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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

What if someone came up to you on the street and offered you a cup of Joe if you
would sit down with him and listen to his story? What if during your short
conversation on the street he told you it would change your life forever? Would you
take the chance? Chances are, if you’re a red-blooded stick-it-in-your-ear American,
you drop a dollar bill in his hand and hurry to the sale at JC Penny’s, chance are!
As you walked away, what if another stranger walked up to you and said, “Do you
know who that person is that you were talking with?” Naturally you had no idea.
And he continued on by saying, “That is retired Command Sergeant Major Robert
Dean of SHAPE, who retired with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance.” As you stared
back at the stranger with a blank look on your face, being an isolated American – he
said, “SHAPE, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium where
the Headquarters is located of the Allied Command Operations!” You looked back
at him, “So what buddy, I’m on way to a sale!”
A totally acceptable answer from a card carrying American who is only interested
in sales and how much wax they don’t have to put on their new car – really! Well
now you’re convinced, at least, to the fact he should be listened to, so you beat feet
in his direction and take him up on his offer, walking into a small café on Broadway
you sit down as a little lady slides up wordlessly and set down two cups of coffee –
gives him a wink and moves away. As you peer outside through the greasy
windows you notice that besides the grease, everything seems just a bit out of
focus, turning back to him he smiles and spins a yarn that would make a seasoned
mariner shiver.

After first blush it would be very easy to classify this retired Sergeant Major as a
nut case, someone who drove off a bridge over the Mississippi and never hit the
water, at first blush that is, but as he spins out his story somewhere between your
ears a slight tickle happens in your grey matter, believe me, not really making
you’re a convert or anything – but leaving a lot of room in your being that even if
10% of the story is true and if you understood it, it isn’t a bad story to examine.

His story starts out somewhere in “lala land” if you’re a non-believer in anything;
In his opinion what he has to say is that the issue is so important it surpassed
anything that has happened in human history, and that it’s not merely our species
on the Blue Marble is not alone, but we never have been alone. He looks over at
your puzzled face and says, “it’s lucky I never have ended up in jail, just because of
the fact that at times I have driven my close friends up the wall, when I was at
SHAPE I pushed my security clearance more ways to Sunday than anyone I knew,
rummaging through classified cabinets, pawing through highly classified documents
looking for photographs and written material, finding some and reproducing things
that should not have been reproduced.”
His story begins right after he had received his position at NATO a little town in
France in 1963, as a NCO with a Top Secret clearance, which was later upgraded to
the highest level of clearances available in that time frame, Cosmic Top Secret. At
the time he was a duty officer in the War Room, a position he describes as 99%
boredom and 1% absolute panic when things hit the fan, Understand that in 1963
our world was smack dab in the middle of the “Cold War”, whereas no one trusted
anyone especially the French. It was the responsibility of SHAPE to preserve the
peace, security and territorial integrity of NATO member nations in its area of
Before and even after he was assigned his position the organization had numerous
reports of high-flying objects, what he contends were intelligently controlled flown
out from the east over their position eventually making a right-turn over England
and pulling a vanishing act as they flew north over the North Sea. His story includes
some military action against these high-flying objects, who everyone believed they
were Russia, whereas jet fighters were sent after them, where missiles were fired at
them, with no return fire but that all the electronics in the attacking jets was
stopped and the jet lost all of its control and crashed. There were a few pilots lost,
but most bailed out and lived to tell of their experience.
He stops his narrative and motions to someone sitting behind you, before you can
turn around another gentleman slides up and sits next to the Major pushes his hand
across the table and introduces himself as Henry and that he is a physicist working
at a location near Livermore, California. The Major and Henry exchange a few words
about friends and family, and then turn to you. Henry now looks over at you over
his hot coffee and says something to the effect, “So you want to know what you’re
all about?”
