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Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneur has been defined in various ways

Risk taker
An innovator
A resource assembler
An organization builder and so on.

Type of Entrepreneurs

Innovating Entrepreneurs
Imitative or Adoptive
Fabin Entrepreneurs
Drone Entrepreneurs


Independent in his operation

Raising Of fund

Raised by his own initiative


Entrepreneur bears the full

risk of business
Operate from the outside

Result of working

He gets profit
Real owners of the business

Semi Independent Depend on
the entrepreneur ie the owner
Funds are not raised by the
intrapreneur instead depends
upon the industry in which he
is working
He bares partial but not bull
Operate from within the
organization itself
He gets perquisite
Not the owner rather he works
for the owner.

Case Study
Since 1996 safe water has exported 1400 solar water purifiers to nearly 50 countries in Asia
centralamerica and Africa. Willhates president of the firm knows that this product has the
potential to save life 80% of all illness in the developing world is directly related to the
consumption of water born pathogen in unsafe drinking water. The concept behind safe water
system technology is really very simple. The solar water perterizes used the same rays to heat the
water to the pt where all harmful bacteria and virous are disinfected achieving the same result at

boiling but at a lower temperature. Over the long period of time the solar units are design to last
about 25 years do need electricity and requires virtually no maintenance making them ideal for
underdeveloped rural locations and efficient alternative for purify water by boiling where
firewoods cant be gathered, other fuel must be purchased to the cost often consuming upto 25%
of the family income. Millions of people cannot offered to buy fuel have no way disinfect the
dirty water and consistently suffer illness or die. Each year 5 million people die as a result of
contaminated drinking water place at the water source of local village or the water enters the
solar pestlizer system where heated for about 2 1/2 hours and there you have been drinkingagle
water. According to world health org. 1.2 billion dont have access to drinking water that is
disease causing microbes the world health org predicts this no will inc to more than 2 billion safe
water system has used provided by human export attestance system where the source is located
to cope woth the often configure regulation of
1. What essential step can comp such as safe water system take to distribute its products in
developed countries more effectively.
2. Should the US govt intervain

Who is an Intrepreneur?
An emerging group of person whose idea where innovative enough to offer ample scope of
making good profit left the big corporations and started their own new venture thereby turning
themselves as an entrepreneur these entrepreneurs are called as Intrepreneur
Entrepreneur Skills

Create problems solving

Holistically managing business
Strategic thinking

Stages of Entrepreneurship Process


Identification of opportunities
Evaluation of opportunities
Preparation of the business plan
Determination and organization of the resources
Mgmt of the enterprise

Role of Enterpreneur in Economic Development


Enterprineurship promotes capital formation by mobilizing the idle saving of the public.
Large scale employment
Balanced regional development
Reduces concentration of economic powers
Equitable distribution of wealth and income and political power
Resource mobilization
Backward and forward linkage
Promote country`s export trade

Barriers of Entrapreneurship

Lack of capital
Lack of technical knowledge
Economies business cycle
Non availability of RM & resources
Government regulations
Obsolescence of technology or idea
Unstable & unpredictable market
Globalization & entry of foreign goods

Benefits of Enterprenearship

Enormous personal financial gain

Self employment, offering more jobs, flexibility work force
Employment for other often in better jobs
Development of more industrial rural areas or regions.

Module 2

Creative Process


Source of new Ideas

Some of the more frequently used source of ideas for entreprenure include.

Existing product & services
Distribution channels
Research & development.

Heuristics refers to strategic that we can adapt to solve unfamiliar problems

Model for problem solving

ng the


Carrying out
the plan

Needs modification

Innovation may refer to an incremental emergent or radical and revolutionary changes

in thinking products processes or organization
Invention is the embodiment of something new where as innovation is an
improvement on an existing from or embodiment compostion

Source of Innovation

Manufacturer innovation
End user innovation

Reason of Innovation
1. To increase the demand as well as sales of the product
2. To acquire huge market share
3. To return the loyal customer

Module 3


Business plan is a written document describing all relevant internal & external elements and
stratergies for starting a new venture.


