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Five Year Professional Development Plan

Tiff Hayes
SDAD 5900
March 12, 2015
Seattle University

My Five Year Professional Development & Action Plan

Year One (2015-2016)
Obtain position in student activities, leadership development, international
programs, orientation, or diversity/equity/inclusion
Begin learning about new institution and campus climate, meeting colleagues, and
building relationships across campus
Join/renew professional organization memberships: ACPA, NACA, NASPA, NODA, etc.
Attend regional conference
Gain more supervision experience, ideally with professional staff

Spend one hour each week reading articles to keep up with trends
Continue skill development in graphic and web design
Seek out and establish relationship with mentor in functional area
Increase knowledge of Title IX, budget management, crisis management, social media,
and allyship for students of color
Volunteer with organization helping first generation students
Take time off to plan wedding and honeymoon!

Year Two (2016-2017)

Revisit and assess five year professional development plan
Become involved in at least one cross-campus committee
Use knowledge of theory, social justice, and multicultural competence to develop
one new program/workshop to facilitate for campus community
Become involved in local queer community
Present at regional conference and attend national conference

Continue to build relationship with mentor

Increase knowledge of best practices for student veterans, student athletes, and
students with disabilities
Write article to be published in professional journal (The Chronicle of Higher Education,
New Directions in Student Services, Journal of College Orientation and Transition, etc.)
Take time off to enjoy wedding and honeymoon!

Year Three (2017-2018)

Revisit and assess five year professional development plan; identify steps to
accomplish each goal

Hold leadership position in professional organization

Lead or service-learning or alternative winter break/spring break trip
Present at national conference
Seek out community of queer women working in student affairs
Initiate process improvement assessment and evaluation of office

Continue to build relationship with mentor

Join or create campus committee to improve trans* inclusion
Become involved in SDA alumni group, possibly as mentor
Become involved in campus employee campaign or introduce idea to campus
development officers, encouraging them to start program
Research and become involved with HS-college bridge program for low income, first
generation students

Year Four (2018-2019)

Revisit and assess five year professional development plan; identify steps to
accomplish each goal

Join campus or community book/discussion club

Seek out new opportunities to engage in social justice work
Begin researching doctoral programs in higher education and educational leadership
Establish scholarship for first generation, low income, queer students on campus

Volunteer to become mentor in functional area

Attend at least three webinars discussing student affairs trends
Increase knowledge of higher education law and policy
Chair a committee either on campus or through professional organization
Participate in at least one search committee
Become involved with NASPA knowledge community

Year Five (2019-2020)

Revisit and assess five year professional development plan; identify steps to
accomplish each goal
Chair regional conference planning committee
Narrow potential doctoral program selection and prepare required application
Begin to strengthen academic network
Write another article to be published in professional journal

Develop and lead webinars for colleagues about LGBTQ issues in higher education
Increase knowledge of legislative process and how local, state, and federal government
relate to higher education funding
Attend at least three webinars discussing student affairs trends
Seek out classroom involvement/teaching opportunities
Create a new five year professional development plan!

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