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Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series
Yogi Bhajan says that Age is measured by the flexibility of the spine.
This kriya works all 26 vertebrae, systematically from the base of the
spine to the top. The movements also increase circulation of the spinal
fluid which is linked to mental clarity.
This set is presented to you by Stacy Hayden (aka The Wandering Yogi)
from the The Yoga of Travel, who recommends practicing this kriya
before and after long periods of travel in planes, trains and automobiles.
Print or download this PDF to your computer or Kindle and take your
yoga practice with you!
Go to to learn more about practcing Kundalini
Yoga along with a whole lot of other information on yoga, travel and life
design for the wandering yogi in all of us!


Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Spinal Flex
Sit in Easy Pose. Hold the ankles and inhale deeply while flexing the spine
forward, lifting and opening the heart center. Exhale, and flex the spine
back as you bring the shoulders forward. Silently chant SAT on the
inhale and NAAM on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the third
eye point. Keep the chin tucked in slightly and level; the chin does not go
up and down with the movement. Keep the movement in the spine with
the legs relaxed and connected to the ground. Bring your awareness to
the low spine. Repeat 108 times (3 min) then inhale, suspend the breath
and pull up on the root lock. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Spinal Flex
Sit on the knees in Rock Pose, placing the hands on the top of the thighs.
Inhale deeply, flexing the spine forward while lifting and opening the
heart center. Exhale, and flex the spine back as you bring the shoulders
forward. Silently chant SAT on the inhale and NAAM on the exhale. The
eyes are gently focused at the third eye point. Keep the chin tucked in
slightly and level; the chin does not go up and down with the movement.
Bring your awareness to the mid spine. Repeat 108 times (3 min) then
inhale, suspend the breath and pull up on root lock. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Spinal Twist
Sitting in Easy Pose, bring your fingers in front of the shoulders
and the thumbs in back. Straighten the spine and keep the arms
parallel to the ground with the elbows pulled back slightly.
Inhale deeply as you twist to the left and exhale as you twist to the
right twist to the right. Silently chant SAT on the inhale and NAAM
on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the third eye point.
Let the head follow naturally. Continue 26 times (1 min) and then
inhale, suspend the breath and pull up on root lock. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Bear Grip
Hold Bear Grip by locking the fingers at the heart center with the back
of the left hand facing the body and the back of the right hand facing
out. With no bend in the wrists, move the elbows up and down like a
see-saw. Breath long and deep with the motion, silently chanting SAT on
the inhale and NAAM on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the
third eye point. Continue 26 times (1 min) and then inhale, suspend the
breath and pull up on root lock. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Spinal Flex
Sit in Easy Pose. Hold the ankles and inhale deeply flexing the spine
forward, lifting and opening the heart center. Exhale, and flex the spine
back as you bring the shoulders forward. Silently chant SAT on the
inhale and NAAM on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the third
eye point. Keep the chin tucked in slightly and level; the chin does not
go up and down with the movement. Keep the movement in the spine
with the legs relaxed and connected to the ground. Bring your awareness
to the upper spine. Repeat 108 times (3 min) then inhale, suspend the
breath and pull up on the root lock. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Shoulder Shrugs
Inhale deeply as you squeeze the shoulders up on the inhale, and
relax them down on the exhale. Silently chant SAT on the inhale and
NAAM on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the third eye point.
Continue for less than 2 minutes. To end, inhale and suspend the breath
for 15 sec. as you pull up on the root lock and squeeze the shoulders up.
Exhale and relax.


Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Neck Rolls
With the spine straight, relax the chin down towards the chest. Inhale as
you roll your head up and around the right, when your head drops back
and your chin is lifted then exhale down and around to the left making a
complete circle. Keep the shoulders level as you roll the neck very slowly
to the right 5 times, then to the left 5 times. Silently chant SAT on the
inhale and NAAM on the exhale. The eyes are gently focused at the third
eye point. Inhale as you come back to center. Exhale and relax.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Bear Grip
Hold Bear Grip by locking the fingers in front of the throat with the back
of the left hand facing the body and the back of the right hand facing
out (higher than shown in the photo). Inhale deeply, and suspend the
breath as you pull on Bear Grip while pulling up on root lock. Exhale,
and suspend the breath as you pull on Bear Grip while pulling up on
root lock. Then raise the hands above the top of the head. Inhale deeply,
and suspend the breath as you pull on Bear Grip while pulling up on
root lock. Exhale, and suspend the breath as you pull on Bear Grip while
pulling up on root lock. Repeat this cycle 2 more times.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Sat Kriya

Sit on the knees in rock pose and interlace the fingers over the head with
the index fingers pointing straight up. For men, cross the right thumb
over the left; for women cross the left thumb over the right. Keep the
palms together and the arms straight while hugging the ears. Chant
SAT aloud while pulling in and up on the Navel Center, then chant
NAAM aloud as you let the belly relax. Continue powerfully for 3 min.
To end, inhale, suspend the breath and pull up on root lock. Circulate
your energy up from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Exhale,
and suspend the breath out while applying all the locks. Inhale and come
into final relaxation.
P. 10

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