
Besides, the aim and the consequences of this decision reveal its ethos, quality and content
and its agents, its perpetrators.

In their report above, the three members of the Ecumenical Patriarchates delegation state
with respect to the commencement and aim of their mission:

As we were coming out of the airport in Athens, His Excellency the Deputy

Foreign Minister, Mr. Panayiotis Scandalakis, approached and greeted the Patriarchal
Delegation, with whom we will have a lengthy collaboration with regard to the objective of our
mission. His Excellency stated the position of the honorable Greek Government to us
concerning the issue which had risen and divided both the Brotherhood of the All-Holy
Sepulchre and the Church of Zion in general, which was caused by the not-so-effective manner
with which His Beatitude Irenaeus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, was handling matters, and he said
that the Deputy Minister himself has visited representatives of all three Governments involved,
namely of Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, and he has ascertained an identity of
positions; that today the resolution of this matter appears easier subsequent to the reaction of the
greatest possible majority of the Sacred Synod and of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy
Sepulchre, which have denounced His Beatitude, the Patriarch of Jerusalem; that the aim of the
Patriarchal Delegation ought to be the resignation of Patriarch Irenaeus, to whom the Greek
Government will render the fitting honors, an economic allowance and a residence in the event
of his voluntary withdrawal...
Draw the conclusions for yourselves!
The Communiqu of the Ecumenical Patriarch, because no decision was even published
nor was it signed by the delegates of the Churches then, states:
A communiqu of the Synod of the Heads of the local Orthodox Autocephalous Churches
and their Representatives at the Phanar (May 24, 2005).
The Synod of the Heads of the local Orthodox Autocephalous Churches and their
Representatives (the Churches of Serbia, Bulgaria and the Czech countries and Slovakia were
not able to be represented), having come together in the All-Venerable, Patriarchal Church at
the Phanar at the invitation of His Most-Divine All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew, on May 24, 2005, discussed the situation which was recently created in the
Church of Jerusalem, and, after long deliberations, was led to the decision to direct a brotherly
appeal to His Beatitude Irenaeus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, so that he might voluntarily submit his
The Synod, not having convened as a court, sought this as a sacrificial act for the
pacification of the Church.
When His Beatitude Patriarch Irenaeus refused to accept this, the Synod of the Heads of
Churches, with three abstentions, accepted the decision of the majority of the Holy Synod of the

Patriarchate of Jerusalem concerning the renunciation of their Patriarch, which entails the
omission of his name from the Orthodox Diptychs.
At the Phanar, May 24, 2005.
17. Can you explain to us what this means?
Whereas the Ottoman Law that Israel is applying does not even make provision for the
disavowal or dethronement of a Patriarch, look at what the Jordanian Law of 1958 prescribes:
Cessation of a Patriarch and Locum Tenens of the Patriarch.
Article 27. 1) The office of Patriarch is life-long, in accordance with canons of the
Church, yet the Patriarch is able to be removed and stopped for the following reasons:
a) if he demonstrates negligence and indifference pertaining to the dogmas of the Orthodox
b) if he is assailed by complete bodily inadequacy or mental illness, which would hinder
him in exercising his religious and ecclesiastical-administrative duties.
2) It is necessary that the removal and cessation of the Patriarch attain the approval:
a) of two thirds of the members of the Sacred Synod.
b) of two thirds of the married priests, who are entitled to participate in the Patriarchal
election and who were present and voted in session, which was called and assembled for this
purpose, on the condition that this decision concerning the removal be communicated to the
Prime Minister and the Minister of Internal Affairs and be approved by the Ministerial Council
and be ratified by His Majesty the King.
So I am asking, which of these two reasons substantiates my removal? Neither of them!
Where is the approval of two thirds of the married priests? There was no summons, or even
a session, nor any decision of theirs!
Look at what significance the law gives this, and how it provides for the convening of the
voting priests into a body and for their vote in session for this purpose.
How much more so ought the approval of two thirds of the Synod have taken place in
synodal session, and not by collecting signatures in the corridors and cells, at the same time that,
as the canonical Patriarch, I was convening a Synod in the Synodal Chamber for the resolution
of the issues that had arisen, while the members of the Synod were gathering signatures by
means of extortion from my wretched brethren, signatures that were missing for my

