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4695\rsid16394542\rsid16459740}{\*\generator Microsoft Word 11.0.5604;}{\info
{\title GC House Committee Meeting 2009}{\author David Liao}{\operator David Liao}
Princeton University}
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\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\insrsid15287557
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665 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033
{\b\insrsid4020665\charrsid4020665 Graduate College House Committee
\par 2009 April 22 630 pm
\par }{\insrsid13594219 (Minutes taken by Daniel Raburn}{\insrsid4020665 and
edited by David Liao}{\insrsid13594219 )
\par }{\insrsid4020665
\par }{\b\insrsid4020665 Minutes}{\insrsid4020665
\par }\pard \ql
665 {\insrsid4020665
\par }{\insrsid2316275 Meeting called to order at 6}{\insrsid4020665 35 pm in the
Coffee House.
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid4020665 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 1.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
0\lin720\itap0\pararsid4020665 {\insrsid4020665 Welcome
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid4020665 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 a.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid2710454 {\insrsid4020665 Attendance
\par }\pard \ql
id3036346 {\insrsid3036346
\par }{\insrsid2710454 David Liao (Chair)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid2710454
Divjyot Sethi (Assistant Chair)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid2710454 Lorne
Applebaum (Treasurer)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid2046911 Nick Skizim (Bar Czar)}
{\insrsid4020665 , }{
\insrsid2046911 Kate Keets (Bar Czar)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16459740
Christian Bienia (Special Events)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid3485019 Liza Steele
(Special Events}{\insrsid15012885 )}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16062207 Noah
Jafferis (RFO)}{
\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16062207 Yi Wang (RFO)}{\insrsid4020665 , }
{\insrsid15012885 Wenzhe Cao}{\insrsid16459740 (Social)}{\insrsid4020665 , }
{\insrsid11542315 Arvid Wang (Social)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16062207
Richard Cendejas (Coffee House)
}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16062207 Abhinav Nellore (Athletics)}
{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16459740 Daniel Raburn}{\insrsid14826710 (Unofficial
Coffee House Manager for Life)}{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid16459740 Raja Chahal}
(GSG Social Chair)}{\insrsid11218788\charrsid11218788 }{\insrsid4020665
\par }{\insrsid3036346
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid4020665 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 b.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0 {\insrsid4020665 Absent
\par }\pard \ql
id3036346 {\insrsid3036346
\par }{\insrsid7223957 Jade Vichyanon}{\insrsid16459740 d (Secretary)}
{\insrsid4020665 , }{\insrsid2710454 Olivia Martel (Community Programs
\par }{\insrsid3036346
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid4610134 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 c.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid4610134 {\insrsid4610134 Proxies
\par }\pard \ql
id3036346 {\insrsid3036346
\par }{\insrsid4610134 None
\par }{\insrsid3564340
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid4610134 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 2.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
0\lin720\itap0 {\insrsid4610134 Business}{\insrsid3036346
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid3036346 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 a.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid3036346 {\insrsid3036346
GSG Proposal for End-of-Semester Party}{\insrsid14826710
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id3036346 {\insrsid14826710 Raja }{\insrsid3564340 Chahal explains that the GSG is
interested in}{\insrsid14826710 holding a large end-of-year-party on May 23}{
\super\insrsid14826710\charrsid14826710 rd}{\insrsid14826710 at GC. }
{\insrsid3564340 They would like to use the}{\insrsid14826710 outdoor }
{\insrsid3564340 quadrangle}{\insrsid14316046 , offer}{\insrsid14826710 music,
, and dancing in Procter Hall. The suggested budget uses about $2000 from the GSG
and about $2000 from the GCHC.}{\insrsid14826710
\par }{\insrsid11542315
\par }{\insrsid14826710 David }{\insrsid3635676 asked about the kinds of GCHC
assistance in which the GSG was interested. The GSG is looking for advice and
input, but it would be able to co}{\insrsid14973145
ordinate with its own people for the heavy lifting. }{\insrsid14826710
\par }{\insrsid14973145
\par Chris Bienia responded to Raja\rquote s concerns about being able to use
outdoor areas. Chris explained that the GCHC }{\insrsid11475459 had an
Oktoberfest, which had music and alcohol, so }{\insrsid11341688 the GSG}
should have no problems, but}{\insrsid11475459 Procter Hall }{\insrsid7958746
should be secured }{\insrsid11475459 as a rain location.}{\insrsid7958746 Raja
was interested
possibly in using the Reunions tent. Raja was also interested in possibly
spending some of the event funds for capital items that the GCHC could retain as
property. }{\insrsid11475459
\par }{\insrsid7958746
\par }{\insrsid400222 David viewed collaborative parties open to the general
graduate student body at the Graduate College as an expense ordinary for the House
Committee to consider. }{\insrsid12673127
In this sense he would be open to spending about $2000 of GCHC surplus funds for
this event. However, most of the current surplus has been used for capital
expenditures in reflection of the practice of spending annual surpluses on capital
upgrades. }{
\par }{\insrsid11542315
\par }\pard \ql
id6126393 {\b\insrsid6126393 Non}{\b\insrsid12673127 -binding straw-poll }
{\insrsid8539281 to gauge interest in Raja\rquote s proposal}
{\b\insrsid12673127 :}{
\insrsid12673127 To allocate $2000 of surplus funds for the GSG End-of-Semester
\par }\pard \ql
id3036346 {\insrsid6126393
\par }\pard \ql
id12673127 {\i\insrsid4075072 12 straws }{\i\insrsid8539281 in favor
\par }{\i\insrsid6126393
\par }{\i\insrsid8539281 1 straw}{\i\insrsid4075072 s}{\i\insrsid8539281 against
\par }{\i\insrsid6126393
\par }{\i\insrsid8539281 0}{\i\insrsid12673127 straw abstentions}
\par }\pard \ql
id12673127 {\insrsid12673127
\par Abhi groaned that there were no real straws.
