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Crystal Resonance Magazine

The Journal of Crystal Healing Modalities

Vol.1 Issue 2

June Solstice 2013

Crystal Resonance Magazine

A publication of Crystalis Group, LLC
PO Box 827
Hardwick, Vermont 05843 USA
Phone: (802) 441-4116


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Practitioner Directory Listings
Training Program Directory Listings

The first magazine for crystal

healers, by crystal healers!
Please contribute your learning so
that the community can grow!
Please see our website at
www. f
or precise details on submission of articles, photos,
and other items of interest to crystal healers. We
welcome contributions from all healing paths and
from healers around the world!
The intuitive information shared in this magazine
is derived from the subjective, personal experiences
of the practitioners who have contributed it. The
methods and information outlined in the articles
may or may not work for you in the same way
it has worked for them. Any intuitive, psychic
or channelled information included here is the
perspective of the contributor and does not
necessarily represent the opinion or belief of those
at Crystal Resonance Magazine
or Crystalis Group, LLC.
Please take personal responsibility for your
relationship with your stones and guides, and always
use your personal discretion and your discernment
to determine what is true for you.


Volume 1: Issue 2 June Solstice 2013

Shiva Lingams: Peace Across the Planet

by Marylin & Tohmas Twintrees

Co-Creating Sacred Space with Crystals

by Leo McFee

Crystals Calling Earth Healers

by Laurelle Shakti Gaia

Seraphinite: Whispers
by Jean Wheatley

A Crystal Healing Journey

by Crystal Starshine

Healing Spaces
Supporting Childrens' Spiritual Activism
with Crystals
by Wanda Krause

On Marcel Vogel
by Faith Supple

Your Inner Healing Space

by Naisha Ahsian


Any information on the healing properties of

stones and their uses are not intended to diagnose
or treat any physical or psychiatric condition.

Practitioner Directory
Training Program Directory

Crystals and stones are vibrational tools, and the

information published herein is regarding the
vibrational support of healing only.

Photo this Page

2000 by Naisha Ahsian
Model: Tiffany Cathcart

Call for Articles:

Our next issue will focus on the therapeutic use

of crystal grids and arrays!

From the Editor

N a i s h a
A h s i a n

Connect with
us on Facebook

From my heart, that which is God within me, honors

that which is God within you. We are the same, and
we are all simply facets upon a single crystal.
If you are called to be a healer, you can do your healing
work anywhere. There is no need for a fancy healing
center or office. If you have been called to be a healer
you can heal on the city bus, on a sidewalk, or on the
side of a road. But most of us have a place where we
prefer to do our healing work. Your healing space is
a place where you have set the energy just as you like
it. It is a place where you don't have to bother with
interference or interruption. It's a sacred space-- a
corner of a room, a whole room, or an entire building-where you know you can open up and enter your inner
healing space, and where you can fulfill your calling.
In this issue, we're going to explore healing spaces-both your inner healing space, where you put your
head when you're healing, and the spaces in your home,
office, spa or center where you do your work with
Thank you for joining me on this journey!


Shiva Lingams

& Tohmas

Peace Across the Planet

Sorry, that one just slipped out..okay Im not sorry! I so want to congratulate Crystal Resonance
Magazine and welcome it into the world~ It is so lovely to have the ways and stories of Stonebeings
and Crystals shared with as many folk as possible. Or as we love to say here in our office:

Now is

the Time! In this quantum-leap evolution that we are navigating, we need the natural wisdom

of the Animals, Plants & Minerals. They offer such incredible perspectives from union instead of
separation that we can find immediate epiphanies. Yes!!
The reason that Im here talking with you today is that I and Tohmas listen to Stones. Always have.
Always will. They bring such clear knowingness, plus they specialize in manifestation. Literally, they
are the bones of the Earth Mother (and of our two-legged bodies as well) and the foundation of all
form. They create matter. When Tohmas and I listen to and act upon that wisdom, they form our
reality with us..and what a splendidly unimaginable reality it is!
In fitting with this issues theme of Healing Spaces, I want to share one of the countless, miraculous
stories of our Stone listening. In the summer of 2008, Tohmas and I were finishing up writing Stones
Alive! Volume 3. In fact, we were rushing madly through it, because we were at deadline with the
printers, and once we met that deadline, we would have the wondrous, new books for our tour in the
US and Canada, shortly. Needless to say, we were all-focus.
Just as we listened to and typed up the last words, we heard the Grandfather Shiva Lingam say, Im
ready to talk now. His tones echoed so deeply, we stopped everything else.
At that time, we were living with a nearly 9 tall, 4400 pound, Black Shiva Lingam. To touch him
is to gently and utterly enter the belly of the Earth Mother. It literally and generously reminds you

that you belong here. He spoke to us with such visceral profundity, it silenced all noise in our minds.
We listened to him with all our beings, while he kindly gave us wisdom for the book.
It was glorious!
And then we remembered to ask him THE magical question Is there anything else you want to tell us
that we wouldnt know to ask?
Of course.
What he told us next shook us to the core. We still tremble over this, even now. He told us that if we
were to intentionally place, and stand upright, really large Shiva Lingams all over the world, they would
form a planetary grid for peace. To do this, we had to place the Shivas with humans that would utterly
caretake them (in their own home/work spaces), and regularly gather other humans around the lingams
in conscious, open-hearted ritual.
He said that whenever that happened, Humans and Stones would merge and the Shivas would ground
that glorious wonder right into the depths of the Earth Mother. Then, at that moment, the Shivas would
act like Stone acupuncture needles on her meridians and at that precise latitude and longitude, peace
would completely, blissfully encircle the entire planet.

Yes! Lets do it!!

We shouted,

The humans now co-creating those amazing rituals with the Standing Shivas are called, Intent Holders,
and the grid they form is called, Peace Across the Planet. There are twenty-seven Intent Holders
across the U.S., Canada and the UK. Each of these kind souls is living with a huge Shiva Lingam
(traditionally anywhere from four feet to nine feet tall) in their own homes and businesses. They work
with these impressive, ancient Stone guardians. They talk with them. They hand polish them. They
hug them. And since these Standing Shivas are enormous, they must constantly field other peoples
questions about...

Welcome to the Stones Alive! Trilogy

Your bridge to Spirit

~ an invitation to all willing, evolving humans/beings ~

Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess

2340 US Hwy 180 East #171 Silver City, New Mexico 88061 USA
575-534-0410 cell: 575-313-4070

Just feel these words resonating in your heart.

Read the flyer for more info. and to invite this magic into your life, now.

What are they and why are they here?

It is the Intent Holders joy to tell everyone that

they are co-creating peace with these impressive
Stonebeings. After all, what other investment of time,
energy (and occasionally looking foolish?) pays off
so richly? Its literally the gift that keeps on giving!
Then they invite the querents to join them for the
next Peace Across the Planet ritual.and maybe to
bring potluck write down their prayers and
wishes to place next to the bring musical
instruments and their wide-open, delightful hearts.
Thats what manifests the peace. Grandfather Shiva
told us that whenever people truly surrender to working with the Standing Shivas in their own
spaces it creates such exponential love that the Stones ground that as an offering to the Earth Mother.
Miracles abound from that and keep growing constantly.
Its a big deal for people to speak up in their own homes, their own businesses and their own
communities for what they truly believe in. And when we do that with the Mineral Kingdom, we comanifest deep magic in mutually balancing, generous support. It begins in our own spaces, first, which
then clarify, soften and expand regeneration. Once people surround themselves with such constant
gloriousness, they respond from that: They give and receive unconditionally. In short, they evolve. (Did
you just say Yipppppeeee! too?)

Inside Shiva lingams are tiny crystals, and quartz expands things. It takes energy and gleefully RUNS
with it. Thats how the Standing Shivas grow the peace in the Intent Holders spaces until it encircles our
Earth Mother like a never-ending hug. And it never stops.

The Becoming The Human Crystal Program

Developed by Naisha Ahsian

Embark on an incredible six month journey to clear and activate your human
crystal-- body, mind and spirit-- so that you can more fully engage your Soul
<< Fully facilitated online program--not a correspondance course!
<< Complete meditation schedule, exercises and practices to help you clear your human crystal
<< Identify and clear energy imbalances to increase your illumination
<< Connect with your Higher Self, Elemental Guardians, and other Spirit Guides
<< Identify and begin clearing lifetimes of repeating patterns on an energetic level
<< use as a stand alone program for intense personal growth or as Level 1 of the Crystal Resonance
Therapy Certification Training Course

While Peace Across the Planet is a big project (and you are all invited to join in!), anybody can do
this in their own space. Dedicate yourself to what truly pleases your own spirit and respectfully ask
Crystals to manifest that with you and start with your own home. Place the Stones in prominent areas
where they will be admired and spoken with happily (We ALL love that kind of attention, dont we?).
Put your most marvelous affirmations underneath them. Feel how that reverberates through your
whole house and even through every cell in your body. You are growing peace, too, and it will spread.
Have rituals with your Stones so that they will help you to hold that difficult but magnificent space
of love and acceptance, even when youre tired. Stones never tire; they strengthen and support you,
wherever you are.
This will re-create your home with energy that will
go beyond you. Its easy. Its simple.

