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Other Activities and Important Dates





Sun 19th April Church Prayer Meeting

7.30pm 2 Firs Lane, N21 2HU

Sun 26th April Safeguarding Training

6.15pm Highlands Village Hall

Mon 11th May Gents Drinks

9.30pm Jolly Farmers

Mon 1st June

Gents Drinks

9.30pm Jolly Farmers

Sunday 7th

Grace Church Highlands FUNDAY Sundayfor Highlands

Village and guests

Mon 6th July

Gents Drinks

9.30pm Jolly Farmers

Sun 12th July

Church Family Picnic

in Oakwood Park

Sun 19th July

Church Prayer Meeting

7.30pm 2 Firs Lane, N21 2HU

Mon 3rd Aug

Gents Drinks

9.30pm Jolly Farmers

English Language Support Club

This ministry will continue again on 14th June after the FUNDAY Sunday.
Immediately after the service, from 12noon to 1.00pm, we will be running the
Club to help those for whom English is not their first language. For more information please speak to Lisa Jenner, Sarah Arnold or Rachel Downie.
Youth Football for Years 10-13every term-time Tuesday evening
from 7-8pm in Highlands School Sports Hall. All welcomeplease
speak to Andy Forrest for details.

Grace Church Book Club

We will be reading and then meeting to discuss
Why we pray by William Philip.
We will meet from 7.30-9.00pm on Sunday
10th May having read the first 2 chapters and
then again on Sunday 28th June having finished the book. First comefirst served.

Contact details: Revd Andy Wadsworth

2 Firs Lane, Winchmore Hill, N21 2HU 020 8350 6946

To know Christ and to share Christ

Welcome to Grace Church Highlands!

Dear Friends,

Summer 2015

For many of us the summer months bring not only a season of warmer
weather but also a season of endings and new beginnings. So for some,
exams bring to an end a season of study to be followed by new beginnings
in new subjects with new horizons beckoning in new schools, universities
and jobs. This summer also brings a General Election with a new government of, as yet, unknown political persuasion. I hope that we will use our
vote wisely after prayerful consideration of the policies and character of the
candidates and parties they represent.
With such changes ahead, it is therefore an appropriate season for us to be
looking at the book of Daniel in our sermon series. Despite Gods people
being in exile in a pagan land, the hand of the sovereign LORD is clearly
seen throughout, so that even the great King Darius is forced to declare,
He is the living God and he endures for ever; his kingdom will not
be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he
saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the
earth. (6v26)
As a church family, whatever new beginnings lie ahead, we continue to
trust the loving sovereignty of the LORD
our God.
Please do make Sunday 7th June a priorityfor our Open Church and FunDay
Yours in Christ,
Andy Wadsworth

Jesus resurrection appearancesin John

12th April

Jesus appears to ThomasJohn 20v19-31

Chris Conn

19th April

Jesus appears on the beachJohn 21v1-14

Andy Wadsworth

26th April

Jesus re-commissions PeterJohn 21v15-25 Andy Wadsworth

The Triumph of Gods KingdomDaniel

Andy Wadsworth

Branch Groups

(Midweek Small Groups meeting in homes)

Daytime Group
Denise Roberts or AW

at 38 The Chine
020 8360 2354

Meets Mondays
10.30am to 12 noon

Daytime Womens Group

Katie Wadsworth and
Sarah Stockton

at 2 Firs Lane,
020 8350 6946
020 8360 6393

Meets Tuesdays

Evening Group
Paul Mason

at 93 Old Park Ridings,

020 8360 8527

Meets Tuesdays

Evening Group
Ross Simmonds and
Stephanie Sullivan

at 9 Vicars Moor Lane,

07818 623024
020 8441 1901

Meets Wednesdays
Meets Wednesdays

3rd May *

Gods unseen hand in historyDaniel 1

10th May

A Kingdom that shall stand foreverDaniel 2 Tom Simpson

17th May

No other gods can save in this wayDan. 3

Andy Wadsworth

24th May

Those who walk in pride, He is able to

humbleDaniel 4

Jeff Hammer

Evening Group
Adrian and Anne Bailey

at 3 Brayton Gardens,
020 8363 0829

31st May *

The writings on the wallDaniel 5

Andy Wadsworth

Evening Group
Chris and Abi Stead

at 13 Farm Lane, Oak Hill Meets Thursdays

07974 895 751
8.00pm to 9.30pm

Questions of FaithOpen Church

7th June
with FunDay

Open Church at Grace Church Highlands

Fi Mitchell and
Daniel and the lions denDaniel 6 (All-Age) Andy Wadsworth

14th June

But dont all religions lead to God?

Andy Wadsworth


What makes Jesus so special?

Chris Stead

20th April

Stephen the MartyrActs 6v8-7v60

27th April

Philip the EvangelistActs 8v1-40

4th May

The Conversion of SaulActs 9v1-31

11th May

The Conversion of CorneliusActs 9v32-11v18

18th May


25th May

No meeting in Half-term

1st June

Prayer Meetings in Branch Groups

8th June

Growing PainsActs 11v19-12v24

15th June

Spreading the WordActs 12v25-14v28

22nd June

Resolving conflictActs 15v1-16v5

29th June

Following the SpiritActs 16v6-17v15

Andy Wadsworth

6th July

City of idols Acts 17v16-34

Andy Wadsworth

13th July

Good news strategyActs 18-19

20th July


Back to Daniel
28th June *

Is history all beastly?Daniel 7

Andy Wadsworth

5th July

Lord of all historyDaniel 8

Chris Stead

12th July

A tutorial in prayerDaniel 9

Andy Wadsworth

19th July

Daniels vision of a man with a belt of gold

Daniel 10

Chris Stead

26th July *

We are not in controlDaniel 11

Andy Wadsworth

2nd August

Enduring to the EndDaniel 12

Chris Stead

(Good News Club Summer Season begins)

Summer Psalms
9th August
16th August*


23rd August
30th August

* service with Holy Communion

Chris Stead

Week beginning Monday ActsSeeing the Spirit at work

Andy Wadsworth

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