\par }{\insrsid8539281\charrsid8539281
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid8539281 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 b.\tab}}\pard
\ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid8539281 {\insrsid8539281 Coffee House Capital
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id8722568 {\insrsid8722568 Richard Cendejas referred the HC to a handout}
{\insrsid8539281 . }{\insrsid8722568 He explained that the}
{\insrsid11542315 \'93
Gaggia Baby Twin\'94 ($799)}{\insrsid8722568 h}{\insrsid11542315 as a number of
useful features}{\insrsid8722568 and came from}{\insrsid11542315 a solid brand.
The Gaggia would be easier to use than the current one, a Starbucks Barrista. }{
\insrsid11218788 The Gaggia has two boilers, so }{\insrsid8722568 one}
{\insrsid11218788 }{\insrsid8722568 could}{\insrsid11218788 quickly switch
between steaming and espresso. }{\insrsid11542315 The current machine requires
some tricks to use \endash
tilting properly, releasing steam. }{\insrsid11888424 The purchase would be made}
{\insrsid11542315 along with }{\insrsid11888424 the }{\insrsid11542315 \'93Espro
Tamper\'94 ($80) and \'93Baratza Virtuoso Grinder\'94 ($199).
\par }{\insrsid11888424
\par }\pard \ql
id11888424 {\insrsid11888424
Lorne asked whether there would be auxiliary costs associated with attaching
pipes. Richard explained that the Gaggia Baby Twin does not require piping. }
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id11888424 {\insrsid11888424 Richard explained that the Gaggia s}{\insrsid11542315
hould fit in the cabinets}{\insrsid11888424 and w}{\insrsid8931456 eigh }{
\insrsid11888424 20\emdash 25\~}{\insrsid11542315 lbs.
\par }{\insrsid11888424
\par Daniel Raburn agreed that the HC needed}{\insrsid8931456 a new machine,
but }{\insrsid11888424 thought }{\insrsid11542315 it might be better to get a
cheaper one, since most customers aren\rquote t too discriminating.}
Richard said that a}{\insrsid8931456 lot of people here, including }
{\insrsid11888424 himself}{\insrsid8931456 , are \'93snobs,\'94 and are very
\par }{\insrsid15032935
\par }\pard \ql
id15032935 {\insrsid8931456 Kate}{\insrsid15032935 asked whether }
{\insrsid8931456 buying a new machine}{\insrsid15032935
alone be enough to improve the taste, and Richard explained it would not. }
\par }{\insrsid15032935
\par Nick asked what kind of machine Richard had personally. Richard has one that
costs $200. }{\insrsid11218788
\par }{\insrsid15032935
\par Liza expected that the new machine could pay for itself very quickly, maybe
in a year? She noted that we have many Europeans who really care about the taste
of their coffee. }{\insrsid11218788
\par }{\insrsid15032935
\par }\pard \ql
id8928817 {\i\cf6\insrsid15032935\charrsid8279300 Daniel attributed some words to
Jade, who was absent, at this point in the minutes, }{
\i\cf6\insrsid8540736\charrsid8279300 perhaps}
{\i\cf6\insrsid15032935\charrsid8279300 to check whether anyone read the minutes.
David will not include this section in the final posted minutes, but thought it
would be fun to see whether anyone noticed.