There are Stones just waiting for you

to invite them!

Marilyn and Tohmas Twintrees

have been listening to Stones forever and they

are so well guided by them (thankfully!!!) that
together they have co-created: their business,

Learn the Science &

Fun behind Crystal Healing

become a Certied Crystal Healer online,

earning an income doing something you LOVE!
Course includes:

10 webinar-style classes (each approx. 90 min.)

Watch at your convenience, download
to your computer or device
FUN suggested homework assignments
Live Monthly Internet Q & A sessions

Ahhh~Muse; their non-profit and official

sponsor of Peace Across the Planet, Elementals of

Life; the Stones Alive! Trilogy; Wands/Jewelry/
Stonessences based on the Stones Alive! Stone
combinations and far more wonders and FUN
than we could ever list here. Just come see for
Come visit anytime:

Copyright 2013 Marilyn & Tohmas Twintrees. All Rights Reserved. Used by

Certication in ONLY 10 weeks.

Get more details & view a sample class



Co-Creating Sacred Space

With Crystals

One of the most powerful ways that I have found to work with the mineral kingdom is co-creating
crystal and gemstone grids and layouts. In my crystal healing practice, in workshop settings, at home,
or any workspace, there is the possibility of balancing and enhancing the energy in a positive way with
crystals. What I have done in many of the healing spaces I have worked in, is to start by setting up a
simple grid with Black Tourmaline. This is a "base camp" stone in my opinion for most spaces I have
been in. It seems to work well for keeping the space clear, harmonizing electromagnetic energy, and
letting the negative stay out. Placing one crystal in each corner of the room is a good start, depending
on the size and shape of the space. Four to six crystals seems to work well along the perimeter of most
cases, as well as one or two of the same type of crystal in the center of the room, under a massage table
for instance.
Rose Quartz is another stone I have found
to be universal in it's positive energy, and
works in most situations to bring a calming
and harmonizing quality that is palpable.
Clear Quartz is another stone that is great
for focusing energy, and keeping a space
cleared and energized. I have found these
three crystals to work very well together. For
instance if the room is rectangular, put one
of each crystal together in each of the four
corners. So I would recommend four pieces
of all three of these crystals as a good start.
Of course you can use any of type of crystal,
gemstone, rock or mineral that you like and
that you feel supports you. These are some
stones that I have found to work in most
cases, to create a safe, clear and nurturing environment. You can also work with one type of crystal at a
time to start with in a space, say Black Tourmaline only for one week, then Rose Quartz the next, if it is
a space you work in often, then can you notice the difference between them, and what energy or effect
they bring.

Selenite is another crystal that I feel is essential for any healing space. You can sometimes find large flat
slabs that come from the southwestern US, and these are great to put in a window and let natural light
shine through. Clear or white Selenite of any size is an excellent choice, as in my experience it facilitates
communication, energetic cleansing and movement of energy. I have found that small crystals generally
work well, especially when you are using multiples, they do not have to be large to be effective. Most of
the time I prefer natural uncut and unpolished crystals, but not always, tumbled or polished crystals
can have a softer energy, which can be beneficial. There are also many types of stones that you may not
be able find, or do not lend themselves to being in their raw state, so these stones are still important. A
good example is Malachite, a wonderful healing stone that generally needs to be polished to be aesthetic
and durable. Sometimes less is more, in terms of how many crystals you have activated in a room at one
time. In other words, just because Crystals are in a room, does not mean they are all as active, as if you
put them in a grid with an intention.
This is another important factor, to have an intention as you are setting them in the space, of say
protection with Black Tourmaline, or harmony when you lay down the Rose Quartz. This brings in
the co-creative aspect of working with any stone, there is the energy the stone brings with it, and then
there is your intention or knowing of how you can work together. It is helpful to pick stones that feel
good to you, that you like the color and shape of, and that they harmonize well together visually and
energetically, if you are working with multiple crystals, having them roughly the same size can make a
difference in how cohesive the overall effect is. These are simple layouts, and common stones, but it can
be very surprising when they are set up with intention how positive and profound a difference it can
The sky is the limit in terms of what types of crystals you can work with, as a lot of you reading this will
already know. I have found that making a simple table top grid for an intention for a space, project or
sending positive and supportive energies to others can also be very powerful. The short term grids that
I have co-created with all types of stones, usually stay up for a few days, possibly up to a week, then I
take them down with the same conscious attention that it was created with. It is important to honor the
process, with your intuition, intention, and presence.
Co-creating these short term grids for specific intentions can be very potent. Each crystal and mineral
has it's own consciousness, vibration, and signature
frequency. The possibilities are infinite. Enjoy!

Leo McFee has worked with the healing qualities of

stones for over twenty years. He has been called a "Crystal

Alchemist" and has co-created hundreds of Gem Essences;
held a private crystal healing practice; and taught classes
and courses on co-creating with the mineral kingdom. He
founded Crystal Sun Academy in 2010, now located in
Vermont. The school offers a well rounded and in depth
experience of the world of gems, crystals and minerals, as
well as a historical perspective of crystal healing, with a
practical hands on approach to learning. Leo's intention is
to foster a co-creative and living relationship with the mineral kingdom. His philosophy is "The crystals
are the curriculum" as well as his belief that Vibrational Healing is the medicine of this 21st century.
Copyright 2013 Leo McFee. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.


Shanti Gaia

Crystals Calling All Earth Healers

Now is the Time!

A simple and very fulfilling way to awaken the healing spirit of your crystals and align your
consciousness with the earth and total Oneness is with fully expressed gratitude.
What IS fully expressed gratitude?
Gratitude can be expressed in many ways; from a quick and casual thought, to a totally present, heartfelt
declaration of joyful love and appreciation. The latter is what I am speaking of. An offhand thank you
is better than none at all. However, the experience of feeling gratitude from the center of your soul, and
sharing it through words, or actions is powerful beyond measure. When combined with some sort of
energetic exchange the full, living, Spirit of Gratitude is activated.
Crystals are treasured gifts that were birthed by the magnificent being we know to be Mother Earth.
Ancient civilizations from the Aztecs to the Egyptians made use of crystals in various ways, as have
Native North Americans and indigenous peoples around the world. There are references to the
use of gemstones within the spiritual traditions of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, the Kabbalah,
and Vedic astrology. Crystals have been employed to enhance clairvoyance, to locate disease, for
healing, as an antidote to poison, and in various rituals to name
but a few uses.
According to my late friend, colleague, the Cherokee Holy Man;
David Singing Bear, it is tradition to give back to Great Spirit
and Mother Earth, whenever we take anything from the earth.
He taught that it is considered honorable to ask permission of
any plant, animal, stone, etc. before taking it for ones use. Once
something is taken, an offering and prayer must be given to show
respect and gratitude for the blessing.
An example of such an offering might be for one to leave a gift
of tobacco, or any other sacred herb, in the place that the stone,
plant or animal was taken.

Over the past 25 years that I have been learning from my crystal and stone friends, I have learned that
there are many beautiful ways to carry on this tradition, with or without gifting a physical object.
Sharing a quality gratitude celebration with each new crystal that comes into your life can enhance all
future experiences you will have with the crystal. It will also help you come to know Gaia, the spirit of our
beautiful Mother Earth on a very deep level.

