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Prompt: A characters downfall is the result of a combination of weakness and
circumstance. Analyze the extent to which this statement is true with reference to
Topic Sentence
o In Shakespeare dark play Macbeth, the elements of circumstance
weakness and destiny are prevalent for all of the characters. Be it the
prophecies of the witches, the quibble of Macduff or the inextricable
fatality of Banquo.
o Macbeth is a victim of circumstance and weakness as his inability to
control his own actions led him down a path guilt and madness
Directional Statement
o The circumstances that leads Macbeth down the path of guilt and
madness are the witches, his relationship with Lady Macbeth and most
importantly the weakness of himself.
Argument 1: Witches
o Supporting Factor 1: Witches tell him he will be thane of Cawdor and then
king, leading him to aspire to become king and give in to his hamartia
which is his excess of ambition and leads him to do whatever he has to do
to become king.o All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter
o All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee thane of Cawdor

Supporting Factor 2: When Witches say Banquos children will be king, the
circumstance out of both of their control eventually led Macbeth to Kill
Banquo, and was the last push Macbeth needed to go insane.
o Thou shalt get kings, though thou ne none
o But that myself should be the root and father of many kings

Supporting Factor 3: When Macbeth went to meet the witches for the
second time, he was told how he would not be overthrown by one born of
women or the Birnam wood moves. Which case both are impossible,
however with the circumstances out of Macbeths control he eventually
realized the witches prophecy came true as the woods moved toward him
and the antagonist was born of a sea section.
o Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him
o Macduff was from his mothers womb untimely ripped

Argument 2: Lady Macbeth

o Supporting Factor 1: The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is
a loving one, early on when LM learns of the witches Prophecy she convinces
Macbeth to kill Duncan despite his morals and loyalty he has toward the king.
o Live a coward in thine own esteem- describes his manliness

Supporting Factor 2: The circumstance of Macbeth and Lady Macbeths child,

also plays a big part as it changes Macbeths mind as his wife saying she
would bash her own childs brain out if she broke a promise like Macbeth was
going to do if he didnt kill Duncan
o I have given suck, and know how tender tis to love the babe that
milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluckd my
nipple from his boneless gums, and dashd the brains out, had I sworn
as you have done to this.

Supporting Factor 3: Macbeths weakness also plays a major part with Lady
Macbeth since his inability to think for himself and control his actions led to
Duncans murder which was the start of his path of guilt and madness
o M We will proceed no further in this business LM Art thou afeard to
be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire

Argument 3: Macbeth
o Supporting Factor 1: The murder of Duncan is the first and biggest step in
Macbeths moral degradation, from here immoral acts become easier
because he feels like he has gone too far to turn around. This is seen as
before killing Duncan he feels guilty before he committed the act however
with the murder of Banquo he only feels guilt afterwards and doesnt even
flinch when deciding to kill his best friend.
o Act 2 Scene 1 57-60- dagger scene
o I am in blood; stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning
were as tedious as go oer

Supporting Factor 2: Macbeth has no control over the way he is. It is his
ambition that makes him the way he is. Macbeth has no control over the way
he is. It is his vaulting ambition that makes him the way he is.
o Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image Are less than
horrible imaginings-He cannot seem to be able to control his
thoughts. He lets his ambition to become king run a wild.
Supporting Factor 3: Toward the end of Macbeths path of guilt and madness,
that even hearing a woman shriek does nothing to him. It can be said that
Macbeths weakness, his excess of ambition led him to commit acts that ate
away at him, changing his personality greatly as even when LM commited
suicide he did not cry or shed a tear and said he did not care.
o The time has my been my senses would have cooled to here a night

She died hereafterand then heard no more it is a tale told by an idiot,

full of sound and fury signifying nothing

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