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Love forever or Love never

By Fran McMahon

Love is always a difficult thing…..

Chapter 1

This story begins in London in the year 1992.

That was the year I was born.

My name is Elizabeth Young or Lizzie for short

and this is my story.

It’s now the year 2009 and I am 17, I have just

left secondary school and I’m on my way to
university. But my only problem is I’ve never
been in love, sure I’ve had boyfriends but
they’ve never been the one.
I know what you must be thinking ‘you’re too
young to be in love’ and I have to agree a little
bit. But I want to find my soul mate as soon as
possible, let’s just hope I do.

Maybe the one will be just round the corner.

Yeah right as if that’d happen to me. Oh well
maybe the right guy will be at university.
At university all everyone really cares about
was who’s had sex, who had the best parties
and who had the best girlfriend or boyfriend. I
never really cared for those things but if I want
to fit in at university I had to get better at this.
Now what have I done that’s important, hmm
well I’ve had sex 3 times, I’ve thrown a few
great drinks parties with alcohol and stuff, well
I cant really have an answer for the last one
since I’m single right now. I wouldn’t be single
if I wasn’t on a journey to fine the one. Oh well
like I said, I need a soul mate.

Once at university I felt more comfortable

about my love life. There were so many cute

But the first one I saw was Zack. I’ve know

Zack since secondary school he’s just never
noticed me. See he was the ‘popular kid’ and I
well I was the girl who was only noticed if a
guy wanted to get laid, to be honest I was their
prey. I gave in easily though. I know it sounds
kind of slutty, but it was the only way for me to
be acknowledged and to be noticed.

And also even if I didn’t know Zack I would

have known it was him.
Zack is the talk of the school since his farther
owns it.

Now Zack gosh he is like a god.

Amazing blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes, pure

white teeth and his body is luscious. Every
normal girl is completely in love with him- who
wouldn’t be- when ever he smiles, the girls
giggle or some hyperventilate- like I do- on my
way to my class I walked passed Zack and I
couldn’t help but stare.

I kept walking but staring at the same time.

My curly brown hair was blowing around my

face and my chocolate brown eyes shining, I
had many guys staring at me but my eyes
were for one person only.

Then he looked up and saw me staring and he

smiled at me.

I quickly turned round to make sure he didn’t

see me blush, but then I went crash into

My books went flying as well as the other

I heard laughing in the background and turned
to see Zack and his mates- as well as
everyone else in a one mile radius- laughing.

I said trying to use my angry voice “Hey watch

were your going” then I heard a deep laugh.

I looked up.

The first thing my eyes connected to where

two shiny brown eyes (just like mine) but when
I looked into them I felt like I was melting

I made myself look to see what his other

features were like.

He had brown hair that flowed over his eyes;

he was so tall and had great muscles. But I
just couldn’t stop myself from looking at those
amazing brown eyes.

To stop myself from looking at his eyes-again-,

I carried on picking up my books and asked
“What’s so funny?”

He replied with the most angelic voice “You

said ‘watch were your going?’ when you
crashed in to me. I’m not surprised though.
Zack always gets the gorgeous girls, while I
get none”

He bent down and picked up the rest of my


He then held out his hand for me “By the way

my name is Sam Jeffrey’s.”

I took his hand. His hand was amazingly soft

and warm.

Or was that just me?.

I replied “My names Elizabeth Young but my

friends call me Lizzie” I smiled politely.

Then something struck me.

“What do you mean the ‘gorgeous girls” I

complained “I’m not gorgeous.”

He laughed again, and pulled me up to my

feet. “Have you seen yourself?” he questioned
“you’re beautiful. You’re lovely curly brown hair
and your eyes they hold so much depth it’s
hard to not get lost in them” as he spoke his
eyes held mine.

I blushed and looked down “Well I, um I’d

better get to class.”

I tried to run of but he grabbed my hand and

pulled me back.

He asked “Wait, what are you studying?”

I calmed myself down trying to stop myself

from hyperventilating “I’m on the writing
course” I replied.

I reluctantly turned to see him smiling.

He said with happiness in his tone “Me too,

that means we’ll be in the same class” he
smiled again.

I then realised he was still holding my hand

and I was holding his back. I quickly released.

Then he groaned “awwwwwww man Zack’s in

that class too.”

He mumbled something unintelligible to

himself, but I couldn’t hear it.

All I could think about was that Zack is in the

same class as me.

I rushed of to class with Sam trailing behind.

When I got to class there was Zack sitting at a
table by himself.

The tables had name plaques.

I went searching for mine; I went over to

Zack’s table – mentally praying.

The person sitting next to Zack was ME! Can

you believe it?

I am sitting next to the hunkiest guy in


When Sam saw who I was sitting next to I

heard him groan and curse.

Then he walked of to his seat. He was sat next

to a short girl with brown curls like mine but
she wore it better than me.

And she seemed to be happy.

I sat down in my seat eagerly.

Zack turned to me and said “Hi I’m Zack Gild”

he held out his hand which I shook very slowly
“And what would your name be?” he asked
What a stupid question my name plaque is
right in front of him. But I said anyway “My
names Elizabeth Young. But I liked to be
called Lizzie” he smiled that dazzling smile
which made me turn away to blush and to stop
myself from fainting.

“Zacky” said a high pitched voice.

I turned back round and saw a blonde girl with

blue eyes, dazzling teeth and was very skinny-
most likely anorexic- standing next to Zack
with her arms round his neck.

Zack replied to the girl “Hey Amy” he gave her

a quick kiss on the lips- which made me
completely jealous- and turned back to me.

“Amy this is my friend Lizzie.” he gestured

towards me.

Amy looked up and glared at me.

She obviously didn’t like the fact that her

boyfriend had a friend that is a girl, but she
said hi in her sweet voice that made Zack kiss
her again- but made me want to vomit.

“You better get off to class, babe” Zack said.

She smiled at him and strutted off.

I remember the last time I saw a girl like her,

and I knew she was defiantly a chav/slut.

The lesson was fun Zack was very talkative;

he spoke to me all through lesson.

I know I was probably imagining it. But I swear

he was like analyzing me.

Also in that lesson he touched my hand with

his, it must have been an accident he has a
girlfriend-but what if it wasn’t? - Maybe I just
imagined it.

The rest of the day was horrible, because Amy

never left ‘Zacky’ alone so I didn’t get to talk to
Zack again.

Sam- bless him- was being so kind to me. He

could see I was mad and upset and he tried to
make feel better.

He made me laugh and made me smile. Even

though I obviously wasn’t going to get the
chance to talk to Zack again, I still had a good
first day.

After school I headed home and just had a

quiet night in with a book- since I haven’t had
a boyfriend in a while that’s pretty much what I
do all day.

Chapter 2

On the fifth day of the term me and Sam

headed out to the field after school to hang
out- we go their quite a lot.

Sam talked about so many different things.

Some things were funny, which made me


Some were nice things, which made me smile.

I noticed how he talked about everything or


But he never talked about his parents.

So I asked “Why don’t you talk of your

parents?” I regretted it immediately when I saw
the pain on his face. His expression really got
to me; it was a cross from pure agony and
depression. But he answered anyway “My
father abandoned me and my mother when I
was two or three. A couple of months later my
mother killed herself, because she couldn’t
cope without him.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked” I whispered.

“It’s ok, I needed someone to talk about it to

anyway” he half smiled.

I reached over to him; I kissed his cheek and

then hugged him. - It’s just a reflex I have
when someone’s in pain.

I was about to move back in embarrassment,

but he held me closer and whispered in my ear
“thank you” then he released me but he held
on to my hands. (We do that a lot, we just hold

There were a few seconds of silence. We just

sat there holding each others hands. He drew
circles around my hands with his thumbs.