Crystals and gemstones are much more than tools for healing and meditation. Crystals are alive and
deserve the same respect as all forms of life. When you obtain crystals and gemstones you also acquire a
responsibility. When crystals and gemstones form within the Earth, they assist in balancing planetary and
Universal energies.
When guided to specific stones, and we include them in our life, we affect the earths balance. It is
important to respect and honor the stones we are entrusted with and in return, give the earth our gift of
gratitude for birthing these amazing beings. Fully Expressed gratitude, summoned from the center of
ones soul activates a very unique, and nourishing vibration. This vibration can be given to the earth to help
replenish her, and assist in restoring planetary balance. So as we work with our stones, and appreciate the
spirit within each one, we help energize the connection between the stone in your hand, and its planetary

I work with Reiki in my gratitude celebration ceremonies, however if you have another way that you are
able to directly connect with the Origin of Pure Consciousness, please proceed with that method. If you
have not received training which teaches this process, you can still participate in your own way; just replace
any reference to Reiki below with your own method. What I mean by Origin of Pure Consciousness is the
place where everything that ever was, everything that ever will be, and anything that IS now, resides as
pure energy. When we connect in this way, the potential is limitless.
With Reiki or your own method, activate the intention
to connect with the place on the planet that your stone was
born. You may find it helpful to imagine a beacon of light
searching the planet for this special place. Wait until you feel a
connection. You do not have to intellectually know where you
are connected, other than the fact that you are now linked to the
area where your stone was removed from the earth.
Next pour the full power of divine love through this
connection into that void. Intend to soothe any scar and to
replace the experience of loss with gratitude and appreciation
for the great gifts of healing and wisdom that the earth
surrendered to you via your stone. Use your breath to move the
When you have a sensation that earth has received the perfect amount of light to help restore balance;
remain in silence, and allow yourself to feel her energetic response. What is often felt is a complete
harmonizing of ones consciousness with Gaia, and her immense love and gratitude to us for recognizing
and honoring her. Many experience this as the fulfillment of an ancient, soul level calling and a supremely,
deep initiation as an Earth Healer.

Next intend to seal this balancing, healing energy into the earth, gently disconnect and return awareness
to the stone in your hand/or on your body. This process helps to replenish the earth and assists in
awakening the healing spirit of your stone.

Laurelle Gaia is a mystic, visionary, author, spiritual healer and teacher for 25 years. She has received

crystal healing & awareness training from her grandmother, the Crystal Academy, TAOMCHI the Melody
School, as well as a naturally gifted crystal healer by the name of ShaLae. She has also participated in
Naishas online Crystal Ally training. Laurelle and her husband operate three healing centers and crystal
shops in Sedona, Arizona. Peace Place-Magnificent Crystals; Crystal Enlightenment on the Creek, and
The Crystal and Sound Healing Center. Laurelle serves on the Board of the International Center for Reiki
Training (ICRT). She is Director of the ICRT Professional Reiki Master Teacher Licensing Program and
has been teaching Reiki for 23 years. She authored The Book on Karuna Reiki Ph: 928-204-1216
Copyright 2013 Laurelle Shanti Gaia reprinted in Crystal Resonance Magazine with permission

Seraphinite: Whispers
by Jan Wheatley

Whispers, whispers spirit and sprite

My inner core radiates pure delight
Healing the darkness disguised within
Hiding in corners untouched, unseen
The energy of Serafina caress
My entire being with gentleness
I feel calm my feelings so serene
The goddess in me can be seen
Strength with gracefulness
The joy behind the sadness
Will be felt again
Angel wings brush against my skin
As my karmic healings now begin
The petals of my delicate heart
One by one move slowly apart
Gently fluttering in the love and trust
This moment in time will never be lost
Opening my heart to the essence of
Reuniting my being with the Holy Son

Jan Wheatley lives in a small town

in Victoria, Australia. Jan was drawn to
crystals as a teenager and has always had a
collection around her. In the seventies and
eighties she was too shy to express what she
felt from the crystals, it wasnt until later in
life during a meditation that she found the
confidence when a Spirit Guide told her to
Go to the Crystals, so she did.
She became a Master of Crystology (Melody)
Level 1 & Level 11 Laying on of Hands,
Laying on of Stones and began doing crystal
healings at a local healing centre. She
did courses in Reiki, Aura-Soma Chakra
Massage, Crystal Earth Shamanism with Naisha Ahsian and various Angel
Healing workshops.
Seven years ago during a meditation a Smoky Quartz crystal gave Jan a
message and from then on she has been writing the crystal messages in
poetry form exactly as they are given to her.
These days Jan is travelling around Australia with her husband George,
connecting with the earth
elements, drawing, writing and
putting her crystal poetry into
an Ebook Crystalline Divine
Connections which she hopes to
publish one day.
Copyright 2013 Jan Wheatley. All
Rights Reserved. Used by permission.




A Crystal Healing Journey

I never imagined that handling crystals directly from the earth would be so spiritual and take
me on a healing journey I will never forget.
I have been collecting crystals, rocks, and stones since I was a child. My Grandmother and I would comb
the Oregon Coast for agates, beach glass, and shells. It wasnt until I was an adult that I realized I had
a major connection with crystals. I found that my collection was multiplying quickly of store bought
and collections from the beach and nature trails. That is when I decided I had to know more about
these crystals, what was the science and metaphysics behind why I felt the way I did around them. So I
researched internet and magazines and came across the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. The vibration
I felt run through my body when I looked at the website was a sure sign that I had found an answer. I
enrolled and graduated as a Certified Crystal Healer and am currently taking the Crystal Masters course
with Hibiscus Moon.
When my Husband and I purchased our home we didnt realize we were on a quartz line until a walk
through the woods unveiled a beautiful crystal. This spiked my curiosity so I began watching numerous
mining videos to see how to find the honey spot of quartz on my property. One day I came across a
Facebook friends video of a mining trip she had taken in Arkansas and I was entranced. After watching
some more YouTube videos about how to dig quartz in some surrounding area mines I was hooked and
had to go for myself. I mapped out how far the mines were from my home, how much it would cost for a
trip and studied the surrounding areas for hotels and other activities. I finally decided to venture off to a
mine close to home. Diamond Hill Mine in South Carolina was only a three hour drive and had an open
dig available. I made sure I had all the supplies I needed to dig in the dirt; shovel, hand shovel, hand
rake, pic, and buckets and set of for an adventure at Diamond Hill Mine.
The day of the dig I was so excited and just couldnt wait to unearth a beautiful crystal but I was sick,
my stomach had me up since the wee hours of the morning. I was pretty sure I had food poisoning but
was not going to let it ruin my dig. I ventured to a drug store on the way and purchased some medicine
that would ebb the aching gut pains. When I arrived at the mine and checked in, signed my waiver and
paid the staff I wondered if I would make it through even five minutes of digging. I grabbed my tools

and set off for a large dump pile. I sat down and started to dig and the first crystal I found was a Smokey
Amethyst it was covered in red clay so it was not really recognizable and I didnt know what I had until I
got home and cleaned it. I dug for close to an hour in that same spot finding a bucket full of crystals and
I forgot about the pains I had been experiencing. Or did the experience of touching those crystals and
grounding to Mother Earth heal me?
The sun was bright and hot that day and I spent the whole day entranced by digging crystals moving
from one dump pile to another and getting down and digging in a vein. The day flew by and my stomach
was at ease the whole day. At one point I was on the side of a huge mountain of dirt digging away and
when I looked down I was way up in the air and if I slipped I was going to have a very long painful fall.
I am afraid of heights but it was not really present while digging, maybe a brief moment of fear but it
easily subsided and I climbed off that mountain and kept digging. During the dig I was so at peace, calm,
and grounded. I was not worried about time, sunburn, my stomach ache, or any other worldly problem.
When I arrived home with the crystals I began the cleaning process of washing the clay off with a hose,
scrubbing with a soft toothbrush and soaking them in an Oxalic Acid bath. Through this process I
learned of the great value of a crystal purchased from a store. It takes much work to get them clean and
ready for sale. I cleaned crystals for a week and those beauties called me daily to spend time with them
even on days I had other things planned I found myself cleaning crystals as if I was in a trance. One
morning I woke up and had coffee, threw on some sweat pants and put my hair in a ponytail and sat out
cleaning all day. The funniest part was I didnt even brush my teeth. I cannot recall anything I completed
that week besides cleaning crystals and the week really is hazy. All I can say is I listened to their calling
and received healing and knowledge. I am sure that the healing energy of those crystals caused a major
shift in my life that week causing healing on many different levels.
One piece of knowledge that stood out to me while cleaning is, you are taking layers of dirt, grime, iron,
and all other buildups off of these crystals and finding the beauty of each one underneath it all. Like
many of us we add layers of pain, hurt, sorrow, sickness, and loss throughout the years. Through Crystal
Healing we strip these layers, bring balance back, and work through those layers upon layers, cleaning,

The Crystal Ally Cards

The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge

by Naisha Ahsian

<<55 full color 6"x4" divination &

meditation cards, with keywords,
elements, and visionary art
<<286 page guide book containing
information, affirmations,
meditations, exercises and more!
<<Full color card carrying case
<< Use for divination or for energetic assessment
to determine which stones to use for your issues or
Click Here for more information
or to order through

View Naisha's 2013 Yearly

Reading for the Earth!