Module 1

Change is a continuous process
Change is concerned with making things different change intervention is a planned action to
make things different. The person who act as catalyst assumes the responsibility for managing
the change process is the change agent.

Need for change

Change management is not a matter of following few steps since no 2 changes are exactly
The right approach will be the situation specific
In change mgmt it is very difficult to get a common denominator from all the source to
apply it to their organization benefit
There is tight connection between the concept of learning org only if group & individual
within the organization learn they will be able to master a positive change.
In essence change takes place on levels the self the team or the org & the wider system
Change needs to be facilitated on all three levels to become sustainable.
Following are some of the cause of change.

Mission: Mission is the outcome of strategic planning

Workload: Economy forces to manage increase or decrease in staff workload
Political: Establish & acquiring power & authority
Environment: Internal & external influence
Changes in mgmt: When leadership & guidance changes from top to down hierarchical
6. Resources: unexpected inc or dec in funding resources
7. Technological: Accelerated pace of the rate of change in tech
Implications to change

Phases of change
1. Denial
2. Bargaining & Negotiating
3. Anger
Managing of personal change
Improvement starts in mind. If you can change your mind you can change your life.

Some of the things you might wish to change are:

Unwanted emotional reaction : Empowering emotions.

Limited choices: flexibility
Stress: relaxation
Physical illness : Health
Imbalance : Balance
Negative attirude : Positive attitude

Personal change is defined as means of improvement in an individual life however personal

change might need some help in finding out how to change mind & life. The aim of personal
change involves tapping the unlimited potential available in the individual
Personal change is a process of movement of an individual from current understanding level
to a desirable level of behavior to improve organization and individual effectiveness and
efficiency main focus is to improve an
Personal Change Process

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4











John fisher Transition process
1. Anxiety: Individuals unable to adequate predict the future. They dont have enough info
to allow them to anticipate

2. Happiness: There is a falling of relief that something is going to change whether the past
is perceived positively or negatively still there is a feeling of anticipation of improvement
and they believe that they will get nore change than is actually.
3. Fear: People need to act in a different way and this will have an impact on both their self
perception and on how others externally see them.
4. Threat: They are unsure as to how they will be able to react ( act in a potentially, a totally
new event where the old rules no longer apply and there are no new rules were next yet
5. Guilt: Individuals begins exploring their self perception on how they reacted and looking
at alternative perception they begin to redefine men
6. Depression: Individuals are uncertain about how they will fit in to the future world. It is
characterized by lack of motivation and confusion
7. Disillusionment: When individual`s values beliefs and goals are incompatible with the
org. so they become unmotivated, unfocused, dissatisfaction, and gradually withdraws
labor criticizing complaining or resigning
8. Mortality: Individual continue to operate that have repeatedly failed to achieve a
successful outcome. They ignore the new practices as well.
9. Denial: Lack of acceptance of any change and demise. People keep acting as if the
change has not happened using old practices and processes and ignoring the new me set
of practices consistently shown fail in the past is one of the reason for
Components of personal change
1. Self Efficacy
Mastery experiences
Vicarious experiences
Social persuasion
IV. Cognitive process
2. Self Awareness
3. Self Esteem
4. Self Analysis
Q1 : Who is self aware person?
One who knows about his own strength and limitations
One who has clear idea of ones priorities
One is aware of his fear and anxieties
One who knows how other are affecting oneself
One who is aware of ones feelings and emotions and how they affect oneself and other

Importance of self awareness

Self awareness helps an individual to observe oneself and life free from judgement
It help to change perception about themselves and about other people
It helps to enhance self esteem
It develops self acceptance and to accept other
It helps to gain clarity on what really you want
Spark creativity

Personal change through self awareness


Skill development
Knowing your strength and weakness
Developing intensive decision making skill

How to practice mgmt skill

a) By asking somebody
b) Use of questionnaire
c) Seek professional help

Self awareness through Johari window

It has 4 components

Open area
Blind area
Hidden self
Unknown area.

Love & MePage of Wands

You will be the emissary of innovation and change in your relationship with a potential partner.
This card is traditionally entitled a Page, but in some modern decks as a Princess. When the Page of
Wands is in this position, you play the part of a messenger who represents forward-moving change.
A partner may seem unnerved by your influence because you may be disturbing his or her set, stable
Don't take this discomfort personally. Those who are familiar with you know you to be a catalyst who
is involved to instigate change. This may be the important role you are called upon to play in this
possible relationship.

