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International Journal of Obesity (1999) 23, Suppl 2, S2S11

1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 03070565/99 $12.00

Risks and consequences of childhood and

adolescent obesity
A Must1* and RS Strauss2

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02111,
USA; and 2Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, UMDNJ, New Jersey's University of the
Health Sciences, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, One Robert Wood Johnson Place CN19, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0019, USA

This report reviews the risks and consequences associated with childhood and adolescent obesity. Although no
consensus denition of childhood obesity exists, the various measures encountered in the literature are moderately
well correlated. The paper is organized in three parts. The rst section reviews childhood obesity sequelae that occur
during childhood. These short-term risks, for orthopedic, neurological, pulmonary, gasteroenterological, and endocrine conditions, although largely limited to severely overweight children, are becoming more common as the
prevalence of severe overweight rises. The social burden of pediatric obesity, especially during middle childhood and
adolescence, may have lasting effects on self-esteem, body image and economic mobility. The second section
examines the intermediate consequences, such as the development of cardiovascular risk factors and persistence of
obesity into adulthood. These mid-range effects of early obesity presage later adult disease and premature mortality.
In the nal section, the small body of research on the long-term morbidity and mortality associated with childhood
obesity is reviewed. These studies suggest that risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality is elevated
among those who were overweight during childhood. The high prevalence and dramatic secular trend toward
increasing childhood obesity suggest that without aggressive approaches to prevention and treatment, the attendant
health and social consequences will be both substantial and long-lasting.
Keywords: childhood obesity; adolescent obesity; risk factors; persistence; morbidity

With the recently documented increases in prevalence, pediatric obesity now represents one of the
most pressing nutritional problems facing children in
the United States today.1 International population
studies report comparable rates of increase, so that if
current trends remain unchecked, childhood obesity is
likely to challenge worldwide public health.2 Substantial consequences to physical and mental health,
both short and long term, must be anticipated. In this
paper we review the many health consequences of
pediatric obesity. Organized by time frame, we will
consider 1) immediate physical and social sequelae
associated with pediatric obesity, 2) intermediate
consequences, including cardiovascular risk factor
levels and persistence of childhood obesity into adulthood, and 3) long term consequences of pediatric
Unfortunately, there is no uniform denition of
childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has been variously described by absolute weight, triceps skinfolds,
weight-for-height percentiles, percent of ideal body
weight and, most recently, by body mass index

*Correspondence: Dr Aviva Must, Department of Family

Medicine and Community Health, Tufts University School of
Medicine, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02111, USA.

(BMI weight in kg=height in meters2). Although

these measures reect slightly different aspects of
body composition or body size, they are moderately
well correlated with body fat, even in growing children.3 In addition to the lack of consistency in the
anthropometric measure, the degree of obesity varies
from study to study; however, for the majority of
studies, a BMI greater than either the 85th or 95th
percentile, or a weight-for-height greater than 120%
of ideal was considered obese.

Immediate consequences
Although for most children, complications of childhood obesity do not become apparent for decades, the
metabolic consequences of obesity may be already
evident in young children. Even a young child, if
severely obese, can suffer serious morbidity. Prior to
adulthood, the obese child may develop gallstones,
hepatitis, sleep apnea and increased intracranial pressure. In fact, there are few organ systems that obesity
does not affect in childhood. Of equal concern are the
teasing, discrimination and vitimization of obese children.
Many of the studies reviewed below are based on
samples drawn from pediatric specialty clinics. These
children may be more likely to have health problems
than overweight children who are not attending these
clinics. Therefore, the risk estimates reported may not

Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss

reect the risk that one would observe with a population-based approach. In addition, many of the studies
are small, with risk estimates based on a relatively
small number of cases. Nonetheless, collectively,
these studies indicate a substantial burden of disease
associated with early obesity.

