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Keep Calm and #ashtag

Scene 1
The stage opens with a chair kept Downstage Left . Next to it, on the left
there are a pair of golden stilettos and a shoebox. The perfomers stand in
a horizontal line Upstage.
SFX: Theme Song
Public Space Chorus
Google Search chorus
Tanvee: Open new window. ENTER. How to travel in
local train without getting killed- ENTER.
Neha: Open new window. ENTER. How to scare away
eve teasers on the roads. Enter
Vikrant: Open new window. How to be a real man-ENTER.
Ajitesh: Open new window. Best flowers to give to a girl. ENTER.
Tanvee: Tanvee: Scroll down. Click scroll down Back.
Backspace (3)The mumbai suburban railway covers over 465km, running over
2000 (neha overlaps) trains, carrying 7.5 million daily. BACK.

Neha: Scroll down. Youtube video. Click. 10 gaalis in hindi to scare away
eve teasers. Click (Vikrant overlaps) Play video. Buffering.
Vikrant: Scroll down. 10 traits to keep in mind on your way to manhood.
How to be a real man- with pictures. Real man academy - learn how to be
a real man for just 42,000 rupees. (Ajitesh overlaps)
Ajitesh: Scroll down. Guy's guide to giving flowers. CLICK. Open new
window. Consumer research shows that 92% of women like receiving
flowers, 89% women said flowers makes them feel special. If the way to a
mans heart is through his stomach, then the pathway to a womans heart
(Tanvee overlaps) is through her nose,
Tanvee: New search: Lonely planet guide to mumbai suburban railway.
ENTER. Scroll down. Click. Riding the rails like a
mumbaikar. Scroll down. Do not travel in southbound trains between 7am
and 11am. And do not travel in northbound trains between 4pm and 8pm.
Start edging towards the door 2 stations before your destination. If you

don't get a seat, strike a deal with the lady sitting next to you.
Neha: First gaali. Madarchod. Repeat. Madarchod. Second gaali.
Behenchod. Repeat. Behenchod.Third gaali Haraamzade. Repeat.
Haraamzade. Fourth gaali: Chutiya. Repeat. Chutiya. Fifth gaali.
Bhosadike. Repeat. Bhosadi ke.
Vikrant: Open new window. How to get muscles. Backspace. Perfect
Muscle-Building Strategy for a V-Shaped Torso | Men's Health
Get Crushed: Lean and Ripped with the Perfect 10
Your Perfect Muscle-Building Day
How to Go From Skinny to Muscular in 7 Steps
Think thin
Women like butts too
Ajitesh: Are Roses the best flowers to give to a girl. Switch tab. Backspace
backspace backspace.
Gifts made from rose essence. ENTER. Number One. Rose jam. Two. Rose
perfume. Three. Rose herbal tea. Four. Rose glycerine soap.
Chorus exits.
Five.Rose wine
Chorus : Close Window
Close Window
SFX: Cut Theme Song

Scene 2: Sachins Scene

Sachin: Open New Window. www.

How to impress a girl. Enter
How to Impress a Girl and Make Her Fall in Love with You. Click

Impress with personality

Wash your face twice a day
Be funny
Make eye contact while talking to her
Learn a romantic poem.

Makes Eye contact with audience and smiles

When I was 15, there was this girl Tanya in my class.
Tanya Turns around.
The day I first saw her, I knew she was the one for me. I had never felt
like that before, I liked her . No. I loved her.
You know when you are in love for the first time, you think she is the girl
youll get married to, and if you dont you are going to die. But as you can
see, I am 21, unmarried and still alive. (smiles) Anyway, I used to dream
that well get married, have 2 kids, well name our son Rahi and our
daughter Bela and we will live in a wooden house on top of a hill in a
village in Himachal Pradesh.
But there was only one problem..I had never spoken to her. She didnt
even know that I existed. So one day I gathered enough courage and I
decided to talk to her. Now or Never. But I needed help!
So I opened my computer: Enter , love poems Enter, scroll down , click ,
When I open my eyes,
to see the sunrise,
I think of you
This was perfect! So I wrote it down on a piece of paper.