Right about now you’re wondering if you should have continue on your way to the
sale, and wondering if your family labeling you as just being too curious about
everything is somewhat close to the truth, whereas just that morning your mother-
in-law had told you to leave well-enough alone and to shut you yap with all those
The Major looks over at you, “Henry here has worked some pretty interesting
projects during his career, and like me with his status in our so-called scientific-
military establishment has had material float across his desk that would scare the
be-Jesus out of a normal person, more than once he has met me for a cup or two
and when we parted my socks were wet with sweat.”
You look at these two ordinary looking guys and you think, “What I have walked
into, the tip of a new loony complex planned for our area?” Already you’ve had a
slight exposure to UFOs that have flown in mass over Europe, taking down planes
without firing a shot – what next?
The Major looks over at Henry, “Hank, give him a glance of something you’ve
been exposed to.”
Henry looks at you, “Let us assume you have a physics background, and you have
been told that our establishment has devices that communicate over vast distances
I mean we’re talking anywhere in our Universe, simultaneously, which is called in its
technical definition “signal non-locality” by the higher-ups. In other words, we have
devices that can communicate using this methodology that are impossible to
eavesdrop on, since there is NO signal traveling between the two points, bingo a
non-code breaking method of moving information and what if I told you that the
devices are so simple, that if you had a inkling of physics you and your buddies
could “bread-board” them using cheap components available at any Radio Shack –
build the chaotic circuits and throw away your $200 a month cell phone bill.”
Now you know you should have gone on to the sale.
Hank looked over at me, “What do you know and understand about Majestic?”
You shake your head ‘nothing’ as he continues, “The Major and I more than likely
know less, but what we can tell you is the there are a lot of hard working people in
the organization, and that lately they have had a major shift in upper echelon and
are operating under new leadership and that they are still battling the long-term
conflict they have had with the pro-Luciferian organization that has been hinted
about called the Illuminati, who hold to a satanic philosophy and who have been
given their lives, their families, their sacred honor to creating a new world order
under the person whom they consider the true God, which would be the Luciferian
figure. And over the decades there developed a deep wide-ranging schism between
those who accepted the Luciferian philosophy and those who did not, the Majestic,
known in some circle as those who accepted a different Luciferian philosophy, you
know like a Baptist and a Catholic denomination – so in a sense we have two dirty
coins in the mix here. I don’t relate this to you to you to scare you, only to tell you
the risk associated with conversations we have outside of those two circles and the
consequences of letting too much information slip beneath the cracks.
Unfortunately when information does surface from time-to-time, both organizations
do their best to label it as pure fantasy and bullshit from the uninformed, or
outsiders of their select club.”
Well if you didn’t think these two guys were escaped loony bin candidates before,
you mind and your body language held that opinion now, Majestic and Illuminati,
who in the hell were these two characters?
The Major spoke up, “one of the major difference between the two organizations,
is that in Majestic you’ll find a boatload of people who are truly God-fearing, a lot of
them, a developed fine-line of individuals who are working hard to make this Blue
Marble a better place and in reality are not looking to rule the world, control it a bit
when it comes to information, but not absolute control of you or any other human.”
You finally speak, “are you telling me that there are some Illuminati working inside
Both answer, “Yes”
Well doesn’t that beat all.. You shake your head take a sip of your now cold coffee
and try and get a handle on what could be coming across the table next – taking a
look at your watch you notice that only a few minutes have passed and if these two
yokels get on with their yarn, you might make the sale after-all. Being a good
healthy American watching a show you really don’t want to watch, you order
another cup of Joe and squish you backside into the booth and wait for more words
that are thoroughly confusing you, but polite is polite as your grandmother taught
you, so you sit.
The Major said, “Let me go back to my story.”
I, if you remember, was working in the Supreme Headquarter Operations Center
(“SHOC”) or the War Room, I basically ran the duty rosters being the Senior NCO at
the time, and with my clearance I had my desk in the operations center off in one
corner. You have to remember this was during the Cold War, where you had the
Warsaw Pact in the east and NATO all lined up along a divided Europe, both armed
to the teeth, NATO had fifty divisions, each numbering from 10k to 30k personal and
their associated support staff, the Warsaw Pact had over one-hundred divisions and
each felt World War III was just moments away and at any given time.