After a while he started asking questions about


He asked me random questions like ‘what’s

your favourite colour?’ and stuff like that.

And some were a little personal like “How

many boyfriends have you had?” but I didn’t

I was listening but my mind was else were.

I was thinking that Sam was really nice and I

could see that he liked me….. But he was just
no Zack.

I felt bad about that. I’ve had people like me

before but I didn’t like them back, and when
they asked me out I’ve had to break their

I like Sam I do he’s a great friend I just don’t

like him the way he likes me.

We stayed there for nearly an hour. Laughing

and all. After a while we headed home, Sam
walked me to my door.

“Night Liz-Liz” –the nickname that he uses for

me- “sweet dreams” he said.

“Night Sammy boo” I smiled as I used his

He looked like he didn’t want to go. So he
kissed my cheek and left.

I just stood in the door way holding my cheek.

I smiled to myself and went in to my house.

That night I dreamt of Zack.

I have dreamt of Zack ever since I met him,

I’ve been in love with him for, well 6 years – I
know it’s sad but who cares?

I first dreamt of him and Amy kissing which

pretty much pissed me off. I thought yeah
some dream; it’s more like a nightmare.

I was about to make myself wake up until I

realised I wasn’t looking at Amy and Zack it
was me and Zack.

I loved dreaming of this, I kept getting more

and more into the dream making me and Zack
kiss even more, got us to sleep together and
well yeah.

Okay, okay I took my obsession of him a little

too far.
Okay very far but who cares it was awesome.
I wish it could have lasted forever but I had
university in the morning, at least I get to see
the real Zack instead of my dream Zack.

Then next day was better, Zack seemed even

friendlier with me, talking to me in the classes
we had together which made me happy. When
ever some other girl wanted his attention he
ignored them, seeming to only want my
attention- this made me smile.

Sam didn’t seem to like the fact that Zack was

talking to me; I could see the sadness in his
eyes when he saw the happiness in mine
when I saw Zack.

I hated that I was hurting him.

I kept thinking back to when he kissed my

cheek, I knew that he must really like me.

I knew that I would have to tell him soon. I’d

have to tell him nothing could happen between
Two weeks into the term.

I answer the phone.

“Hello Lizzie Young speaking” I said.

“Hey Liz-Liz” said a nervous voice.

Sigh “Hey Sam”

Nervous cough “um….Lizzie?”

“Yeah Sam?”

“Um I was…sort of….um… wondering if you’d

maybe… like to go out some time?” Sam
asked shyly.

Oh no what am I going to do. If I say no I’ll

break his heart but if I say yes I’ll never get to
be with Zack.

“Sam I like you a lot but I just don’t like you the
way you like me” I said sadly “I hope we can
still be friends though?”

He sighed sadly “I guess, you don’t have to lie

though. I know you don’t want to go out with
me…. you like Zack”

I don’t answer.

“I see the way you look at him” he continued

“it’s the same way I look at you” he laugh softly
“but let me just tell you” his voice rose a little in
volume “I won’t give up” then Sam hung up.

I was actually speechless.

I broke Sam’s heart but he still won’t give up.

Why does he have to make this so hard?
Chapter 3

Two days passed and I couldn’t stand being

near Sam after what he said.

But I stopped avoiding him after a while

because I knew that it would hurt him even
more if I kept avoided him.

Sam and I hung out for a while but I just tried

to not get to close to him since I knew how he
felt about me.

But it’s hard not too. We still held hands and


Many weeks passed and I kept trying to get

close to Zack it seemed to work until Amy
came. I just kept wishing, dreaming that some
miracle would happen.

It has now been five weeks since I started


And so far there had been no change with the

Zack thing.

But there had been a change with Sam.

Whenever he had the chance he would hold
my hand, and every time he walked me home
he’d give me a kiss on the cheek.

Then on October 19th something amazing


It was the end of the day me and Sam started

to head home –holding hands obviously- until
we heard someone yelling.

We stopped and followed the noise.

We followed the noise until we found the

cause of the noise.

“What do you mean it’s over?” yelled Amy.

Zack just stood there with his arm crossed and


“Like how you heard it. I don’t like how you

treat people, so it’s over” Zack said with
impatience “I’ll see you around.”

And he walked away leaving Amy crying.

I wanted to comfort her but I just couldn’t bring

myself to do so. All I could think was ‘Zack’s
single’ and I couldn’t believe it.

I turned to Sam with a huge smile on my face,

when I saw his face my smile fell. I saw him
staring at me with such sadness and pain in
his beautiful eyes.

I don’t know why -I guess I was just being an

evil cow or something- I said “what is your
problem? You know I like him but you still act
this way. Just get a life” as soon as I said it I
regretted it.

I saw the breathtaking pain in his eyes and all

he could say was “You really know how to hurt
a guy, why don’t you go and find your knight”
and with that he released my hand and walked
That night I dreamt of Zack again.

I dreamt that I was his girlfriend, and how he

would love me forever, and how we were
together forever.

But in the back of mind was Sam. I couldn’t

believe I had been such a bitch for saying that
to him. I couldn’t stop thinking, of the pain in
his eyes when I said it.

I knew I had to fix it between the two of us.

Sam wouldn’t talk to me anymore I tried

ringing and everything. But he wouldn’t answer
his phone.

Over the past few days I waited to talk to him

to say I’m sorry but when ever I got near him
he wouldn’t talk to me and he’d walk away.

One of those days I called out “Sam…” I cut of

suddenly because before I could finish Zack
was there.

He smiled at me “Hey Lizzie, just the person I

was looking for” I just stood there like an idiot
“anyway….. I was wondering if you’d like to go
out with me” he waited for my reply I didn’t
know how to reply so all I could do was nod.

He smiled and said “I’ll pick you up at eight

tonight, I know were you live” he winked and

The rest of the day went past in a blur, I

couldn’t concentrate in any of my lessons all I
could keep thinking was. Zack asked ME out.

At the end of my last lesson I rushed home as

quickly as I could.

As soon as I got home I went through my

wardrobe to find something amazing for Zack.

I ended up wearing my pink knee length dress,

with a chunky black belt and black high heel

When he got to my house my heart was

pounding. I couldn’t say a single word of
English, I was glad he didn’t laugh.

The date was amazing we went to this

amazing Italian restaurant, the food was
delicious, and Zack sat their looking so
luscious. We laughed and talked, he held my
hand in his across the table and wouldn’t let

I was so disappointed when the date ended.

When we were walking back Zack reached out

and put his hand around my waist, it was the
best moments of my life.

When I got home I jumped onto my bed and

sighed with pleasure I kept thinking that
hopefully it won’t be long till we kiss.

Right then I knew it’d be love forever between

me and Zack.

There was only one person I wanted to talk to.

And that was Sam.


“Hello” said a strained voice.

“Sam is that you?” I asked.

“Oh Lizzie it’s you” Sam said “well you kind of

caught me at the wrong time…” he was cut off.

“Hi Lizzie, Amy here. Me and Sam are kind of

busy call back later, when he‘s a little less
distracted. Kay?” she didn’t let me answer
before the line went dead.

I was silent for a long time still holding the

phone to my ear. I couldn’t believe Sam was
sleeping with Amy, I was so mad that I started
to cry I whispered in a pained voice “How
could he do that…with her”

I cried all night into my pillow, I thought I was

only crying because I was mad but I felt so sad
that he was with someone, I was so worried
about that so I rang Zack straight away.

“Hello” said a tired voice.

“Sorry to wake you put I needed to talk to you”

I said my voice trembling.