The next day in school I looked for her everywhere classroom, playground,
staffroom, girls water tank, toilets. But I couldnt find her anywhere. And
just when I had lost all hope
Tanya enters
I saw her.
Sachin Repeats to himself, pumping himself up : Make eye contact. Be
Sachin : Hi Tanya. I am Sachin. We are in the same class?
Tanya : New boy?
Sachin : yes yes new boy. I just came from St Fidlis International School
Tanya: You have doubt?
Sachin : No no doubt . Im a good student. You know Tanya in my last school, I
used to be this really funny guy and I was really popular. Even the senior
teachers knew me. I used to make everyone laugh. But people dont know me
here so they dont know what a funny guy I am. I am really a very funny guy.

Tanya takes a step forward.

Oh shit! Now what (to audience)
Sachin : Tanya!... I wrote this for you, will you read it when you are alone?
Tanya exits.
Sachin: Yes! (Smiles)
The next day Tanya was waiting for me. I was thrilled. Lord Google had
Tanya Sachin .
Tanya hands sachin a note (exits)
Sachin opens the note excitedly
She had made notes in my poem.
When I open my eyes,
To see the sunrise,
I dont think of you.
When I feel the summer heat,
On the sand beneath my feet.
I dont think of you.

I hate you, I never want to see your face again.

Her rejection was also in the form of poetry! As you can imagine I was
heartbroken. My entire world had shattered ...but that was not the end of
the story. That day when I left school a gang of boys were waiting for me...

My heart was already broken, now my bones were also broken. But most
of all my self-respect was shattered. How the hell am I to face the world??
I had been beaten up that too over a girl who never wanted to see my
face again. How embarrassing yaar. But most of all I didnt know how to
face my father, he would be ashamed of me!
Father Enters
Father : See Beta! When we were young we were the protectors of the
whole colony.. If anyone needed help, they came to us and we would sort
it out.. Nobody could mess with us..We never went to our parents to
complain or ask for help. We fought our own battles.
Father Exits
I knew I had to fight back.. If I didntt everyone would think that I am a
coward and call me a sissy.. But there was one problem I was scared of
fights. I am a peace loving kind of guy you know Gandhi types?! Also I
wasnt muscular and I had no Gunda friends.
So I googled . ENTER How to knock someone out
without killing them ENTER. Scroll down. And then I saw a link to a
video where I am being thrashed by those guys! 6722 views! What the
The video had gone viral ! Everyone had seen it . There was no turning
back. I had to prove myself. But what could I do?
So I learned some moves on youtube and made some calls and 3 of my
loyal friends came with me.
Boys Enter
The four of us took our belts and cycle-chains went looking for this boy
called Pankaj. I saw Pankaj alone. Perfect! But I felt scared. I had never

done this before, I didnt know how to fight.Actually I didnt want to fight.
But now I had these three boys with me and it was too late to back out.
Advertisement : Mardana Jacket
I saw Pankaj alone. Perfect! But I felt scared. I had never done this before,
I didnt know how to fight.Actually I didnt want to fight. But now I had
these three boys with me and it was too late to back out.
Boy: Sachin! ( hands him the jacket)
Sachin wears the jacket.
So I took off my belt and started beating him. With the first lash of the
belt, I felt my blood boil and this rage came into me that I had never felt
before. We beat him really hard and broke his bones.. I was so angry that
if I had a stone, I would have smashed his head with it.
Boys Exit
Sachin hangs the jacket back on the chair
Even today I dont know whether it was Pankaj who had come to beat me
up. But at that time it was so important for me to let everyone know that
they couldnt mess with me.
Next day when I went to school, I heard Tanya
Tanya enters sits Center Stage.
had been moved to another school because of that video. That was the
end of my short love story. I never saw her again.
Sachin turns around facing Upsatge.

Scene 3: Tanya Intro

Tanya: Open new window .com ENTER
Boys fight over girl
Play video
Recorded Fight plays
Close Window
Why did he have to fall in love with me?
Why did these boys ruin my reputation?
Why was I blamed for all this?
Why did I have to leave my friends, my teachers, my school?
How did I become the bad girl?
Now I just have to go through life hoping nobody notices me.
Inward Breath as if she has made up her mind
Open new window ENTER
Create new account
User name: Sia XYZ Enter
Pass word: Tanya strikes back Enter

Scene 4: Femininity Sequence

Tanvee comes in front of Tanya.
Tanvee: Switch User
How to be a perfect girl Backspace Backspace
How to be a perfect Indian girl ENTER
Scroll Down
10 Sexy hot looks in a traditional Indian Saree
Scroll Down
How to balance your size zero figure with your Indian curves
Scroll Down
How to make perfectly round chapattis and not eat them
Tanvee Bhartanatyam to Bhuto sequence. Chorus slowly moves into their
femininity poses. Tanvee goes and sit on the chair.