The presence of unfused growth plates and softer,

cartilagenous bones of children, contributes to the
occurrence of orthopedic abnormalities in obese children. Permanent damage to the femoral head may
occur when dislocation occurs at the femoral growth
plate. The incidence of slipped capital epiphyses is
approximately 3.4 per 100 000 children.4 Between
50% and 70% of patients with slipped capital epiphyses are obese,5,6 and approximately two-thirds of
patients with bilateral slipped capital epiphyses are
obese.7 Furthermore, slipped capital ephiphyses occur
at signicantly younger ages among obese children
than among non-obese children.7 Blount's disease
(tibia vara) involves bowing of the legs and tibial
tortion in response to unequal or early excess weight
bearing. It is often progressive and recurrent requiring
multiple osteotomies. Severe infantile Blount's disease appears associated with obesity in children.
Approximately 80% of the children reported by
Dietz et al8 with Blout's disease were obese.

Idiopathic increased intracranial hypertension (for

example, pseudotumor cerebri) usually presents with
headaches, vomiting, blurred vision or diploplia. It has
been postulated that increased intra-abdominal pressure, due to obesity, causes increased pleural pressure
and cardiac lling pressure which, in turn, results in
increased resistance to venous return from the brain.9
Pseudotumor cerebri most often occurs in females in
the third decade. However, a review of 57 patients
with pseudotumor revealed that approximately 15%
presented before the age of 20 y, and approximately
90% of patients were obese.10 Epidemiological studies
indicate a 14-fold increase in the presence of pseudotumor cerebri in patients with weights > 10% above
the ideal, and a 20-fold increase in prevalence in
people with weights 20% greater than ideal.11 Conversely, obesity occurs in 30 80% of children with
pseudotumor, and it also accounts for the vast majority of cases not associated with infection, medication
or underlying disease.12

Among enrollees in a hospital-based weight control

program, approximately 30% of the obese children
suffered from asthma.13 However, other studies suggest that the relationship between obesity and asthma
is much weaker.14 In one study of both obese and nonobese children > 80% of obese children had a
decrease of at least 15% in performance with exercise

on one of the standard pulmonary function tests,

compared to only 40% of the non-obese children.15
Increased bronchial hyperactivity may contribute to
both higher rates of reactive airway disease and
decreased exercise tolerance in obese children.
Sleep disorders represent another pulmonary consequence of childhood obesity. A study of 41 children
with severe obesity revealed that one-third of patients
reported symptoms consistent with sleep apnea, and
approximately one-third of patients had abnormal
sleep studies. Two patients (5%) had evidence of
severe sleep apnea.16 Similar ndings have been
reported by Marcus et al.17 In contrast, Silvesti et
al18 reported abnormal sleep patterns for 94% of the
obese children they studied. Children whose weight
was > 200% above the ideal, had severely abnormal
sleep patterns; oxygen saturation was < 90% for
approximately half of the total sleep time and 40%
of the severely obese children demonstrated central
hypoventilation. Of particular concern, are preliminary results reported by Rhodes et al,19 which indicates
that obese children with obstructive sleep apnea,
demonstrate clinically signicant decrements in learning and memory function compared to obese children
without obstructive sleep apnea.
The Pickwickian syndrome refers to severe obesity
associated with hypoventilation, somnolence, polycythemia and right ventricular hypertrophy and failure. Large amounts of abdominal fat leads to a rapid,
shallow breathing pattern with subsequent increase in
dead space ventilation. Central hypoventilation and
obstruction from a lax laryngeal wall during sleep also
result in severe hypercarbia and hypoxia. The prevalence of the Pickwickian syndrome in children is
unknown; however, the obesity-hypoventilation syndrome is associated with pulmonary embolism and
sudden death in children.20

