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We admitted that all this coursework is ours and not copyrighted from other sources except
for the notes.

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First of all, we would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to our
lecturer, Puan Rini for her guidance and assistance. Without all these, this coursework will
cannot be completed on the time given.
We would like to convey our deepest appreciation to all of our friends for the
knowledge and materials that they have imparted, the assistance that they have given and
the continuous support that they have shown throughout the coursework. The experience
and memories that we have gained with you all will be cherished forever.
We feel very happy after we had finished this coursework on the right time. We have
used the ample time given in order to settle this coursework and to avoid making mistakes
that can reduce our marks. We gained new knowledge and information about it which can be
very useful for us in order to be such great and excellent teachers in future.
Most of all, we are very grateful to God for the great blessing showered upon our
family and us all these years and gave us the strength and ideas for us to complete this

I need to choose two article, so I choose two article from book and newspaper. I selected set
2 for the type of text. It were about descriptive and expository.
The title of first article is Important for coaches to have good communication with athletes.
This is expository article.
I need to extract the topic sentence an supporting details and use cohesive devices.

Topic sentence for the first paragraph was writers coach was a lady. Although
her was lady but she made a big impression in his live.
Then, the topic sentence was he came under the charge of Ong Mei Ling
when he was 12 years old at SJKC Kwong Hon in Sungai Besi. She was former
state player from Perak while work as schools clerk.
Next, his school had a strong tradition in badminton. At that time, this
situation made his very exciting to play badminton because the situation were
the school had three badminton courts which were the flooring was made from
Besides, he remember her because she was caring and disciplinarian. She
always scoldings and she noticed in the first phase of my badminton career.
He trained with many coaches at state and national levels such as Han Jian,
Morten Frost, Chen Changjie, Indra Gunawan, Misbun Sidek, Lia Moa and Kwan
Yoke Meng.
Coach is important in an athletes life. Now, he have a conclusion after gone
through all kinds of coaches their styles and training methods and now he
being a coach. An athlete also need to think what he can gain from his coach.
Meanwhile, many young aspiring athletes want something out of their
coaches and tend to get frustrated when they do not get it. Actually, each same
goal to make their player to be champion but they have different ways. So,
better an athlete to focus on the goodness that coach can give us,
Thus, he experienced the wonderful transition from a junior to senior with
Han Jian. He was 17 when he came under Han Jians charge. After three years, I

had great transformation after he could Han Jians techniques, strategies,

physical trainining drills.
He had the privilege of seeing the mind of master strategies when frost.
However, it will not happened if there are no good communication between
coach and his charges.
Then, coaches have to play their cards right and the important thing is
coach should do is to show that he cares for his players. Coaches also need to
make the players realise it, understand it, and get them to see. Coaches should
also be fair.
Besides, coaches not only teaches his player to be champion but they
need to change players life and it is an honourable position to be in. A coach
should always try to influence his players positively, paying attention and
bringing out the best in them.
Next, he thinks the coaches need to be creative. Coaches need to
understand his players ability and come up with a programme to suit his
charges. Furthermore, the wrong thing to do is using one programme to train all
his players.
Now, writer is a coach and his know not easy to be a coach because we need
to know how to manage our emotional as well. Sometimes, he lose his cool and
he not proud of it because our charges do not deserve emotional abuse. Because
of it, everytime his made self evaluation to see whether he had crossed the line.
Likewise, coaches need internal and internal motivation to keep their fire
burning. It is because they can get tired too of doing same thing over and over
again and they can get worn out and lose enthuism.
Accordingly, for one, encourage the management to recognise their coaches
efforts by giving out incentives. But Incentive not the main factor to excel for
Thats why a coach is proud when a good bond is established with his players
Then, coach is happy when his charges play well and do well as a person.
And a coach sheds tears of joy when a player is able to rise above himself.

Lastly, all coach need to give greatest satisfaction.

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