“Go head I’m all ears tell me what’s troubling

you” he said still tired but sounding a little

“It’s Sam he’s going out with Amy...” before I

could continue Zack cut in “that stupid slut
she’s only sleeping with him to get back at me
what a stupid bitch” he finished with an angry
“Yeah I couldn’t believe it either I bet Sam’s
doing it to make me jealous since he likes
me…” I was cut of once again by Zack. “He
likes you, he better not like you anymore
because if he does I’ll fucking pulverise him,
know one likes my girl that way except me”

I know jealousy is a bad thing but on him it’s

so hot.

“Awwwwwww Zack that’s so sweet, but trust

me I made it clear that we will only ever be

“Good, anyway do you want to go out again


“Yeah defiantly, so when and where?”

“Hmmm, how bout at ten and at the field by


I froze for a while. That was where Sam and I

always went together.

But when I thought of Sam I got mad. So I

replied “Yeah that’ll be great I’ll see you then”

“Okay till then bye” I could feel a smile in his

“Bye” I hung-up.

Chapter 4

That night I dreamt of Zack (as usual.)

I dreamt of our first kiss and how magical it

would feel, how his lips were soft, and how his
eyes would bore into mine.

But then something changed in that dream

when I pulled back from kissing Zack I didn’t
see Zack it was………. SAM.

I woke up as soon as that happened my heart

pounding, I felt like my heart had exploded. I
couldn’t believe I ended up dreaming of Sam,
when I’m in love with Zack!

The next day I wouldn’t talk to Sam- I know its

mean it’s not my fault I dreamt of him- instead
I stayed with Zack for the whole day.

And boy was I glad I did.

My day with Zack was amazing, our first

lesson I sat next to Zack.

We were watching a video, so when the lights

were turned off, Zack moved closer to me and
put his arm around my waist. His touch made
me blush. (Thank god for the darkness)

The rest of the day was just the same.


At break I sat on his lap, and he would stroke

my hair, and then stroke my back down to my
And at lunch he would hold me close to him,
and kiss my head.

And in our free periods we would talk to each

other and ask each other questions.

It has now been 6 days since me and Zack

have been dating. And let me just say since
I’ve been dating Zack making friends has been
so much easier, I now have a great girlfriend -
not in a lesbian way- her name is Chloe

I’d say she was my best friend. But she could

never replace Sam.

On mine and Zacks fifth date. The weather

was warm and we had been to a non-fancy
restaurant so I was wearing a strapless top
and a mini skirt.

Once we left the restaurant we started walking

home. Zack was holding me around the waist,
and every few seconds he would kiss my

Then something strange happened.

Zack pulled me into a dark ally- I know weird.

I didn’t understand why we were in here so I

asked him “Zack why are we down here?” he
looked at me, his eyes were so full of
excitement that it scared me.

Really scared me.

“Shhh” he placed his hand over my mouth

“don’t speak so loud I don’t want anyone to
know were here” he said in a low voice.

I was confused, I moved his hand of my mouth

“but why do I have to be…..”

I was cut off because he put his hand over my

mouth, again.

“I wanted this to be private so know one can

see us” he said still very quiet. But also so

The tone of his voice, scared me, but it also

transfixed me.

I couldn’t move.

I felt like a mouse hypnotised by a snake.

He pushed me up against the ally wall-he was
really scaring me at that point- and he lifted up
my chin so I was looking at him and then
uncovered my mouth.

“What do you want to do to me?” I said in a

shaky but quiet voice.

I was trying to stop myself from trembling.

“This” he said as he bent his head toward


I wasn’t ready for his lips.

They came down so forceful on mine. But they

were so soft and warm.

All I could think was oh my god we’re kissing.

I felt like I couldn’t get myself close to him

quick enough.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled

his face closer to mine.

He seemed happy that I was close to him; I

heard a pleasured moan from him, as he got
closer. And I sighed; it was a sigh so full of
pleasure. It sounded like a sexy giggle/a
hyperventilating breath mixed together.

Zack seemed to really enjoy himself. His

hands started wondering around my body,
starting from my ass and making their way up.

But I didn’t care.

All that mattered was that he was kissing and

touching me.

I was so into the kiss, that nothing distracted


Until he had picked me off the floor, and had

me pinned against the wall.

I wasn’t really worried.

I wrapped my legs around him. Thinking that it

was just for fun.

But then….he started to press himself further

into me- and hopefully you get what I mean by

That was when I got scared.

I then heard the zip of his trousers.

I pulled away from him then. “Zack… put
me…. down” I said breathless.

He looked at me. I saw his eyes, they were

hungry and that scared me a lot.

He said “Why? Weren’t you enjoying it?”

“Yes it was amazing, but I got to get home my

parents must be wondering were I am.” I said
in a pleading voice.

He smiled “As long as you’re with me, they

won’t mind”

I was silent.

He took advantage of my silence.

He was so gentle when he kissed me that

time; I started getting him to come closer by
pulling him with my legs.

I nearly forgot about trying to stop him.


“Zack….put…….down…..please” I said
around his lips.
He groaned.

But put me down on my feet, and zipped up

his zipper – thank god.

“Why won’t you have sex with me? You were

so into it” he said quite angrily.

“We’ve only been dating 6 days, I’m not ready

for that yet” I said sadly.

“Then when will you be ready?” he questioned.

His tone was almost rude.

“I don’t know” I said quietly.

“How about” he said in his pleasurable voice

“this Saturday you come over to mine my
parents are out of town, we’ll be all alone” he
moved closer to me.

I tried so hard to resist. - I really did.

But then he started kissing my neck, making

his way up to my lips.

I couldn’t resist him and I gave in “Of course I’ll

come over” I smiled and he smiled back.

“Now I really got to get home” I used my

pleading voice again.

“Okay, but just one more thing” he leaned into

me again.

He kissed me again and let his hands have a

quick wonder around my body.

He sighed obviously happy that he got his


Then he took me home.

Chapter 5

As soon as I got home, I wept into my pillow I

couldn’t believe Zack was being such a

I thought he would respect me but no.

I love him and I do want to sleep with him, but

I’m not ready.

Maybe I should fake ill on Saturday, or say I’m

going out with my parents.

At that moment the only person I wanted to

talk to was Sam.

But no fucking way was I going to, after what

he did to me….

That was when I had an idea.

If I sent my parents away on holiday for this

weekend, and I have Zack come over. I’ll get
Sam to come over, when me and Zack are
having sex.

That’ll be perfect revenge.

I knew it was evil to hurt Sam that way; it’s not

his fault that I called at the wrong time.


What was I saying, he was the one who slept

with Amy he’s the one who hurt me.

Although I have hurt him in the past; oh who

cares I’ll just get on with my plan.

So I put my plan into action, first I went to talk

to my parents.

“Hey mum, dad. You know we have always

been talking about going back to Devon. Well
why don’t we go?” I gave them a pleading

“Well, I guess. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see

your mother and father again Jack” said my

“I guess so Jill, Lizzie why don’t you go pack

now?” my father said.
“Oh I can’t go I have coursework and stuff to
do. But don’t let me stop you. You two go have
fun” I said.

“Oh okay then, but let’s go for a whole week

instead” my mother said.

My plan is now in motion.

Next thing to do is call Zack.


“Hello Zack speaking”

“Hey Zack” I used my sexiest voice “you know

this Saturday?”

“Yes?” he sounded confused.

“Well my parents are away this week, and I

was wondering if you’d like to come to mine at
quarter to five. And you know….” I asked.

“Oh I see” he said “well what was wrong with

my place?” he sounded offended.

“Nothing just my bed is so” pleasure sigh “soft

and roomy and it’ll be so more…” I ended
with a pleasure giggle.
“Well…um yeah that’ll be….cool” he said.