In obese individuals, biliary excretion of cholesterol is

increased, relative to bile acid and phospholipid secretion, resulting in increased likelihood of gallstone
formation.21 The development of gallstones and lithogenic bile has been studied prospectively in female
Pima Indians living in the southwestern US, a population with almost uniform obesity. After the age of
13 y, bile becomes supersaturated with cholesterol,
particularly in females.22 The prevalence of gallstones
in this population rises sharply beginning at the age of
17 y to approximately 70% at the age of 30 y.23 In
adult women, obesity is associated with a two-fold
risk of symptomatic and asymptomatic gallstones.24 In
children, underlying medical conditions such as
hemolytic disease, congenital heart disease, or prolonged nutritional support are most often associated
with cholelithiasis. Nonetheless, obesity accounts for
8 33% of the gallstones observed in children.25,26
Furthermore, childhood obesity accounts for the
majority of gallstones in children without underlying


Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss


medical conditions. Honore27 has estimated that the

relative risk of gallstones in adolescent girls with
obesity (weight > 110% of the ideal) compared to
those of normal weight, has been estimated at
approximately 4.2.
Increased rates of lipolysis in obese individuals, as
well as insulin resistance, combine to lead to liver
steatosis.28 Between 20 25% of obese children
demonstrate evidence of steatohepatitis, based on
either ultrasound or on increased transaminases.29 31
Between 40 50% of children with severe obesity
show laboratory evidence of steatohepatitis.32 In the
most severe cases, steatohepatitis in children is associated with liver brosis and cirrhosis.30,32 Degree of
obesity, duration and male gender are associated with
the progression of fatty liver to brosis.30,33

Childhood obesity is associated with insulin resistance

and hyperandrogenemia, particularly among adolescent females.33 However, signicant insulin resistance
has been noted in children aged < 10 y. Euglycemic
clamp studies indicate a 20 45% reduction of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in prepubertal overweight children.34 Insulin resistance is associated
with higher levels of total cholesterol, low density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides in
obese children.35 37 The development of severe insulin resistance is also associated with the increased
prevalence of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) in obese children. In the Bogalusa Heart
Study38 population, 2.4% of the overweight adolescents (BMI > 75th percentile) developed NIDDM by
the age of 30 y compared to none of the lean adolescents. In the greater Cincinnati area, the prevalence of
NIDDM among children increased 10-fold between
1982 and 1994 (from 0.7=100 000 to 7.2=100 000);
with black youth experiencing a disproportionate
number of cases.39 In this study, one-third (19 of
58) of new diabetics in 1994 between the ages of
10 19 y had NIDDM. Furthermore, over 90% of new
patients with NIDDM had a BMI > the 90th percentile, and approximately 40% had a BMI > 40 kg=m2
(severe obesity). Symptoms at the time of diagnosis
only rarely (20%) included the classic triad of polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss. Instead, the majority
of patients were either asymptomatic or presented
with unrelated symptoms such as vaginal monilial
Menstrual abnormalities in obese children are also
common. One hypothesis suggests that the levels of
body weight and fatness are the critical physiologic
triggers of menarche.40 And in fact, obese girls are
observed to experience earlier menarche, typically
before the age of 10 y.41 Late or absent menstruation
is also associated with obesity. Oligomnorrhea or
amenorrhea associated with obesity, insulin resistance,
hirsuitism, acne and acanthosis nigricans constitutes
the `polycystic ovary syndrome.' Approximately

40 60% of adult women with polysystic ovary syndrome are overweight or obese.42 44 The prevalence
of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents is
unknown, probably because children rarely have the
characteristic laparoscopic or ultrasonic ovarian morphology and because altered menstrual patterns or late
menstruation may go unrecognized. However, hormonal patterns typical of polycystic ovary syndrome are
increasingly described in obese children.33,45