If video
doesn't appear,
click here

cleansing and showing how much beauty there is underneath it all. Making life a worthwhile journey
and continually learning from all the hard work and pain.
I have gained many pieces of Smokey Quartz, Celestial quartz, Amethyst pieces, and even a piece of
Beryl on Smokey Quartz from this dig. For me it is not only the gain of beautiful sparkly gems from
Mother Earth but the most precious of all is I gained healing, nurturing, knowledge, and an experience
that I have to do again and recommend to all.

Crystal Starshine is an internationally regarded Spiritual

Empowerment Coach, Psychic, Crystal Healer, Reiki Master and

Putting her dreams into action in 2012 Crystal opened Starshine
Healing, a place to come relax, heal, and receive Crystal Healing, Reiki,
Intuitive readings, Private Coaching sessions and classes. She also fully
embraced the internet and social media so that she could expand and
share her love and energy with more people.

Crystal has an infinite love of teaching and helping people grow to

their fullest potential by using her unique gifts of Intuition, Healing and Love filled Empowerment
Crystal not only is an inspirational teacher, Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Certified Ethical
Intuitive, Certified Crystal Healer, Reiki Master, Ordained Minister and Registered Metaphysical
Practitioner. She also holds accreditation with the World Metaphysical Association and American
Council of Holistic Healers.
Copyright 2013 Crystal Sunshine. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

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Healing Spaces

are sacred places

where our hearts and spirits
can come forth to meet in JOY.

Beatrice A. Johnson, Certified Crystal Healer; Crystal Reiki Master; and Usui Reiki II Practitioner
My in home "healing space" serves many functions! It's my private altar, meditation room, and
professional library. It houses my massage table, my growing collection of healing crystals and
stones, essential oils, sprays, incense, tuning forks, meditative/healing CDs, chakra balancing
charts, crystal and angel oracle cards, my frequently used pendulums, items of personal
value, and many other items used in my healing practice. It's a very grounded, peaceful, calm
environment for self-treatments and for my clients.

Fran Oppenheimer RN, LMT, CRTh

My healing space provides a quiet, private space that
contains all of the tools that I need without feeling
cluttered. I have a corner cabinet with 5 shelves and glass
doors for the stones that I use in CRT sessions. It was
important for me to have a cabinet that could keep out
the dust as I tend to keep the windows open whenever I
can. The furniture in the room contains sheets, blankets,
pillows, essential oils/sprays and there is even a tip-out
laundry hamper in one of the cabinets that is
especially handy.
I also have a table with a crystal singing bowl
on top that has room for a few books and also has
a single drawer file cabinet on the bottom which
allows me to have my client files in the room. I
clean and clear my healing space at the beginning
and end of the day and in between each client by
using a wonderful spray made by a local healer
containing essential oils and crystal essences for
protection and clearing. I also use toning and the
singing bowls to keep the space clean and clear.
There is a quartz crystal grid on the floor of the
room that is programmed with Primus energy
and I practice Primus mediation in the room to keep the
energy flowing. My clients may not know what I do to
keep things clean but they always remark at good it feels in
the room.


Toni Crotty, CRTh

As a Holistic Wellness Coach and Energy Healer (including Crystal Resonance

Therapy) I have a broad vision of healing essentials. Since I want to live in
a healing space, my home-office is in a peaceful environment nestled under
majestic oak, redwood, and cypress trees, in a quiet forested neighborhood.
Because I live in the busy SF Bay Area, clients say that they begin relaxing on
the short drive up a gentle hill, into the forest. They often enjoy seeing deer, and
hearing chickens. I have easy parking with short, level access to the entrance,
appreciated by clients in pain.

Angels, crystals, and protective energy guard my property. An angel statue nestled among live plants, and
a large piece of petrified wood surrounded by stones and shells, greet visitors on the porch. Energetic
netting (that I periodically refresh) covers the door, filtering out energy that is not aligned with peace,
love, and healing. To reduce distractions, a hand painted sign on the door announces In Session. (And I
turn the phone ringer off.)

In the entry, visitors enjoy soothing water sounds from a copper fountain surrounded by large pieces of
black, rainbow, and mahogany Obsidian to ground the space, and protect against intruders. Clients often
comment that they can feel that I have done Feng Shui cures for a harmonious environment.

A grid of Primus Quartz radiates healing energy to transform my living room into a healing space. A
Citrine cathedral on a light box warms, energizes, cleanses, and grounds the room. Indirect lighting
contributes to the soothing mood.

Of course a massage table is essential. I offer a sturdy stool for clients ease. I have a bolster for under
the knees and a variety of pillows, sheets, and blankets for client comfort, discreetly tucked away in
decorative baskets.

Under the massage table, I have a grid of Quartz and Black Tourmaline to pull out negativity, and a bowl
of water to gather anything ready to be released. (I change the water after each healing session.) I recently

added a grid of Quartz and Citrine to

bring in positive, prosperous energy to
recharge clients.

Toni Crotty, continued

The walls are decorated with healing

images and photos of ancestors, as well
as healing tools, like feather wands,
crystal wands, rattles, and bells. Behind
the table is my cart of crystal healers
and elixirs, and a binder of forms used

during healing sessions.

Another fountain, with a statue of Quan Yin, is nearby. I prefer only the sound of fountains in the
healing room to better hear the energy and guidance, without distraction, and to give my clients
a respite from input. Though occasionally, I will play ocean sounds or the Primus CD, so I have a
player with speakers and earphones available.

I always have water and tea available. I have a ceiling fan and portable fans and heaters for client
comfort. I keep a couple pair of cotton socks and microwaveable rice heat packs for clients feeling
cold. I keep Rescue Remedy Cream in my healing space, and sometimes use it for foot massages.
Fresh flowers and live plants energize the room. Lately I am enjoying a Lava Lamp in my healing
space, which is helping me realize how essential it is to keep the home part of my home-office.
At the end of each workday, I tidy up and put the work items in their proper places, so I can relax
without distraction. Learning to relax when you work at home is the most vital essential!

Deb Paradise

The How of Tao Meditation

"Good Morning! Charging some lightning
quartz with some Divine Mama LOVE."


Tana Schott, RMT
I practice Usui Reiki and crystal therapy
and I also teach crystal therapy classes. I
facilitate private sessions and community
shares in the healing room and the
classes are held in the main part of the
I have my practice in my home for a
few reasons. The superficial reason for
practicing out of my home is not wanting to or
being able to pay rent at this stage in my practice.
The deeper, truer reason I practice in my home is
because I am deeply connected to the land and its
trees. This space is my sanctuary and I feel that the
surrounding nature is a healing force that supports?
leads? all the healing that takes place here.
Upon driving onto the property, people pass
between two 100+ year old cedar trees Grandfather Tree and Grandmother Tree. From
there they see our vegetable garden and roses and
herbs. I've heard other people describe our living
space as sacred. I feel that too - it supports doing
deep work.
My husband is very supportive of the work and
I'm fortunate that he doesn't mind being displaced
when I hold classes and he doesn't mind people
coming and going during energy shares. Home is
where my heart is and so it makes sense to do my
work out of it. There is no perfect scenario, but this
is pretty dang close.


Laurelle Shakti Gaia
This is the "Lemurian Healing
Chamber" at The Crystal and
Sound Healing Center in
Sedona, AZ

Anahata Roach, CRTh

I love the light in this room. The table is

situated under the skylight, so the client is
bathed in stones & light. Some may prefer
a darkened healing room, but I feel the light
brings an extra layer of healing & charges the
stones as we work together.

My crystal/stone allies are grouped by element
in a rolling, colored coded cart. Red for
Earth, Orange for Fire, Green for Water, Blue
for Wind, Purple for Storm. I also have a
segmented fishing tackle box that I keep my
extras for grids & arrays.
The bed is gridded with selenite and lies
between an amethyst cathedral and my alter,
with power stones underneath. I feel these
presence of so many helpers here!
The only drawback to this room is that it is
on the 3rd floor of my home and not accessible
to elderly or disabled.Otherwise, I feel grateful
and blessed to have it.


Supporting Children's Spiritual Activism

With Crystals

Children are naturally drawn to stones.