denunciation, telling them that I sold the Patriarchate and whatever else their father of lies,
Satan, was proposing them! And since I conducted myself as a compassionate father, my
children, like Absalom, beheaded me.
The Appellate Court in Thessaloniki, in its decision No. 1938/1998, which refers to the
similar matter from the canons 34 of the Holy Apostles, 9 of the Synod in Antioch, which were
ratified by Canon 2 of the Synod in Trullo (Quintesext), it arises that, within administrative
unities, comprised of more Eparchies and administered by a Synod, the local bishops-members
of the Synod are entitled to handle all actions, the execution of which is confined within the
boundaries of their eparchy and pertain to its administration, but that for any other action,
having a more general significance and pertaining to the whole administrative unity, it is
required that this be realized by the cooperation or approval of its head (Patriarch in the
Patriarchates, or Archbishops in the remaining autocephalous, autonomous or semi-autonomous
Orthodox Churches). Moreover, according to Canons 16, 20, and 19 of the Synod in Antioch,
Canon 4 of the First Ecumenical Synod and Canon 30 of the Fourth Ecumenical Synod, a Synod
without the presence of the head cannot be regarded as a Synod; it is headless, imperfect and
And since one such non-Orthodox, anti-Orthodox, illegal decision, that was contrary to the
Canons, anti-Christ, concerning my denunciation, had no binding force, they were concerned to
ratify it with the seal of Pan-Orthodox force, with the votes of the other Orthodox Churches,
which did not even know about the law of the Patriarchate, neither had 7 out of the 14 Orthodox
Churches who were summoned even listened to it, when I read my Proposal to the Meeting,
while simultaneously my fresh blood was dripping from the hands of those who disaffected
toward me, who had been vested with legitimacy to speak within the Synodal Meeting, and they
were sanctified and justified by the Ecumenical Patriarch and all those who followed him!
That is why I attended the Pan-Orthodox Synod, so that my judges might hear how the
situation really is, and so that they might not have any excuse at the Second Coming, that they
did not know, but I was speaking in the ears of those who were not listening!
For this reason, since my denunciation suffers from invalidity essentially and formally, the
basis and the content of the Pan-Orthodox Meetings decision being defective, consequently my
deletion from the Diptychs constitutes an ecclesiastical action of negative recognizable content,
which cannot enact law, that is, it cannot change the regime of an administration, the rendering
of justice, or the judgment of the Bishops of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Neither can it thus
legalize the decision, which in all respects is illegal, concerning my denunciation, which
according to the Sacred Canons is faulty, unsubstantiated, that is, as if it had not taken place,
and hence, powerless.

For this reason, there is no Apostolic Succession in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
I call on all the Orthodox Churches to cease recognizing Archbishop Theophilos of Tabor
as Patriarch, and to acknowledge our Mediocrity as the canonical Patriarch of Jerusalem, never
having been deposed, since the decision of the Pan-Orthodox Conference on May 24, 2005 is de
facto unsubstantiated, with each one of the Churches duly acknowledging my Lowliness in the
Diptychs of their Churches. Otherwise, they are in schismatic communion with the Patriarchate
of Jerusalem.
If they are not convinced by my words, they will be convinced at the final Judgment by the
impartial Judge, but the Body of the Lord will already have remained until then Crucified,
without having been taken down from the Cross, and Unburied, in the person of our Lowliness,
they shall look upon him whom they have pierced.
18. Why didnt You also delete him from the Diptychs and stop commemorating him,
but have tolerated this humiliation and this monstrosity of Your dethronement by
the Synod there?
Because the Orthodox Church has resolved everything. The protection of the accused from
any unjust or ungrounded accusation, judgment or condemnation is secured by the unique or
even excessive sensitivity in the internal Canon Law of the Church, which is inconceivable for
any other system of common Criminal Law, such as the principle of suffering in kind for the
accuser, not only of a clergyman but also of a Bishop or Patriarch. The canonical penalty of
suffering in kind means the imposition upon the accuser of the ecclesiastical penalty prescribed
for the misdeed of the accused, if the accuser was not able to prove, during the judicial process,
the actuality of the misdeed attributed to the accused.
With this spirit, the 4th Sacred Canon of the 7th Ecumenical Synod states: we decree that
no bishop, making excuses in sins, shall devise means of making shameful profits, so that the
bishops or clergy or monks serving under him demand gold, or silver, or any other commodity.
For the Apostle says, The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God If, therefore,
anyone, by demanding gold or any other commodity, or out of malice, is found to be excluding
from the liturgy and excommunicating anyone among the clergymen under him, or closing a
venerable church venting his own rage, he is truly insensible, and shall be subject to suffer in
kind, and his mischief shall return upon his own head, as transgressor of Gods command and of
the Apostolic Ordinances.

