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Data Warehouse

Data Warehousing

Subject oriented! !
Data warehouse is organized around the

key subjects (or high level entities) of the

enterprise. !

major subjects may include customers,

patients, students, products and time

Subject oriented, integrated, time variant,

updatable collection of data used in
support of management decision making

The data housed in the warehouse are

defined using consistent naming

conventions, formats, encoding structure,
and related characteristics gathered from
several internal systems of record.

Time Variant!


Data in the data warehouse contain a time

Data in the data warehouse are loaded and

dimension do that they may be used to

study trends and changes

refreshed from operational system, but

cannot be updated by end users.

Data Warehouse

Data warehousing

Data warehouse is not just a consolidation

of all operational database in an

its focused on business intelligence,

external data, and time-variant data.

data warehouse is a unique kind of

Process whereby organization create

and maintain data warehouse and
extract meaning and inform decision
making from their informational assets.


Key advances of data


Improvements in database technology

Advances in computer hardware
(affordable mass storage and parallel

The Need for

Business requires an integrated,

companywide view of high quality


Emergence of end user computing

advances in Middleware Products

The IS department must separate

Need for companywide


Need to separate operational

and informational System

Data in operational system are typically

Operational systems: A system that is used

Distributed on variety of incompatible

Informational Systems: Systems designed to

fragmented and inconsistent

hardware and software platform

information from operational systems

to run a business in real time, based on

current data.

support decision making based on historical

point in time and prediction data.

Primary factors in separating

operational and informational

A Data warehouse centralizes data that are


A properly designed data warehouse adds

value to data by improving their quality!

a separate data warehouse eliminates much

resources when informational are
confounded with operational processing

Big Data
Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of
data so much that 90% of the data in the
world today has been created in the last two
years alone. This data comes from
everywhere: sensors used to gather climate
information, posts to social media sites,
digital pictures and videos, purchase
transaction records, and cell phone GPS
signals to name a few. -IBM-

Big data and Business

Velocity. The speed of data creation is

more important than the volume!

Macys used data from mobile phones in

parking lot even before the sales

Big data and Business

Volume. as 2012, 2.5 exabytes data created
each day, and doubling every 40 Months!

Wallmart create 2.5 Petabytes data every

hour from its transaction

Big data and Business

Variety. Big data takes the form of

messages, updates, and images posted to

social network, GPS signals, and many

each of us is walking data generator, and

the data often unstructured (not
organized in database).


Challenge of Big Data

Smarter decisions Leveraging new sources of data

to improve the quality of decision-making.

Faster decisions Enabling more real-time data

capture and analysis to support decision making at the

point of impact, for example, when a customer is
navigating your website or on the telephone with a
customer service representative.

Decisions that make a difference Focusing big data

efforts on areas that can provide true differentiation.


Talent Management


Decision Making

Company Culture

Jim Hare

Program Director, IBM Big Data Product Marketing

Big datas power still need for vision or

Talent Management

human insight

Data analyst with ability to cleaning and

business leader must spot a great

opportunity, and understand the market.

Computer scientist with visualisation skills


Decision Making

organising large data set

Technology to handle large volume of data

and the variety of big data have improved

however this technology require a new


Information that is created needs expertise

to solve the problems

Company culture
Move away from acting solely and instinct

Need to change the habit to spiced up
report with data

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