Social and economic consequences of childhood obesity

Few problems in childhood may have as signicant an

impact on childhood emotional development as obesity. Studies of children as young as six years of age
suggest that overweight individuals are most likely to
be described as lazy, lying, cheating, sloppy, dirty,
ugly and stupid.46,47 Landmark studies conducted in
the 1960s also demonstrate that obese children are
uniformly ranked by other children as the least desired
friends.48 A study reported 30 years ago, found that
even physicians describe obese individuals as weak
willed, ugly and awkward.49
Middle childhood is a critical period for the development of body image and self-esteem. Monello and
Mayer50 have observed that obese girls often have
obsessive concern with body image as well as expectation of rejection and progressive withdrawal. Studies
by Stunkard et al 51 suggest that women who became
obese as children are likely to have persistent severe
disturbances in body image. In contrast, adult women
who became obese as adults demonstrate only minimal alterations in body image.
Although some obese children appear to have low
self-esteem, the actual prevalence of this problem is
controversial. Studies by Allon,52 Sallade53 and
Strauss et al,54 indicate decreased levels of selfesteem in obese children as a group. However, other
studies report normal levels of self-esteem.55,56 Differences in age, race and socioeconomic status (SES)
of the subjects studied, may account for the discrepant
ndings. For instance, low self-esteem in childhood is
not a characteristic of obese minorities.57 In the only
longitudinal study of self-esteem among obese children, Klesges et al58 demonstrated that over a twoyear period, self-esteem decreased as body fat
`Fear of fatness' has become a common condition
that affects both normal weight and overweight girls.
Girls as young as 5 y express fear of gaining weight.59
Nearly 70% of adolescent girls have attempted to lose
weight60 and up to 50% of third grade girls have
already attempted dieting.61,62 A study of 270 adolescents showed that almost half of the girls believed
they were too fat, when in fact, 83% of those who
thought they were too fat were of normal weight-forheight.63 A recent study has found that dieting and
weight concerns are inuenced more by body frame
and body structure than the degree of fatness.64

Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss

Fear of fatness among adolescent girls can also be

associated with growth failure and delayed puberty
resulting from severe caloric restriction.65 A prospective study of London schoolchildren, indicates that
dieters are eight times more likely to develop an
eating disorder than non-dieter.66 Data from the
Oxford Community Study, indicate that 40% of bulimic adults had a history of childhood obesith in
comparison to 15% of the normal controls.67 Of
substantial concern, is the nding that approximately
20% of girls report smoking as means of controlling
their weight.68
Finally, Goldblatt et al 69 have documented that
obese women are twice as likely to experience downward social and economic mobility as upward mobilit.
Discrimination against overweight adolescents, as
well as low self-esteem and low condence, may
contribute to the lower academic achievement
observed among obese adolescents. Uncontrolled studies have also documented lower rates of high school
performance in overweight adolescents.70 In addition,
overweight adolescents have approximately one-half
of college acceptance rates to elite universities as
normal weight adolescents with similar achievement
scores.71 Gortmaker et al72 analyzed data from the
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth of 10 039
nationally representative adolescents and young
adults (age 16 24 y) who were prospectively followed over a seven year period. Women who were
initially overweight ( > 95th percentile BMI) completed 0.3 y less schooling, had lower household
incomes ($6710 less annually), and had higher rates
poverty (10% higher) as those who were initially of
normal weight. Similar ndings were observed among
males, but the impact of overweight was smaller.
These differentials remained after adjusting for baseline family income, education, ethinicity and selfesteem.

Intermediate consequences
In the following section, we review the evidence for
the association of childhood obesity with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor levels and with
persistence into adulthood. CVD risk factor levels
are considered mid-term consequences, because they
do not represent morbidity per se, but rather the
increased likelihood of the development of CVD.
Similarly, the association of childhood obesity with
adult obesity, foretells an increased likelihood of
obesity-related morbidity in adulthood.
Cardiovascular disease risk factors