With the same spirit, the 18th Sacred Canon of the 4th Ecumenical Synod (451) states: This
has been wholly prohibited by secular laws, how much more so it is fitting that this be forbidden
in the Church of God, because if any Clergymen or Monks are found to be conspiring or
factionalizing or scheming against bishops or fellow clergy, let them by all means be deposed
from their rank.
How much more so ought those who judge, when a Patriarch is judged by a Pan-Orthodox
Synod, judge fairly, without malice, without exchanges, but with documented conclusive
evidence, becoming examples to their flock.
And here there was no court, as is written explicitly in the Communiqu, yet a judgment
was made, leading to an ecclesiastical punishment, namely our deletion from the Diptychs of
the Church, the cessation of my commemoration as Patriarch of Jerusalem, a fact concerning
which the Ecumenical Patriarch had decided beforehand by himself, having already sent me his
document, dated May 9, 2005, encroaching on the internal affairs of another Autocephalous
Church, and indeed a Patriarchate, in which he addresses himself to my Lowliness, as Patriarch
Irenaeus, and not as Patriarch Irenaeus of Jerusalem, asking and recommending that I not
advance to the convening of a minority Synod and the ordination of new Bishops for the
Patriarchate of Jerusalem, because that would be extremely dangerous and would cause great
harm within the bosom of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre and of the Church in
Whereas, your All-Holiness, was the Schism that the disaffected fathers had caused within
our Church harmless, legal, innocuous, and therefore just, due to its majority support? Has the
conclusive evidence concerning the accusations against me been found, evidence which you are
still waiting to receive from the scandalizer, Mr. Scandalakis, ten years after my condemnation,
or should the principle of suffering in kind be applied? It has already been applied by the
Crucified Lord. Your end will be tragic, Your All-Holiness!
And the Findings of the Legal Committee of the Palestinian Authority, which had been
issued after the hasty convocation of the Pan-Orthodox Conference by the All-Holiness the
Ecumenical Patriarch, exonerated us, absolving us from every liability, and the Findings of the
Greek Ministry of Economic Affairs did not impute to me any civil or criminal liability for the
management of the economic affairs of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, both as Exarch and as
At this point, I want to stress the following.

Only in the reinstatement or introduction of Laws under the reign of Basil I the
Macedonian (867-886), which according to many did not constitute an act of legislation but a
draft of legislation of the dynasty of the Macedonian Emperors, which legislation was drawn up
for the most part by your Predecessor Patriarch Photius of Constantinople, was it defined that: j.
it is lawful for the Presiding Bishop of Constantinople among the local regions of other thrones
as well, in which no church has yet been dedicated, to give stavropegial churches, and not only
this, but also to supervise disputes that arise among other thrones, and to correct and bring an
end to crises (Reinstatement II, 9-10). This arrangement however did not constitute a canon of
an Ecumenical or Pan-Orthodox Synod, nor did it constitute the content of another Sacred
Therefore, with regard to this as well, the intervention of the Ecumenical Patriarch in the
internal affairs of our Patriarchate by definition suffers from lack of validity, even if a portion of
the Bishops of our Patriarchate sought that he intervene, since their Patriarch exists, and he
summoned them repeatedly then and waited for them in the Synodal Chamber for the Synodal
arrangement of the issues.
19. Did this Synod have the right to depose You, a Patriarch, and indeed of an ancient
No, in no way. Neither was the Pan-Orthodox Conference of the Heads convened as a
judicial body to judge me, but it sought that I proceed to the sacrificial act of resignation, to
which I did not proceed.
The factional synod that was illegally and uncanonically convened in Jerusalem by a
group of thirteen Members of the Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulchre, which ignored and
circumvented my Lowliness, the Head of the Church of Jerusalem, while I was canonically
residing in the Patriarchate, without having been deposed or having been legally removed,
consequently, without the Throne being vacant, abrogated the canonical Sacred Synod of the
Patriarchate, which functions based on Law 27/1958, Part 3, Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and is convened by the Head, in his presence. Therefore it is
characterized as, and is, a Conventicle, according to the Divine and Sacred Canons of the
Church. What they did is a Desecration.
For this reason, through Patriarchal Letters under Reg. No. 323-334/July 2, 2005, after the
decision of the only legal and canonical Synod, which I convened on June 17, 2005, in which
Metropolitans Kyriakos of Nazareth and Jacob of Skythoupolis also took part, I dismissed those
who had come together to form this conventicle from their administrational and synodal duties,
including Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Archbishop Theophilos of Tabor,

