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Rat hepatic epithelium

Jenis sel : sel epitel
Cell line :
Sumber : Hati tikus
Sel epitel hati tikus (Rat hepatic epthelium) dapat dimanfaatkan di dunia
kesehatan untuk transplantasi organ hati..

A diploid epithelial cell line from normal adult rat liver with
phenotypic properties of 'oval' cells.
Tsao MS, Smith JD, Nelson KG, Grisham JW.
A diploid epithelial cell line (termed WB-F344) was isolated from the liver of an adult male Fischer-344 rat
and the phenotypic characteristics of the cells were studied. These cells measure approximately two-fifths
the volume of freshly isolated hepatocytes. They are histochemically negative for glucose-6-phosphatase
and weakly positive for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. They produce extensive intercellular reticulin
fibers which stain immunocytochemically for fibronectin, and they synthesize both alpha-fetoprotein and
albumin, but they do not accumulate glycogen particles. Ultrastructurally, they are polygonal cells with
numerous intercellular desmosomes and nexus junctions, and they are partially surrounded by basement
membrane-like material. Cytoplasmic organelles include few, but sometimes dilated profiles of rough
endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, abundant free ribosomes, sparse smooth endoplasmic reticulum and
Golgi membranes, microbodies, and small, pleomorphic mitochondria. They express A and C isozymes of
aldolase, K isozyme of pyruvate kinase, LDH2 to LDH5 isozymes of lactate dehydrogenase, and 'fetal
liver'-type alkaline phosphatase isozyme. When compared with the phenotypes of isolated and purified
normal hepatocytes, biliary epithelial (ductular) cells and 'oval' cells isolated from livers treated with
chemical carcinogens, the phenotypic properties of the liver epithelial cell line in culture most resemble
those of the 'oval' cells.

Sumber :

Hepatocytic precursor (stem-like) WB-F344 cells reduce

tumorigenicity of hepatoma CBRH-7919 cells via TGF-beta/Smad
Li WQ1, Li YM, Guo J, Liu YM, Yang XQ, Ge HJ, Xu Y, Liu HM, He J, Yu HY.
Author information

Hepatic stem cells (HSCs) are involved in repair of liver injury. Stem cells may have inhibitory effects on
tumor cell growth and apoptosis. However, it is unknown whether HSCs regulate the biological functions
of hepatocarcinoma cells, especially tumor cell growth and apoptosis. The present study was designed to
determine the effects of hepatocytic precursor (stem-like) WB-F344 cells on the growth and apoptosis of
hepatoma CBRH-7919 cells. Using a Transwell chamber culture system, we co-cultured WB-F344 cells

and CBRH-7919 cells in serum-free conditioned medium at 3 different ratios: 1:1 (2 x 10(5): 2 x 10(5)
cells/well), 1:5 (4 x 10(4): 2 x 10(5) cells/well), and 5:1 (2 x 10(5): 4 x 10(4) cells/well). We determined the
effects of stem cells on tumor cells using in vivo xenograft assay in nude mice and determining gene
expression by RT-PCR and Western blot analyses. With the increment proportion of the WB-F344 cells in
the co-culture system, tumor formation was inhibited in nude mice. Moreover, down-regulation of bone
morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), Bcl-2, and c-Myc and upregulation of PTEN also occurred along with
the inhibitory effects. Western blotting showed that the TGF-beta/Smad pathway played a prominent role
in tumor inhibition, which may have been mediated by the cytokines released from the stem cells. In
conclusion, hepatocytic precursor (stem-like) WB-F344 cells inhibit the tumorigenicity of hepatoma
CBRH-7919 cells, and the effect is mediated by TGF-beta/Smad signaling pathway.

Sumber :
Ket gambar : Experimental design for the selection of spontaneous
transformants of WB-F344 rat liver epithelial cells under conditions of
selective growth. Each cycle of selective growth consisted of 4 weeks: 1 week
for population expansion to confluence followed by maintenance for 3 weeks
at confluent cell density with weekly feedings of fresh growth medium.

Spontaneous neoplastic transformation of WB-F344 rat liver epithelial

Hooth MJ1, Coleman WB, Presnell SC, Borchert KM, Grisham JW, Smith GJ.
Author information

Several studies have shown that cultured rat liver epithelial cells transform spontaneously after chronic
maintenance in a confluent state in vitro. In the present study, multiple independent lineages of lowpassage WB-F344 rat liver epithelial stem-like cells were initiated and subjected in parallel to selection for
spontaneous transformation to determine whether spontaneous acquisition of tumorigenicity was the
result of events (genetic or epigenetic) that occurred independently and stochastically, or reflected the
expression of a pre-existing alteration within the parental WB-F344 cell line. Temporal analysis of the
spontaneous acquisition of tumorigenicity by WB-F344 cells demonstrated lineage-specific differences in
the time of first expression of the tumorigenic phenotype, frequencies and latencies of tumor formation,
and tumor differentiations. Although spontaneously transformed WB-F344 cells produced diverse tumor
types (including hepatocellular carcinomas, cholangiocarcinomas, hepatoblastomas, and osteogenic
sarcomas), individual lineages yielded tumors with consistent and specific patterns of differentiation.
These results provide substantial evidence that the stochastic accumulation of independent transforming
events during the selection regimen in vitro were responsible for spontaneous neoplastic transformation
of WB-F344 cells. Furthermore, cell lineage commitment to a specific differentiation program was stable
with time in culture and with site of transplantation. This is the first report of a cohort of related, but
independent, rat liver epithelial cell lines that collectively produce a spectrum of tumor types but
individually reproduce a specific tumor type. These cell lines will provide valuable reagents for

investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the differentiation of hepatic stem-like cells and for
examination of potential causal relationships in spontaneously transformed rat liver epithelial cell lines
between molecular/cellular alterations and the ability to produce tumors in syngeneic animals.

Sumber :
2. Human mammary carcinoma
Jenis sel : Sel epitelium
Cell line : MCF-7
Sumber :
Human mammary carcinoma dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengobati kanker
The multiple roles of both estrogenic and polypeptide regulators of mammary
epithelial cell growth are reviewed in this article. Effects of both steroidal and
peptide hormones are complex and involve multiple interactions with
malignant cells and non-malignant host components. Initial carcinogenesis
and progression of mammary epithelium to cancer probably require both
proliferative stimuli (estrogen, polypeptide growth factors) and genetic
damage. This condition may lead to qualitatively different hormonal
responses (hormone-responsive cancer). Estrogens can be shown to induce
growth-regulatory polypeptide growth factors and interact with them in
hormone-dependent breast cancer. Progression of hormone-dependent
(estrogen-responsive) breast cancer to hormone independence probably
involves multiple mechanisms, including oncogene activation, loss of the
estrogen receptor, or loss of hormone responsivity of other gene products.
One direction for further therapies may be blockade of hormonal stimulation
and interference with necessary activated or induced components of
malignant progression such as oncogenes or polypeptide growth factorreceptor systems.
Sumber :

MCF-7 is a breast cancer cell line isolated in 1970 from a 69-year-old Caucasian woman. MCF-7 is
the acronym of Michigan Cancer Foundation-7, referring to the institute in Detroit where the cell
line was established in 1973 by Herbert Soule and co-workers. [1] The Michigan Cancer Foundation is
now known as the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute.[2]
Prior to MCF-7, it was not possible for cancer researchers to obtain a mammary cell line that was
capable of living longer than a few months.[3]
The patient, whose name, Frances Mallon, is unknown to the vast majority of cancer researchers,
died in 1970. Her cells were the source of much of current knowledge about breast cancer.[1][4] At the

time of sampling, she was a nun in the convent of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Monroe,
Michigan under the name of Sister Catherine Frances.
MCF-7 and two other breast cancer cell lines, named T-47D and MDA-MB-231, account for more
than two-thirds of all abstracts reporting studies on mentioned BCC lines, as concluded from
a Medline-based survey.

Characteristics of MCF-7 cells[edit]

The characteristics of MCF-7 cells are:[1][4][5][6][7][8]

Primary tumor: invasive breast ductal carcinoma

Origin of cells: pleural effusion

Presence of estrogen receptors: yes

Proliferative response to estrogens: yes

Presence of progesterone receptors: yes

ERBB2 gene amplification (with Her2/neu protein overexpression): no

Tumorigenicity in mice: yes, but only with estrogen supplementation

Phenotype: luminal epithelial

This cell line retained several characteristics of differentiated mammary epithelium, including the
ability to process estradiol via cytoplasmic estrogen receptors and the capability of forming domes.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) inhibits the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Treatment
with anti-estrogens can modulate the secretion of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.
PIK3CA helical mutations were identified in MCF-7, but with low AKT activation.[9]

Sumber :
Gambar cell line MCF-7

3. Baby hamster kidney

Jenis sel : Sel firoblas
Cell line : BHK-21
Sumber : Ginjal bayi hamster
Sel BHK-21 dapat memproduksi vaksin
Menghasilkan vaksin rabies

An experimental rabies vaccine produced with a new BHK-21

suspension cell culture process: use of serum-free medium and
perfusion-reactor system.
Perrin P1, Madhusudana S, Gontier-Jallet C, Petres S, Tordo N, Merten OW.
Author information

An experimental rabies vaccine was prepared from the BHK-21 cell line adapted to culture in suspension
using bioreactors. A new serum-free medium (MDSS2) (Merten et al., Cytotechnology, 1994, 14, 47)
developed for the culture of various cell lines and for the production of several biologicals, was used for
cell culture and virus production. The PV-Paris/BHK-21 rabies virus strain (adapted to the BHK-21 grown
in monolayer) was adapted to BHK-21 cells cultivated in suspension and in the serum-free medium. High
titres of rabies virus were obtained with bioreactors equipped with a perfusion system using BHK-21 cells
grown in suspension in MDSS2. Experimental vaccines were prepared and had satisfactory protective
activity when tested in mice. This new and low cost technology for rabies vaccine production could be
suitable for developing countries where rabies is an important health problem.

Sumber :

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