SituationKing of Pentacles
You and someone you care about are in position to assist higher-ups or leaders who have undeniable
influence on the world around them.
The King of Coins in this position points to an individual with power who can predict and control
outcomes central to the current situation. Either you or someone you care about may possess this
close access. Your roles may be as advisors, reminding the leader that his or her actions need to serve
the common good.
Whoever has the leader's attention and ear can affect the fate of many. With the King of Coins in this
position, you will likely enjoy a wonderful period of overcoming obstacles and hindrances smoothly.
Despite appearances to the contrary, you will prevail in a way that enables others to win as well.

ChallengesNine of Pentacles
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self-reliance.
The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit -- emotionally, physically and
psychologically. Don't let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can't expect this period of

relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of times there are usually
fluctuations. Remember that no future relationship will be immune to change.
As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual
and emotional vigor. Use your next relationship to improve your independence and prepare for
whatever may come next.

will Roopa KV become my wife

Love & MeThe Magician

You have a talent for creating something from nothing in your next relationship.
The Magus symbolizes imagination, creativity and an inventive nature. Your unique intelligence and
talent for clever experimentation is a valuable asset for keeping your future relationship fresh and
alive. The Magus serves as a catalyst and change agent. His influence is a fresh breeze blowing
through any situation. So be playful, and stay open. Don't limit yourself, the possibilities are endless.
Try things, see what happens and correct your course as you go. Tease open the minds of those who
are watching to see what you will do - including your potential love interest.

SituationThree of Pentacles
You may be provided with a relationship that encourages you to cultivate your individual genius and,
at the same time, makes it possible for both partners to give to each other the necessary support to
work as a team.
When the Three of Coins is in this position, you and a forthcoming partner may be willing to support
each other's genius with materials, security and recognition. Listen carefully to your special friend's
needs. It matters not whether you are playing the leadership or a support role.
The card indicates that whenever you are ready, the support you need for success and unique talents
will be forthcoming. The level of compatibility you share with your next loved one may transcend the
gender roles and romantic attachments that underlie most relationships, suggesting a meeting of
souls who are working as a team to realize a shared ideal.

ChallengesFour of Swords

Take a needed break from relationship desires and responsibilities. Escape to your sanctuary to do
some necessary internal work.
The Four of Swords in this position urges you to find a place and time for quiet reflection. You may

be overstimulated and have gotten yourself too focused on seeking a potential relationship. This card
represents the tribal, familial, or cultural qualities passed to you by your ancestors. As such, they
possess marks that define you and make you the unique individual you are. Acknowledge how much
you may have neglected your inner life and resolve to budget time and energy to tend to this vault of
You may need to get away from the outer life occasionally to do an internal audit, to create a new
strategy, or to envision alternative paths. Without a retreat into quiet time, you cannot expect to
marshal your very best resources for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Break away from your
preoccupations and relationship needs, and find a "cave" for the internal work that may be crucial to
emerging developments.

Will I get married?

Love & MeAce of Wands

Stay attentive to your desired relationship goals, even as change accelerates.
The Ace of Wands in this position signifies your personal point of focus, advising you to take action
to stay in alignment with your goals. Wands is the suit of the fire element which can be used to
activate and accelerate change, chemical transformation, communication and realization.
Much to your benefit, change is ignited as you make the challenging transition from theory to action,
but you must remain clear about the mutual goal that will unite you and your future partner. An ace
signifies the seed, the start point, a first step. If you handle yourselves properly, if you take advantage
of this opportunity, your next relationship can mature into a great success. Stay unified with your

SituationFour of Wands
Support your possible love interest without hesitation. As a team you are dynamic and powerful.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, your future relationship may be with a creative,
stimulating, high-energy person. Together you may give birth to an idea, business, product, or
endeavor with great potential. The effective melding of your energies confirms that the process will
have every chance of success.
Strongly consider doing whatever it takes to support and invest in the dream you and your future
partner hold together. If you are fortunate, you may attract a like-minded couple who will round out
your team and make it unstoppable.