imposing on them simultaneously the punishment of ceasing from every liturgical celebration
Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, alarmed that perhaps through the aforesaid
Patriarchal Letter that was given to him, he might be deposed, sent the Letter to the Professor
Emeritus of Canon Law at the Theological School of the University of Athens, Mr. Panayiotes
Bumis, with the question that reveals the drama of his non-existent conscience, asking if
through this Letter, his deposition has been actualized. The Professor responded at his request
that through this Patriarchal Letter, Patriarch Irenaeus has not imposed deposition
(EKKLESIA, July 2005, pp. 564-565); as the Professor of Canon Law named me Patriarch
Irenaeus, subsequent to the unsubstantiated twelve-member hierarchical court that was
convened and formed on June 16, 2005, which had supposedly deposed me, thus he also
recognized the invalid assertion of our dethronement.
I imposed a dismissal and cessation, by virtue of the rights ceded to me by the canonical
law of the Church and the Bylaws of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, given that the Patriarch is
also the Abbot of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher, and that the composition of the
Patriarchates Synod is special, comprised of titular Bishops, two Metropolitans with flocks, and
Archimandrites, assistants to the Patriarch. And this dismissal and cessation are in force even to
the present day.
Then, this Conventicle elected a twelve-member hierarchal court, comprised of my
accusers in order to judge me, the head and Patriarch of the Synod, which court deposed me
to the order of monk with summary proceedings and in violation the Canons of legal procedure
of the Church (74th Apostolic Canon), so that no schism may occur in the Church. The
decisions of this court and its consequences, deriving from an illegal synod, convened in
opposition to the Sacred Canons, in this case a conventicle, produced an act that is illegal,
conspiratorial, falsified, scheming and factional, originating from an unsubstantiated collective
20. Have You informed the European Union regarding these matters?
I have addressed myself, through a plenipotentiary lawyer, to the High Commissioner for
Human Rights at the United Nations Office in Geneva, describing the inhumane treatment that
I am enduring, but the response was that this falls beyond the scope his powers. I have not
addressed myself to the European Union. Israel has not signed the Agreement for the protection
of political and individual rights, and so it is not bound by the decisions of European
Community Institutions on matters concerning the protection of human rights.

21. Have You informed the American Government?
The American Government is being one-sidedly informed by agents of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate, such as the aforesaid Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, who for forty years by the mercy
of Iakovos of America of blessed memory (Godfather of the Ecumenical Patriarch, who
removed him from his throne!), has been grazing together with American billionaires for an
analogous compensation, along with his associates, who have sullied me to such an extent that
all matters pertaining to me are regarded as not even worth mentioning amongst the lobbies of
America, which he exclusively guides, as he boasts.
Would that from your tribunal, thse of Greek heritage in America and everywhere
may be informed and all those Governmental Agents who want to know the truth
concerning the events that took place in 2005 and that led to the current grievous situation
with its future being the time when Christ will search if anyone of his own have remained
when he comes (Luke 18:8).
In the Holy City of Jerusalem, March 15, 2015


1. To the 13 Heads of the Orthodox Patriarchates and Churches.

2. To every canonical Greek Bishop.
3. The Sacred Community of the Holy Mountain.
4. The Pope of Rome.
5. The President of the Greek Republic.
6. The President of the United States.
7. The President of Russia.
8. The King of Jordan.
9. The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs.
10. The Ambassador of the Palestinian Authority in Greece.
11. The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs.
12. The General Secretary of the U.N.
13. The General Secretary of the European Union.
14. The High Commissioner on Human Rights.
15. The Theological School of the Capodistrian University ofAthens.
16. The Theological School of the Aristotelian University of Thessalonica.
17. To every Orthodox Christian.

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