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FBR REPORT: Photos from One of the Areas (Kweh Der, Ler

Doh) Attacked by Burma Army

Karen State, Burma

29 January, 2010

Dear friends,

Here are photos from one of the areas (Kweh Der, Ler Doh) attacked last week. They show villagers in hiding,
burned homes, burning paddy rice, families rebuilding, and the bodies of the two men killed by the Burma
Army, Saw Ee Moo and Saw Mya Kaw Htoo. The local KNU leadership, their organizations and FBR relief
teams are providing emergency relief, while PRAD has supplied immediate medical supplies and food
assistance. Over 2,000 people are still displaced and in hiding. The Burma Army continues to patrol. Please see

Thanks so much helping us put a light on the situation in Burma and thanks to the news agencies who help get
the word out.

May God bless you,

A Relief Team Leader,

Free Burma Rangers

Western Karen State, Burma

WARNING: Graphic images contained in report below.

IDPs hiding after Burma Army attacks

Villagers rebuilding their homes

Saw Ey Moo, shot and killed by the Burma Army

Saw Mya kaw htoo, killed and burned by the Burma Army

Homes Burned by Burma Army Kweh Der village

Rice still burning after Burma Army attack

Recap of attack: On January 17: Keh Der village in Ler Doh Township, Nyaunglebin District, was attacked by
LIB 367 under Military Operation Command 10. Ten houses were burned down. 2 villagers were shot and
killed. One man's name is Saw Mya Kaw Htoo. He is 48. He has a wife and 6 children (5 girls). The villagers
ran before the SPDC attacked, but later some villagers went back to try to retrieve some of their belongings and
that was when Saw Mya Kaw Htoo was shot. The second villager killed was Saw Ey Moo who was killed on
the 19th of January 2010 by the same patrolling unit. Because of the early warning system everybody ran away
before the Burma Army troops attacked this village or there may have been more people killed. Now the Burma
Army is patrolling in this area of Kgaw Hta village and Keh Der village tract. As per above report, the Burma
Army burned Khwe Der village, killed two villager and displaced 10 villages. The villages are; Khwe Der, Kaw
Taw Kee, Thur Kaw der, Thaung Nya Der, Kaw Hta, Ler Taw Loo, Day Baw Kee, Muki, Hti Law Kee, Ko Lu.

The Free Burma Ranger’s (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside
Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous field teams, FBR reports on human
rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma
Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to
survive Burmese military attacks.

For more information, please visit

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