ChallengesThe World

You will have the opportunity to master the elements of a potential relationship to the degree that
success is a regular occurrence.
The World in this position challenges you to maintain a dynamic balance between inner pressures
and outer circumstances of your forthcoming relationship. This may be viewed as the push and pull
that exists between polar energies such as your male and female sides, innocence and wisdom, and
action and response.
You and the one you care about may have grown into your potential. It may be wonderful to find
yourself at the center of the universe, in the right place at the right time. Still, this requires effort and
attention. How you respond to maintaining this balance will determine how constant the fulfillment
and success gained in your new relationship will be.

What job will I get

SelfFour of Wands
When you act upon a shared vision it will have far reaching effects upon your work or career
The Four of Wands in this position suggests a group is forming that shares a common vision more
complete and with more potential than any vision the coworkers had dreamed separately. Synergy is
emerging from the work group; the benefits of your serious and significant work will be felt not only
in your immediate circle but also throughout a wider spectrum. This work group is the core social
unit necessary to produce a successful business, civic project or creative endeavor.

the average depth of a vagina is 6inches. The pleasure zone of a woman is the first 3-4 inches
being your first time could be nerves.....its the quality of the love making not the amount of time.
sometimes it lasts a while and sometime it doesn't.............just make sure it quality............
Next time you see the doctor, ask him if he or she can explain the vagina to you .........ask him or her
where the pleasure zones are....................they can give you the facts of the human body......
But when you are older.........and in a committed can ask your partner what pleases
her and what she likes........and if she does not know.........take the time to find out together.
hey cmon dont worry stop thinking about its ur perfectly normal. guys talking abt 6 or 7 inches r really
rubbish . because they dont come under ranges of normal length. actually these r myths generally
propogated by **** sites nad **** videos commonly seen in ur age grps.
regarding satisfaction only outer third of female vagina is sensitive for touch so she can feel ur penis only
in her outer third no matter how long is it so even a 3 inches will give her same senses as 6 inches wud

give ok. more over the most sensitive thing in female is clitoris which is situated outside the orifice.
rubbing it gives them more pleasure.
above all satisfaction fore girls is more an emotional thing rather physical so if ur partner loves u shell b
satisfied by u.
get urself few good books on sex to get knowledge, rather going on rumors. hope that wud help

5 years ago

How to Measure Penis Size

When it comes to choosing the perfect condom for you, there are a few steps you may need to take.
First, you may do some experimenting with different condom materials
(like, latex,polyurethane, polyisoprene, and lambskin) as well as play around with various textures and
Yet perhaps even more important in your quest to find the perfect condom is to measure your penis
size. Condoms that are too big can slip off and ones that are too tight can break -- neither scenario is
one you want to be in. The following will guide you through the simple steps on how to measure your
penis size.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 15 minutes (after you have an erect penis)
Here's How:

In order to accurately measure penis size, first you must have an erect penis (since penis size
when flaccid is not an accurate measurement). How you choose to accomplish this task is up to
you. But we cant move any further in determining penis size until your penis has assumed the
proper position!


Measure Penis Length - Start off by measuring the length of your penis. All you need to do
is use a ruler or measuring tape. Position the ruler or measuring tape at the base of your penis
(where it attaches to your body - make sure to press into the pubic bone as far as you can
because fat can actually hide the length of your penis). Measure your penis length by marking
how long it is from the base all the way to the end of the tip. Write down this number and label it
penis length.


Measure Penis Girth - Now you will be measuring around your penis, basically figuring out
its circumference/thickness, or penis girth. For this step, you need to use a piece of string (or
something similar) or a soft measuring tape. Gently wrap the string one time around the thickest
part of the shaft/body of your erect penis (yes, it still needs to be erect!). Mark where the string
meets and then measure the distance of the string with a ruler. You could also do the same thing

with the soft measuring tape, and just mark the measurement once you reach around the penis.
Write down this number and label it penis girth.
You can determine penis width or diameter by dividing the girth measurement by 3.14.

