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ENGLISH 4 Quarter 2 Week 2: Tempering Justice with Mercy

Subject: English
| Educational level: Year IV
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2 : Tempering Justice with Mercy


Analyze and evaluate a listening text in point of validity and relevance


Agree/disagree with the speaker expressing varied outlooks on a given


Note the effectiveness of textual aids like advance organizers and title in
activating background knowledge


Identify the values reflected in the selection


1. Use pronouns appropriately
2. Express plans and intentions


Use the interactional function of language in writing a letter of appeal




1. Liberating Education for Justice, The Praxis of Justice by Fausto Gomez,

2. The Wife of Bath's Tale, an excerpt from The Canterbury Tales by
3. Bloody Hands Crime and Punishment by Feodar Dostoevski, Literature
Integrated Studies by Scott Foresman, p. 195

Day 1

Have you heard of the expression A picture is worth a thousand

What do you understand by the expression?

The following activity will illustrate the exact opposite of that

A single word can evoke many visual and sensory images. In other
words, A word is worth a thousand pictures.
Fill in the boxes with words or phrases that you can associate with



Task 1. Question First Dictation

1. What is the best way to know what education for justice is?
2. What is the goal of educating for justice.
3. Describe the process of education for justice.
4. How can people be educated or re-educated for justice?
Task 2. Making Predictions
In pairs, write down what you predict the answer to the questions in
Task 1
might be.
Task 3. Listening
As you listen to a recorded text or to your teacher, check if your
predictions are

Liberating Education for Justice

Fausto Gomezby, O.P.

Liberating education, evangelizing education, conscientization and moral education a

The process of education for justice comprises the following
interdependent moments: first, awareness of the situation of justice- injustice (to "see" the

The content of an education for justice centered on human dignity and rights includ
Tracing the huge gap between rich and poor countries and peoples

caused mainly by injustices, the Christian communities must be educated or re-educated in

Task 4. Small Group Discussion

Discuss how you as teenagers can become agents of education for


Reporting of SHARED discussion to the whole class.


Interview some teachers and students about their role as agents of

education for justice. Get their recommendations on how we can become

effective agent
of education for justice.
Day 2

Publish recommendations on manila paper.



Task 1
Read the sentences carefully and take note of the underlined words.
Encircle the word/s that give/s the clue to the meaning of the underlined word
then pick
out the meaning from the choices given.

1. The young woman wore her finery at the ball.

(beautiful clothing and jewelry; sports attire)
2. In times of economic difficulties, the ostentatious display of wealth
should be avoided.
(excessive; reasonable)
3. Wicked deeds make a person a scoundrel.
(disreputable person; outstanding person)
Task 2
Read the "Wife of Bath's Tale" in pairs. This is called "Buddy Read." One
student reads, the other listens or takes notes. Then make a story chart
showing the
development of the story.
Is nobility associated with wealth? In this story, you will find that people
noble not because they are wealthy or powerful but because they do noble
Also emphasized in this story is the conviction that those who have
nothing and
covet nothing are rich in contrast to the covetous who are poor because they
desire more than they
can ever have.

The Wife of Bath's Tale

An excerpt from The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer

Here begins the tale of the wife of Bath: in the old days of King Arthur, of whom the
villages, dairies, barns, stables this is why there are no fairies. For where an elf once walke

It happened that King Arthur had in his court a lusty squire who walked one day alo

The Queen heartily thanked the King, and then one day when she found the opport

The knight was sad and sighed deeply, but what could he do? He was not able to d

He sought out every house and place in which he hoped he might have the luck to

Some said honor; some said gaiety; some said finery; some said lovemaking and to
on a sore spot. Let a man try it, and he'll find that true; for no matter how evil we are inside

When this knight, who is the subject of my tale, saw that he could not learn what w
imagine. This old woman rose to meet the knight and said: Sir Knight, there is no path this w

Dear mother," he said, "I am really as good as dead, unless I can say what it is tha

Take my hand and swear," she said, "that you will do the next thing I ask of you if
"You have my word," said the knight. "I consent."
Then I can truly say that your life is saved," she said, "for I will stake my life that

When they arrived at the court, the knight said that he had kept to the day that he
general, women wish to have complete control over both their husbands and love affairs, an

In all the court there was not one wife or maid or widow who denied what he had s

At that decision the old woman whom the knight had seen sitting on the grass jum

The knight answered, "Alas, woe is me! I know very well that was my promise. Fo

"No," she replied, "in that case I'd curse us both. Not for all the metal and ore tha

"My beloved?" he exclaimed, "rather my damnation! Alas, that anyone of my birth

Now some people will perhaps say that I did not take the trouble to tell you abou

The knights' thoughts were very miserable when he took his wife to bed; he toss

"Amend it!" replied the knight. "Alas, no, no! It will never be amended. You are so
"Is this the cause of your discontent?" she asked.
"Yes, of course," he answered, "and no wonder."