It was during February 1961 that the massive flyovers occurred, all unidentified
objects, all coming from the East from the Warsaw Pact area, flying west over our
lines, over west Germany, and France their altitude very high, very fast and in
formation, in our higher-ups minds under intelligent control. I didn’t directly
experience this in that I arrived in 1963.
Films were made, where these films are today I have no idea, but, later in my
career after I had the honor of making friends with Gordon Cooper, you know the
astronaut, bless his sole he is no longer with us, he once told me that when he was
flying for NATO in Europe in the 50s, “we’d see these things all the time. We
wondered what they were because it was obvious they were under intelligent
control. They would fly over our lines coming out of the Soviet sector flying west,
over Germany, France and then England, turn north over the southern coast of
England and then would disappear off the NATO radar over the Norwegian Sea.”
In the early 60s an Air Force General issued an order to shoot these buggers
down, albeit the order was revoked 90-days later, in the meantime we lost over 30
aircraft – simply because when we started shooting at them the unknown craft had
a unique way of eliminating the electrical systems in our aircraft. We shot bullets,
missiles and parts of the kitchen sink, never hitting or damaging one of them. Our
planes being heavily loaded, pushing themselves along with electrical controlled jet
engines moving around 500 mph at 30,000 feet suddenly losing control, plummeted
out of the sky like ducks at a duck club shootout, pilots used to comment “anvils fall
from the sky a lot slower than those airplanes.” As I said the order to shoot was
Remember they were not shooting our planes down, we’d shoot at them which
was like throwing pebbles at a charging Polar Bear, this was really bothering the
Admirals and Generals, whereas here was a group of who know who, flying willy-
nilly over our territory and we knew zip about them.
At the end of February 1961, the commander Air Marshall Sir Thomas Pike 1
initiated a study to be done by the military, its workforce made up of military and
scientific personal from West Germany, France, Italy, England and America, the
force expanded to include historians from Oxford and Cambridge some top notch
physicists from Universities in Europe – they had loaded the study effort.
I was never part of this study, I had entered the picture 2 years after it was
commissioned, but one morning around 2 AM being bored to death as it was one of
those 99% shifts, noting stirring telephones and telegraphs dead and after trying to
drink coffee so black and nasty I was nodding of, to my rescue an United States Air
Force Bird Colonel Frank Collins, who was the controller on duty. Looked over at
me, walked over to the vault and pulled this binder out and threw it on my desk and
said, “Hey, this will wake you up, read it.” Walked back over to his desk and buried
his head in his procedures manual, the title of the document laying on my desk was
“The Assessment”. It was the study.
As mentioned, when a senior officer as high-up the chain-of-command as Sir
Thomas Pike orders a study done, personal from all over NATO were tapped for its
completion, people that were experts in their fields and were very exacting in their
portion of The Assessment. That early morning when I began thumbing through the
thick report, my nodding ceased and within minutes I was wide awake and needless
to say hooked for the rest of my life in my search for “what happening now”.
The report, remember, was basically commissioned to find out what those objects
were that were flying over Europe in large formations, the report which had inputs
from all scientific disciplines including historical reference noted that historical
records indicated that even the Romans had been paying attention to a like action
2,000-years-ago and that throughout our recorded history these UFOs had been
My immediate thoughts were, “My God this stuff is dynamite!”, and the more I
read the more I wanted to absorb – I skimmed through the entire document that
morning and later on whenever I was on duty in the SOHC I would pull it from the
vault and study it in detail.
I did have limited conversations about the report, with the Colonel but only in the
SOHC because at that time NATOs security was heavily comprised outside of the
compound, whereas there was a very large spy ring throughout the French
countryside. If you want a follow up to this activity get the book Topaz by Leon Uris,
he covers it pretty well.
