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AVO Attribute Volume

Hampson-Russells Software

AVO attribute volumes allow you to measure a subset of the velocity-corrected
gather to determine the zero-offset (intercept) and gradient components of the
amplitude at a given time sample.
The goal is to identify hydrocarbon anomalies in the reservoir. AVO attributes
are valuable when used in conjunction with other geophysical and geological
inputs for reservoir modeling and characterization.
The AVO Attribute volumes are stored as SEG-Y files. All of the seismic
volumes in Hampson-Russell are, by default, saved under seismic.dir in the
project directory.
The following slides will discuss AVO attribute theories and the workflow that
the HRS-9 version of Hampson-Russell software uses.

Wiggins Form of the Aki-Richards

Wiggins et al. (1983) algebraically reformulated the Aki-Richards equation.
They separated the equation into three reflection terms, each weaker than the
previous term:

RP ( ) = A + B sin 2 + C tan 2 sin 2 ,

1 VP
where : A =
2 V p



1 VP
2 S
, Gradient
4 S
2 Vp
1 VP
. Curvature
2 Vp

This is often called the AVO equation. We will refer to this as the ABC equation.

AVO Attribute
Hampson-Russell Software has four types of analysis for AVO attributes.

A/B (Two Term Aki-Richards)

A/B/C (Three Term Aki-Richards)
Rp/Rs (Two Term Fatti)
Rp/Rs/Rd (Three Term Fatti)

AVO attributes extracted from well logs can be different from seismicallyextracted attributes because of the offset-dependent tuning and NMO stretch,
selected angle range and the approximations in the equations.

Derived Attributes
The most popular AVO attributes are:

AVO Product : A*B

Scaled Poissons Ratio Change : A+B
Scaled S-wave Reflectivity : A-B
Fluid Factor

We discuss the Fluid Factor attribute volume in the Fluid Factor Calculation
knowledgebase document.

Derived Attributes
AVO Product : A*B
This attribute works very well if you
have a Class 3 anomaly (nomenclature of
Rutherford and Williams;1989).
Forming the product of A and B, we get:


Top of sand : (-A)*(-B) = +AB

Base of sand : (+A)*(+B) = +AB
Based on the observation that a low
impedance gas sand encased in shale will
have larger negative A and B values than
the associated non-pay reflectors
(Castagna et al., 1998), A*B will have a
positive, classical bright spots response at
both top and base.




We normally display the AVO attribute volume in color. The AVO product shows a
positive response at the top and base of the clastic reservoir, which can indicate the
presence of hydrocarbons. This attribute works well for a class 3 AVO response.



Derived Attributes
Scaled Poissons Ratio Change : aA+bB
The AVO sum (A+B) shows a negative response at the top of the reservoir (a
decrease in ) and a positive response at the base (an increase in ) indicating
hydrocarbon-charged sands. This attribute works well for Class 2 and 3 AVO
responses (Ross, 2002).


a and b from aA+bB are scale factors

Derived Attributes
Scaled S-wave Reflectivity : aA-bB
The AVO difference (A-B) shows an increase in Shear Impedance at the top of the
reservoir, which can be indicative of hydrocarbons. This calculation is usually
done with the more accurate Fatti equation.



Workflow for Generating AVO

Attributes in HRS-9


Check the maximum angle of

the data
Load and display the
gathers in the window. If you
post the angle range, you
can to determine whether to
use the 2-term or the 3-term
Aki-Richards equation.
To check the range of
incident angles present in the
data, click the
or click the
right mouse button.

Under the Color Data

Volume, select Incident


You need to provide the

velocity information in order
to calculate the maximum
angle of the data. Choose
either a Velocity table, a
Single log or a SEG-Y



For this example,

1. Choose Single Log.
2. Choose P-wave_gas.

Click OK.


The Color Data plot will

appear showing the
calculated angles. In this
example, there is about 45
degrees at the zone of
interest. This will be
enough of an angle range
where the A/B/C type of
analysis can be used.
To start the Attribute
Volume calculation:
1. In the Filter box at the
top left hand corner, type
the keyword Attribute.
2. Double-click AVO
Attribute Volume.


1. Fill in the data



2. Choose A/B/C (ThreeTerm Aki-Richards) for

the Type of Analysis.
3. Enter the velocity
information for angle


4. Click OK.


Intercept (A)

Gradient (B)

Curvature (C)

Above are the A/B/C Attributes (intercept, gradient and curvature). These attribute volumes are
created as separate SEG-Y volumes. Rarely do we use these attributes in their single form. We
use them more commonly as derived attributes as shown on the following slides.

Derived Attributes : A*B

Product (A*B) is the
default color data volume
displayed when we create
the AVO attribute volume.
As expected from this
Class 3 anomaly, a positive
bright spot is highlighted at
the zone of interest,
indicating the presence of
gas sands in the reservoir.
However, if the gas sand
reservoir is Class 2, A*B
does not easily define the
reservoir from the overlying
brine sands.


Derived Attributes
Scaled Poissons Ratio Change : aA+bB
Scaled Poissons Ratio is
another useful attribute for a
Class 3 AVO anomaly. It
shows a decrease in
Poissons Ratio at the top of
the sand and an increase at
the base. This is the
expected response for a gas


Converting a Derived Attribute into a

Seismic Volume


All Derived AVO attribute volumes are virtually available in the project. If you want to output
the volume as a real SEG-Y volume, use the Copy Tool.
1. Type the keyword Copy under the Filter tab box.
2. Double-click on the Copy Volume tool.
3. Name the output volume and then select Advanced Options as the Input volume or
choose the Advanced tab.



1. Open the Advanced Tab

and select AVO Attribute
Volume as the input
2. Select A/B/C for the Type
of Analysis.


3. Select Product (A*B) as

the output. It will be a
SEG-Y file.
4. Click OK.


A*B as a Color Data Volume

A*B as an output segy file

By using the Copy tool, you will have the Product (A*B) AVO derived attribute as a real
SEG-Y volume on disk. By default, all seismic generated in Hampson-Russell is stored
under project directory/seismic.dir. You can use this data in other applications.

In the Hampson-Russell software, you can analyze several different AVO
attributes. This lets you find the best attribute for our data set.
After you have defined the best AVO Attributes, you can go farther by
differentiating between brine-filled rocks and hydrocarbon-bearing formations. To
help with this, use various visualization techniques such as cross plotting of AVO
intercept (A) and gradient (B). Through communication between visualization tools
and the seismic data set, you can draw interest to anomalous regions for further
study and possible drilling opportunities.
You can find more information of cross plotting and other visualization tools on our


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