“See you then……….Tiger” I hung up.

That was pretty cool; I’ve never made a guy be

lost for words.

That’s two out of three, now to call Sam.


“Hello” Sam said.

“Hey Sam, its Lizzie” I said casually.

“Lizzie! Hi I didn’t get the chance to apologise,

I am very sorry about the…Amy thing” he said

“Its okay anyway, I was thinking you could

come over on Saturday just too like hang out” I
said “would five be okay?”

“Yeah that would be cool” he replied “gosh I’ve

missed you so much Liz-Liz, I really didn’t
mean to hurt you”

“Its fine Sammy boo. I’ll see you then.” I said.

“Bye Liz-Liz” he replied.

I hung up.

My trap was now set.

It was only two days to Saturday and I couldn’t


The Thursday went by as normal, just a little

different. I didn’t ignore Sam. When ever I had
a lesson with Sam and not Zack we’d laugh
and talk just like old times.

On the Friday I spent the day with Zack, he

would never let me go.

He must be excited for Saturday.

The Friday was kind of the same as what my

normal days with Zack were like.

I would sit on his lap he would stroke my back.

But now he would give me hugs and kisses

whenever he had the chance.
When I got home my parents had gone.

I got everything ready for tomorrow.

On the Saturday I was completely restless. So

I called a few people (and by people I mean
Chloe) and read.

It was four when Zack came.

Knock, knock, and knock.

I got up to answer it.

And there he was amazing as ever, leaning

against the door frame

“Hello” he said.

He pushed off the door frame and reached for

my waist and held me close to his body.

Then he kissed me, but only for a short while.

I closed the door.

“Now let’s take this upstairs” I said in my best

sexy voice- but between us it’s not very good,
but it seems to work.
“First I want to do something” he said evilly
“I….am…. .going…….you” he then
chased after me.

I know completely random. But what the hey it

was fun.

Chapter 6

We had a laugh; he chased me all around the

house. Sometimes he caught me. And
sometimes he missed me.

If I hadn’t of seen the time I would have

forgotten my plan. I knew that if we didn’t start
having sex soon my plan would fail.

So I lead him upstairs to my room.

I probably should have done this earlier.

Guess it never crossed my mind.

He came in through my bedroom door.

“Lizzie where are……you?” he closed my door

without looking behind him.

Silly boy.

I was hiding behind the door.

He moved closer to my bed, and began to turn


That’s when I jumped on him.

“GOTCHA” I said. As we both fell onto the bed.

We both laughed.

Then I kissed him.

Only a small kiss to tempt him.

He kissed me back. With a lot of enthusiasm.

He got very interested, but I thought I’d better

tease him first.

Since I was on top of him I was in-control.

So I kissed him slowly, and hand my hands
weave around his body. I pinned his arms
above his head and nibbled on his lip. I made
a trail of my lips around his face to his collar

I sat on his hips and trailed my lips across his

collar bone and up his neck and back down.

I could tell he was trying so hard to resist from

taking me then and there.

I nibbled his ear, and licked my lips.

“You’re so use to being in control aren’t you

Zack?” I teased as I kissed his throat.

“God I want you so badly” he groaned.

“Then come and get me, but then that’d ruin

my fun.” I tempted.

I carried on teasing him.

“Oh fuck it” he said. He rolled us over so he

was on top of me. He kissed me with a lot of
force, it should be illegal.

Pushing himself into me.

I sighed and held him closer.

We soon stripped each other of our clothes.

He pulled away and put on protection. He was
obviously very excited for what was to happen

Like what happened in the ally, he let his

hands wonder.

And my hands wondered as well.

Every few seconds he would move his lips to a

new part of my upper body, like my cheek or
my neck.

Every kiss made me feel like I was about to

burst out my skin.

“Oh…..Zack…Y...Yes” I sighed as his lips

moved to the hollow of my neck and went

When I said that he moved his lips back to

mine but he paused for a second.

“Oh Lizzie” he pulled away from me by an inch

“I love you”
At that point I pulled his face to mine and
wrapped my legs even tighter around his

We were so into it that we nearly didn’t hear

the door being knocked.

We pulled away from each other for that


Zack looked at me and said “Shall we ignore


“No, it might be the postman or something. I

think my parents ordered something a while
ago” I lied.

We got half dressed, I put on my underwear

and shirt, and Zack put on his boxers.

“Who the hell could it be though?” Zack said


Obviously not happy that they interrupted him

getting laid.

“I don’t know” but I did.

We went down arms around each others

Laughing as we went.

We opened the door and there was Sam.

I saw the pain in his eyes when we saw how

we looked but I didn’t give a shit.

At least I think I didn’t

“Oh hi Sam, what are you doing here?” I said

making myself sound confused.

“You asked me to come round. Remember?

Remember we were talking about it on the
phone” Sam said.

“Oh Sam I forgot to cancel, I meant to call you

and say that Zack was coming…..” I cut of
embarrassed for what we looked like.

But I wasn’t really embarrassed I was glad he

was in pain.

Well I thought I was anyway. Damn his eyes.

“Its alright, um I’ll see you at school. Bye

Lizzie. Zack” and with that Sam left.

I saw him walk but when he got to the end of

the path that leads up to my house, he started
to get faster and faster like he was trying to get

I closed the door.

Great my plan worked.

But why do I feel so guilty.

Oh well it was back to Zack.

I turned back to Zack about to give him a kiss,

but I saw his expression.

He was angry.

“Babes what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Why did you invite him over?” he asked


Oh fuck what am I suppose to say to that, I


“I just needed to let him know that I was okay

with him sleeping with Amy” I replied.

Phew I thought.
“You could have done that over the phone” he

“I know but you know how I am. I’d feel bad, I

had to say it to his face” I stroked his cheek
“you’re okay with it aren’t you?”

I stared into his eyes with my sad eyes- I know

its sad but know one can resist the puppy dog

He smiled- can’t believed it worked.

And kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and

kissed him back.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. With

his hands on my ass and sighed.

“Yeah of course” he smiled cheekily “Now

where, were we?”

Before I could answer he had me in his arms.

He carried me up the stairs and took me to my


We striped each other once again and got

back to where we were before.

But half way through I pulled away an inch and

said “Zack I fricking love you”

I swear we broke a world record for the

longest time for having sex.

At the end we kept saying that we loved each


We laid next to each other just saying “I love


It was the best day of my life.

Chapter 7

Since my parents were away for a week, I got

Zack to stay over. His parents didn’t care they
didn’t mind him being away for a week.

At university it was a load of crap because I

saw Sam everywhere. And whenever I saw
him I felt incredibly guilty.

Why did I feel guilty? I did the same thing that

he did.

I completely avoided Sam and spent my whole

time with Zack.

Me and Zack were like the number one

Everyone knew who I was now, just because
of Zack.

I didn’t care about that though all I cared about

was Zack.

I always wondered if that was what he was

thinking too.

As I said before, me and Chloe were great

friends. I told her some of my secrets and she
told me some of hers.

We were like best friends straight away and I

completely trusted her.

But she would never be as much of a best

friend as Sam was.

For the whole week that Zack was at my

house we nearly always slept together.

We slept together as soon as we got home,

before university and whenever we had a free

I know it’s really sick.

But that’s how much we loved each other, and

we didn’t do it all the time.

Mostly like every two days.

Then something unexpected happened.

It was Saturday again and I woke up with

Zacks arms around me, with me lying on top of
him and his lips on my neck.

“Morning” I said.

“Morning” he said whilst smiling.

I wrapped my arms around him

“Oh I love waking up with to you” I said.

“Me too” he agreed.

And then he kissed me, we kissed for a while.

I let my hands move down to his chest.