Do you remember walking along shores eyeing the various shades and shapes of rocks, picking them
up and observing them, oftentimes intently? All children do this. They observe and investigate stones.
In this act of reverence and awe is a precious gift for healing and easily connecting with wonder.
Children therefore easily and naturally come into resonance with Gods creations and beauty.
As we grow older many of us lose touch with such natural practices to come into balance and connect.
The significance is that as that happens we lose touch with our inner natural openness to commune
and resonate with wonder. We lose touch with our inner child and excitement and inspiration from
connecting to elemental forces. Basically, we lose touch with ourselves and the Divine. What does
this manifest? Disharmony discontent, disease and dysfunction are produced on the personal and
political levels.
More of us are recognizing the consequences on our personal lives as in how much abundance, joy
and love we are allowing or, just as well, blocking. We are also, therefore, becoming more aware that
the increasing levels of conflict, wars and irreverence for life are a direct result of shutting ourselves
off from the Source of love, compassion and forgiveness. Fortunately, more people are linking into a
higher consciousness and understand the illusion of separation. What we need further, however, is to
connect more deeply and to link our connection to action. Spiritual activism is to be actively in service
of the Divine through concrete actions.
Truly effective activism demands that we connect to the Divine and remember the Divine in all our
actions. Through such connection, we gain comfort, guidance, love, healing, the ability to forgive,
give relentlessly, and truly step onto our path as servants and warriors of God. To create a real shift in
consciousness large enough to heal on a global scale requires that the next generation is on board. This
is doable because the next generation of children is already there. Yet it is our responsibility to ensure
that they grow in their natural gift to love with arms wide open and create with wonder.

To embrace their natural inquisitiveness in crystals and support the process of resonating with
crystalline frequencies is one of the greatest means to facilitate mass healing and a critical shift in
consciousness. Through my professional work as a professor in politics I have resigned myself to the
conclusion that working with adults to create a better world has its joys and tangible successes too, but
many challenges. The most evident to me is the difficulty we adults have in trusting the Divine and
aligning our ego wills with Divine will.
Through professional crystal therapy and having fun with crystals with my children and other children
whose parents have embraced the wisdom of such play, I have learned there is an easier way to
creating a shift to greater consciousness. I have watched these children, so pure at heart, develop such
confidence in their abilities to connect beyond the mundane and material and exclaim deep wisdoms
and insights of their own. They trust so fully. And so, I have observed them expand their awareness of
realities and very naturally express these as given. They allow love to flow so openly. And so, as more
children grow in their natural connection with the Divine and reverence for connectedness of All That
Is, we can heal our lives, families, communities and world. I recognize this avenue forms the heart of
activism for creating peace.

Children Teach the Importance of Connection

Through children I have learned just how significant and imperative it is to enable them the
opportunities to expand through crystalline energy. I asked my daughter Sarah, age eight, what she
finds so fascinating about her crystals that cover her dressers and she lines up with her dolls in her
bedroom. Her self evident response was, they help me connect! She went on:
There is a difference between a room that has crystals in it and a room that doesnt. In a room full of
crystals you feel all sorts of different energies that are nice, make you feel good, peaceful. They help me
connect with my angels!
Prodding her, I inquired if she cant sense angels without crystals, to which she firmly stated, yes, but
there is a big difference!
Another child, Adam, has illustrated to me now several times how crystals support a childs natural
hearts desire and ability to connect with higher frequencies. On one of these days, he found his way
among my collection of crystals to a black obsidian that somehow captured his full attention. An ultra
boisterous and incredibly active boy, Adam sat for a long time, doing nothing else but quietly and
intently observing his stone. Among its properties, black obsidians mineral components, structureless structure and light refraction enables an energetic vibration of calm, reflection and concentration.
Black obsidian also supports connection to universal information. With his mothers permission, I
asked if he wanted to play a game with it. Although black obsidian can be found to be too strong for
some to handle well, I intuited that this little boys clear attraction to it and his peculiar calm meant he
was ready to experience it deeper. I placed a large clear quartz merkaba under his chair and formed a
simple grid of his and one more black obsidian stone around him.
What followed was both natural and exciting for him. He expanded to view a piece of our universe.
But while he described and detailed star clusters and his journeying somewhere in space, something

unexpected happened. He invited and brought me along to glimpse part of his journey in this
dimension. It was a seven year old who enabled me to see. He was pointing out what I could note before
he did so. The joy and self-confidence he exuded afterwards was beautiful. I interpret that his resonance
with the crystals pulled me into part of his experience while he expanded his consciousness and mine.
In this was a powerful lesson for me. As we support children in embracing growing in consciousness,
they will lead us. We need to create a real shift for lives of abundance, faith, trust, peace and of
connection to Divine guidance. Yet, we misunderstand how to go about this. The effective method is
not to lead them or anyone for that matter; they are showing us much more about All That Is and of
all that is possible. And so, it is crucial to allow childrens experience to unfold and for them to teach
us adults how to connect deeper. For humanity to reach higher levels of awareness and connect more
wholly, it is our children who are doing it. Our role is to give them the opportunity to help expand our
awareness and help us open to the universes intelligence and consciousness. It is a responsibility for us
to simply provide the conditions for the process.

Crystal Activities for Children

There are concrete ways to enable a process of raising the consciousness of humanity with our children.
Enabling childrens heightened abilities to expand through playing with Gods magnificent creations,
such as crystals, I find is key. My daughter Sarah has developed several ways to work with crystals. As
part of the essential process of learning from her, I asked her to suggest a game for children to play.
Although adults are expected to support, for easy understanding for children themselves, I have left the
following in mostly her wordings. These are her suggestions:
<< Guessing Crystals Game
Choose maybe five or more crystals (you can start off with fewer) and with your friend
get to know these crystals by looking at them, holding them in the sunlight, feeling them.
Get to know how they feel different.
Ask your friend to close her eyes with her hand open (less dominant hand). She shouldnt
be able to feel the shape or size of the crystal. Then she is not connecting with the crystal
as much. Place one of the crystals in her open hand and ask her to guess which crystal it
is. If you dont know the names of the crystals just give them names that both of you can
Do that with all the crystals you chose and then take turns.
The more you play this game the better you will get at it.
Tips include sensing how the crystal feels around your body and which chakra it touches.
You can see how they feel around the chakras if you know about them. If not just see how
they feel around your body.

<< Figure Eight Sensing

Two friends put crystals in a large eight together. Half of the eight has a different group of
crystals from the other half. Two friends sit each in one of the halves and put their hands
over their own circle of crystals. Each friend senses each crystal in her half. She then
senses how they feel altogether in that half. The two friends then talk about how their
own circle of crystals feels. Then they change sides and sit in the other circle. They see if
there are any differences in what they feel and told each other.
<< Calling on Angels
Choose a bunch of different crystals to connect with angels. You connect better with your
angels and get to know them better through crystals. It does not matter which crystals
you use. Sarah tells though that when she uses rose quartz, for example, she connects
with what she calls the romance angel and can get to know her better when holding that
particular crystal. This angel helps bring in lots of feelings of love.
For Sarah she connects with the particular angels that resonate most with the emotions
that a particular crystal affects. And so she suggests that to call in an angel that helps
with the emotion you want her to help you with, it will help to look up what emotions
different crystals affect in a crystal book first. That way you choose the crystal that
resonates with the angel you want to call on.
Activism, or to be in service of the Divine through concrete actions, requires that we first connect
to the Divine to bring in light, love and universal wisdom. Resonating with one of our Creators
magnificent creations, crystals, allows crystalline energies to beautify our lives. Indeed, Earth is made
up of and formed through these crystal elements. This resonance takes us further to connect with the
various beautiful healing energies in the universe that support us as servants to the good. Children
teach how much magnificence can be accessed through resonating with crystals and how much grace
we can bring through into our lives and into the world.
I believe that the future of world peace rests squarely on the ability of connected activists to take their
rightful places. These are the next generation, now children, whose hearts are open to the Divine and
open to bring love and wisdom to the world. It is our responsibility to enable our children to do their
work as spiritual activists. I truly believe that their work with crystal resonance is a most significant

Wanda Krause resides in Doha Qatar with her family. She is a registered crystal therapist

(ACHO, UK) and an Usui reiki master, teacher and student. She has numerous book and journal
publications, and her book Spiritual Activism: How to Really Transform the Personal and Political
is forthcoming 2013. Wanda is currently assistant professor of Public Policy at Hamad bin Khalifa
University in Doha, Qatar, and a global ambassador for Kosmos - Journal for Global Citizens Creating
the New Civilization, USA. She offers guidance and support for spiritual activism via her website at
Copyright 2013 Wanda Krause. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.