Construction of Femininity

V: I am a seventeen year old girl who is horrified that someone in her class
hasnt worn kajal.
N: I am a seventeen year old girl who has just been slapped by her
boyfriend for talking to other boys in class.
A: I am a seventeen year old girl having sex with her boyfriend to prove
her love.
N: I am a seventeen year old girl looking at the perfect girl in her class
with jealousy.
V: I am a seventeen year old girl who wants to rip off her fat cheeks.
A: I am the older brother demanding an explanation for her coming home
N: I am her mother looking at matrimonial ads, searching for the perfect
husband for her daughter


V: I am the older sister who has been told that she is too dark to get
A: I am the high heel shoes that she is about to slip into
V: I am the cellphone that she uses to take a selfie every half an hour
N: I am the size zero dress that she will never fit into
N: I am the tube of fairness cream that she uses every day
A: I am the jar of hair removal cream for the sexiest legs in the world.
V: I am the thinnest sanitary napkin available so that no one knows she
has her period.
A: I am the chair on which she sits for her monthly full body wax
N: I am the blue contact lenses that make her look like a foreigner
A: I am the vagina fairness cream that is her secret weapon
V: I am her face covered with every beauty product on the market

Tanvee wears the stilettos and walks across stage. As she comes back
DSL, the chorus gets up .
Chorus: Open New Window
Play Video
SFX: Porn Music
Tanvee strikes poses as the chorus does porn tutting.
SFX: Porn Music Cut
Chorus goes into Letching Sequence as Tanvee walks across (6 times)
.She Yells after the 6th walk .
If every woman woke up tomorrow feeling good about her body then the
bottom would fall out of the economies of the world. Because a lot of
contemporary capitalism, a lot of products that we buy and a lot of
consumerism is focused on making women sexually submissive, socially
submissive, economically submissive, and theyre all part of the same
Ajitesh and Vikrant run back and exit. Tanvee throws away the stilettos
and exits.



Scene 5: Nehas Monologue

Neha wears the stilettos , walks across stage, takes them off .
Neha: I have an extra ear lobe. When my mom was pregnant with me,
there was a solar eclipse. My grandmother had told my mom not to go out
because it would affect the baby, but my mom didnt listen. And then I
was born, the second girl child. That in itself was a disaster. And on top of
that I had an extra ear lobe. My grandmom would tell me that no man
would marry me. Later, I started defending my earlobe by saying that only
one other person in the whole world had an extra earlobe and that was
Einstein. This was of course, a lie.
Apart from the earlobe, I was a cute child.
Things changed when I reached my teens. I was not tall enough, not thin
enough and definitely not sexy enough. I had fat thighs, big knees and
manly ankles. And my mom kept my hair really short. I didnt wear
earrings and dressed in baggy clothes and looked more like a boy. If
someone called me fat and made fun of me I would look in the mirror and
think I was the ugliest girl in the whole world, but if the next day someone
told me I was pretty, I would look in the mirror and think, yeah, I am
pretty. But still, I didnt get any cards on Valentines Day while my friends
did. I started making up for my looks by showing off my talents and good
nature. I started getting really good grades and participated in debating
and swimming. I became extra friendly and helpful so people told me I
had a pretty personality, that I was beautiful inside. They also told me that
if I tried hard enough, I could look pretty too.
Slowly I realized that if I paid a little attention to my looks, I could be
attractive. I grew my hair, got my nose pierced. It was painful but worth it.
I started putting kajal and began going to the beauty parlour. The efforts
paid off. I even found a boyfriend.
Now all these things, the kajal, the beauty parlour, the long hair have
become compulsions and obsessions that I can't do without. The rewards
are too many to let go but often I think, is this really me?