Approximately 20 30% of obese children (weight

> 120% ideal) between the ages of 5 11 y have
elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure.73 Prospective data from the Muscatine Study75 show that

obese boys and obese girls (BMI > 90th percentile)

are 9 10-fold more likely to develop high blood
pressure as young adults than non-obese children.
Similarly, data from the Bogalusa Heart Study76
indicate that overweight adolescents (BMI > 75th
percentile) are 8.5-fold more likely to have hypertension as adults than lean adolescents. In addition,
hypertensive children who continue to have high
blood pressure into adulthood are more likely to
have greater body weight, BMI, skinfold thickness
and substantially greater waist and hip circumferences.77 Hanis et al 78 demonstrated that familial
aggregation of hypertension can largely be explained
by the similarities in body weight between family
members. The mechanism by which obesity contributes to hypertension appears to be via hyperinsulinaemia, activation of the sympathetic nervous system
and activation of the renin-angiotension system. All of
these metabolic responses result in enhanced renal
absorption of sodium and decreased natriuresis.79
Therefore, blood pressure in obese adolescents
appears to be particularly sensitive to sodium intake.
When both obese and non-obese adolescents were
shifted from a high salt to a low salt diet, a signicantly larger decreased in blood pressure was
observed among obese (mean:712 1 mm Hg) compared to a non-signicant change among non-obese
(mean: 1  2 mm Hg) adolescents.80
Adolescent obesity, particularly in males, is associated with deleterious effects upon total cholesterol
and LDL-cholesterol in adulthood.81 The association
of high cholesterol and abnormal lipoprotein levels,
with the degree of childhood obesity, is consistently
stronger among males.82,83 Longitudinal follow-up of
1598 children adtged 12 y reveals that increased
triceps skinfold thickness during adolescence, was
highly correlated with increased levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, and signicantly decreased
concentrations of serum high density lipoprotein
(HDL).84 In the Bogalusa Heart Study, overweight
during adolescence (BMI > 75th percentile) was associated with a 2.4-fold increase in the prevalence of
total cholesterol values above 240 mg=dl, a 3-fold
increase in LDL values above 160 mg=dl, and an 8fold increase in HDL levels below 35 mg=dl in adults
aged 27 31 y.38


The persistance of obesity present in childhood or

adolescence into adulthood represents another signicant consequence of early obesity, inasmuch as adult
obesity is an established independent risk factor for
CVD, NIDDM, hyperlipidaemia, gall bladder disease,
osteoarthritis and certain cancers.85 Persistance has
been consistently demonstrated in all populations in
which it has been studied.86 92 These studies indicate
that the likelihood of persistance is related both to
severity of obesity and to the age during childhood at


Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss


which it is present. In general, the likelihood of

persistence from childhood to adulthood is moderate.
Viewed from the perspective of childhood, 25 50%
of individuals who are obese in adolescence remain
obese in adulthood.89,91 That means that less than half
of children who were obese during childhood went on
to become obese adults, even though the risk of adult
obesity was 2 11 times higher for obese compared to
non-obese children. From the adult vantage point,
only 17 18% of 33-year old obese adults had been
obese in childhood.92
Although the simple observation that obesity persists from childhood into adulthood is consistent
among the studies referenced, obesity criteria (both
the indicator used and the denition applied) vary, as
do the statistics used to evaluate the degree of persistence. The interpretation and summarization of these
studies is further complicated by the large variability
in the time intervals between the childhood and adult
measurements. Intervals over which persistence is
examined range from 1 16 y for the childhood measures to 18 47 y for the adult measures. In most of
the studies, the interval from childhood to adulthood
is only about 10 y. A prospective study with long
follow-up, found that children aged 18 y who were
 the 95th percentile BMI, were at substantially
increased risk of overweight at the age of 35 y.
Probabilities of adult overweight were estimated at
78% and 66%, respectively, for male and female
Gender differences in the degree of persistence
were apparent in several87,89 but not all88,90,92 of the
larger studies. In studies that found differences by
gender, females evidenced a greater likelihood of
persistence. Using an internally referenced denition
of overweight ( > 130%), a follow-up of the
National Survey of Health and Development (the
British 1946 birth cohort), females who were overweight in adolescence were more likely to have the
condition continue into adulthood than were males.
Among individuals who were obese at the age of
36 y, 11% males and 26% females were obese at
the age of 20 y, and 14% of males and 32% of
females were obese at the age of 14 y. However, in
a report from the later 1958 British birth cohort,
persistence was similar for males and females. Of
obese men and women aged 33 y, 17% and 18%
respectively, had been > 95th percentile BMI at the
age of 7 y.90 Whether this difference in ndings
from the two British cohorts represents a true
difference or results from the differing overweight
criterion applied, can not be determined. Among
181 Harvard Growth Study participants we studied
over 55 years from adolescence to old age, of those
who were overweight as adolescents ( > 75th percentile BMI for at least two years), 46% of females
and 52% of males were overweight at mid-life
(mean age 52 y), and 53% of females and 41% of
males were overweight at mean age 73 y (Must,
unpublished observations).