On Marcel Vogel


For the last 10 years, it has been my deep honor to come to know the work of Marcel Vogel
and to meet some of his most esteemed colleagues.
Some people say that they can see a hologram of Marcel above me when I talk about him or teach the
use of what have come to be known as Vogel Cut Crystals. He has become a loving, living presence for
me. My intention is to help reignite the flame through conveying his message as simply and clearly as
possible, with the help of his friends. No hype, no nonsense. With Love and Humility.
I have witnessed some amazing results when using these crystals;

Calling out to Marcel to use the crystals to help my old IBM laptop workand it did!
Long-term tinnitus improved by 25% within minutes, and by 50% within a matter of hours
Ingrained Emotional issues identified and released within minutes
Information and guidance received from the physical and non-physical dimensions
Changing the flavor of water
Distant energy therapy work

Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was an IBM Fellow, credited with inventing the first UV light test for
cervical cancer, the red color on our TV, the magnetic coating on IBMs computer hard-drives, Liquid
Crystal technology and more. For the last 7 years of his life, he devoted himself to opening a research
laboratory dedicated to service to humanity, especially for healing applications. It was named Psychic
Research Institute (PRI) and the centerpiece of his research was the quartz Vogel Cut Crystal. Marcel
had proven that the energy of mind has an impact on our reality, including our physical bodies,
emotions and mental constructs. And so he became what he called a Spiritual Scientist, in addition
to being the Hard Scientist of his long successful industrial career. Through prayer, he was given
the design of a uniquely faceted quartz crystal to use as a tool in his work with subtle energies. He
went on to make many astounding discoveries and to share his knowledge and theories in lecture and
discussion with audiences from a wide array of disciplines.

The act of loving brings order, balance, and coherence into that body to which love is directed. We have
observed this to be true when we have been able to direct it from a crystal to fluidic materials, such as wine
and juices, and we have observed remarkable changes that have taken place in these materials.
--Marcel J. Vogel
Simply put; a practitioner invokes a field of Divine Love within which to work; and that field is supported
by a properly cut and programmed Vogel Crystal. With breath, intention to serve and awareness, the
practitioner then typically facilitates processes such as:
<< Energy Assessment for Self and Others
<< Removal of Energy Blocks for Self and Others
<< Energy Therapy for Self and Others
<< Energy Balance for Self and Others
<< Meditation
<< Dimensional Healing
<< Water and Other Fluid Structuring
<< And More
Exciting News!
Rumi Da/Ron Carson of Lifestream Associates worked with Marcel to provide workshops and training to
countless numbers of people during Marcels lifetime. After Marcel passed, Rumi Da purchased the rights
to the Vogel trademark and continues to offer the knowledge he gained and training materials to honor
Marcels request that he carry on the work. His kindness and compassion are great. Rumi Da is currently
preparing to publish a book that he had originally written 30 years ago while working with Marcel! I am so
grateful that he is allowing me to assist in the preparation, and to include material in my workshops prior
to publication.
AND Jennet Grover, Marcels Lab Manager who also served as editor of his unpublished book, is also
preparing to publish a book that she had originally written 20 years ago about her time at PRI and the
excitement of being Marcel Vogels assistant. She is truly a delightful torchbearer!
AND No acknowledgement would be complete without the mention of Bob Fritchie who helped Marcel
set up PRI and has been carrying on in service through the Divine Love Healing Process and his World
Service Institute for the last 30 years. Dr. Christiane Northrup advocates Divine Love for healing and has
had Bob on her radio show. I cant find the words adequate to thank him for what he has done for me since
I first reached out to talk to him about Marcel.
2013 Faith D. Supple. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted here by permission.

Vogel Healing Techniques Certification

with Faith Supple, CRTh

Utica, NY July 20-21, 2013

Includes information from Rumi Das upcoming book and
Bob Fritchies training manual, with their permission!
For More Info: visit or call 845-831-4026


Your Inner Healing Space

It does matter what you think!

Your healing room is the place where you do your sacred work with others. Perhaps it is also where
you meditate, study or simply retreat when you need to return to yourself. You have worked hard to set
the energy of the space, and have many of your most treasured reminders of Spirit surrounding you.
Your healing room helps to make your clients comfortable, and to feel that they are entering into an
optimum energetic space. Your healing room is important, but equally important-- if not more so-- is
the inner healing space that you enter before your healing session.
Your inner healing space is a state of mind, a state of vibration, a state of awareness and of emotion,
that all combine to create the foundation for whatever healing energy you are using in your sessions.
If this inner healing space is coherent in its energy, the healing session will be enhanced. If this energy
is incoherent or scattered, there is much less of a chance that any healing modality you employ will be
very effective.
In my work teaching the healing arts all over this amazing planet, I have heard many times from
healers who don't feel it's necessary to do anything special to prepare before a healing session, because
the "energy just does what it does", or "it's coming through me, not from me, so it doesn't matter where
my energy is during the healing session", or "I was attuned to the energy, so it comes through me no
matter where I am energetically". But, there are some very important reasons why your inner healing
space is just as important as your outer healing space.
You can have the most ornate, expensive, spa-like healing center with 100 mute healers in white
flowing robes drifting around, but if you are not aligned in your inner healing space -- your true
healing temple-- when giving a session, you are going to be less effective and less able to serve those
whom you are attempting to help.
No matter the energy you are using in a healing session, your human electromagnetic field (aura) is
going to be interacting with your client's electromagnetic field (aura). This interaction is physical and it
is governed by the laws of physics.


Your electromagnetic field is a field of light energy. Light and electromagnetic energy are the
same thing. Light particles (photons) can carry information-- up to 3 GB per photon! So, your
electromagnetic field (aura) is full of information about you, encoded upon the frequencies of light
you are emitting. This means that as your electromagnetic field interacts with another person's
electromagnetic field, an immediate sharing of your light/information occurs at the speed of light.
Everything about you, including the state of your mind, emotions and physiology are all immediately
shared with the person with whom you are in contact, and their body, mind and spirit react and adjust
to yours without your being consciously aware of the exchange.
This means that if you are not in an optimum physical, energetic, emotional and mental state, that
quality of energy transfers to your client at the same time as any specific "healing" energy you are
attempting to share. If you are in a state of stress, or you are thinking unhappy thoughts, you are
creating an energetic and biochemical state in your body to which your client will subconsciously and
unconsciously respond. You are, in essence, short circuiting the healing you are attempting to share.
All of the vibrational healing facilitators that I train are first taught to maintain a specific energetic state
during the healing session, which I call the Primus state. Primus means "first", and I have called this
state "Primus" as a reminder that, before any healing work can be done externally, we need to enter our
inner healing space. The Primus Activation Meditation has been created as a way to get into that state
effectively and consistently, as well as ensuring that all of the requirements for entering the inner healing
space have been fulfilled. The Primus Activation Healing Technique is an energy healing techinique that

The Primus Activation Healing Technique

C e r tif i cati on Training Work shop

with Naisha Ahsian

At The Golden Eagle Resort
in beautiful Stowe, Vermont USA

October 19 & 20, 2013

Become certified as a practitioner
in the Primus Activation Healing Technique (PAHT Pract.)
with Naisha Ahsian, the creator of the system.

Click Here for more information

or visit


An aura photo of the

energy during a recent
training in South Africa.

is based on how to use the energy of this state for healing purposes.
There are some specific things that you can do before a healing session, or before starting your healing
schedule for the day, that will greatly enhance your energy and put you in a state of right alignment, even if
you aren't using the Primus meditation!
<< Ground
Grounding is the process of plugging your energy field into the Earth's energy field through
conscious focus. It allows you to complete an energy circuit with the Earth, making your
body and energy field like a pipe through which energy can flow; creating a two-way conduit
that allows you to release excess energy and replenish your own energy if you become
I could write an entire book about grounding, but suffice it to say that it is a critical part of
energy preparation for entering your inner healing space. If you are an electrician, you would
need to be sure your electrical line was grounded before turning on the power. If you are a
healer, you need to make sure your grounding cord is activated before turning on the juice.
There are many ways to ground, but using your intention through guided meditation is the
most common. In The Primus Activation Meditation, the process involves activating the root
chakra and growing a grounding root into the core of the Earth, then cycling the energy by
breathing it up into the root, then back down into the Earth.
<< Move into the heart and generate positive, uplifting emotions-- especially that of Love.
The heart is the source for most of the energy contained in your electromagnetic field. It
is the strongest light generator in the body and the first part of your being to process the
energies you receive from your environment-- including clients. As far as I'm concerned,
your heart is your inner healing space. A positive emotional state is the key to activating
the heart's tremendous healing power, and amplifying any other healing energy you may be
When you are in a positive emotional state, your heart becomes stronger, leading to your
energy field becoming stronger in amplitude and more coherent in it's energy pulse. It
triggers healing and repair in your body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system,
and makes it more likely you will be able to activate healing and repair physiology in others.
One easy technique to activate the heart and begin the shift into healing and repair is to
breathe deeply and evenly as you focus on pleasing memories or thoughts-- especially those
that allow you to feel the emotion of love. Imagine you're breathing the emotion of those
thoughts into the heart on the inhalation, and expanding them outward from the heart on
the exhalation.
<< Meditate upon the Highest Consciousness.
God, The Divine, Creator, Goddess, The Universe, All-That-Is, I AM; all are names we call
Highest Consciousness, and all only shadows of Its true nature. However you choose to think
of Highest Consciousness, focusing upon that concept for a few minutes prior to a session

