Aboriginal Day Canada

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Aboriginal Day

Everydays a Holiday
1. When is the first day of summer in North America?
2. Who are the native people of Canada?
3. What special holidays do Canadians celebrate?
4. What role does a governor general play in Canada?

Did You Know?

National Aboriginal Day is a
statutory holiday in the Northwest
Territories. Should it be a holiday
throughout Canada?


Match the words on the left to the definitions on the right.
_____1. Aboriginal
_____2. summer solstice
_____3. coincide
_____4. unique
_____5. on behalf of
_____6. humanity
_____7. showcase
_____8. ceremonial
_____9. multiculturalism
_____10. ancestry

a. bloodline; the people in the same family who came before

b. without anything else like it
c. humans
d. used in traditional shows or at traditional celebrations
e. native; those who have lived in an area from the beginning
f. the promotion of many different cultures in one space or region
g. as a representative of
h. the beginning of summer
i. to show off something special to others
j. happen at the same time

National Aboriginal Day: Canada

Many people associate June 21st with the first day of summer. In Canada, the
summer solstice coincides with National Aboriginal Day. The first day of summer is
the longest day of the year. Aboriginal people have always celebrated their heritage
on this day. There are three different groups of First people in Canada, the First
Nations, the Inuit, and the Mtis. These three groups have unique histories, customs,
and languages.
In 1996, Governor General Romeo Leblanc spoke on behalf of the federal
government. He declared Aboriginal Day an official day of recognition: "On June
21st, this year and every year, Canada will honour the native peoples who first
brought humanity to this great land. And may the first peoples of our past always be
full and proud partners in our future." The Governor General is the representative of
the Queen in Canada.
On Aboriginal Day, Canadas Aboriginals showcase ceremonial music and dancing, as
well as traditional art and clothing. Native people have a deep respect for nature and their Creator. Their rituals reflect
their appreciation for the natural world. Aboriginal Day is the first day in a series of dates called Celebrate Canada. The
other days include St. Jean Baptiste Day, Canadian Multiculturalism Day, and Canada Day. More than 1 million
Canadians have some Aboriginal ancestry.
Copyright 2011. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESL-Library.com, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.

Aboriginal Day
Everydays a Holiday
1.What does the reading say about the summer solstice?
2.What are the three types of Aboriginal people in Canada?
3.Why does the reading mention Romeo Leblanc?
4.What do Aboriginals do on Aboriginal Day?
5.What is Celebrate Canada?
Circle the vocabulary error in the sentences below.
1. The summer solstice coincidence with Aboriginal Day.
2. The chief spoke of behalf of his whole tribe.
3. The Inuit artists are going to show up some of their carvings.
4. Will you be attending the ceremonial on Aboriginal Day?
5. Canada prides itself on being a multiculturalism country.
True or False? Correct the false statements.
1. Inuit is an outdated term for Eskimo.
2. First Nations is the same as First People.
3. Aboriginal people is the same as First Nations
4. First Nations includes Mtis.
5. It is better to use the term First Nations than Indian.

Using outdated names for
Aboriginal people can be hurtful.
The term Eskimo is no longer
acceptable in Canada. The term
Inuit is the modern term for
Aboriginals from the Arctic. The
term First Nations is the
acceptable replacement for the
word Indian. First Nations
does not refer to all Aboriginal
people. First Nations is one of the
three Aboriginal groups in Canada.
First people and Aboriginal
people are synonyms.

1. Canada prides itself on being multicultural. Which other countries are multicultural? Which ones are not?
2. How are native people treated in your country or in other countries that you have visited?
3. Do native people deserve special privileges? Why or why not?
Copyright 2011. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESL-Library.com, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.

Aboriginal Day
Everydays a Holiday
Teachers Answer Key
Description: July 21st is not only the summer solstice in Canada. It is also Aboriginal Day. Teach your
students some important facts about Canada's First peoples.
Pre-Reading Vocabulary Task:
1. e









10. a

Comprehension Questions:

1. The reading says that the summer solstice coincides with Aboriginal Day. It is the longest day of the year in
North America.
2.The three types of Aboriginal people in Canada are First Nations, Inuit, and Mtis.
3.The reading mentions Romeo Leblanc because he was the governor general who announced the first official
Aboriginal Day.
4. On Aboriginal Day Aboriginals showcase their traditional arts, clothing, and dances.
5. Celebrate Canada is a series of holidays related to Canadian culture and history.
Vocabulary Review
Spot the Error

1. The summer solstice coincides with Aboriginal Day.

2. The chief spoke on behalf of his whole tribe.
3. The Inuit artists are going to showcase some of their carvings.
4. Will you be attending the ceremony on Aboriginal Day?
5. Canada prides itself in being a multicultural country.
1. False. Eskimo is an outdated term for Inuit.
2. False. First Nations is one of the three First peoples groups in Canada.
3. False. First people is the same as Aboriginal people.
4. False. Mtis is one of the First/Aboriginal people.
5. True.
Note: You may also want to practice the pronunciation of these words. By teaching your students the correct words they
may be less likely to use easier words such as Indian and Eskimo:
aboriginal, indigenous, Inuit, multicultural

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Copyright 2011. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESL-Library.com, in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.

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