The later into adolescence overweight persists and

the more severe the obesity, the greater the likelihood
of persistance.87,89,91 The disturbing secular trends
seen in the United States and globally, have important
implications for the likelihood of persistence. The
weight distribution has shifted to the right and is
increasingly right-skewed. Thus, there are not only
more obese children and adolescent, but more very
obese children. This observation suggests that the
likelihood of persistence from childhood into adulthood will increase in the future.

Long-term consequences
The prevalence trends in pediatric overweight have
appropriately focused attention on the associated
long-term consequence to adult morbidity and mortality. The study of remote aftereffects is difcult.
Ideally, such investigation requires longitudinally
measures of adiposity and continues follow-up to
obtain information on incident morbidity and, ultimately, on cause of death. To study any but the most
common outcomes requires large sample sizes. The
expense of such studies, in terms of both time and
personnel, has made the ideal study design prohibitive. Instead this sparse literature is largely characterized by retrospective cohort studies that take
advantage of existing records collected for other
purposes, such as military registration, college physicals, or as part of school-based or national growth
studies. We will consider the long-term consequences
to morbidity and mortality separately.
Adult morbidity

Only three studies have considered the long-term

impact of childhood obesity on adult morbidity.
They seem to indicate that, risk of morbidity is
elevated in relation to overweight in childhood,
although results are far from conclusive. In the next
few decades, with adequate research funding, this
literature may expand substantially, as some of the
large childhood and adolescent cohort studies established in the last two decades reach middle-age.
School-based growth records collected in Washington County, Maryland between 1923 1928 were used
to classify the weight status of boys aged 9 13 y. Of
those traced 42% were examined by county health
departments clinicians after 37 y. Concentrations of
serum cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting blood
sugar, did not differ by childhood weight status.
Morbidity from hypertensive vascular disease and
cardiovascular renal disease, was elevated for males
who became overweight in adulthood, but not in
relation to childhood weight status.93 Unfortunately,
the data were not anlayzed with multivariate
approaches which would permit the evaluation
of the relative importance of weight status during
childhood and adulthood. Additionally, the small pro-

Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss

portion of subjects for whom outcome data were available, may limit the generalizability of these ndings.
Morbid consequences of adolescent overweight
were studied in a second school-based retrospective
study, the Third Harvard Growth Study of 1922
1935.94 To form two weight status groups 508 subjects were selected: those who had been overweight
during adolescence and those who were lean. Medical
histories from interviews conducted among 181 of the
original study participants who survived to the age of
73 y indicated that morbidity was increased for those
who had been overweight during adolescence. Specically, risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis was
elevated for males and females, risk of colon cancer
and gout was elevated for males, and risk of arthritis,
hip fracture and for difculty with activities of daily
living (reective of functional capacity) was elevated
for females. Furthermore, the elevation in the risk of
morbidity in relation to adolescence overweight was
independent of adult weight status. It is noteworthy
that the apparent elevation in risk of diabetes mellitus
in relation to adolescent overweight was accounted for
entirely, by adult weight status.
The impact of extremes of body weight in relation
to female reproductive health was evaluated prospectively in the 1958 British birth cohort study.95
Menarche before the age of 12 y was associated with
mild and severe menstrual problems at the age of 16 y.
Obesity at the age of 7 y and at the age of 23 y was
associated with menstrual problems and gestational
hypertension by the age of 33 y. Obesity at the age of
23 y (but not at the age of 7 y) was also associated
with subfertility. Unfortunately, reproductive health
outcomes were not evaluated in relation to overweight
during adolescence.
Adult mortality