The French spy ring was particularly heavy in Paris, at one time our security forces
found a French General in the woods near SHAPE with bulled hole in his head, guys
were jumping out of apartments in Paris and President de Gaulle was faced with
scandals popping up like dandelions all over his country. As a matter of record, he
got pissed at the NATO crowd and we ending up packing up lock stock and barrel
and moving the command to Brussels, but that’s another story. In retrospect,

because of the spies running around in France was the primary reason The
Assessment was strictly a NATO military operation.
When the report was complete in 1964 there were 15 copies made, only fifteen
that were distributed to the heads of the governments under NATO, and of course
the one in the SOHC. The Assessment had drawing, historical timelines,
photographs and written statements that it contained unbelievable material was an
understatement, as I said it was dynamite.
There was one Air Force General Robert Lee who read it, and during my time there
I got to know his aide fairly well, in one conversation inside the War Room his aide
told me that the General read it he went into shock, throwing the document across
his office whereas the report hit him like a truck, loaded with a ton of bricks. Lee
told his aide, “Do you know what the hell this means? Everything we’ve got,
everything we’ve done, everything we’ve had, doesn’t mean a damn thing!”
Everyone that worked in the War Room had the same feelings about the report
albeit there was very little discussion between all of us, it hung in the air 24/7 where
we kind of tip-toed around it speaking in small short phrases that were generally a
question – that was strange in itself in that we all knew what The Assessment said.
The three year study concluded that “they” had been coming to earth for a very
long time, and get this, it said they had something some involvement in the origins
of our species, which was a big shock for the traditional people in our organization,
and I imagine that today it would set more than one Christian or Islamic person on
their butts when they read it – can you imagine? The report also concluded that
they represented “no threat”, as some of us including the generals muttered from
time-to-time that if they were a threat there wasn’t too much we could do about,
which meant any threat from their side would have translated into the “we would
lose, plain and simple.”
The study was not able to determine why they were coming, this was stated very
clearly in the synopsis of The Assessment, but I personally along with a few of my
friends like Hank here have since found out they were monitoring our expansion
into nuclear energy and how and why we were applying what knowledge we did
have – especially when it came to killing each other.
The Assessment did conclude that we were observing four different groups, all
humanoid with one group that appeared totally as we did, and it did state that these
groups were from another planet, another star system and even may another
galaxy and because of their actions or lack of, the report assumed that they did not
have an aggressive agenda, simply because they could have smashed, torn, broken
and destroyed our military.
One thing we all noticed, as select groups in the War Room would bring up
periodically, was that here we had a multinational group that had read the report,
yet the Greeks and the Turks who didn’t like each too much wouldn’t even walk on
the same side of the corridor, and then we had the French, hell let’s face it the
French were a big pain in the butt 99% of the time and didn’t get along with anyone
except themselves, and sometimes even fought within themselves over the
simplest ideas or suggestions.
The Assessment is big, real big and my first instinct was to shout the information
from the rooftops, that is until I sat down and thought about the ramifications of
doing so, and now as the years fly by I understand and sort of feel bad for the
individuals that work deep inside the agencies who assemble data from multi
sources that deal with such information. The first thing you want to broadcast is we
have got to stop thinking about each other as Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus,
etc., etc. and understand that we are human beings from one tiny planet of the
edge of a middle-class, mid-sized galaxy spinning through the cosmos full of billions
and billions of galaxies – and that we are one race an one people instead of this 6.7
billion fractured race of people running around helter-skelter shooting at each other
– its assine.