Scene 6 : Nikhil Intro

All four standing in the boys toilet.
T: Kya goal mara yaar tune, mazaa aa gaya.
T: That Pritika was totally checking you out, man.
A: In drama practice yesterday, she was standing so close to me, I could
feel her whole body.
All laugh.
N: You know last year during the annual play I felt her up.
A: But she didnt have any boobs at that time.
T: So what, Nikhil also didnt have boobs last year.
All Laugh
A: Ayyyy, dont say anything about Nikhil okay.
T: Why? He will start crying in the corner no
N: Guys, you know his avatar in street run? Female!
All laugh.
V: Arre, you guys dont know anything, last night Aditi came over to my
house and spent the whole night.
Pause. Laugh.
T: What did you guys do? Paint your nails!
Nikhil comes CSL .


Scene 7: Sia XYZ

Nikhil: Open new Window
New Message to Sia XYZ
Sia (with glasses) turns around and sits US Centre ( slightly off centre
right) .
Hi Sia

Tanya: Open new window

www.facebook.comusername: SIA XYZ
password- Tanya strikes back.. Login.
New message from Nikhil
Tanya: Hi Nikhil
Nikhil: Hi Sia! I have a problem.
Tanya: Youve come to the right place? BTW , who gave you my reference?
Nikhil: He told me Im not allowed to say.
Tanya: Thats good. Thats my policy. Tell me what can I do for you?
Nikhil: The boys in my class think I am a sissy and cant get a girl.
Tanya: Hmm. Just tell me who is the hottest girl in your class.
Nikhil: Priyankabackspace backspaceAditi!
Tanya: Great. I can photoshop you making out with Aditi and put it as her
Display Picture.
Nikhil: WhoaI dont want to get into any trouble.
Tanya: Ok, I have a simpler plan for you. I'll hack her account and change
her password and change her status.
Nikhil: Hmm you can write I loved suck..Backspace Backspace
Backspace Ill remember last night forever. Thanks Nikhil. It was


Tanya: Sounds good. Smiley. Wink.

Tanya: I hope you know it's going to cost you. My current charge for this
service is 3,000 Rupees.
Nikhil: Oh, but you didn't charge my friend this much.
Tanya: Inflation, my friend. Wicked Smiley. You can transfer the money to
my paypal account. 50% now, 50% later.
Vikrant: Ok cool.
Tanya: Log out from Sia's account. Open Terminal. Enable Proxy / Run SSH
Facebook Server 1 . Username ROOT. Password run password script.
Run hack account script. Input Username Aditi 123. New Password
Destroyed567. Enter. Edit status. Ill remember last night forever. Thanks
Nikhil. It was Awesome. Tagging Nikhil. Update.
Switch tabs.
New message to Nikhil: Have you checked it out yet?
Nikhil: Give me a minute. It's great. But you could have put some winks
and hearts.
Tanya: I can still do that. Switch tabs. Edit status. Ill remember last night
forever. Thanks Nikhil. It was awesome. Wink, heart, heart, kissing smiley.
Switch tabs. Status Updated. Wink. Smiley.
Nikhil: Awesome! Wink Wink.
Tanya: Smiley with dark glasses. Lets watch what happens now.
Aditi and Dhruv walks DS
DHRUV What the hell is this?
ADITI Hey Baby.
DHRUV Dont Baby me ok? Where were you doing last night?
ADITI I was at home.
DHRUV Listen, Dont give me this drama.
Aditi: What are you talking about.


DHRUV: You tell me!!! What the hell is this facebook status about. Ill
remember last night forever. Thanks Nikhil?
ADITI I dont understand I havent even checked my facebook in 4
DHRUV Dont lie to me, I always knew there was something cooking
between you 2.Just admit it. You slept with him.
ADITI What? Who told you all this?
DHRUV You did.. Its on your facebook page. The whole world knows
about it by now..
ADITI Dhruv, I have no idea what you are talking about, let me check my
facebook page..
DHRUV Do You know what you have done to my reputation. Do you know
who I am? I am the school prefect The whole world is laughing at me
right now!! Who do you think you are? You want play with me? You want to
play with my life??!!
ADITI - What the hell Dhruv! Just Shut up!
DHRUV- No you shutup!
ADITI Dhruv I love you
DHRUV Then prove it
ADITI Let me go..
DHRUV No kiss me Kiss me if you love me..
ADITI Dhruv, just let me go...
DHRUV You know what , I am going to kill that Nikhil and I am going to
make your life hell.
Aditi goes back to her computer.
password: twinkletwinklelittlestar
Invalid password
Invalid password
Forgot Password
Switch Tabs


Retrieve password
Switch tabs
57 notifications
Scroll Down
Ill remember last night forever. Thanks Nikhil. 65 comments?
SFX : Shaming Song
Aditi walks DownStage in the centre .
COMMENTS: as Aditi walks in...
- 2 boys huh? Does Dhruv know?
- What a slut!
- Hey babe, My place tonight?