}{\i\cf6\insrsid6904671 There is a tradition of leaving amusing comments
throughout the minutes of the Graduate College House Committee. For instance, in
one set of minutes, Giri Parameswaran pointed out to readers }
{\i\cf6\insrsid11675799 w}{
\i\cf6\insrsid9131690 hen}{\i\cf6\insrsid6904671 he chose to switch to a sexier
font. }{\i\cf6\insrsid15032935\charrsid8279300
\par }{\i\cf6\insrsid11218788\charrsid8279300 Jade: How long would it last.}
{\i\cf6\insrsid1069557\charrsid8279300 }{\i\cf6\insrsid11218788\charrsid8279300
\par Richard: Long(ish) [?]
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id11224825 {\insrsid11224825
Lorne asked how long it would take for barristas to learn to use the Gaggia Baby
Twin. Richard said it would take an afternoon,* longer than with the previous
machine, but after training, the new system would be easier to use. Th
e old system has a short learning curve, but the system can continue to be
troublesome to operate after training. }{\insrsid11218788
\par }{\insrsid11224825 * Is \'93afternoon\'94 actually what Richard said? David
doesn\rquote t remember.
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id11224825 {\b\insrsid11224825 Motion:}{\insrsid11224825 To allocate $1150 of
surplus funds to purchase a new espres
so machine ($800 Gaggia Baby Twin + $200 Grinder + $80 Tamper + safety margin).
\par }\pard \ql
id11224825 {\i\insrsid11224825 Moved: Abhinav Nellore
\par Seconded: Nick Skizim
\par Carried: 9 in favor, 1 against, 3 abstentions}{\i\insrsid11218788
\par }{\i\insrsid5265481
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid5265481\charrsid5265481
\hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 c.\tab}}\pard \ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid5265481 {
\insrsid5265481\charrsid5265481 Sound System}{\insrsid5265481
\par }\pard \ql
id5265481 {\insrsid5265481
\par }\pard \ql
id11280081 {\insrsid5265481 Chris Bienia referred the House C}{\insrsid11280081
ommittee a slide presentation de
scribing a proposal for portal speakers and amplifiers that could be used at
special events, especially those in Procter Hall. The presentation also
includes }{\insrsid9457047 \'93case studies\'94 }{\insrsid11280081 describing d}
Bar and Soundtracks NJ}{\insrsid11280081 systems}{\insrsid9457047 .
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id11280081 {\insrsid9457047 Kate}{\insrsid11280081 asked h}{\insrsid9457047 ow
much i}{\insrsid11280081 t cost to rent from Soundtracks. Chris said it cost m}{
\insrsid9457047 ore than $700 for sound sy}{\insrsid77559 stem and DJ for a
typical event.
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id12341524 {\insrsid11280081 Nick noted that the dBar system runs at 10\emdash
15% of maximum power. The specifications for the proposed equipment might be
excessive. Chris said it might be p
ossible to save costs by using weaker amplifiers, and this choice might be better
than trying to save costs by using less expensive speakers. Nick noted that it
is}{\insrsid77559 recommend}{\insrsid11280081 ed to have}{\insrsid77559 double }
\insrsid12325269 the power }{\insrsid9834149 for which the speaker is rated}
{\insrsid77559 .}{\insrsid12341524 }{\insrsid77559
\par }\pard \ql
\par }\pard \ql
id12341524 {\insrsid77559 David}{\insrsid12341524 suggested returning to this
topic at a future meeting so that the HC could review Chris\rquote
s presentation. }{\insrsid77559
\par }{\insrsid12341524
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid12341524 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0
3.\tab}}\pard \ql \fi-
0\lin720\itap0\pararsid12341524 {\insrsid12341524 Reports
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid12341524 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0
a.\tab}}\pard \ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid12341524 {\insrsid12341524
All officers confirmed that reports were as tabled. \line }{\insrsid77559
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid12341524 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0
4.\tab}}\pard \ql \fi-
0\lin720\itap0\pararsid12341524 {\insrsid12341524 Next meeting
\par {\listtext\pard\plain\insrsid12341524 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0
a.\tab}}\pard \ql \fi-
ight\rin0\lin1440\itap0\pararsid12341524 {\insrsid12341524
The next meeting is scheduled for May 6, 630\emdash 730}{\insrsid7016129 }
{\insrsid12341524 pm. Richard Cendejas has a non-recurring schedule conflict and
does not expect to attend. DJ might be busy. He has generals. Generals!
Yay! }{\insrsid77559

\par }\pard \ql

\par Meeting adjourned at 715}{\insrsid7016129 }{\insrsid12341524 pm}
{\insrsid77559 .