But how well do you think it would go over if you were to walk out of this tiny
greasy spoon and tell people, your friends and family include that they were part of
a hybrid race that were generally created by an extraterrestrial intelligence, about
as well as a lead fart in church. And if you are in Lebanon, talking to some Maronite
Christians, Sunnis, Shia or Druze along with a group of Christian Fundamentalists
and told them they were created back in our ancient history by a group of scientists
from Planet X, you better have a good exit other than your immediate death,
especially if you whispered to the Christian Fundamentalists that a man walking a
strange path in Galilee two thousand plus years ago that he was a primary part of
their program – bingo lights out!
About this time you hold up your hands, “So what you’re spouting at me is that we
have had exposure to ETs from somewhere and as far as you know there are four
different groups of these little green men running up and down the halls of our
governments, all the governments. Mixing and mingling with our high-levels of
command, which is truly making our generals nervous because we cannot identify
who these beings are because they look so much like you and I it’s scary, right?”
Hank looked over at me, “Basically that is part of the problem!”
You looked back over at them, “Well listen guys, my problem ‘basically’ is that I
don’t believe you, oh well I believe there might have been a “report” published with
15 copies, and that there might have been 50-100 of these crafts or UFOs flipping
around over Europe – but me, like the rest of the population, just because of fellows
like you, skipping in and out of our lives over the past 50 years or so, spinning these
tales of “fantastic” with no solid evidence – we tend to, today, excuse the
expression “shine you on”. Convince me I’m wrong, and please no more ‘general
explanations’ that any 5th grader worth his salt could give, and don’t forget I have a
sale to go to.”
The Major said, “Well in all reality what makes my story so hard to project, is not
being able to obtain the original copy of The Assessment, which as you know has
changed by life. I went from a “sit by and let it happen guy” to “why and how is all
this happening?”
You again raise your eyebrows, “well my Major or whoever you are, it isn’t that I
don’t believe your life has changed, hell just missing being hit by a speeding train
would change a life, what I would like to see from your kind is just a bit more than
words that can’t be substantiated with some hard physical evidence, in other words
take for instance the “Global Warming” crowd is even having a difficult time today
in pushing their agenda as more and more of the general population is demanding
evidence of the ‘we’re all going to die, if you don’t buy into purchasing our ‘Carbon
Credit’ scheme and help support the 3rd world countries from drowning’ – get my
Hank said, “You’re known as a disillusioned pre-programmed skeptic!”
“Whatever you want to call it, over the years so many UFO-ologists, out-of-this-
world experts, talking with ETs analysis’s have pounded on our doors where this
gang reminds me of Jehovah Witnesses peddling their doomsday concept of
religion. You can’t cruise the Internet Matrix without 17 million claiming we can save
humanity, with the help of ET sites running up and down your computer screens it
laughable, normally they contain ‘certified’ by God this is true fisherman tales that
by the end of the day your face has changed shape over laughing so hard…in the
end they all say the same, with a slight twist here and there, so excuse me if I’m a
bit skeptical. You guys are famous for ‘name-dropping’, reminds me of a Hollywood
actor who has slipped beyond their time and goes from restaurant to restaurant on
Sunset Strip dropping names like a dog with diarrhea.”
“Henry what is your story, not to interrupt you Major, but I would like to hear
Hank’s background of this meetings, and why you two are friends.”
“I’m a current employee of one of the three letter agencies and I’m putting myself
at risk of even getting that close, and I don’t intend to tell you any information that
in my judgment is classified or specific to national security.”
He goes on to tell you that he has been involved in many projects with many
different agencies over the years and taking a deep breath followed with downcast
eyes he says, “I believe I was a walk-in around the 8 th grade, I have memories of
coming from another planet, which are all mixed up, all a big jumble running in
between normal boyhood memories. It’s very weird and very difficult to explain
what it feels like. In life I’ve never had any problems, and I have a high capability of
intuitively accessing complex scientific information and I’ve often found myself
understanding complex systems with no detailed briefing or training. I work
essentially with systems. I don’t mean to be arrogant, but I do know a great deal of
advanced information, scientific and otherwise. I just seem to know it, but I can’t
say more than that right now.”