Delete Status
SFX: Shaming Song cut
New messsage to Nikhil: What the hell is this about?
Nikhil: Hey I had no idea you felt this way.
Aditi: Do you have anything to do with this?
Nikhil: No way. You think I'd do something so crazy? But listen, if you want,
we can totally make this work.
Tanvee takes a Breath
ADITI: New message to SIA XYZ. Hi Sia, I need some help. I need you to
hack into two accounts
Sia: Sure, darling I am always ready to help! Wink. Enter.


Scene 8: Vikrants Monolgue

Vikrant walks to DSR
When I was 9 or 10, all these relatives would tell me I looked like my
mother. There was this one aunt in particular who would tell me, Wow
Vikrant, you haves such long, pretty eyelashes. Can I steal them? Later
my brother would tell me, You know what they really want to say right?
you look like a girl. I would start crying and go complain to my mother.
She thought it was a big joke and this became her new anecdote for the
family. She would tell everyone, Arre you know what he told Vikrant? All
of you say he has gone on me na, that means he's a girl. HA HA HA!


I never really thought I was fat until I was 14 and sitting at the window
seat in the school bus. Someone from the street called out, Eh motu! I
looked around, thinking it was meant for someone else, but I was the only
person there. I went home that day and looked at myself in the mirror. I
looked at my curves, which I still have. And my man boobs which were
starting to form. I tried to straighten them to see what I would look like
without them. It was around this time that I stopped playing football. I
played as left back and I was really good. But the thought of changing
with all the other boys made me really uncomfortable. I began to think
that every boy who was skinnier than me somehow had a better life. They
were happier, richer, more popular and way better at academics. I felt like
a nobody. And even though my life is so different now and I should be
completely over all of this, I can't help feeling that if I was skinny for just
one more year, everything would be ok.


Scene 9 : Street Run

Vikrant: Double Click
TANVEE: Username
TANVEE: Password
VIKRANT:Knives and swords
TANVEE: Login in as Nikhil. Main Menu



VIKRANT: Start Game

TANVEE: Loading new game
1. Select Gender
TANVEE: Female Selected.
2. Select Costume


Shorts and T-shirt

Skirt and tube top

VIKRANT: Shorts and T-shirt

TANVEE: Shorts and Tshirt selected


3. Select Footwear

VIKRANT: Sneakers
TANVEE: Sneakers selected.
4. Select any 2 weapons



VIKRANT: Kitchen Knife and Pepperspray

TANVEE: Kitchen Knife and Pepperspray Selected.
Final Objective is to rescue kidnapped boyfriend.
Caliberating Avatar
Game Loading...
Time of day 8 pm in the city.
Game starts in 3...2...1...
1. Brushing past
Threat detected.
Ajitesh enters stage left, .
T: Options Available:


VIKRANT: Aggression
T: Aggression selected. Slap deployed

Vikrant tries to slap A but misses. Ajitesh crosses on the left of Vikrant,
grabs his bum.
T: Power reduced by 20%.
2. Aunties
Threat Detected
A and N enter as old aunties.
A: Out so late.
N: Must be a prostitute.
A and N laugh. Repeat once.
T: : Options Available:

VIKRANT: Aggression
T: Aggression selected. Pepperspray deployed
Vikrant sprays on A and N. We turn and freeze. They walk off
350 points gained
Vikrant does a dance
3. Eve- teasers


T: Threat detected
Ajitesh and Neha enter from stage right,
Ajitesh: Puch puch, <cigarette puff>.
Neha: So hot, <crotch scratch>.
T: Options Available:

VIKRANT: Manipulation
TANVEE: Manipulation Selected
VIKRANT: Bhaiya! chor do Please!
Ajitesh kisses Vikrant and Neha grabs Vikrants boobs
Power reduced by 40%.
TANVEE: Go to Liquor shop to regain power.
4. Liquor Shop
T: Approaching liquor shop
Threat Detected
VIKRANT: 1 Litre of Vodka please.
AJITESH: We dont serve vodka to girls!
TANVEE: Options Available:

VIKRANT: Seduction


TANVEE: Seduction Selected

A: Alright.
Vikrant drinks vodka.
AJITESH: Money??
VIKRANT: Muuuaaahhh...
A exits stage.
Power replenished to 100%
Vikrant shows off his muscles
V walks one step forward.
5. Cops
T: Threat Detected
A and N enter as cops.
T: Options Available:

VIKRANT: Manipulation
TANVEE: Manipulation Selected.
N: Who are you?
V: I am just a girl.
A: Its nine pm
V: I had to get sanitary pads.
N: And what about these short vulgar clothes?


