SST Question Paper Class X

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Sample Paper – 2010

Class – X
Subject – Social Science

TIME : 3 HOURS M.M. 80

There are 29 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii). Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are 1-mark questions. Answer of these
questions may be from one word to one sentence.
(iii). Questions from serial number 11 to 18 are 3-marks questions. Answer of these
questions should not exceed 80 words each.
(iv). Questions from serial number 19 to 28 are 4-marks questions. Answer of these
questions should not exceed 120 words each.
(v). Question number 29 is a map question. Attach the maps inside your answer book.
Q.1. “Printing is the ultimate, gift of God and the greatest one.” Who said these words ?
Who was the author of Pickwick Papers which were serialized in 1836 ?
Q.2. How people harvest water in the flood plains of Bengal ?
Q.3. ‘Iron and Steel is a heavy industry.’ Give one reason.
Q.4. Why is Himalayan Yew in trouble?
Q.5. What is the importance of the Panchayati Raj ? Mention two points.
Q.6. Mention two different aspects of life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged in India.
Q.7. Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions :
“In democracy all citizens have one vote. This means that there is absence of any domination and
conflict in democracy.”
Q.8. What is Right to Information Act ?
Q.9. Define the term Average Income.
Q.10. Mention any two important aspects of our lives other than income.
Q.11. What were the circumstances which led to the Khilafat and Non-Co-operation Movement ?
Q.12. What was Satyagraha ? Explain some of the satyagraha launched by Gandhiji.
Note : Below are given three groups – A,B and C for question
numbers 13 and 14. Select any one group for answering
these two questions.
Q.13. What is meant by the Bretton Woods agreement ? List out its outcome.
Q.14. What is flying shuttle ? What were its functions ?
Q.13. ‘Industrialisation was a mixed blessing.’ Explain by giving three examples.
Q.14. Explain the various land reclamation projects launched in Bombay which helped in its expansion.
Q.13. ‘London grew as a crime flourished city.’ Discuss the statement.
Q.14. Explain what is meant by the Haussmanisation of Paris. To what extent would you support or
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oppose this form of development ?

Q.15. Explain how the writings of Munshi Premchand promoted the sense of nationalism among the
What was the attitude of Britishers towards the vernacular Newspapers ? Explain.
Q.16. Throw some light on the ‘Project Tiger’.
Q.17. Most countries like India and other democracies like the U.S.A. face the Challenge of Expansion.
Q.18. When is National Consumer’s Day celebrated in India ? Name the Act which was enacted on that
day. Mention any two features of that Act.
Q.19. Declaration of Independence :
The declaration of the new Republic began by reaffirming the principles of the Declaration
of Independence of the United States in 1771 and of the French Revolution in 1791 but added that
the French imperialists do not follow these principles for they have violated our fatherland and
oppressed our fellow citizens. They have acted contrary to the ideals of humanity and justice.
In the field of politics, they have deprived us of all liberties. They have imposed upon us inhuman
laws….. They have built more prisons than schools. They have mercilessly slain our patriots; they
have drowned our uprisings in rivers of blood.
They have fettered public opinion; they have practiced obscurantism against our people…..
For these reasons, we members of the Provisional Government, representing the entire population of
Vietnam, declare that we shall henceforth have no connection with imperialist France; that we
abolish all the privileges which the French have arrogated to themselves on our territory…………
We solemnly proclaim to the entire world; Vietnam has the right to be free and independent, and in
fact has become free and independent.
Read the given extract from the textbook and answer the questions that follow :
(i). How were the Vietnamese exploited by the French. Explain by giving two examples.
(ii). Name any two National leaders who played an important role in the Independence of Vietnam.
Economists began to think in terms of the national economy. They talked of how the
nation could develop and what economic measures could help forge this nation together.
Friedrich List, Professor of Economic at the University of Tubingen in Germany, wrote in 1834:
“The aim of the Zollverein is to bind the Germans economically into a nation. It will strengthen the
nation materially as much by protecting its interests externally as by stimulating its internal
productivity. It ought to awaken and raise national sentiment through a fusion of individual and
provincial interests. The German people have realised that a free economic system is the only means
to engender national feeling.’
(i). Why the economist favoured the formation of a customs union or Zollverein ?
(ii). What was its impact?
Q.20. “Resource planning is a complex process.” Explain.
Q.21. Agriculture is the main stay of India’s economy. Comment.
Q.22. What is the importance of Sugar Industry ? Why does Sugar Industry show the tendency to
migrate towards the Southern states of India ? Give four reasons.
Which is the second most used energy source in India ? What are its uses ? State the occurrences
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of it.
Q.23. Distinguish between coming together federations and holding together federations.
Q.24. What is decentralization ? What is the importance or need for decentralization ?
Q.25. What are the four major challenges which the political parties face in the present era ? Explain
any four.
Q.26. In what ways does the Reserve bank of India supervise the functioning of banks? Explain.
Q.27. Why do you think NREGA 2005 is referred to as ‘Right to Work’?
Q.28. Nearly all major multinationals are American, Japanese or Europeans. Why ?
Q.29. Trace out the following on the political map of India :
(a) Congress session of 1920.
(b) No tax campaign.
(c) Software Technology Park in U.P.
(d) A National Park known for its vast variety of Lions.
(e) HVJ Natural gas pipeline.
(f) Largest producer state of groundnut.
(g) The oldest oil producing state of India.
(h) Bailadila Iron Ore Mine.

Paper Submitted by: Paneru Chandrakant M.

Email :
Ph No. : 9528962353

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