You look over at him, “You see that what I mean Hank, you have related zip
handing off to national security and being afraid for your life, not even dropping a
name, for which I commend you, but if you take what you just said to a National
Convention of Believers, even they would show you the door!”
Hank smiles and says that he can tell us of one experiment he’s worked on at
Livermore named “Shiva Nova2” that uses arrays of giant lasers3. “These are huge
lasers, huge capacitors, that are producing terawatts of energy in a building built on
giant springs, with all focused on a tiny, tiny point. This creates a fusion reaction
which replicates certain conditions for nuclear weapons testing – you know like a
nuke test in lab conditions, and there’s very powerful data collection focused on
that point where all the energy is focused. The problem is that all the extremely
high-energy events like this ‘create rips in the fabric of space-time’. This was
observed back in the early Hiroshima and Nagasaki events, and you can even see it
in the old movies. Look for what looks like an expanding energy sphere, and I can
forward you a link to show you. The problem with creating rips in space-time,
whether they’re big or little, is ‘that things get in that you don’t want to be there.”
“So what you’re telling me Hank is that at Nova Shiva at Lawrence is that their ten
beam neodymium-glass laser that is producing 16 trillion watts of power and
producing nuclear detonation like conditions that are creating microscopic versions
equaling a rip in space-time. And scientists exploring the lower reaches of high-
energy-density regime, and have encountered this problem?”
He mumbles and shifts his posture and continues, “The problem of their presence
and then what happens next. The other problem is that if you’re creating rips in
space-time you’re messing with time itself, whether you mean to or not. There
have been attempts to fix that, and it all results in a complicated overlay of time
loops. Some ETs are trying to help, and others are not. When predicting futures, we
can only talk about probable and possible futures. This is all extremely complex
and very highly classified. Basically, it’s just a huge mess. We’ve opened Pandora’s
Box, starting with the Manhattan Project, and we haven’t yet found a way to deal
with the consequences.”
You smile back at him, “well Hank, thanks to the Internet and my own research as
a degreed Electrical Engineer I am aware of some of the work at Livermore, I also
understand they are now in the process of building a bigger and more powerful
Nova Shiva site that will consist of 192 beams capable of generating 750 trillion
watts of laser light, does this mean a super duper rip in space-time?”
Silence folds over our little booth and the rain outside washes across the ground
creating ripples and fuzzy pictures of humanity on its way home or to the sale.
Henry’s mouth looked like a clam that had just discovered that someone near him
was boiling water, tight and pinched, his head down and his eyes boring hole in his
The Major motions the waitress for another round, looks over at me and he
attempts to pull the conversation back around covering Hank’s silence.
As I said before, from what I read and studied in those inactive moments in SOHC I
firmly believe that what I read was and is the greatest story in human history,
where it involves who we are; it involves what we are as a species, and it involves
how we came to be. Secretly I thought for many years that there would be
someone, of the many in that facility or others in the governments who received the
reports would let this leak out across the public – and I just knew then that the
public would scream for more information, “Oh tell us more, tell us more, tell us
more!” Then the government(s) would respond by opening up and telling the public
the truth – well you and I know how much of that happened, my guess is that
brighter minds than mine have decide that the story was too big, involving the
origin of the species as a race of human’s the public would not be able to handle its
implications, especially the established dogmatic religious community.
I use the same analogy as Hank, Pandora’s box, this alien issue, this
extraterrestrial presence, whereas you just can’t open the box a little bit, once a
crack of information streams forth all will cascade out and boom, our established
civilization will crack at the seams, because as I mentioned the information is
earthshaking – maybe magnitude 10+ on the Richter.
“So Major you kept this under your belt for over 40-years, why the change of heart
in spilling the beans?”