invokes grace and brings the most healing of light frequencies into your inner healing
<< Come to presence.
The greatest gift we can give a client is the gift of our presence. Where there is presence,
there is consciousness. Where there is consciousness, there is light. Where there is light,
there is an opening for healing to occur.
When you are in a state of presence, you are not thinking of the future or the past. You
take a few minutes to put aside your thoughts of the day, and of anywhere and anytime
other than right here, right now. In a state of presence you are not off with the fairies or
traversing the 12th dimension. You are in your body, in the room, with your client.
Coming to a state of presence and maintaining that state throughout a full healing
session takes practice and constant self-awareness. Whenever I find myself losing
presence during a healing session, I refocus on my breath. I breathe energy into my
body from above and below, refocus my attention on thoughts of Love, and return my
awareness to sharing that energy with my client in that moment. I also use the mantra,
"Surrender to this moment."
It is presence that turns your inner healing space into a healing temple.
The practice of getting into a good state for healing doesn't have to a take long time. Spending 3
minutes or so on each of these steps would put you at about 12 minutes of preparation time. I
consistantly set aside 15 minutes between healing sessions to allow for the general maintenance of the
healing room, but also to allow me to check myself and get myself back into my inner healing space
if necessary. A full half hour of preparation before a healing schedule begins for the day, then a quick
check-in and reset in between sessions is more than enough to keep me in the right inner healing
2013 by Naisha Ahsian. All Rights Reserved.

Naisha Ahsian is an internationally acclaimed author and teacher on the subjects of vibrational

medicine, the healing power of crystals and minerals, and spiritual growth. She is Director of Crystalis
Institute for Personal & Planetary Transformation in the United States.
Naisha is co-author of the best-selling Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. She is the
creator of The Crystal Ally Cards: The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge, and author of The Little Boo of
Infinite Abundance: A 30 Day Course in Healing Abundance Consciousness. She is also creator of the
patent-pending Socratic Subliminal technology.
Naisha has developed two vibrational healing modalities; the Primus Activation Healing Technique
which utilizes the energetic power of the human heart, and Crystal Resonance Therapy which utilizes
the healing power of crystals and minerals.
Copyright 2013 Naisha Ahsian. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.


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herself, ensuring consistant training
by the person who knows the system
best. In fact, you can't learn Crystal
Resonance Therapy anywhere else!
And, only those who have successfully
completed the full training program
can call themselves Crystal Resonance
Therapists (CRTh).

Why is this important?

Crystal Resonance Therapy is a
distinct modality that is, in many
respects, very different from crystal
healing as it is generally taught. Over
more than 25 years, Naisha has studied
and applied systems of crystal healing
and vibrational medicine to determine
what works, what doesn't, and what is
being taught that is just plain incorrect.
CRT was created from this distilled
knowledge and experience, making it
one of the most effective and powerful
modalities available.
Crystal Resonance Therapists (CRTh)
are highly trained through a rigorous
and intensive program of self healing,
clinical modalities, experiential anatomy
& physiology, healing ethics, client
facilitation, and vibrational techniques.
The full program takes over 1.5 years
of study and practice. It is completed
in three separate class sections that
include both online and in-person,
hands-on study. The course is fully
facilitated and very personal.

Click here for more info!

Training Program

This directory is a paid listing of

training programs in crystal healing
and vibrational therapies. Listing in
this directory does not constitute an
endorsement by Crystal Resonance

Online & U.S.


Crystalis Institute
Contact: Naisha Ahsian
Phone : (802) 441-4116
Skype ID: Crystal_is
Crystalis Institute offers professional training and certification in Crystal Resonance Therapy and the
Primus Activation Healing Technique. In addition to certification courses, the institute also offers
personal spiritual growth training through the Becoming the Human Crystal Program and other online
programs. We have been training Lightworkers worldwide since 1997.
Contact: Laurelle Shakti Gaia

Infinite Light Healing Studies Center
Phone : (928) 204-1216
Sedona, AZ

Certifications : Crystal Healer Levels 1, Intermediate, Advanced Crystal, Reiki 1 & 2, Reiki Master
Teacher, Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
My name is Laurelle Gaia. Crystal and spiritual healing is my life purpose and has been since I was 7
years old. I have been practicing and teaching professionally for 25 years. In addition to Crystal classes,
I teach Reiki and have served as the Director of Teacher Licensing for the International Center for Reiki
Training for over 22 years. Below is an example of just one of our student testimonials
"Laurelle; your Crystal Healing Class was one of my favorite classes ever !!! I have taken a number
of Crystal Classes in the past but nothing even closely compared to my experience in your class
Laurelle THANK YOU . The information and knowledge you are sharing on this subject is VERY
important. .. I cannot wait to take part 2 next year. Reiki Hugs ~ Julie

This directory is a paid listing of

practitioners in crystal healing and
vibrational therapies. Listing in this
directory does not constitute an
endorsement by Crystal Resonance


Australian Capital Territory

Karyn Fearnside
Earth Resolutions

List Your Practice in our directory! Visit our

website at www.crystalresonancemagazine.
com to submit your listing.


Phone : 04 1943 1362

I became interested in crystals in the mid 1980's when I held one and it made my hand buzz. I read
about and collected them and finally had a chance to practice working with them when I did Crystal
Vibrational Therapy with Susie Nelson-Smith in 2006. Susie studied with Katrina Raphael, and her
course went for 21 days spread out over a year. This included 18 case studies working from beginner
level to advanced. Since then I have really enjoyed working with clients when the opportunity has
arisen. I also have 2 children (9 & 12) and a part time job in disability support. CVT is rewarding in that
I feel I gain as much as the client does, I always feel refreshed and peaceful afterwards. I incorporate
many of my own ideas into my practice and I have just started to work with Crystal Skulls.
Certification: Crystal Vibrational Therapy
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New South Wales

Jennifer Allan
Cocoon Therapies
Bondi, Sydney

Phone : 04 0700 8736

A gentle form of chakra balancing, meridian & aura cleansing. Energetic & physical body realignments.
Combining essential oils, music to calm the mind so we can step out of own way and heal. Focus on
your own abilities & awareness with crystaline & elemental energies. Simple stuff.
Certification: Crystal Therapy
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Stephanie Lister
Crystalicious Massage

Phone : 0447 196 984

My journey with crystals started at a critical time in my life and evolved into a deep passion of the tools
the earth offers us for healing and support.
Along with the study of Crystal Resonance Therapy, Reiki and Massage, I immersed myself in
travelling throughout the world connecting with the sacredness of the earth, the wild spirit of the land
and ceremony in many different cultures.
As the journey continues my intention through Crystalicious Massages and monthly new moon circles
is to facilitate womin to immerse themseves in the delicious well of ancient knowledge that resides
within their hearts, the door way to our infinite potential and the divine Medicine Womin that resides
within us all.
Certification: CRTh, Reiki, Massage
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Peta Anderson
Soul Choice

Phone : 07 5488 6714

There is nothing like the healing abilities of crystals! If you are ready to heal yourself and break free
from self imposed restrictions, then open yourself to the rest of your life, the life you want to live!
Soul Choice provides a relaxed, professional place to facilitate your healing through the modality of
Crystal Resonance Therapy.
It really is a.... Soul Choice!
Certification: CRTh, PAHT Practioner, Reiki Master/Teacher
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Sandie McArdle

Phone : 613-617-5588
My aim is to help people become more conscious. What does that mean, you might ask? So often
in this lifetime we have chosen to be blind to things we have created that are now in the way of our
becoming the person we are meant to be. I help to uncover these bits and to help the client understand
them, love them and where appropriate to let them go or change them into something that does work.
My desire is to help people learn to live a life which is grounded, neutral and heart-centred.
Certification: Reiki Master, CRTh, Psychdramatic Bodywork, Counsellor, Angel Therapy, BARS
Facilitator, energy facilitator
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Patty Scrivens
TAO Crystals & Healing Centre

