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1. Welcome: Good morning. Im Thanh, Director of Eurotours Ho Chi Minh agency.

Today Id like
to introduce you to our new destination this year. Ill only take you a few minutes. If you have
any question, please hold it to the end of my talk. Ive divided my talk into 3 main parts. They
are brief overview, brief history and things to do and see while visiting.
2. Passau, Germany: Many of you may have heard of this picturesque city before, but I guarantee
you some surprises along the way.
3. Overview: As you can see on this stamp, Passau is the place of convergence/confluence of
three rivers: the Danube, the Inn and the Ilz.
4. Location: Location: to the far southeast corner of Germany, near the Austrian border.
5. Size: Passau has an area of 70 square kilometers. That is, the equivalent of Districts , , , nh
Th nh com ined. However, the population density of said districts com ined is over times
that of Passaus.
6. Weather: The weather is nice in the summer with average temperature of about 16 deg Cel
7. Veste Oberhaus: Let me introduce you to the next part, which is sights in Passau. First Ill talk
about our first sight: Veste Oberhaus.
8. Veste Oberhaus pic1: Veste Oberhaus is a fortress that was founded in 1219 in order to control
commerce across the rivers.
9. Veste Oberhaus pic2: What is special about this fortress is that it was a historical monument.
Another thing was its architecture.
10. Veste Oberhaus pic3: The fortress consists of gothic, renaissance and baroque parts. The
fortress is also a museum exhibiting the history and art history of Passau.
11. Cathedral: next Ill tell you a out St. Stephens Cathedral.
12. Cathedral pic1: Passau's magnificent St.Stephen's Cathedral is located on the old town's highest
13. Cathedral pic2: After the 17th century fire, it was rebuilt by famous Italien baroque artists.
14. Cathedral pic3: What is spectacular about this Cathedral is that it has the world's largest
cathedral organ. All 5 parts of the organ can be played simultaneously, offering visitors an
unforgettable acoustical delight.
15. Things to do: Enjoy traditional local Bavarian and Austrian food. Or you can take a stroll along
the rivers or through Passaus Old Town. One can enjoy a pleasant bicycle tour with beautiful,
hidden side trails. Passau also has a biannual Volksfest (beer festival) with rides and beer halls
with bands. Or you can go for a swim in the Ilz where locals and students sometimes go.
16. Summary: Let me run over the key points again. Passau is located in the southeast of German,
its area is 70 sq km. The weather is nice in the summer and the main kinds of public
transportation are us and train. The most important part in Passaus history eing the
rebuilding of Passau after the 17th century fire, which gave Passau its baroque character. Sights
worth seeing are Veste O erhaus and St.Stephens Cathedral.
With picturesque places, romantic lanes and enchanting riverfront promenades, the city of Passau is for
you to discover!

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