And let his move to mine.

“Okay. Breakfast time” I said, breaking away

from his lips.

We both got out of bed and got dressed and

went down to have breakfast.

The only thing we weren’t expecting was….MY


They were sitting in the kitchen with their arms


“Um hi mum, hi dad” I said nervously.

“Lizzie” my mother said.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Young” Zack said trying his

hardest to smile pleasantly.

“Zack” my father said with a stern look on his


I didn’t know what else to do they just kept

glaring at us.

“Um Zack I think you’d better go you’re

parents must be worried” I said.

I looked at him and gave him the look which

said ‘go before they kill us’ and he nodded.

“Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Young” he said.

And with that he was gone.

“Lizzie what do you think you where doing?”
my father yelled.

“I’m 17 now I can do what I like” I yelled back. I

couldn’t believe they were being so mean
about so what If I slept with Zack.

My father was about to yell something back

but my mother stopped him.

“We’re sorry Lizzie; we just don’t want you to

get hurt.” She said.

She looked at my dad and said to him “I think

it’s time”

“Time for what” I said still angry.

My mother held out some keys.

“We bought it for you a while ago but we

couldn’t let you go yet.” My mum said “it’s a

I was gob smacked they had bought me a


My mum handed me the keys, and told me the

First I just stood there, not realizing what had

I thought that I was going to be grounded for

life, not given a house.

I gave them both big hugs and couldn’t stop

saying thank you. I then ran up to my room
and packed my things.

As soon as I had packed my things I headed

out to my house and unpacked everything.

The house was amazing.

It was two blocks high, it was white, it had a

beautiful front garden that looked like it was
magic and the inside was huge and so
spacious I thought I was in a fairy tale, I was
waiting for a unicorn to come and nibble at my
grass and my prince -Zack- to come through
my door.

I thanked my parents -again- and said that I

would still come and visit them.

As soon as I was unpacked I called Zack and

told him all about it and my new address.
“Can you believe it?” I said

“No I can’t” he replied.

“So do you want to come over?” I asked

“Yeah sure just on my way” he hung up.

As soon as he got here we got back into our

routine again.

Half way through I stopped to say something.

“Zack?” I said.

“Yes” he said.

“Move in with me” I said.

“What?” he got off me and looked at me.

“Move in with me, I love you loads and I want

you to live with me. So what do you say?” I

He was silent for a long time.

I got worried.

“Okay” he said.
“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. Now let’s get back to where we were”

he said eagerly.

And with that he was back onto me and we

kissed and cuddled.

When we finished Zack went to get his stuff.

While I waited in bed for him.

When he was got back we went to sleep.

Chapter 8

Zack and I have been dating for 4 months


And let me just say.

They have been the best 4 months of my life!

I’m still very distant with Sam but I know I have

to get in contact with him soon.

I decided that this will be the time.


“Hello” said a deep voice.

“Hey Sam it’s me” I said quietly

“Oh hey Lizzie” he said.

I was sad that he didn’t use my nickname.

We were quiet for a while.

“I’m sorry” we said at the same time.

We both laughed.

“You go first” he said.

So I did.

I don’t know why but I told him everything, the

plan I had, about Zack moving in.


It seams that Sam has this effect on me which

makes me tell him everything.

This sucks because most things I don’t want to

tell him

“I’m really sorry, but I was so mad at you for

the Amy thing that I wanted to get you back” I
“It’s okay, now it’s my time to talk” he said.

He told me how he wasn’t dating Amy. How

they were both upset, Amy being upset about
Zack and him being upset about me. So they
just slept together for comfort.

“I felt really bad from the phone call that as

soon as Amy put the phone down I told her to
leave.” He said.

“I guess it was my fault, I am sorry about what

I said about getting a life” I said quietly.

“S’okay guess I deserved it anyway.” He said


“No that’s the thing you didn’t deserve it” I said


“I did I’ve been such a basted about the Zack

thing” he said “I’ve been trying to convince
myself that we will never be but…” he stopped.

I knew what he was going to say and it made

me feel guilty again.

That’s the thing with me, I want to make other

people happy, but I never get the chance to
make myself happy.

Now I’ve gotten my happiness.

I hate it.

“I’ve just ruined it again haven’t I” he said


“No, no you haven’t ruined it, it’s just” I said

“it’s just I never get my happiness I want to
make the other person happy. Now I’ve got my
happiness I hate it.”

“Why? Why do you hate you happiness” he

said confused.

“Because I’m hurting you” I yelled.

OMG I wasn’t going to say that. Why did I say

that? I don’t mean that, or do I? I’m so

“Really?” he said sounding confused.

“No I didn’t mean to say that” I said so quickly I

regretted it.

“Oh okay” he said sadly.

Oh no I’m feeling guilty again.

Why does this always happen with Sam, why

do I always say the wrong things?

“I’m sorry Sam, I’ve got to go” I said.

“Okay bye” he said.

“Bye” I hung up.

I walked over to my mirror and slapped myself.

Grrrrr why wasn’t I waking up of this


I was so confused.

I love Zack.

But I hurt Sam because of my happiness.

I have happiness because of Zack.

I don’t want my happiness because of Sam.

What should I do? I thought

I know who I’ve chosen but have I chosen


Yes I have.

I have chosen Zack for I love him.

Sam is my best friend but I could never have

the feeling’s I have for Zack for him.

“Hey honey” said Zack as he walked through

the bedroom door.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and

started kissing me on my neck.

This was the start of the usual routine.

Although the neck thing does get annoying,

because I hate when people stare at the love
bites from Zack.

“Hey” I said quietly.

“You ready for a super Zack” he said in

between kissing me on the neck.
“Sorry no, I think I might go straight to bed I
feel a bit ill” I said.

“Oh babes come here” he spun me around to

face him to give me huge cuddle and a kiss on
the lips.

I could tell he was trying to get me to change

my mind.

I was quite close to giving in, but I wasn’t in

the mood for sex.

So I pulled away.

“Thanks” I said giving him a quick peck on the


I went over to my dresser and got into my

night clothes.

Well you couldn’t really call them night clothes

since it was an old shirt and my underwear.

Zack got dressed for bed; he took off his shirt

and trousers so he was just in his boxers. This
is what he usually wears to bed.

We got in to bed I lay my head on his chest

and he wrapped his arms around me.
That night I dreamed.

But it wasn’t an ordinary dream and this is


In my dream I saw Zack and he held out his

hand for me. I took a step toward him but then
I saw Sam, he was holding out his hand too.

I didn’t know who to go to, I walked towards

Zack then to Sam.

I didn’t know who to choose.

So I went to Zack.

When I got to Zack, he wrapped his arms

around me and kissed the top of my head.

I turned to Sam but when I looked towards him

it wasn’t Sam I saw.

It was Zack.

I looked at the person who had their arms

around me and it was……….SAM.

That’s when I woke up.

I was panting with fear; I was so in shock that I
had chosen Sam over Zack.

How could I of done that? I yelled to myself in

my head.

“Babes what’s wrong?” Zack asked tiredly.

“Oh Zack” I said.

Then I snogged him. (I know it seems slutty

and wrong but it was the only thing to get the
dream out of my head)

He was enthusiastic and obviously glad that I

had changed my mind.

I was so glad he couldn’t read my mind.

If he knew I was only sleeping with him to get

Sam out of my head, well he’d be incredibly

So was I.

I was mad with myself.

Chapter 9

At university I couldn’t stand seeing Sam

knowing that in my dream that night I had
chosen him over Zack.

I couldn’t stand to see his eyes.

His gorgeous brown eyes, that glitter in the

sunlight. “No Lizzie stop” I always said when I
started thinking like that.