V: Oh, my burqa is in the wash.

A and N: Its not safe.
V: Thank God you are here. Will you protect me from those men?
N and A: Yes, we will.
T: 250 points gained
Vikrant does his little dance
6. Combat
T: Challenge received from an online player.
Username: Dhruv
T: Message
A: How dare you sleep with Aditi. Its payback time.
T: Accept or reject.
V: Accept.
T: Challenge accepted.
Enter Combat mode
Fight Starts in 3...2...1...

Ajitesh Auto Monologue

One night when I was riding my bike, an auto was coming in the wrong direction.
Both of us refused to slow down or give way and almost banged into each other.
As soon as the auto stopped four guys came out and started beating me up. My
first impulse was to hit back. I took my helmet to hit them but at that moment I
decided not to. Instead I told them, Listen you are wrong and beating me
doesnt make you right. I didnt give a single gali or raise my arm even once but
I stood my ground. After beating me some more, they finally left.
I noted down the auto number and went to the police station. I didnt lodge an
FIR, but I wanted to talk to them. I decided to break this cycle of violence and at
that point I felt like the most powerful person in the situation.

Neha Story: One night at 2 am, 4 of us girls were loitering on as relatively
lonely road in Bombay. Suddenly , a cop on a motorcycle stopped us and started
shouting at us. What are you girls doing here at this hour, you should be at
home. Can't you see there is a car full of boys following you? So I asked him," Are
we doing something wrong or are they? " " Obviously them " he said. " so why
not stop them instead of us ?" He said , " if something happens you girls will
come running to the police station . I asked him " how can the streets be made
safe for women ?" He thought for a while and said " if more and more girls come
out on the street then it will become safe for everybody. And I said that's exactly
what we are doing!

Vikrant steps in
V: Open new window
Does playing a female character make me a sissy?
T: How to be a powerful woman even if you are not a
beauty queen.
N: When do we first realise that we are boys and girls
A: How to be non-violent and masculine at the same time.
V: Scroll down. Strong female characters in videogames.(Tanvee cuts in)
There is no difference between men and women
Are male and female the only 2 genders i can choose from?
T: Top 10 powerfull professions for women. 1. Politician 2. Boxer 3.
N: scroll down
A: Scroll Down. About
V: Are male and female the only 2 genders i can choose from? Gender is
fluid. Male and female qualities exist in everyone
T: Back. Back space back space.
N: Gender socialisation begins right from the time we are born. Gender
socialisation is the introduction of gender norms and building a gender
identity to the male and female members of scociety. Gender norms are a
set of rules that define the appropriate behaviour a man and woman
should follow in a given context. Gender identity is the internalisation of
gender norms where one starts looking at ones self in the frame of
gender. Gender identities are very strong and govern almost all our social
interactions in private and public spaces.


A: Mahatma Gandhi, the man responsible for Indias freedom was a firm
believer of non-violence or Ahimsa. He was definitely one of the bravest
men in the history of time. Close Window. Open new window. The google song. Play video. Sings I google You.
V: Men can be feminists too. If I'm a man and a feminist, does that make
me a pussy? Emma Watson video. Play video. We invite men to be join us.
Men are integral to this cause. Men, I would like to take this opportunity to
extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. Because
to date, Ive seen my fathers role as a parent being valued less by
society, despite my need of his presence as a child, as much as my
mothers. Ive seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to
ask for help for fear it would make them less of a man.
T: Is it more important to be unique or accepted? Every one should be
acepted as unique. I should care less if the person standing next to me is
a cross-dressing, transgender, bisexual. Back. Are men sensitive? Fathers
Day 2014. Click. Sudies show that men are more sensitive than women
but are better at hiding it. Back. 16 habits of highly sensitive people. Back.
Ajitesh: Stop Video
All: Close all tabs.
Overture music plays and the actors leave

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