\par }{\insrsid8539281
\par }{\insrsid10231999 Please see also the separate GCHC Sound}{\insrsid3505802
System Proposal presentation file. }{\insrsid10231999
\par }\pard \ql
sid15497433 {\b\insrsid10231999 Coffee House Capital Purchases Handout}
\par }\pard \ql
\par Gaggia Baby Twin: $799\line The gaggia baby twin is an espresso machine that
can make espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, etc. \~It's a semi-automatic machine
which allows some flexibility. \~With the double boiler system you can fill two }{
\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 orders in about 5 minutes.\line }
{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\insrsid8539281 HYPERLINK
"http://www.wholelattelove.com/Gaggia/baby_twin.cfm" \\t "_blank" }}{\fldrslt
http://www.wholelattelove.com/Gaggia/baby_twin.cfm}}}{\insrsid8539281 \line \line
Baratza Virtuoso Grinder: $199\line This }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}
{\insrsid8539281 grinder I have used for over a year and is easy to use and
clean. \~It is th
e least expensive out of the professional burr grinders. \~It has the ability to
grind }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 for any type of }
{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 machine including espresso
machines.\line }
{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\insrsid8539281 HYPERLINK
"http://www.wholelattelove.com/Baratza/virtuoso.cfm" \\t "_blank" }}{\fldrslt
{\cs18\ul\cf2\insrsid8539281 http://www.wholelattelove.com/Baratza/virtuoso.cfm}}}
{\insrsid8539281 \line \line
Bunn Thermal Carafe: $160\line This would be to make regular (drip) }
{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 . \~Even though it's more expensive
the thermal carafe would allow the }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281
to stay warm without being reheated continuously. \~Reheating the }
{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 gives it that stale taste we
associate with bad }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281 .\line }
{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {
\insrsid8539281 HYPERLINK "http://www.wholelattelove.com/Bunn/btx_b.cfm" \\t
"_blank" }}{\fldrslt {\cs18\ul\cf2\insrsid8539281
http://www.wholelattelove.com/Bunn/btx_b.cfm}}}{\insrsid8539281 \line \line Bodum
Maximus: $50\line
The french press has a different taste. \~People who love it wont drink anything
else. \~The french press is the fastest way to make }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}
{\insrsid8539281 , and it's }{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee}{\insrsid8539281
usually has a more oily, textured taste to it. \~It would be good to have to
expand the brew selection.\line }{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\insrsid8539281
HYPERLINK "http://www.wholelattelove.com/Bonjour/maximus.cfm" \\t "_blank" }}
{\fldrslt {
\cs18\ul\cf2\insrsid8539281 http://www.wholelattelove.com/Bonjour/maximus.cfm#}}}
{\insrsid8539281 \line \line Espro Tamper: $80\line Has a built in clicker that
sounds when you reach the desired 30lbs of pressure when tamping }
{\cs17\insrsid8539281 coffee
}{\insrsid8539281 for an espresso machine. \~Makes training easier, plus gives
consistent espressos.\line \line Total will be about $1500 with tax and other
\par }{\insrsid1603119
\par }{\b\insrsid1603119 Tabled reports}{\insrsid1603119\charrsid1603119
\par }\pard\plain \s19\ql
{\insrsid1603119\charrsid1603119 Yi Wang (RFO):\~\line \~\line
-collected quarters\~\line -refill the change machine\~\line -check NGC laundry
room\~\line \~\line Noah Jafferis (RFO):\~
\par *Fixed coin jam (someone tried to shove in a nickel :(\~\line *Contacted Mac
Gray about soapy washing machine\~\line *Will finally get to talk to Matt Ferry
regarding laundry upgrade charges tomorrow - hopefully he will have some price
information for us.
\par Liza Steele & Chris Bienia (Special Events):\~
\par We have no news to report at this point since there are not any upcoming
special events.
\par }{\lang1031\langfe1033\langnp1031\insrsid1603119\charrsid1603119 Nick Skizim
& Kate Keets (DBar):
\par }{\insrsid1603119\charrsid1603119 We have replaced our ice machine, which is
set up with wheels for easy cleaning around and underneath. It\rquote s a huge
improvement over the old one. Besides that,
everything is running smoothly and we have nothing else to report.
\par Divjyot Sethi (Assistant Chair):
\par I don't have much to report this time.\~
\par Arvid Wang (Social):
\par I ran the social hours and introduced specials in Vodkatini and
whiskey&7.\~\line I bought new DVDs upon the residents' request.\~\line \~\line
Richard Cendejas (Coffee House):}{\insrsid10231999
\par }{\insrsid1603119\charrsid1603119 \~\line I have met the coffee house staff.
I have spoken to them about what we need. Restocked the merchandise.\~ I have
worked a full shift to learn the ins and outs of the coffee house.\~ Locks and
keys havent been replaced but continue to work on it.\~ The espresso machine is
malfunctioning so a new machine is needed soon.\~
\par }\pard\plain \ql
\par }}

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