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The 5



Why Pillars?
In ancient and many modern structures,
pillars keep the structure up a sturdy
foundation upon which things can be built.
This is like the 5 Pillars they are the
foundations of the Muslim faith upon which
the Muslims life can be built. No matter
how sincerely the Muslim believes, in Islam
it is thought to be pointless to live life
without putting their faith into practice.

th is put into practice. These make the Muslim put their faith frst in their daily lives not just making it an add-on in a secular life; in esse


This is the fourth pillar
fasting. All Muslims are
expected to fast during
daylight hours during
the 9th month of the
Lunar year (Ramadan).
The fast includes food,
drink, (passive) smoking
and sexual activity. This
fast strengthens the
Muslims discipline and
obedience to Allah, and
develops sympathy for
the poor. The month of
commemorates the
prophet Mohammed
being given the Quran
by Allah. The month
ends with a festival
called Eid ul-Fitr,
celebrating the end of
the fast and thanking

This is the second
Pillar prayer. Muslims
must pray 5 times
every day at dawn,
at midday, in the late
afternoon, just after
sunset and between
sunset and midnight.
For Muslims, prayer is
not just spoken it is a
bodily exercise. They
turn to face Mecca and
pray with a series of
special movements
upon clean ground
(e.g. a prayer mat).
The prayers are
repeated by Muslims
worldwide it not only
connects the Muslim
with Allah but with the
worldwide Muslim

This is the most

important pillar the
declaration of faith.
This means saying
whole-heartedly (that
they accept this as
true) There is no god
but Allah and
Mohammed is the
prophet of Allah. This
is the most important
and most basic
statement in the
whole of Islam
anyone who cannot
recite this wholeheartedly is not a
Muslim. To convert to
Islam, you must recite
the Shahadah three
times whole-heartedly

This is the third Pillar
charity. All Muslims are
expected to give an
alms tax as worship
and self-purifcation.
This tax consists of
2.5% (1/40) of the
Muslims annual income
and is given to the poor
or suffering. This is
separate from giving
out of generosity. The
alms tax helps to free
Muslims of the love of
money and greed and
to show that everything
belongs to Allah and is
on loan to them they
dont own anything
themselves. It, like
Sawm, helps the

This is the ffth and fnal
Pillar a pilgrimage to
Mecca (a city only
Muslims are allowed to
enter), walking around
the Kaaba and praising
Allah. All Muslims are
expected to complete
this journey at least once
in their life if they are
physically able and can
afford it. This pilgrimage
is designed to let
Muslims feel the
importance of life and
the afterlife by removing
markers of social status
all wear the same simple
white clothes called
Ihram. The pilgrimage
always takes place in the

Euan Ong Wa6(A)


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