The Filipinos Who Made Singapore, Singapore

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The Filipinos who made Singapore, Singapore

April 26


by onlinecitizen

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By Ng Yi-Sheng
A couple of days ago, I woke up to find this in my Facebook feed:



76 years old lady begged Hri Kumar to

help her get CPF money back
Small minds dragging down PAP

In memory of Tan Jing Quee

Military junta annouces lifting of

nighttime curfew for Thailand

Its a post from activist Gilbert Goh which reads:

Dear Filipinos, If you insist on celebrating your national day at Orchard, we will take this as an act of
WAR and will defend ourselves with our lives as this is our country, our land! Be warned!

An average Singaporeans opinion

From Egypt to Afghanistan : Electing

our own slavery

Im frankly appalled that Gilbert Goh, a man who speaks for the oppressed in Singapore, could stoop to such violent
threats. Remember, all were talking about is an independence day event in a shopping mall. Since when did
Takashimaya become a sacred space? Its not like they want to hold the celebrations at Kranji War Memorial.

New Initiatives to promote the

international use of Renminbi through

Anyway, my response to this piece of negativity is going to be a little list to remind all of us Singaporeans of how
Filipinos have contributed to our culture and society. For instance:

Labour market report shows increase in

job vacancies increase, but
unemployment up?
Demon-cratic: Public Monologue

Singapore consul-general rebuts

SCMPs article on Catherine Lims open
letter to PM


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The Filipinos who made Singapore, Singapore | The Online Citizen

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The Singaporean nationalists who fought for independence in the 1950s and 60s were inspired by the great Filipino
national hero Jos Rizal, who was executed by Spanish colonial forces in 1896.


58 mins

The 1950s and 1960s were also the Golden Age of Malay Film in Singapore. During this time, a number of Filipino
directors like Eddy Infante, T.C. Santos and Rolf Bayer were involved in our film industry. Lamberto Avellana even
directed a P. Ramlee movie, Sarjan Hassan. As for Ramon Estella, he directed 11 films for both Cathay-Keris and
Shaw, including the famous Anak Pontianak.

Video of the 76 year old lady who begged

MP Hri Kumar in the CPF forum this
morning to help her get her CPF money
back to settle her afterlife arrangements as
she does not have any dependents.
P.S The decision to ask the lady to move
from the microphone was by one female
organizer of the forum. MP Hri Kumar was
the one who asked to allow the lady to
continue on what she had to say.
Jaclyn Teo - "To be fair I feel the MP at
least showed a bit of compassion & let her
71,538 people like theonlinecitizen.

UPDATE: Ive just been reminded about the internationally successful Singapore movie They Call Her Cleopatra
Wong, released in 1978. It was written, directed and produced by Filipino filmmaker Bobby A. Suarez.


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The historical dioramas in the old National Museum of Singapore were also built by Filipinos. The Ayala Museum
in Manila created them for us in 1984. (A couple are still on show at the Asian Civilisations Museum.)
(Photo of Diorama of Samsui Women is from Steel Wool, some rights reserved
/wynnie/8185069028/in/set-72157632008049640 )

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The Filipinos who made Singapore, Singapore | The Online Citizen

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For many years, the Director of the SAF Music and Drama Company was a Filipina by the name of Babes Conde.
She has lived here since 1985, and also served as Musical Director for many Singaporean musicals, such as Dick
Lees Beauty World and Fried Rice Paradise.

The beautiful stained glass window in the chapel of the Singapore Art Museum (former Saint Josephs Institute)
was created by Filipino artist Ramon Orlina. He also has a sculpture at the National Stadium.

The political cartoonist Miel, who has contributed to the Straits Times and has also written a comic book about
Singapore, is also Filipino. His full name is Prudencio Miel and he has lived here since 1992.

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The Filipinos who made Singapore, Singapore | The Online Citizen

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Alkaff Bridge at Robertson Quay wasnt always so colourful. It was painted in 2004 by the Filipino artist Pacita
Abad, who wanted to present it as a final gift to Singapore while she was dying from cancer.

Singaporean artist and filmmaker Brian Gothong Tan is half Filipino. He did the special effects and video for the
National Day Parades in 2009 and 2011.

TODAY reporter Mayo Martin is also Filipino. Hes a one-man arts magazine, giving wide and dedicated coverage
to Singaporean theatremakers, dancers, artists and writers on his blog for the last ten years. Hes an integral part of
the local arts scene. And yet when he published his poetry book, Occupational Hazards, in Singapore, the National
Library was reluctant to put it under Singapore Literature because he hasnt been able to get PR status.

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The Filipinos who made Singapore, Singapore | The Online Citizen

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Image credit: ST
And lets not forget the thousands of Filipino domestic workers, nurses, construction workers and service
staff who have worked in Singapore in the past and present, doing the work that Singaporeans dont want to do
This isnt a complete list, by any means. I havent talked about how my Warrant Officer in the army was a Filipino
whom everyone thought was Indian, or how I discovered Filipino universities were teaching Singaporean literature
before NUS and NTU the examples are endless.
Some of us Singaporeans have had bad encounters with Filipinos. Thats not unusual in an overcrowded society like
ours. But dont forget: our countrys a patchwork, made up of influences from all over the place, including the
Philippines. We have always been diverse. And its my opinion that we would lose nothing by letting another
community celebrate their festivals.



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Jacqueline Lee

For those who are against the Filipino independence day event in Orchard, what are your
thoughts on the annual Singapore day festivities that are held in various prominent locations
across the globe? For example, the most recent one was held in Victoria Park in London.
Should the Singapore day event suffer a similar backlash? Should the organisers of this
event be only allowed to hold the Singapore day event on the premises of the Singapore


Please read this very disturbing blog against Filipinos..



Most Singaporeans I know would like the Singapore day done away with.
Don't believe, ask the regime to do a referendum.
Can't believe that anyone could be so out of touch.
Another case of mee siam mai hum I guess.
Singaporeans are extremely unhappy that millions of dollars are wasted to benefit a
few privileged citizens.
Otherwise, why do you see propaganda articles in the main stream media trying to
justify why millions are spent on this event.
What is Singapore day actually?
Is there a corresponding celebration in Singapore?

Jeff Dickey

I expect that the imminent post-PAP Government will eliminate, or at least

sharply reduce, "Singapore Days". I've been told by friends attending them that
they are far more partisan than patriotic or cultural. (And yes, STOMP fans,
there is a difference.)

mister bagman

"Most Singaporeans I know would like the Singapore day done away with." - - this might be the reason why (some) singaporeans doesnt want Filipinos to
celebrate independence day in singapore..... To all filipinos in singapore,
intindihin na lang sila.


There is a sinister reason to the Spore Day activities. Please take a few steps
back to see the whole picture.
When the poor and needy are receiving pennies, our old folks are washing
dishes for a living, and millions are spent on just one day, what do you think?
Don't ever, for a moment, think it's for a good cause.


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