As a measure of disease risk, mortality represents a

useful endpoint for long-term study, because death
certicates provide a practical way to obtain mortality
data on a large number of subjects. However, mortality is an imperfect measure of disease risk for nonfatal diseases or conditions (such as arthritis or reproductive outcomes). Some additional limitations
include cause of death misclassication from ICD
codes96 and regional or temporal variability in disease
classication. Nonetheless, the studies of mortality in
relation to early overweight show a consistent elevation in risk, despite the wide range of populations
studied, both in geography and in the populations
selected for study.
Hoffmans et al 97 examined all-cause and coronary
heart disease mortality among Dutch men followed
for 32 years. Elevated adolescent BMI ( > 25 kg=m2
compared to 19 kg=m2) based on height and weight
recorded at military registration, was associated with a
relative risk 1.5 for all-cause and 2.5 for coronary
heart disease mortality. Cancer mortality was not
related to increased BMI at the age of 18 y. The

study emphasizes the importance of adequate

follow-up: the increased mortality was not evident
until follow-up was of at least 20 years duration.
Paffenbarger's studies of college alumni presented
an opportunity to examine coronary heart disease
mortality among men whose heights and weights
were recorded as part of college physicals. Using an
older height-weight ratio to dene obesity (ponderal
index < 12.9), a relative risk of 1.3 was observed for
coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality. Important
effect modication by age group was evident: the
relative risks were highest (1.7) for the men aged 30
44 y, and dropped to a relative risk of 1.0 (no elevation
in risk) for men aged 55 69 y. Furthermore, the
effects of obesity were also potentiated by elevated
systolic blood pressure and by cigarette smoking.98
As part of a nation-wide screening for tuberculosis
in 1963, the entire population of Norway (except for
two counties) over the age of 15 y were studied and
subsequently their 10-year mortality experience was
observed. Ten-year mortality from all-causes was
elevated for both males and females initially aged
20 24 y.99 Unpublished observations for 15 19 year
olds show an elevation of 10-year mortality for males
with BMI > 27, but not for females (H. Waaler,
personal communication, 1991).
Childhood growth data from the Carnegie (Boyd
Orr) Survey of Diet and Health in Pre-War Britain
(1937 1939) were used to evaluate the relationship
between overweight during childhood (2 14 y) and
subsequent mortality from all causes, CVD, CHD and
stroke among 2399 cohort members.100 This investigation was novel in that the data collected during childhood included several SES measures. The childhood
cohort was young: the median age was 7 y, with fewer
than 9% of subjects aged 13 y or 14 y. The relative risk
for all-cause mortality and for mortality from coronary
heart disease was 1.5 and 2.0, respectively, when male
and female subjects with childhood BMIs between the
25 29th percentile were compared to those with BMIs
greater than the 75th percentile. There was a suggestion of increased risk for CVD, but no evidence of any
elevation in the risk of death from stroke. Remarkably,
the inclusion of measures of SES during childhood had
virtually no effect on the estimates.
Retrospective follow-up of a school-based study of
childhood growth in Washington County, MD conducted between 1933 1945 evaluted prepubertal and
postpubertal overweight in relation to mortality from
all causes.101 The index of obesity used was an
internally derived relative weight z-scores. For children in the top quintile of relative weight compared to
the bottom quintile, the relative risk of mortality was
1.5 for children prepubertally and 1.6 postpubertally.
Results were quite consistent for males and females,
with the exception of postpubertal males, where there
did not appear to be a signicant elevation in risk
associated with overweight. Unfortunately, the degree
of overweight evaluated in this study is unclear, due to
the use of an internally derived z-score.


Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity

A Must and RS Strauss


Growth records from the Third Harvard Growth

Study of 1922 1934 were also used to assess the
impact of adolescent obesity on all-cause and cause
specic mortality.94 The longitudinal data were used
to dene adolescent obesity as BMI in excess of the
75th percentile for at least two years between the ages
of 13 17 y. The elevated mortality risk observed was
limited to males. The relative risk of all-cause mortaility and CHD mortality were 1.8 and 2.3, respectively, for males overweight during adolescence
compared to males who were lean. Examination of
the survival curves suggests that the differences in risk
are due to differential survival during the fth decade
of life. The relative risk of colon cancer and of
atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease were also signicantly elevated, but the estimates are very
unstable. The investigation is unique in its ability to
assess the inuence of adult weight status on these
estimates. Adjustment for all adult BMI on the subset
for which adult values were available did not appreciably change the observed risks. The relative risks of
all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality
remained elevated in relation to adolescent weight
status, even after statistical control for mid-life
weight. Furthermore, accounting for smoking during
adulthood did not alter the relative estimates.
The six studies reviewed, represent the body of
research relating childhood obesity to mortality.
Despite varying denitions of obesity and childhood
ages studied, the results of these studies are remarkably consistent, Furthermore, the ndings emphasize
the importance of adequate length of follow-up. It
appears that all-cause mortaility and CHD mortality
are signicantly elevated in relation to overweight
during childhood. Relative risk estimates of about 1.5
for all-cause mortaility and 2.0 for CHD mortality,
coupled with an increasingly high prevalence of
obesity in the pediatric population, suggest that premature mortality from these causes can be expected to
increase in the future. Moreover, risk appears to be
elevated independently of some of the factors thought
to mediate weight=mortality relationships, such as
adult weight status, smoking and SES. Much additional work in this nascent area is needed to corroborate these early ndings.

As indicated by the preceding review, the health and
social consequences of childhood obesity are substantial. The short-term risks are largely conned to more
severely overweight children and adolescents. However, from about 1980 1990, the number of children
with BMI in excess of the 95th percentile rose substantially, from approximately 7.5 10.7% for children aged 6 11 y and from 5.7 10.8% for teens aged
12 17 y.1 Therefore, we can anticipate that the once

rare orthopedic, endocrinal, gastroenterological, pulmonary and neurological consequences will become
far more commonplace. The ndings that one-third of
the newly diagnosed diabetics aged between 10 19 y,
were type II diabetics, is particularly ominous. This
condition, once coined `adult-onset diabetes' may
become a prevalent chronic disease of adolescence.
The long-term consequences are also of signicant
public health importance. Relative risks of 2.0 for
relatively common outcomes, such as CHD morbidity,
or CHD or all-cause mortality, are of great concern.
Thus, treatment and prevention of obesity in childhood are each essential. Unfortunately, both remain
problematic. The long-term success reported by
Epstein et al 102,103 is promising, but has not yet
been duplicated. Such treatment approaches, if conrmed, require intensive treatment and close patient
follow-up. In addition, population-based programs
which have focused on school-based interventions in
older children have produced only minimal changes in
weight or BMI. In particular, the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH), a
recently completed multi-center study involving
approximately 5000 students aged 8 y and 9 y and
their parents, failed to demonstrate signicant differences in students' weight, skinfold thicknesses, BMI,
cholesterol or blood pressure, between the intervention and control schools at the three-year followup.105,106 As reviewed elsewhere in this issue,107
school-based approaches offer several theoretical
advantages compared to other primary and secondary
prevention approaches. Clearly, in the face of increasing numbers of overweight children and mounting
evidence of the substantial health consequences, both
near and long-term, further research in design and
implementation strategies for successful prevention
and treatment of childhood obesity is essential.

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