What was wrong with me I love Zack I will

never love Sam!

I was thinking so hard about Zack, that I

crashed into someone.

“Hey watch were your going” I said angrily.

I heard a deep chuckle.

“What is so funny?” I said even more angrily.

I looked up at the figure in front of me.

Then regretting that I did.

“Sorry this just reminded me of our first day”

Sam said in an apologetic tone.

“Oh right well I better go” I then ran off.

Well that ruined my Zack concentration.

The only thing that would stop me thinking of

Sam was being with Zack.

So I spent my time always with Zack I wouldn’t

let him be a centimeter away.

I just couldn’t get Sam out of my head though

any little thing would remind me of him.
I didn’t know what else to do.

So I’ve decided if I sleep with Zack more often

it might make me stop thinking of Sam.

I know it sounds super slutty but it’s the only

thing that may work.

And it worked, right up until we stopped.

I hated knowing that I felt this way about Sam.

I felt guilty whenever I looked at Zack.

And guilty whenever I looked at Sam.

Ignoring Sam was close to working until one



“Hello Lizzie Young speaking”

“Happy birthday” said a voice.

“Oh Sam it’s you” I said.

“Oh sorry did I ruin your day” he joked.

“Well yeah” I said.

I wish I hadn’t though.

“Oh sorry I’ll go then bye” he hung up.

“Wait” I said but he had already gone.

I don’t know why but when ever he was in


I was in pain.

This was definitely the worst birthday ever.

I felt so sad and depressed that nothing could

cheer me up.

At university I was quieter than I usually was, I

wouldn’t move around much.

Chloe tried to comfort me, but she gave up

after a while.

Zack got pissed of with me because I wouldn’t

have sex with him that night.

I told him I was sorry I just didn’t feel very well.

Which was true, I was ill with sadness.

He didn’t believe me and said he was going
out with some friends.

After he left I sat on the sofa wanting to talk to


And I knew there was only one person I

wanted to talk to.

But I couldn’t talk to him because he was the

reason I was sad.

I was so confused.

I love Zack.

But I think I might love Sam too.

I can’t love Sam.

I mustn’t love Sam.

I can’t.

But I do.

Oh god what have I done I’ve fallen in love

with two guys.
Chapter 10

I now completely avoid Sam.

I have caller ID so I know when he’s calling, so

I don’t have to answer.

I know I’m being a bitch about all this, but it’s

the only way to stop me thinking about him.

I’ve been able to stop thinking of him for a

month or 2 now but now he’s popped back into
my mind.

The reason for this is because Zack has been

acting very strangely lately but I don’t know

He doesn’t want to have sex with me

anymore- which is very strange for him- he
doesn’t touch me as much and he’s always
back home late.

I’m very worried that he may be cheating.

I tried to tell Chloe about it but whenever the

name ‘Zack’ came up she changed the subject
straight away. She obviously didn’t like talking
about my boyfriend; hmm maybe she doesn’t
like him.

So I had to think of something on my own.

So I decided to buy the sexiest clothes and

when ever he comes home I would lie on our
bed with them on, and he just can’t resist.

I’ve been doing that for a while.

But he has made no changes.

I tell him everyday “I love you.”

He just says “As do I” and he’d pat my hand.

That’s all he ever does ‘pats my hand’.

Nothing else no more kisses no my hugs

nothing just a ‘pat on the hand’.

Even in bed when I tried to snuggle with him,

he’d move to the far side of the bed.

I felt so bad, I felt like he didn’t love me

anymore but I knew that wasn’t true.

If he didn’t love me he wouldn’t still be with


There was just one person I wanted to talk to

about this.


But I knew if I spoke to him about all this, my

feelings for him would come back.

And I couldn’t stand being stuck between them


But I knew if I didn’t talk to someone I would

just die inside.

“Hello” said an angelic voice.

“Um hi Sam” I said.

“Oh hi Lizzie” he said.

“Can I talk to you?” I said my voice trembling.

“Yeah sure what’s wrong?” he sounded

extremely worried.

I told him all about how I thought Zack was

cheating, and how bad it made me feel and
how depressed I was feeling.

“Well what I think you should do is confront

him, or follow him when he goes out” he said
once I had finished talking.

“Maybe but I kind of don’t want to find out

because if he is cheating I’d feel like dead
inside” I said quietly.

“Well let me just say if he is cheating. I’ll beat

the shit out of him” he said angrily.

I was glad he was comforting me.

We were silent for a moment.

“Sam?” I said.

“Yeah” he replied.

“Could come over my place I need company

and someone to talk to” I asked quietly.

“Yeah sure, I’ll be over soon” he said.

I gave him my address.

And then he hung up.

I know I was being stupid by letting him come


But I needed someone to talk to and he’s my

best friend.

I waited.

It felt like time was going slow just to piss me


Then finally.

Ding dong. (Yes we finally got a doorbell).

I opened the door and just as I expected Sam

was there smiling his amazing smile.
His smile made me catch my breath.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

“Yeah sorry come in” I said embarrassed.

He walked in and said “nice place I should

have come over sooner.”

I just smiled along.

He went and sat down on the couch and I sat

next to him.

We sat in silence for a while.

“So do you want to talk about the Zack thing?”

he said “or do you want to just hang out?”

“Just hang out, like we used to” I said.

“Okay then” and with that he banged his

shoulder into me.

“What was that for?” I said.

“That’s what we always use to do” he said

“bang into each other.”
And with that we started laughing.

I forgot how much fun we had together.

We laughed and joked for ages.

We laughed so much that we had tears in our


Chapter 11

Sam and I hung out a lot after that.

When ever Zack is out Sam comes over and

we have a laugh.

We play tricks on the neighbors.

We would go out shopping.

We would go bowling.

And many other things.

I loved being with Sam, more than I should.

I’ve been trying to get into my head that we’ll

never be.

But whenever I see his face.

I forget it all.

One day we were messing about in my house.

We were sitting on the sofa laughing.

Then the joking finished when Sam said “I

know this will ruin our fun but I just need to
know” he sighed “Does he make you happy?”

I sat there silently.

To be honest I didn’t know the answer to the


But I knew that I couldn’t love Sam so I had to


“No he doesn’t” I said.

WHAT! I didn’t mean to say that I was

supposed to lie.
It’s all Sam’s fault when ever he’s near me I
can’t lie to him.

Even when I need to.

He had lost his smile.

“Why aren’t you happy with him?” he asked.

“I am and I’m not but I can’t say why” I replied


“Please you can trust me” he said. He took my

hand in his, and made circular motions with his
thumbs on them - trying to soothe me like he
did in the past.

It was so pleasurable the warmth of his hand

on mine.

It made me go all fuzzy and soft inside.

“Trust me” he said again.

I stared into his eyes.

His gorgeous brown eyes.

The eyes that make me tell the truth.

“Because I’m stuck between two guys” I said
so quietly that I wasn’t sure he could hear me.

But he did.

And I only knew that because he wrapped his

arms around me and held me close to him
whilst saying “it’s okay.”

I hadn’t realized that I’d started crying.

I could feel my tears slowly fall off my face.

I quickly wiped my eyes to rid all evidence that

I had been crying.

“Do you want to tell me when this started?” he

said “or do you want me to but out?”

“I’ll tell you” I said.

And I told him how I had fallen in love with

another person ( him) a while ago, but how I
avoided them to stop myself from being in love
with them.

“Why did you ignore him?” Sam said.

“Because I didn’t want to love him, or maybe I
do I don’t know anymore” I said as my voice

He lifted up my chin to his face so I could look

at him.

“Do you want to tell me who the guy is?” he


His eyes stared straight into mine.

I couldn’t speak. All I could nod.

