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Underline the correct answer.

(Simple Present Tense)

1. I ( goes , go ) to bed at 10.30p.m. everyday.
2. Chickens ( gives , give ) us eggs and meat.
3. Encik Rahman ( prays , prayed ) in the mosque every Friday.
4. Kok Fai and Kok Meng ( are , is ) brothers.
5. They always ( donate , donates ) money to the old folks home.
6. Class, ( quiet , quiets ) please! orders the monitor.
7. The kitten ( mew , mews ) for its mother when it ( feels , felt ) hungry.
8. The moon ( shine , shines ) brightly at night.
9. We ( cycle , cycles ) to school if it ( does , do ) not rain.
10. The lion ( lives , live ) in the savannah or grassland.

Complete the passage with the correct form of verbs given. (Simple Past

Last Sunday, the President of Taman Jaya Resident Welfare Association,

Mr Sivaragam, (1)______________ (donate) a cheque of RM5000 to Rumah

Kanak-kanak Angels, an orphanage in Ipoh.

Mr Sivaragam, along with the other members (2)______________ (is)

welcomed by the children with a performance. They (3)______________

(present) a short sketch and (4)______________ (manage) to make all of them

laugh with their funny act.

Besides the money, the association also (5)______________ (prepare)

goodie bags which (6)______________ (consist) of biscuits, stationary and a

small toy for each of the children. All the donation and the funds

(7)______________ (are) raised at a Christmas charity bazaar held in the

association last year. The children (8)______________ (receive) their bags with

broad smiles on their faces.

Saiful breaks the stick.
Saiful is breaking the stick now.
A few minutes ago, Saiful broke the stick.

Siti cuts the thread with a pair of scissors.
Siti is cutting the thread with a pair of scissors.
Siti cut the thread just now.

Faizal tears a sheet of paper.
Faizal is tearing a sheet of paper.
Yesterday, Faizal tore a sheet of paper.
The paper is/was torn when he stepped on it.

Dayah boils some water in the kettle.
The water in the kettle is boiling.
Last night, Dayah boiled some water for the babys milk.

I cook the meat in the pot.
I am cooking the meat in the pot.
This morning I cooked the meat.
Now the meat is cooked.

The carpenter saws a piece of wood.
The carpenter is sawing a piece of wood.
A while ago, he saw a piece of wood.


Lilys friends wave goodbye to her.

Lilys friends are waving goodbye to her.
They waved goodbye to her before they went home.

Ella dreams that she becomes a princess.
Ella is dreaming that she becomes a princess.
Last night, Ella dreamt that she becomes a princess.

Aziz draws a portrait of himself on a drawing paper.
Aziz is drawing a portrait of himself on a drawing paper.
Aziz drew a portrait of himself last month.

Zaidi kicks the ball.
Zaidi is kicking the ball.
Zaidi kicked the ball just now.

Hamid jumps over the drain.
Hamid is jumping over the drain.
Hamid fell when he jumped over the drain.

Osman drinks a glass of coffee.
Osman is drinking a glass of coffee.
Osman drank a glass of coffee this morning.

Mrs Chong is having tea with her daughters at four oclock in the
At night, Mr Chong, Mrs Chong and their daughters have dinner together.
Last night, they had their dinner in a restaurant.

The clothes dry in the sun.

The clothes are drying in the sun.
The clothes dried in the sun after sometime.
Puan Aminah collects the clothes when they are dried.

My father hits the nail with a hammer.
My father is hitting the nail with a hammer.
My father hit the nail into the wood yesterday.
The hammer is used to hit the nail into the wood.

Amin holds a ball in his hands.
Amin is holding a ball in his hands.
Amin held a ball in his hands just now.

Ahmad ties his shoelaces every morning.
Ahmad is tying his shoelaces now.
Ahmad tied his shoelaces and went to school yesterday.

Wayne rides his bicycle to school.

He cycles to school.
He rode his bicycle to school this morning.
He cycled to school this morning.

Shima rides on a motorcycle.

She carries her brother.
He is the pillion rider.

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