Great! Now you have a good idea of your penis size, and its time for the fun part (an erect
penis is no longer needed). It is time to compare your penis size with the average penis size.
Typically, the average erection has a penis length of approximately 5.5 to 6.3 inches (139.7 to
160.02 mm) and has a girth ranging between 4.5 to 5.1 inches (114.3 to 129.54 mm). The
average diameter (penis width) would equal out to about 1.4 to 1.6 inches (35.56 to 40.64 mm). If
your penis measurements are close to these averages, then a standard size condom should
provide you with the most accurate fit. Keep in mind that a condom should completely cover your
penis and have some space at the tip to catch the ejaculate.


It may be best to use condom width when comparing condom sizes. As a general guide,
condoms with a width of 1.75 to 2 inches (44.45 to 50.8 mm) are typically consideredstandard,
while those under 1.75 inches are categorized as snug and condoms over 2 inches are
considered large.
Going by length may be confusing because different condom manufactures use slightly different
measurements, so what one manufacturer calls large may actually be standard for another.
Because of this, standard condoms may have a length between 7.25 to 7.8 inches (184.15 to
198.12 mm); snug condoms may have a length of 7 to 7.8 (177.8 to 198.12 mm); large condoms
length ranges from 7.25 to 8.1 inches (184.15 to 205.74 mm).
Condom Size Chart

Keep in mind that penis girth affects how a condom fits. If your girth is above average,
a standard sized condom might feel too tight, and if penis girth is less than average, standard
condoms may slip off during sex.

A non-erect penis measurement is rather valueless since many factors can cause a
temporary penis shrinkage of two or more inches (like cold weather or going swimming).

To get the most accurate measurement of penis size, you should repeat the above
steps 1-3 at different times throughout the day over several days. Penis size can vary due to
stress, fatigue, frequency of sexual activity and arousal levels.

What You Need


Soft Measuring Tape or String



An Erect Penis!


Standing, with an erection, hold your penis pointing straight out from your body so it's parallel to the floor.
You put the zero end of the tape or ruler against your abdomen, on top of your penis - the side closest to
the ceiling, and not the side or bottom. Where the measure of the tape or ruler is right over the furthest tip
- where your pee hole is - is how long you are.
When you're fully grown, you'll be about 5 to 5 1/2 inches if you are like 65% of guys. All but a small
percentage of the rest are within one inch of that, so 4 to 5 inches or 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 - both also normal
although slightly shorter or longer than average.
To measure girth, if you are using a soft tape measure (like the kind used for sewing), just wrap it around
the widest part of the penis (not the head, but any part of the shaft - base, middle, end). If you are using a
metal tape measure or ruler, then wrap a string or ribbon or shoelace around your penis, then measure
the string.

37 Best Tarot Questions

by Alec Satin

hat do you ask the tarot when you dont know what to ask?

Here are 37 of the best tarot questions to get you started. You and
your tarot reader can customize any of these to best match your
particular situation.

What do I most need to know


What do I most need to know about my love life?

What do I most need to know about my career?
What do I most need to know about the situation
with my sister/brother/husband/friend/mother?

How can I move forward questions

How can I move my career forward?

How can I move my love life forward?
Whats trying to come forth in my life?
Whats the strongest foundation to build upon?

I can go two ways. Help me decide which way to

What are the pros and cons of these two choices?

How can I make the best possible decision?

Do this Dont do this questions

What should I do about the situation with my

What shouldnt I do about it?

What should I do about the situation with my


What shouldnt I do about it?

Blessings in your life

How can I restore my hope for the future?

What blessings do I bring to my life?
What blessings do my friends and loved ones
bring to me?
What blessings are coming to me from the Divine?
How is fortune smiling on me?
Where is love in my life?
How can I know that there is meaning in my life?

Hidden things

What am I ignoring?
What am I not seeing?
Whats holding me back?
What am I denying?
What am I seeing thats not true?
What have I forgotten?
What could trip me up?

Snapshot questions

What can I learn from the past?

What is the future telling me?
What cycles are impacting me?
What have I learned?
Where am I strongest?
What should I look out for?

Action questions
What if anything needs to be done?
How can I communicate this in the best way

How will the trip go?


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