He waited.

I stared into his eyes, his beautiful eyes.

I then looked at our hands my hand in his.

Then I looked at his eyes again.

That was when I did something stupid.

I leaned into him.

Still watching his eyes.

And I kissed him.

The kiss lasted a while; I wrapped my arms
around him, pulling him closer to me. And he
wrapped his arms round my waist, kissing me
back, so very softly.

I then realized what was happening.

I pulled back and jumped of the sofa away

from him.

“Lizzie…I’m sorry… I should have stopped

you” he said.

“Why are you apologizing it’s my fault” I said.

“it is my fault I shouldn’t have kissed you back”

he sighed “Liz-Liz I know this is hurting you but
can I just say something” he didn’t give me a
chance to answer “I love I’ve loved you ever
since I met you, but I see this hurts you so I’ll
leave you alone.”

And with that he got up and left.

I heard the slam of the door.

I sunk to the floor and cried.

I’ve never cried so much in my life.

Chapter 12

When Zack had got home I had freshened

myself up to make sure that all the evidence of
me crying had vanished.

As usual I asked “Where’ve you been today?”

And as always he answered “Just with some


And then he’d head upstairs to bed.

This routine has been going on so long that
now I know every move he makes.

And now Zack never touches he just gives me

a smile and a nod.

That’s all a smile and a nod I’m his girlfriend

for crying out loud.

He never asks how I am he hardly ever talks

to me.

To be honest the way he’s treating me is the

way he treated Amy before he…..broke……

No, no, no. He can’t break up with me.

I said out loud “Calm down Lizzie your

imagining things”

Or was I? I thought to myself

Now I have know one to talk to about it.

I love them both.


But who do I love the most? I have know idea.

I wish I had someone to talk to.

I can’t talk to Zack because he won’t talk to


I can’t talk to Sam because he wants me to be

happy and not in pain. And he thinks that he’s
why I’m in pain.

I’m so confused.

I have to think of away to decide who I love


Sam: he’s always been there for me, he’s

always loved me, he keeps coming back even
though I’ve hurt him so much and he’s so kind
to me.

Zack: I’ve always loved him, he loves me (I

think) he’s dating me and he was so kind to

There’s just one thing I have to decide.

Who do I love the most?

Zack or Sam.

Sam or Zack.

I do not know the answer.

Now I’ll leave it to my heart.

I wait for a sign that will show but nothing


I speak out loud saying “Any day now heart”

then I sighed.

Great my heart is undecided.

Since I have loved him longer I will stay with


But I still need to hear Sam’s voice.

It’s the only thing that keeps me strong.

Oh my god! I sound so sad.


Beep ‘hi it’s Sam, well it’s not actually it’s the
answering machine. Anyway, just tell me who
you are and I’ll get back to you’ beep.

“Um hi Sam it’s me Lizzie, um call me. Bye”

I hung up.

I kept ringing waiting for him to answer.

I was ringing him till about midnight then I

gave up.



“Hello” I said tiredly.

“Hey Liz-Liz, it’s your Sammy boo” he laughed.

I woke up immediately.

And took the phone out the room so Zack

wouldn’t hear.

“Hey Sammy boo” I whispered.

“So um” Sam said

“I’m sorry” I said quietly.

“Its okay” he said “And may I say that was a
hell of a kiss” he laughed gently to lighten the

“You’re not a bad kisser yourself” I laughed


We were silent for a while.

“I’m still sorry” I said “I shouldn’t have done it.”

“It’s okay” he said.

“I know this will hurt you but” I sighed but

continued “I do love you, but I can’t be with
you. I’m very sorry. But I still want to be your
best friend”

“Cool, I want you to be my best friend too” he

said sadly “and I’ll always love you”

I sighed “I know. Gosh we sound like Bella and

Jacob from the Twilight series” we both

I heard movement in the bedroom.

“Got to go Zack’s waking up bye” I said.

“Okay bye” he said.

I hung up.

Zack came out the room and looked at me

with a confused look, shrugged and went back
to bed.

I felt so sad he didn’t even care that I had

tears in my eyes.

He just shrugged it off and went back to bed.

Chapter 13

I’ve been hanging out with Sam again; we’ve

tried to make sure we don’t have to much
physical contact. – but we still hold hands.

Most of the time we just joke around like what

we did before.

Then one day Zack walked in while we were


“What the fuck is going on here?” he bellowed.

“Zack calm down were just talking” I was so
mad that I said something I shouldn’t of “which
is more than you do, you’ve been ignoring me
for the past two months now!”

I saw the shock on his face.

“Oh Lizzie I’m so sorry” Zack said “I didn’t

mean to be ignoring you, my parents are just
doing my head in I didn’t mean to take it out on
you” he gave me a hug.

I felt like I had my old Zack back but then I

smelt something on his shirt.

I didn’t say anything.

“Sorry Lizzie I got to go out now” Zack said

“I’m working more hours” he waved goodbye
and left.

I smiled to myself, thanking god that Zack was

back to normal.

“Bullshit” I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw, Sam with his arms

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“That’s the excuse every guy uses when

their….” He wouldn’t continue.

“When their, what? Sam tell me” I asked.

“I don’t want to hurt you” he whispered.

“You’ll hurt me if you don’t say” I said


He sighed “It’s the excuse guys use when their

cheating” he said so sadly.

He stared into my eyes.

I saw how sorry he felt for me.

It took me awhile for it to sink in.

“No, no, no he can’t NO you’re lying” I cried.

Sam came and gave me a hug to comfort me

and he kissed the top of my head.

“I guess I knew. I smelt women’s perfume on

him, it’s not the perfume I use though” I said
as I hugged myself tighter to Sam.
I was so mad at Zack, and Sam was here if I
just looked up.

I did so.

And I kissed him.

Well I more than kissed I wrapped my arms

around him and pulled him closer to me.

Breathing out short pleasured breaths.

I thought he’d be happy.

But he pushed me away.

“Lizzie. No” he said sternly.

“Why?” I said quietly.

“You don’t even know if he’s cheating, I could

have been wrong” he said shrugging.

“There’s only one way to find out” I said.

He looked confused.

“I’m going to follow him” I pronounced.

“What! Why are you going to follow him?” Sam


“To se if he is cheating” I said “I’m going to

follow him tomorrow.”

“Like I said I was probably wrong” he said.

“I know but I just want to be sure” I said


“Liz-Liz I’m sorry, I told you that you didn’t

want to know” he said.

“Maybe your right, Sammy boo” I sighed “I

won’t follow him”

“I’m sorry I got you all worried” Sam said


“It’s okay” I said.

We stood there for a moment me in Sam’s

arms and him in mine.

“Um I better go” Sam said.

Releasing himself from my arms.

“Can you stay please?” I begged.

He smiled sadly “Sorry I’ve got to get home,
I’ve got a new place, here’s my address” he
handed me a piece of paper “you should come
and visit sometime” he kissed my forehead
and left.

I felt like part of my heart had gone with him, I

felt so dead inside.

Oh for crying out loud I’ve completely in love

with Sam.

But I also love Zack.

What to do, what to do.

I love them both so much.

Oh god why did I have to go and fall in love

with Sam.

Why couldn’t I just be in love with Zack?

I knew Sam told me not to do it but I needed to

know that I was with the right person.

I was going to follow Zack.

I need to get some answers.

So tonight when Zack heads out again tonight,
I’m going to follow him.

When he left I watched from the window to

make sure he was far enough away for me to

I followed him. I was still following him but then

some how I lost him.

I don’t know how I lost him. He just turned a

corner and disappeared.

I tried again the next night but the same thing


The same turn the same disappearance.

I’d been following him for a week now and the

same thing happened every time.

