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Responce to a friend:

Dear Dew,

You have a great mind and are passionate but you are wasting it on vain
things that will not matter in eternity. (ps 14:1 The fool has said in his heart
their is no God) and that they will follow you right to Hell! Then the impact
you have on so many is that you crush with your confidence even it what you
think you believe because of the rebellion in your heart. You are crushing
their faith! You know what God says about offending and turning from the
faith HIS children? Read Mat 18:1-9! Dew, I am afraid for you! Scared to
death for you! (I feel sorry for Jim~ the poor guy is caught between us!)

To Tom,

Thanks Tom, I know you care about me and Jim etc., I really want you to
know, I am not disappointed in God, nor am I angry, nor do I feel let down,
not in the least really, because I have no expectations from or for Him. You
may think ill of me for this, but why? God has nothing to fear from me, I have
no power over Him, nor could I take from Him anything that is his, nor would I
want to. The God you trust and Love has nothing to fear from me, nor do
you. I applaud you your faith, and that of any other person, I really mean
that, with out any prejudice to anyone of any faith so long as he or she is
sincere, with no regard to what that faith may be, nor what they may choose
to name their God. There are over 5000 different creation story's, from all
over the globe spanning the last 7000 years, many if not most of them
predate the old and new testament, and I think you would be amazed how
similar many of these story's are to those in the old testament. I do not say
this to disparage or condemn, only to fashion a point, which is why? Why
must I, or anyone else for that matter believe as yourself, or as a Muslim
might, or as a Jew, or as Mormon, or as a Jehovah's witness, or as a----, I could
go on and on. The truth is it seems a bit odd that of all the religions
throughout the whole history of the world, only one is the real Ma coy, only
one possesses the real truth, only one is genuine, and it just happens to be
this one, or that one, depending on whom you ask. ----- Billions of
people have faiths differing from the faiths of Billions of others, none of these
persons when asked would say, oh my faith is false, all would say theirs is the
real one, the others are false. And I chose to believe them just as I do you.
In other words I believe all of them are real, and that all of them deserve the
same respect and deference as you would wish for your own. None is, wrong,
all are right for each person according to his or her heart, to believe
otherwise is to sit in judgment upon them, and this I think is wrong. It is also
I think the root of many ills in this world. If I insist that all the world think,
believe, and behave as me, then truly I have sinned against my fellow man,
for I did not create them, nor the world, nor do I have the right to impose my
beliefs upon them, or compel them to do as I say. Instead I should hope to
posses the humility to love and respect them, including all that they hold
dear, as I do you. All of this I say sincerely, none with malice, or ill will.


Which of these sixteen is the false translation? Any of them, all of them,
none of them? Which is the true one? Do you know? Is one more pious than
the others? I believe all are true, all are real, all have my respect, so I can't
say this one or that one...........Yet all are attributed to the same person and
said to come from the same text. Are any of them really wrong? Is only one
of them really right? Do you know, and if not, do you know someone who
does? And if you do, how do you know they are not mistaken?

New Living Translation (©2007)

Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these
is love.

English Standard Version (©2001)

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is
New American Standard Bible (©1995)

But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

International Standard Version (©2008)

Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of
these is love.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

So these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the best one of these
is love.

King James Bible

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is

American King James Version

And now stays faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is

American Standard Version

But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is

Bible in Basic English

But now we still have faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these
is love.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest
of these is charity.

Darby Bible Translation

And now abide faith, hope, love; these three things; and the greater of these
is love.

English Revised Version

But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is

Webster's Bible Translation

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is

Weymouth New Testament

And so there remain Faith, Hope, Love--these three; and of these the greatest
is Love.

World English Bible

But now faith, hope, and love remain--these three. The greatest of these is

Young's Literal Translation

and now there doth remain faith, hope, love -- these three; and the greatest
of these is love.

So if I have trouble believing that of all the god's throughout all human
history, and there have been so very many of them, that the only true one is
the one in the Bible, but, not the Koran, not the Torah, not the Vedas, not
the Seminarians, not the Buddhists, not the--ad infinitum -- I think you get my
point. I wonder how it is that you can justly blame me for this, MY confusion,
and even further how does this threaten or do harm to you, or anyone else.
Just because I do not wish to measure my fellow man by his faith, but only his
deeds, does this make me an enemy to you or someone else or to God,
anyone's God? I do not intend it so. I simply chose to believe that this life, in
and of it's self is important, not just a test.

You have my greatest respect and love and friendship, I mean you no harm.

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