Phone : 613-288-2274
As well as offering the above services, I also offer a full range of workshops at the centre and other
energy medicine modalities through other certified practitioners. Long distance healing is also
available.We look forward to serving you. Check us out at or
Certification: CRTh; Primus, Crystal Ally Card Reader, Crystal Healer, Algonquin Medicine
Ceremonies, Order of Melchezidek
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United Kingdom

Lynne McDermott
Blueskyz Healing
Heanor, Derbyshire

Blueskyz is a community interest company, that works on a not for profit basis, to provide a facility
which offers a local, and regional wide service. We bring together a wide range of therapists who are
drawn to Blueskyz, and therefore we can offer an extensive variety of holistic therapies.
Crystal Resonance Therapy is available through myself.
In working with a diverse group of healers and educators, we are able to collectively share information
and build the platform for integrated holistic health and education.
Certification: CRTh, PAHT Practioner, Hazel raven college of BioDynamics Crystal Therapy
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United States

Linda Herzog

Phone : (520) 907-4889

Crystal Resonance Therapy TM is based upon aspects of both quantum physics and Newtonian physics,
utilizing basic laws of energy movement and electormagnetism to effectively shift energetic blocks
and patterns within the physical body and energetic field. During a session the client experiences
warmth, well-being and a release from limiting patterns and blockages. Clients often report a sense of
heightened connection to their spiritual guides and a sense of expanded conciousness. Sessions include
an intake, full energy system assessment and balancing, appropriate crystal or stone placement and
guided meditation. Crystal Resonance Therapy was created and taught personally to me by Naisha

Ahsian, an Internationally known crystal expert, Director of the Crystalis Intstitute for Personal and
Planetary Transformation and the co-author of the Book of Stones. If you are in the Tucson area and are
interested in experiencing a Crystal Resonance Therapy Session please contact me!
Certification: Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist
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Toni Crotty, CRTh, PAHT Pract., CAMT
Be Well and Wise and Playful!

Phone : 510-339-7276
Toni shepherds clients on the path to wellness, wisdom, personal growth, healing, and self-discovery,
with compassion, humor, healing hands, and a healing heart.
Fully clothed clients, relaxing or sleeping comfortably on a massage table, receive harmonizing Crystal
Resonance Therapy (or Jin Shin Jyutsu.) sessions.
Trained and gifted with the ability to hear the body's wisdom and crystal guidance, Toni assesses and
balances energy, placing crystals appropriately while ushering clients into the Primus state, the most
healing energetic state.
Afterwards, Toni suggests crystals, elixirs, and self-care for maintaining the feelings of balance and
Certification: MA, CRTh, PAHT Pract., CAMT, Jin Shin Jyutsu.
First Crystal Resonance Therapist on the West Coast
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Sandra Marie
Alasandra Healing Center

Phone : 303-520-4552
As an energy therapist, I identify energy imbalances and use appropriate techniques to help bring your
energy systems into greater balance and harmony.
Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh)
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Tevia Chiert
Ft. Lauderdale

Phone: 954-777-6946
I have seven year of experience as a Reiki Master practioner and Reiki Master Teacher (2005). Certified
Crystal Resonance Therapist (2007) and completed my Crystal Resonance Therapist Teacher training

under Naisha Ahsian (2009).

Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) , Reiki Master Teacher, Primus Activation Healing
Technique Practitioner (PAHT Pract.)
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Fran Oppenheimer RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh
Holistic Healing Hands

Phone : 352-275-1848
Fran Oppenheimer RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh has been a practitioner of the healing arts for over 20 years.
In addition to being a Registered Nurse specializing in the care of critically ill children, and a licensed
massage therapist, Fran has trained in Homeopathy, and is a nationally certified practitioner of Esoteric
Healing(CPEH). Fran has also completed a 2 year intensive training with Naisha Ahsian, co-author of
The Book of Stones, and is certified in Crystal Resonance Therapy (CRTh). Fran delights in bringing
the energetic into the physical and combining her skills in various modalities to assist clients in finding
balance and ease in an effective and helpful way. Fran has an active practice in Gainesville, FL.
Certification: RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh
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Carol Hendrickson

Phone : 912-247-4555
Sessions generally include aspects of Crystal Resonance Therapy , Psych-K. and a bit of Reiki,
depending on the needs of the client. All sessions are held in strictest confidence. Distance healing
sessions are available on request. Sessions involving only Crystal Resonance Therapy , Reiki or Psych-K.
are available as well, if desired by the client. Intuitive readings using The Crystal Ally Cards are available
and can be conducted via Skype for those outside of the local Savannah area.
Certification: CRTh, Crystalis Institute Instructor for Becoming the Human Crystal class Usui & Tibetan
Reiki Master, Psych-K Practitioner
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Maria Celeste
The Center For Creative Healing /Gems by Celestial Dancer

Phone : 317.690.1335
A healing wellness session with MariaCeleste leaves you feeling powerfully encouraged to go forth
seeking new dimensions. Maria uplifts the spirit and renews your heart and your faith in
yourself and in those with whom you choose to journey. Maria Celeste utilizes her gifts and talents for
teaching and coaching and channeling all around the world in and for churches, profit and non-profit
organizations, with groups and with individuals. Maria Celeste offers a wide variety of services for the

individual and for groups; for special occasions, classes and products.
Certification: An Ordained Minister in the Church of Melchizedek; A Third Order
Dominican;Clairvoyant,audient, sentiet Medium/Channeler/Advisor; A Fourth Degree Reiki MasterTeacher/Practitioner; Certified under Melody as Master of Crystology Level I & Level II...Laying on of
Hands, Laying on of Stones; Certification in Crystal Resonance Therapy from the Crystalis Institute
under the direction of Naisha Ahsian. An ERT and Kinesiology Practitioner; A Certified Teacher -Coach
of Success: Full Living; a contemporary approach to spiritual responsibility. Trained and Coached by
Father Justin in the Silva Method, a method designed to elevate the creative powers of your mind by the
use of visualization and imagination, positive thinking and meditation.
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Sheila Cook
Rooted Resonance

Phone : 207-749-3832
Certifications : CRTh, PAHT practioner
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Anahata Roach
Anahata Crystal Therapy
St. Louis

Phone : 314-616-5416
Crystal Resonance Therapy sessions are offered as well as Crystal Ally Card readings. For more
information on Anahata and her practice, visit her website at
Certifications : CRTh, Usui Reiki Master, Sekhim-Seichim-Reiki Master Teacher, IET
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Nia Kallhof
Crystals of Light Address
Willow Springs

Phone : 417-252-4538
Nia is available to do Crystal Resonance Therapy, Crystal Workshops, Meditation Instruction at
Hearthaven in Missouri or at your location.
CRT is gentle and non-invasive, including "laying on" crystals and meditative techniques. Nia, a certified
CRT practioner will use interview and energetic assessment to determine which crystals and stones
to place on your body and in what arrangement. As the stones are positioned, she will energetically
activate each one. Your physical body and energy field will be brought into resonance with the crystals
for maximum effect. You will receive guidance to balance your enegy centers and allow a free flow of
energy. When all the stones have been placed, you will be brought into resonance wit the full spectrum

of Light energy, a relaxed pleasurable state, allowing for optimal physical and emotional healing, as well
as spiritual expansion. You may also be guided in a meditation to find and clear "stuck" energy patterns.
Nia will consult with you about which stones were used and how this relates to your physical and
emotional health and spiritual growth.
Certification: Primus Practioner, CRTh(crystal healer), Breathwork Rebirthing Practioner, Divine
Mother Meditation/yoga instructor
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New Hampshire
Carolyn Trott
Red Horse Wellness

Phone : 508-904-6857
Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist, Certified Holistic Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative
Nutrition, Reiki Level III
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Skye Stephenson
Jade Journeys

Phone : 603-762-1259
Dr. Skye Stephenson offers crystal healing sessions that help facilitate balance and grounding. A trained
CRT crystal healer, she has developed a unique type of crystal healing that draws upon various shamanic
traditions as well as her own channeled information.
Dr. Stephenson is involved in both individual practice, as well as place healing (ie. setting up crystal
grids,etc) and group crystal sessions to help promote collective transformation.
She lives in Southern New Hampshire, and is very open to barter and/or exchanging of services.
Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) Crystal Healer
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Rev. Dr. Nancy Pedersen
Nancy's Holistics

I am here to help you be the best person you can be and to help you realize your dreams.
Certifications : CRTh, Reiki/Seichim Master, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Chakra/Aura
Therapist, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, Certified Intuitive Divination Practitioner
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