So I gave up.

I just gave up; to be honest I couldn’t be


So I gave up in life I didn’t see Sam anymore

and I wouldn’t talk to Zack.

I wouldn’t talk to anyone.

I felt rotten.

I was in love with two guys.

One loved me but wouldn’t be with me

because he thought he was hurting me.

And the other may be cheating or just doesn’t

love me anymore.

But I love them both so much.

I knew I had to find the truth about Zack so I

decided to follow him once again.

It was a rainy night, since it was April.

I wrapped myself up warmly and followed Zack

out the house.

He went the same way as usual and as usual

he disappeared, but this time instead of
heading home I went down the street.

I looked for places were he could have

disappeared into. But I found nothing.

I tried again the next day but once again.

I decided to try one last time.

And to be honest I wish I hadn’t gone.

I followed him as usual and it was a cold night


I went out in my jeans and long shirt with my

thick coat and ugg boats on.

I followed him out again.

And once again he disappeared.

I decided that instead of going home I would

look down the street. So I did.

I was about to give up when I heard


“Why are we down here?” said a female voice.

“Shhh I don’t want anyone to know were down

here” a man said quietly and pleasurably.

“But why do I have…..” the woman started to


“Because I don’t want anyone to disturb us”

the man said “And so I can do this in private.

I heard a squeal of pleasure.

I followed the noise down to an ally way.

That’s when I saw them.

Chapter 14

I saw Zack and my friend Chloe.

Now I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

But I wasn’t having a nightmare it was true.

I saw Zack and Chloe snogging.

I couldn’t believe Zack was cheating on me

with my so called friend Chloe.
He had her pushed up against the wall, in the
same position he once had me in.

She had her arms wrapped around his neck

pulling him closer to her.

And had her legs wrapped tightly around his

waist so their bodies were one.

I was so mad.

She was suppose to be my friend, I trusted her

with all my secrets.

Next to Sam she was my best friend.

She knew how much I loved Zack and still she

cheats with him.

I couldn’t believe it; it felt like the world was

exploding in front of me.

Like my whole life was worth nothing.

I felt so dead inside.

I knew I had to let Zack know he’d been


“Zack” I yelled.
He turned round and his face dropped when
he saw me.

“Oh shit” he said.

He put Chloe down and zipped up his


“Yeah it is, how can you do this to me Zack,

and Chloe how could you do this to me I
thought you were my friend, how could you
cheat with him” I yelled.

“Cheat?” she said confused.

“Yeah it’s that thing you’re doing with my

boyfriend” I yelled.

“I...I...didn’t….” she whimpered.

I cut her off by yelling back.

“Save it, I can’t believe you, you knew how

much I loved him” I bellowed at her. I turned to
Zack “And so you know Zack we are sooo

I was about to run off crying but I thought I

better torture him.
“Zack before I go I want you to know, I never
loved you as much as I love this other guy” I
said “you’ve just done me a big favour, so
thanks for that. You did something right for
once in your sad, pathetic life”

And I just wanted to hurt Chloe as well.

“Oh yeah say goodbye to your secrets being

secrets bitch” I yelled.

I got a good look of their faces of.

His was so jealous that I loved someone more

than him.

And hers was so sad; she looked like she

didn’t even know what had happened.

And then I ran off crying.

I wasn’t crying because I was sad I was crying

because I was happy.

To be honest at that point in time I had know

idea where I was running too.

My legs were just running somewhere. And I

just let them take me.
And I just kept running until I got their.

Along the way I realised I had chosen the

wrong person.

I realised that the one that I truly loved had

always been there.

I just never noticed.

I stopped running.

I slowed into a walk and then stopped

completely. I put my hand in my pocket to get
a tissue.

“What’s this?” I said to myself.

I pulled out a piece of paper from my left

pocket and read it.

That’s when I knew where to go.

Chapter 15

Knock, knock, and knock.

“Hi” said a voice “What are you doing here?”

“Zack’s cheating on me” I cried.

“Oh Lizzie I’m sorry” said the voice.

“So I ended it with him, and I wanted to come

see you” I said.

“I’m sorry you must be so upset” the voice said


“No. Actually I’m thrilled” I said.

“Why?” said the voice sounding confused.

“Sam, do you remember before on the phone”

I said.

“Yes you said you…loved…me” Sam said. And

then he smiled “And you said we were like
Bella and Jacob”

“And I do. You are the one I love. Who I’ve

always loved. I just didn’t know it then. I’ve
thought of you every day. And I know you may
not love me anymore, but will you give me a
second chance” I whispered.

I looked into his eyes. Searching for an


“Don’t you remember what I said?” I looked at

him confused “I said that I will always love you.
But are you sure you want this? Are you sure
I’m the one you really love?” he asked.

“I’m sure. You are my soul mate” I said with a


And he smiled back “As you are mine”

I reached out to hold his hands. And he took


“You are not my Jacob” his smile faltered “For

you are my Edward” I smiled and he smiled
once again.

I moved closer to him. I removed one of my

hands so I could stroke his cheek.

I then put my hand back in his.

There was a small distance between us, which

I soon evaporated. I looked up into his eyes
and he looked into mine. I lifted my arms up to
wrap them around his neck. And he moved his
hands to my waist. I lifted my face towards his
and he moved his down to mine. Then our lips
made contact. This kiss was so delicate. It was
as easy as breathing. He pulled me into his
house and I closed the door behind me. Our
kiss became very passionate. He was careful,
he was so careful. I liked that. It was like I was
a flower, and he was my own personal sun.

We pulled away for a few seconds. He took

my hand and led me upstairs. The next kiss
was just as amazing as the first. He pulled
away for a second and caressed my face and
asked “Are you sure?” and I knew the answer
straight away “Yes, I’m sure about you” I
stared into his eyes and smiled. He smiled

I pulled him slowly back to my lips. As we

kissed, we slowly rid each other of our clothes.
Every kiss, every touch was all pure love.
That’s how I knew he was the one.

That night we loved passionately and it was

the best night of my life; I knew I had found my
real one true love.

Every few seconds we would say ‘I love you’

and we both knew it was the truth.

Sam told me how he would promise to never

hurt me and how he would love me forever

And I knew it was the truth.

I have never known love like this.

I know many couples will say this. But for me it

is true. With me and Sam it will be love
Chapter 16

Sam and I have been together a long time

now; Zack is now alone since every girl now
knows that he cheats.

Me and Chloe are friends again, it turns out

Zack had told her that me and him had broken
up. I apologised for yelling at her, and she
apologised for cheating with Zack.

2 years later.

I graduated from university and I’m now a

published writer. This is to be my first book.

It is to show teenage girls that love is a

strange thing that you can never control.

It can be amazing or it can be painful.

And it shows how if you follow your heart you’ll

find the one for you.
4 years later
Sam proposed to me, - can you believe it - he
said he loved me more than anything, and that
he wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt me,
and how he would love me forever more. His
exact words where “I love you as much as the
stars, I’ll care for you like theirs nothing more
special, I’ll kiss you like theirs no tomorrow.
You are my Liz-Liz and I hope forever you will
be mine. So will you marry me your Sammy
boo” he said with a smile.

And guess what.

I said yes.

And that’s when I knew that with Sam it would

always be love forever.

I guess I always new in my heart that Zack

would never be the one for me.

I’m glad I realised that before I made the worst

mistake of my life.

Zack is defiantly on the love never card.

Now I know that Sam is my one true love. I
know we’ll be together forever and our love will
always last forever. With me and Sam it will
always be love forever.

(Not a true story, but based on real life

This story has been written for people

who have difficulty with love and
hopefully it will help you see that, the
person you truly love and truly loves you
is never far away.

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