I haven’t really kept in under my belt, so-to-speak, over the years I have had
numerous discussions with my peers, whereas we discussed the autopsy reports,
the data I saw on crashes of their craft and the retrieval of the bodies…and this
coupled with my research over the years and my advancing age has led me to “why
not” bring it out. Keep in mind this report was over 1 ½ inches thick and was
supported by 10 inches of appendices, or as most say annexes. It was
comprehensive and detailed, and as most anything associated with the military it
laid out the problem, purpose and the meaning with conclusions based only on
factual data – historical data was checked and double checked and only that could
be verified in the available methods became part of the report. With my Cosmic
clearance I had access to, for instance the annex containing the retrieval of bodies
and their autopsies, supported with photographs – this in itself was a complete eye-
“So Major, here you are telling me and anyone that will listen that you and a select
few of you who were stationed at SOHC read and study a report that leads you to
believe that our world is really not what it seems to be, or the human race is not
what we have been taught, through our science and theologians all these years and
you are hoping that someone or some government will someday change our
“Major, do you understand that your knowledge and the knowledge of a few of you
will have a difficult time making it into the minds of the general population,
especially since your evidence including the documentation you say you
photocopied is zip, based on your feeling that you don’t want to do 30 years in
Leavenworth…pretty hard sell I’d say.”
“Yes, unfortunately I do, and I also understand that there are so many crackpots
out there cranking out stories on the Internet, that it is difficult shifting through the
truth and the BS and that guys like me and Henry here are just as frustrated with
this as anyone, mainly because unlike the other guys wandering around claiming
this and that we’ve been there.”
“This I understand, somewhat, here you sit and even if you rounded up everyone
who has had or knows someone who has had a personal experience with this UFO
thing were to gather in one place on the globe, chances are not one major news
outlet would cover the gathering, an event that just might change the thinking of
the world, I bet this frustrates you to no end.”
“Immensely, and the reason for that lack of participation is twofold, one being
other than the ticket sales to the event and other associated costs there is no
immediate way for anyone to derive a profit, then or in the future, the second
reason is that agencies and other experts have denied any type of this information
to be true and have branded anyone associated with such information as ‘nut cases’
just looking for some attention – you could slam down on their table 1000s of
photographs, volumes of documents which they would claim were doctored, fixed
up on some super duper photo-shop and walk away having felt they did their job
debunking our information.”
Unfortunately he was correct, whereas it seems there is always someone to doubt
the word of anyone associated with ETs, yet we buy into such things as N1H1 like
thirsty men to a well in the desert, accepting what our nation’s press tells us and
our government pushes down our throat, or our acceptance of paying millions to
financial institutions that have been ripping us off for years if not centuries.
Hank looked over his cup, “have you seen the movie Wavelength4?”
“Yes, but I haven’t seen it.”
“Well if you get chance, rent it and watch it. It’s based on a totally true story,
where it is based on an incident that took place at Hunter Liggett5 - it’s a good
Our group was 90 miles south-south-east of Monterey, California. My primary
station at the time was Fort Ord. I was working there back in the early 70s, when I
was in the military, and I was working under CDCEC, which is Combat Developments
Command Experimentation Command. You can go look that up.
We were doing testing of all kinds of devices, and we lived out in the field there. We
wore laser protection goggles a lot of the time and we had our eyes dilated
routinely to check our retinas for burns. Some of the cattle in the fields even wore
modified goggles! This was the most bizarre sight you could ever imagine. Well, one
day something happened while we were testing. A disk came into the area and it
was hovering, it hovered right directly in front of us, out in a field. So [pause] we
shot the damn thing down.

You shot down a disk?

[shaking head] We should never have done it. It wasn't me personally, but the
group did. Between us we had all this gizmo weaponry and I guess they panicked
and thought they were in a movie or something. The disk was disabled and it was
captured, and so were the occupants, and I saw these very briefly. They were small
child-like humanoids, with no hair. And they had small eyes, not large almond-
shaped eyes. I don’t think anyone knows about this. As far as I know it’s not on the


This is incredible. I've never heard of this incident.