"Now, sir," she said, "I could change all this, if I wanted to, within three days, if y
claim therefore to be of a noble family, they cannot bequeath to any of us any part of the vi
"Look how noble Tullus Hostilius was, who rose, as Valerius relates, from poverty

"You also scorned my poverty, but God in whom we trust chose to live His whole
speaks gaily of poverty. The poor man as he goes along the road can sing and play in front o

"Now, sir, you reproached me for my age. Surely, even if there were no authority
"Choose one of these things," she said, "to have me ugly and old until I die, but

The knight thought hard and sighed deeply. At last he replied "My lady, my love,
Then am I now your master, she asked, since I can decide and do as I wish?
"Certainly, wife," he said, "I think that will be best."
"Kiss me," she commanded, "we are no longer at odds, for by my troth, I will be

When the knight saw that she was truly beautiful and young, he joyfully clasped

Thus they live all their lives in perfect joy. May Jesus Christ send us husbands m

A sample story chart:

A narrative is divided into five parts namely, Exposition, Complication,

Climax,Resolution and Conclusion.
Exposition is that part of a story where the character, setting and situation
Complication is the development of the conflict arising from the situation.
The Climax is the highest point in the story where the conflict is most
intense. This is followed by the Resolution which gives the solution to the
The Conclusion gives the summation of the events and a hint of further in
the story.

Task 3. Go around the room and compare story charts.

Task 4. Group Discussion

In small groups, discuss the following:
Group I

Characterization. The characters and their descriptions

Group II

The crime committed by the knight and the punishment set

Group III The Queen's commands and the various answers given to the


Group IV

The old woman's answer and the knight's intention

Group V

Illustrate how justice is shown in the story

A representative from each group will give a report on the result of their


Complete the following lines in your reflective journals.
1. I like the story because _________________________________________
2. The knight reminds me of ______________________________________who
3. The old woman is ______________________________________________
4. Poverty ______________________________________________________
5. To me, people are noble when ____________________________________

Day 3

Read sample reflective journals.



Task 1. Presentation
Read the following paragraph taken from the reading selection.
Underline the
pronoun and encircle the nouns to which they refer.
It happened that King Arthur had in his court the lusty squire who
walked one
day along the river where he saw a girl walking ahead of him, alone as she
was born, and

despite her resistance, he ravished her. The knight was condemned to death
by the court
of law. He would have lost his head had not the Queen and other ladies
begged so hard
for mercy. The King listened to them, granted him his life and gave him to the
Queen to
decide as she wished whether he would live or die.

Task 2
Identify the form and function of each pronoun.

Pronouns change forms to fit the part of the sentence to which they are

placed. Subject forms function as subject, as complement of linking verbs, and as appositiv
Task 3. Controlled Practice
Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.
One day, my dear old grandmother came to _____________.
said she heard ________ crying in __________ dreams. She asked __________
made _________so unhappy an ________ promised to give me anything
wanted. ___________asked _________ to help me become a better person
so that
others would love me. _________ cannot make ________ a better person
magic, she said. One has to learn to become a real person. You can
learn if
__________ want to. ________ smiled and said to __________, Give
__________ time
and when _____ am ready I'll call _________ up.
Task 4. Communicative Practice
Pair off and SHARE

stories on unjust practices in the community or in


Suggest ways to stop unjust practices in schools.


Clip a commentary on justice from a newspaper or magazine. Underline

all the
pronouns and encircle the referents.

Day 4

Summarize learnings from day 1 to 4.



Task 1. Making Inferences

What can you infer from the title "Bloody Hands"?
Task 2
During World War II over six million Jews and other people died or
murdered in Nazi concentration camps. After the war Adolph Eichmann
was captured
in Argentina, where he fled, and was brought to Israel to stand trial for
his part in
the killings. He was convicted in December 1961, and was hanged the
Read this part of his statement.
It is difficult to say what constitutes guilt and I must make the
between guilt from the legal point of view and from the human
aspect. . .
The guilt must be borne by those who were responsible for political
decisions: when there is no responsibility there can be no guilt or blame .
The head of state ordered the deportations and the part I played in
emanated from the master at the top... I had to obey ...
Ethically I condemn myself and try to argue with myself. I wish to
say, in
conclusion that I have regret and condemnation for the extermination of
the Jewish
people which was ordered by the German rulers, but I myself could not
have done
anything to prevent it, I was a tool in the hands of the strong and the
powerful and
in the hands of fate itself . . .
I do not consider myself guilty from the legal point of view. I was
receiving orders and carrying out orders....

Task 3
Answer the following questions:
1. Who was Adolph Eichmann?
2. What conflict beset him?
3. Eichmann argued that he himself was a victim of circumstances. Do you
agree? Why or why not?

4. By our standard, when is an act considered sinful?

Task 4
Form two groups, one, affirmative, and the other, negative, and prepare
for a
debate on this issue:
Do you believe that a person is responsible for his or her own actions
even if
that person has been told or ordered by others to perform those actions?
(The teacher gives the rules in holding a debate.)



The class decides which of the two debating groups were more
convincing in their

Make a research for additional information regarding the extermination

of the
JEWS in Germany during the Second World War.
Day 5

Debate on Adolph Eichmann's case: "Guilty or Not Guilty?"



Task 1. Group Writing

Write a letter of appeal to the Secretary of Justice regarding the
unsolved murder
cases in our country.
Task 2. Publishing
Write the group's letter of appeal on manila paper for critiquing;


Group Work
Complete the following statements:
1. For our group, the most interesting lesson this week is
because _________________________________________________________.
2. The most challenging part is ________________________________ because
3. We need more practice in ___________________________________________



Read articles related to "In Defense of Life" from magazines or

newspapers and

them with your classmates.

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