Most of the other witnesses ended up in Vietnam and many were killed. I may be
the only living witness to what happened... I don’t know.
The rest of the story is in a sci-fi movie called Wavelength, which was released in
the early '80s. I’d never heard of it until I ran into it years later, in Arizona. Did I just
say this? [laughs, for the first time]
When I saw the video, I was expecting some, you know, light entertainment with a
beer or two, but I mean, my mouth just hung wide open. The beginning of the film
just completely clearly and accurately describes the incident, and the film is very
close to the rest of the story, including the use of an abandoned Nike base in
Southern California to store them.
Go find it. It’s all basically true. I was just amazed when I saw it. The person who
wrote it must have been there, or knew someone who was there. But I don’t know
I had a genuine alien photo once. I showed it to someone, a woman, a very talented
woman, who was a microbiologist working for one of the agencies. It scared the shit
out of her. I couldn’t believe it. She just didn’t want to deal with it at all. And I’d say
that just suggests that the public, even scientists aren’t ready for this information to
be released. And this person was really smart. It didn’t stop her from freaking out,
just not wanting to know. She was just, you know, totally spooked.
Do you still have the photo? Can we see it?
I don’t know. I may still have it somewhere, and if I can find it, I’ll forward it to you.
Can you describe it?
It showed a small being with dark skin, kind of black and wrinkled. He was a sole
survivor of an incident. But he died shortly afterwards. He had a suit that was self-
healing, ah... self-repairing. It was a kind of fabric, or something, that would actually
repair itself. And he had an artifact with him that was some kind of remote control
device, and that was taken away from him.
“So you’re telling me there was a survivor of a crash?”
He paused looking over his cup of Java – “NO!”
“We what was he/she a time traveler?”
He smiled and said, “You know everything, don’t you?”
“No, but you’re giving us me some verification.”
He continued on, “I mean, it’s so incredibly complicated. It’s so complex it’s
possible that no one person has all the information. Most of the agencies don’t
know what the other agencies know and everything is heavily compartmentalized
right up the wazoo. No-one talks to anyone else about this information they might
have within their agency. Sometimes entire projects are duplicated at the cost of
God know how many billions because the existence of another project is unknown
it’s kept from them, look, I’m a scientist, and scientists sometimes have one arm
tied behind their backs because they can’t communicate freely. In fact, they can’t
communicate at all! And there are dozens, hundreds of classified projects – I mean
major projects. It is just a total mess. Look, there are many groups of ETs, and
besides our own ancestors are mixed in there. There are time loops upon time
loops, and it is all a mess – you need and IQ of 190 to sort through it and figure it all
I smiled at him, “Unfortunately there are not too many of us humans walking
around with an IQ of 190, much less any that might believe this cock and bull story,
reminds me of a fellow by the name of Dan Burisch who I read about on the
almighty Internet, you familiar with him?”
“Not that I remember.” He grimaced a bit, “Well the study was not able to make a
determination of the purpose, only that the over-flights were not military and is
there a threat, yes or no? They concluded apparently not, simply because these
guys had been coming and going for a long time. The history annex in the report
showed evidence going back a couple of thousand years – records, photographs,
drawings, painting all unbelievable material – all of it pretty wild for an NCO.”
“It must have been pretty dramatic for you and the others who had a chance to
read it!”
“You said it, and I’ll say this again, I believed from the beginning, and I still hold
deeply in my heart, that this is the greatest story in human history. This, a story of
who we are, how we came to be here, what kind of species we are and where we’re
going. It is the most important issue in my view in Human History. It is not merely
that we’re not alone, but that we have never been alone. We have had what I have
shared many times – we have had an intimate inter-relationship with advanced
extraterrestrial intelligence from the beginning of human history. In my opinion, it
is dynamite. I’ve tried to share what I’ve learned – to no avail.”
“Well it is a lot to swallow,” I said.
Standing up I looked at my watch, looked out of the greasy window and new the
sale was over.

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